Зображення сторінки

NOAILLES, Marquis de, informs the
British ministry of the French treaty,
V. 379, 549. Puts a prohibition on
Lafayette, VI. 545.

NOAILLES, Viscount de, V. 445, VII.
341. Performs the march from Prov-
idence to the North River on foot, to
encourage the troops, VIII. 82. A
commissioner for settling the terms of
capitulation at Yorktown, 184, 532.
Proscribed in France and flees to
America, X. 341.

Nobility, incompatible with the princi-
ples of the American Constitution,
IX. 14. Abolition of, in France, X. 141.
Non-importation, advisable, IÍ. 351.
Proceedings of the Virginia Assem-
bly; Washington's directions to his
London agent respecting, 356.
Norfolk, III. 204. Destroyed, 276.
Norridgewock, III. 165.

NORTH, Lord, III. 224, 310. His Con-
ciliatory Bills and speech, V. 318,319,
328, 330, 331, 390. Fears for the effects
of them, 325, 326, 331. Impressions
by them should be counteracted, 328,
332. Great expectations from them,
341. Treatment of them by Congress,
and in Rhode Island, 343, 344. His
views at different stages of the Amer-
ican war, VI. 246, 531.

NORTH, Colonel, appointed adjutant-
general of the Provisional army, XI.
299, 301, 330.

North Carolina, unsuccessful expedi-
tion against, under General Clinton,
III. 223. Troops of, move to the
southward, VI. 408, 415, 487. Re-
ception and adoption of the Constitu-
tion in, IX. 286, 288, 309, 390, 550, X.
39, 67, XII. 7, 88, 157. Addresses to
the governor and council of, 157, 195;
to the Assembly_of, 238. Soil and
climate of, 325. Governors of, during
Washington's public life, 418. Mem-
bers of the Continental Congress from,
424; of Congress from, during Wash-
ington's administration, 431.
Northeastern Boundary. See Eastern

Northern Department, under General
Schuyler, forces in the, III. 43. Num-
ber of troops to be increased in the,
443. Troops ordered there from Bos-
ton, 455, 461. Sickness and disaffec-
tion in the, IV. 6, 12, 47. Army of
the, cannot be formed by a mixture of
troops, 316. Impartiality towards the,
427, 428. Washington declines ap-
pointing a commander of the, in the
place of Schuyler, V. 13, 14. Army
of the, retreats to Saratoga, 23. See


North River, communication of the, im-
portant, III. 76, 317. Fortifications
upon, 375. British vessels sail up
the, 462, 468, 469, IV. 16. Engage-
ment between the ships and galleys
on the, 29. Ships attacked by fire-
vessels and pass down the, 54, 55.
Indefensible against the passing of
British ships, 82, 164. American
forces cross the, 172, 174. Thirty
flat-boats pass up the, undiscovered,
175. Importance of the, 178.
the obstruction of the, 300. Troops
to be posted on the mountains west of
the, 398. British shipping sent up
the, April, 1777, 403. Directions for
examining and putting it and the
passes of the Highlands in a state of
defence, 414-416. Obstructed by a
boom and cables, 416, 434. Prepar-
ations on, to oppose Howe, 476. Ves-
sels and craft on, ordered to New
Windsor and Fishkill, 493. British
expedition up the, V. 104, 129, 130.
Importance of the, 176, 179, 296. Or-
der to obstruct the, 177, 178. Forti-
fications erected on the, 224, 296. Im-
portance of the communication across,
to the army and the French fleet, VI.
60, 87. Measures for securing, 60,
64, 67, 70, 87. British expedition up
the, to King's Ferry, 130, 131, 269.
Northwestern Boundary.
respecting the, X. 151.
Northwestern Territory. See ST. CLAIR.
Norwalk, burnt by the British, VI. 292,
293, 350, 367.


Norwich, threatened, III. 96. Troops
embark at, for New York, 314, 332.
NOURSE, JOSEPH, secretary of the Board
of War, V. 393.

Nova Scotia, expedition against, dis-
couraged, III. 58. Secret mission of
Willard and Child to; proclamations
of the governor of, cited, 169, 272.
Petition from, 335. No relief given
to, 336.

Number Four, Charlestown, in New
Hampshire, III. 251.


Oath of allegiance, required to be taken,
IV. 297. Complained of, 298. Value
of, 311. Should be imposed by the
States, 312. People of Elizabethtown
refuse to take the, 319. Required of
the officers in the American army,
and administered, V. 352, 552. Ditfi-
culties about the, in Woodford's brig-
ade, 366. The form of it, 367.
Oats, price of, XII. 294. Cultivation

of, 330, 331. Weight of, 331. On
sowing, 341, 342, 379, 380.
O'BRYEN, RICHARD, his captivity by
the Algerines, X. 15.

Office, letters and sentiments in regard
to nominations and appointments to,
IX. 371, 460, 476, 478, X. 2, 3, 6, 7,
23, 24, 57, 66, 136, 319, 397, 399, 432.
On the mode of communicating to the
Senate nominations to, 25, 484. Ro-
tation in, 71. Principles in regard to
appointments to, XI. 74, 78, 392, 393.
Rotation in, XII. 383.

Officers, appointment of, by the Com-
mander-in-chief, II. 95, 127. Dissatis-
faction about the appointment of, III.
22, 32, 108, 349. The appointment
of, should not be left to the provin-
cial governments, 68. Difficulties
about the arrangement of, 150, 180.
Men of suitable character to be ap-
pointed, IV. 135, 149, 269. Want
of, urged on Congress, 290, 311.
Embarrassments by the, 396. Resig-
nations of, and the consequent evils,
399, V. 312. On parole, except Bur-
goyne, VI. 139. Inadequate pay of,
in the American army, and their in-
clination to resign, 167. Difficulties
of, with the citizens, 180. Qualifica-
tions required of, 419. Difficulties
in procuring quarters for, at Morris-
town, 428, 449. Their inadequate
compensation, VII. 9, 11, 53, 151.
The suspension of, considered, 150.
Irregular appointments of, 167. Treat-
ment of those who are prisoners at
Quebec, 179. Deficiency of, in the
army, 246.

Promotion of, on the
principle of State proportion, consid-
ered, 308, 332. Rules for the promo-
tion of, 342, VIII. 37, 69. Number
of the, should not be reduced, 145.
Their inadequate pay, and hardships,
351, 399, 401, 403. Combine to re-
sign at given periods in a body, 369.
Consulted about a peace establish-
ment, 417.

Reply to their address
through General Heath, respecting
pay and furloughs, VIII. 435. Names
and rank of, during the revolution,
XII. 412. See Half-pay, Newburg
Addresses, Public Officers, and Rank.
OGDEN, MATTHIAS, Colonel, directions
to, about procuring provisions, VI.
437; 443. His desire to continue in
service, VII. 335. Detached to sup-
port Lee at Springfield, 507. Instruc-
tions to, for capturing Prince William
Henry and Admiral Digby, VIII. 261.
On a committee from the army to
Congress, 551, 554.

OGLE, BENJAMIN, presents deer to
Washington, IX. 176.
OGLETHORPE, JAMES, General, a letter
about his lands in Georgia, X. 76.
Ohio Company, sends Christopher Gist
on a tour of discovery, in 1751; par-
ticulars respecting the, II. 15, 478.
Opens Braddock's road, 302. Makes
a treaty with the Indians at Logs
town, 480. A project for settling the
lands of the, 481. Appoints Gist sur-
veyor; its operations suspended by
the French war; appoints George
Mercer agent, 482. Termination of
the, 483.

Ohio expedition, in 1754. Preparations
for the, II. 1, 4, 219. Washington
marches to Will's Creek, and calls a
council of war after the capitulation
of Captain Trent's company, 7, 15.
How far aided by the different colo-
nies, 11. Their laborious progress to
the Little Meadows, 14. French and
Indians opposing the, 16, 22, 45, 51.
Officers in the, dissatisfied, on account
of pay, 17, 28, 61. Intrenchment
at the Great Meadows; defeat of
Jumonville's party, 25, 26, 32, 447.
The colonel dies, and the command
devolves on the lieutenant-colonel,
who is reinforced, 27. Colonel Innes
appointed commander-in-chief, and
Washington commander of the Vir-
ginia regiment in the, 41. In want
of provisions, 43. Joined by Captain
Mackay, which leads to difficulty
about rank, 48. The stay of Mackay,
the advance of Washington to Gist's
house, and the action of the Great
Meadows, 51, 456. The project of
crossing the Alleganies, and its aban-
donment, 52, 58. Great desertion
from the, 60. Fort Cumberland built,
63. A new military arrangement, and
Washington resigns, 64. See Great
Meadows, JUMONVILLE, Necessity, and
Virginia Regiment.

Ohio River, advantages for a fort at the
fork of the, II. 432, 433. Virginia
relinquishes her claim to the land
west of the, VII. 400. Plan suggest-
ed for a State beyond the, VIII. 483.
A project for connecting, by inland
navigation, with the Potomac and
Lake Erie, IX. 30, 64, 80, 119, 291,
303, 327, 471. Military men propose
to settle there, 320. Message to Con-
gress respecting the territory south of
the, XII. 116. Washington's lands
on the, 264, 301, 318. See Walpole's
Grant and Western Inland Naviga

Ontario, Fort, taken possession of, XI.

Ontario, Lake, on the purchase of a
vessel there, XI. 160.
Orangeburg District, inhabitants of,
disapprove the British treaty, XII.

Orderly Book, extracts from, II. 100;
respecting discipline, 149; profane-
ness, 167; Washington's taking com-
mand of the army; the condemnation
of Callender, and the burning of the
effigy of the Pope, III. 144, 490;
the mode and qualifications for enlist-
ments, 154; Colonels Whitcomb and
Brewer's honorable conduct, 161;
gaming and cowardice, 296; the de-
fence of Boston after the evacuation,
328; a riotous behaviour in the army,
and legal modes of relief, 372; the
observance of a fast, 392; the execu-
tion of Hickey, 441; an attack on
New York city, 446, 448; chaplains,
456; the declaration of Independence,
458; Lee's success in South Carolina,
IV. 15; jealousies and divisions, 26;
fatigue duty on Sundays, profaneness,
and swearing, 28; the report that
Howe has made propositions of peace,
and an expected attack, 52; the land-
ing of the British on Long Island, 60;
the skirmish at Haerlem, 99; plun-
dering, and bravery, 119; Major Hen-
ly, 137; contending with cavalry,
and a bounty for captured troopers,
153; the burning of the houses at
White Plains, 160; appropriating plun-
der to scouting parties, and condemn-
ing private plunder, 288; public wor-
ship on week days when interrupted
on the Lord's day, V. 88; offering a
reward for a substitute for shoes, 167.
On the treaty with France, 355; upon
going into winter-quarters at Valley
Forge, 523, 524; the arrival of the
French forces, in 1780, VII. 119; the
mutiny in the Jersey line, 565; Duke
de Lauzun's march, and the American
army after the attempted attack on
York Island, VIII. 96; Rochambeau's
march and junction with the American
army, 100; the disposition of New York
troops under Hamilton, 117; divine
service, after the capitulation at York-
town, 189; the celebration of the an-
niversary of the treaty of alliance
with France, 381; the Commander-in-
chief's visit to Congress at Princeton,
474; the Newburg Addresses, 558,
565; cessation of hostilities, 567. Il-
lustrative of Washington's religious
opinions and habits, XII. 400, 401.
Names of the aids-de-camp of the

Commander-in-chief, taken from the,


O'RILEY, a Hessian captain, IV. 418.
ORME, ROBERT, aid to General Brad-
dock, Washington's correspondence
with, about joining Braddock's family,
II. 68-72, 84. Wounded; cited re-
specting Braddock's defeat, 86, 88,

Orphan children, annual donation for
the education of, X. 393.
OsGOOD, SAMUEL, a member of the
Board of the Treasury Department,
X. 11.

OSGOOD, captain of one of three New
Hampshire companies on Connecticut
River, at Coos, III. 65.
OSWALD, RICHARD, empowered to treat
on peace, VIII. 371.
OSWALD, Colonel, IX. 377.
Oswego, enemy taking post at, and
fortifying, VIII. 316, 319. Failure of
an expedition against, 385. Taken
possession of, by the United States,
XII. 66.


OTTO, L. W., Chargé d'Affaires from
France, IX. 150.

Oren, XII. 314. Hints respecting, 364.
Oyster shells to be bought, XII. 338.


PACA, WILLIAM, appointed district
judge, X. 56, 66.
PAINE, ELIJAH, senator from Vermont,
XI. 174, XII. 237.
PAINE, THOMAS, author of "The Cri-
sis," VIII. 345. His remarks on the
period of seven years, 346. Measures
for the relief of, IX. 49. Transmits
the key of the Bastille to the President;
his iron bridge, X. 104, 139. Republi-
cation of his "Rights of Man," 159; its
extensive circulation in Europe, 232.
Palatines, from Holland, inquiries re-
specting, II. 382. Plan for importing,
with a view to settle lands on the
Ohio, 383. See Emigrant servants.
PALFREY, WILLIAM, biographical no-
tice of, III. 158. Aid to the Com-
mander-in-chief, 309. Appointed pay-
master-general, 351.

Paper money, emission of, II. 338. Con-
sented to and ordered by Congress,
III. 6. Emitted by Virginia, 153.
Will not procure intelligence respect-
ing the enemy, VI. 53. Depreciation
of, to one-fourth or one-fifth of its
nominal value, 55. Diminution of
the value of, 127, 162, 211, 229, 315,
330-332, 394, 471. Private letter of

the Commander-in-chief about receiv-
ing and paying, 321. Speculators
withhold, from the public, 394. The
enemy's measures to depreciate, 413.
Depreciation of, VII 56, 57, 90, 197,
504. Some corps decline receiving,
165. Remedying the evils of, recom-
mended, 184. Its emission condemn-
ed, IX. 120, 186, 187. Agitation as
to, in the Maryland Assembly, 226,


Papers of Washington, the early, II.
411. His habits in regard to, 505. Re-
moved from New York for safety in
expectation of a battle, IV. 45. The
arranging and registering of, VII.
468, IX. 2, 103; X. 473. The build-
ing of a house for, XI. 198.
Paramus, attempt of the Tories to cut
off the militia at, IV. 423.
PARIS, has a skirmish with Donville's
party, II. 136.

PARISH, JOHN, Consul at Hamburg, XI.

PARKER, B. C. C., XII. 407.
PARKER, DANIEL, a commissioner to
superintend the embarkation at New
York, VIII. 431, 545.

PARKER, SIR PETER, and his fleet re-
pulsed at Sullivan's Island, IV. 26.
PARKER, Colonel, IV. 301.

PARKER, a British naval captain, threat-
ens New York, III. 292.
PARKER, captain of a New Hampshire
company at Coos, III. 65.
PARKINSON, RICHARD, his visit to Amer-
ica, and publication of a Tour, XI. 338.
Paroles, persons violating, given up,
IV. 24, 431. Violations of, condemn-
ed, 511. Violation of, inquired into,
and measures taken respecting them,
VI. 277, 294, 334, 352.

PARSONS, SAMUEL H., Colonel, requests
the murderer of his brother, III. 437.
Appointed brigadier-general, IV. 27.
Moves towards New York, 280. Pro-
poses an expedition to Long Island,
314, 427, 440. Ordered to Peekskill,
426, 442, 478, 481. Takes possession
of Peekskill, V. 104; 177. His expe-
dition to Long Island, 211. Takes
command at the Highlands, 225, 282.
Plan proposed to, for capturing Clin-
ton, 261, 262. Cited respecting Presi-
dent Dwight, 288. Discourages an
expedition against New York city,
303; 471. Subscribes Neuville's cer-
tificate, VI. 15, 17. Stationed opposite
to West Point, 276. Written to, about
procuring intelligence from New York,

To form a junction with Shel-
don, for the protection of the High-
lands, VII. 181. Superseded by Small-

wood, 308; 385. Commands an ex-
pedition against Morrisania, 392, 393,
415. Appointed major-general, 415.
To put an effectual stop to a com-
bination of Tories, 423. Possesses
the heights commanding Kingsbridge,
VIII. 98; 109.

Partisan corps, recommended, and plan
proposed for, VII. 252, 253.
Party spirit, baneful effects of, XII.

Pasture grounds, XII. 362, 370.
PATTERSON, JOHN, Colonel, detached
to Canada, III. 365. Appointed brig-
adier-general, IV. 329; V. 167, 168;
VII. 336; VIII. 457.
PATERSON, WILLIAM, appointed asso-
ciate justice, X. 318, 319. Declines
the office of secretary of state, XI. 78.
PATERSON, a British lieutenant-colonel,
adjutant-general of the British army,
has an interview with Washington re-
specting the mode of addressing let-
ters to him; the treatment of prison-
ers; officers' breaking their paroles;
the commissioners for dispensing par-
dons; the exchange of Governor
Skene for Mr. Lovell, III. 524, IV.
14, 25, 509. Is introduced to the
American officers, 511.

Patterson's Creek, two forts built on,
II. 125. Fort at the mouth of, attack-
ed, 145.

Patriotic Society, the, IX. 200, 209.
PAULDING, JOHN, one of the captors of
Major André, VII. 220, 236, 529.
Paulding, the signature of a writer
against the administration, XI. 150.
Paulus Hook, proposition for an attack
on, VI. 317, 336. Expedition to, by
Major Lee, 326, 332, 333, 336, 349.
Loss at, 333. Compensation voted to
those engaged in the attack, 376.
PAWLING, LEVI, Lieutenant-Colonel,
VI. 275, 276.

Pay, of the Virginia forces in 1756,
compared with others, II. 173. Is in-
sufficient in itself, 174. Of the sol-
diers, ought to be the same in all the
States, IV. 170, 173. Inquiry into
the private appropriation of, by the
officers, 402. Not made to the troops,
VII. 56, 57, 351, 352, 388. See Officers.
PEABODY, NATHANIEL, on a committee
of Congress to effect reforins and
changes in all the departments of the
army, with the advice of General
Washington, VII. 15; 50, 80.
Peace, prospect of, viewed with sus-
picions, VIII. 266, 287, 293, 294, 296,
299, 306, 326, 331, 344. Proceedings
in the House of Commons respecting,
forwarded to the Commander-in-chief,

294, 536. Despatches forwarded to
the Commander-in-chief respecting
the negotiations for, 325, 327, 331,
540. Prospect of, affected by the
death of the Marquis of Rockingham,
344, 349, 359. Commissioners ap-
pointed to negotiate a treaty of, 371,
372. Arrival of the Preliminary Ar-
ticles of, 402, 406, 542. Official ac-
counts of, received, 416, 542. Com-
mendation of, IX. 139. Measures for
perpetuating with foreign powers,
recommended, XII. 31. See War.
Peace establishment, requests made and
memoirs presented for a, VIII. 417,
468, 482, 485. Necessity of a proper,
443, 450. The objects to be had in
view, IX. 25.

Peach trees, XII. 369, 373.

PEACHEY, WILLIAM, Captain, sent to
Dinwiddie, II. 146. Details a conver-
sation about Washington, 254. Opens
Braddock's road, 298, 299.
Pearsall's Fort, on the South Branch,
II. 208, 209. Troops posted at, 293.
Peas, brought from England, XI. 129.
Hints about, XII. 370, 380.
Pedigrees of the Washington family,
I. 552.

Peekskill, importance of, IV. 359, 362,
413. Troops ordered to, 361, 362.
Successful expedition of the British
against, 369. McDougall's retreat
from, 370. Willett's skirmish, and
the embarkation of the British at, 371.
Eastern troops ordered to, 413. Troops
ordered from, to New Jersey, 463,
464. Ten pieces of artillery ordered
from, 488; V. 9; 12. Buildings burnt
there by the British, 104. See PAR-

PENDLETON, EDMUND, chosen to the
first General Congress by the_Wil-
liamsburg Convention, II. 396. Drafts
Washington's will, III. 4; VI. 392.
Chairman of the Virginia Convention
for the adoption of the new Constitu-
tion, IX. 370, 373; 548. His nomi-
nation for the judiciary, X. 27, 58, 59.
On the treasury department, 369. On
the Pennsylvania insurrection, and a
tribute to the Indians, XI. 10.
PENET, with Pliarne, furnishes sup-
plies for the American army, III. 198,
IV. 145. Receives the title and rank
of aid-de-camp, 145.

PENN, RICHARD, examined before the
House of Lords, in 1775, respecting
Independence, II. 498.

Pennsylvania, Washington's influence
there, in 1755, II. 109. Disaffection
in, IV. 223. Inactivity of, V. 95, 96.
Disaffection and internal distraction

of, 120, 146, 300. Chief dependence of
the army on, for flour, VII. 62. Makes
a half-pay establishment, 166. Pro-
poses to reward Washington, IX. 10.
Address to the State Society of the
Cincinnati of, XII. 142; to the presi
dent and executive council of, 143;
to the president and faculty of the
University of, 146; to the represen-
tatives of, 165, 242; to the Senate
of, 239. The general receptacle of
foreigners, 324. List of the chief
magistrates of, during Washington's
public life, 417. Members of the Con-
tinental Congress from, 422; of Con-
gress from, during Washington's ad-
ministration, 429.

Pennsylvania Assembly, II. 11; 13; 109.
Insists that the Proprietaries' estates
shall be taxed for the common de-
fence, in 1755, II. 122. Votes money
and organizes a voluntary militia, 123.
Cooperation of, requested, 289.
Pennsylvania Association, a volunteer
company of militia, dissatisfied and
returning home, IV. 37.
Pennsylvania Board of War, their inis-
understanding with Washington about
the appointment of officers, IV. 374.
Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, pre-
pares to obstruct the Delaware at Bil-
lingsport, III. 427. Forwards the as-
sociated militia, 458.
Pennsylvania insurrection, preliminary
steps for suppressing, X. 291. Pro-
ceedings of the executive respecting
it, 292, 297, 305, 526. Proclamations,
295, 297, 427, 532. General opinion
of it, 429, 437. Army, joined by the
President, marches to suppress it, 438,
439, 442, 448. The army left by the
President, 446. Further particulars
of the operations against, 448, 454.
Expense and advantages of suppress-
ing the, XI. 10, 11. Proclamation
granting pardon to persons engaged
in it, 44. Historical account of it,
XII. 45. Proclamations of August,
1794, 47, 125; of September, 48, 129.
Indemnification for losses by it, rec-
ommended, 50. Reflections drawn
from it, 50, 60. Pardons granted, 60,
134. Regretted, 209-211.
Pennsylvania line, in the army, diffi-
culty in the, from the promotion of an
officer, VII. 188. Marched to West
Point, 234. Mutiny in, 348, 357-367,
397. Reject overtures of the enemy;
accommodation with, 359, 362, 382,
386, 387, 405. Their mode of releas-
ing themselves from enlistments, 387,
398, 405. Ordered to the southward,
434, 436, 451, 465, 472, 473. March

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