Зображення сторінки

364. Present at the review of Sulli-
van's brigade, 391. Treaty with them
at German Flats, 408. Bounty offer-
ed to, for prisoners, 430. Employed
by British and Americans, 494. First
movements of Congress towards em-
ploying, 496. Of no essential service
during the Revolutionary war, 497.
Colonel Gist authorized to procure,
IV. 272. Their favorable disposition
to be cultivated, V. 3. Employment
of them, 273. Disposition of, towards
the Americans, 354, 387, 414 West-
ern expedition against them, VI. 184 –
189, 205, 235, 247, 356, 384. Some
of them desire peace, 240, 384. Gen-
eral rules upon attacking, 265. In-
cursions of, at Skenesborough and
Tryon County, 495. Vaudreuil's token
to them; their visit to Rochambeau,
and his speech, VII. 183, 184. Their
incursions stopped by authority, VIII.
360. Measures proposed in regard to
them after the war, 477. Justice to
be the basis of proceedings with, X.
107. On the mode of civilizing and
educating, 132, 228. Difficulty with,
from land-jobbing, and the proceed-
ings of the New York legislature, 156,
172. Measures taken for their pro-
tection, 195. Causes of the difficulties
with them, 240, 261, 298, 434. Major
Trueman murdered, 260, 262. Attack
the station at Nashville, 262, 279.
Hints about treaties with, 263, 265,
267. Spanish interference, 267, 278.
Movements for a treaty with them
at the Lower Sandusky, 328, 335, 343.
Remarks for and against annuities to,
and respecting treaties, XI. 10, 12.
The constitutionality of a negotiation
with, by an individual State, question-
ed, 39. How to be treated, XII. 20,
30. Measures should be taken for
restraining the commission of outrages
upon them, 30. Measures recom-
mended for conciliating their attach-
ment, 40, 52, 62, 65. Commerce with,
and trading-houses recommended, 40,
53. Inadequacy of the measures to
protect them from violence, 61. Mes-
sage to Congress respecting hostilities
with them, 79. Message respecting
treaties with them, 81. See United

Indians, Caghnawaga, near Montreal,
a chief of, visits the American camp;
communicates information, III. 54. A
party of, visit Schuyler, 245. Visit
Washington, 260. Embarrassments
about employing them, 262. Visit
Rochambeau at Newport, VII. 183.
Indians, Catawba, II. 10, 111. Visited

by commissioners, 114. Must be en-
gaged, 147, 155. Hindered from ren-
dering assistance, 199. Fifty of them
return home, 202. Are on a scout,
208. Their misbehaviour, 293. Visit
the President at Mount Vernon, XI.

Indians, Cayuga, desire peace, VI.

Indians, Cherokee, II. 10, 111. Visited
by commissioners, 114. Must be en-
gaged, 147. Few, join the Virginia
forces, 189. Are hindered from ren-
dering assistance, 199. Aid of, neces-
sary, 244. Troubles with them, 260.
Disposed to aid the British, but dis-
couraged, 269. Wander toward the
Maryland and Pennsylvania Indian
settlements, 283. Perfidy and repulse
of, 335. Sue for peace, 336; IV. 272;
X. 107. Disapprove a settlement by
the whites at Muscle Shoals, 196. Ă
deputation from them visits the Presi-
dent, 219, 225, 240; 261. Murders
among them, 316. On running the
boundary line between, and the United
States, XI. 152. Treaty with them,
XII. 23, 28, 57, 87. Commit depre-
dations, 28. Outrages and intrusions
upon them; proclamations, 40, 57, 88,

Indians, Chickamaga, their situation;
commit depredations, XII. 28. Meas-
ures taken in regard to them, 29.
Indians, Chickasaw, II. 10. Plan pro-
posed for bringing them in, 237; X.
196, 220, 261.

Indians, Chippewa, II. 10, 13.
Indians, Choctaw, X. 196, 220, 261,

Indians, Creek, plan proposed for bring-
ing them in, II. 237. Treaty with
them, X. 75. Disapprove offers for
a settlement at Muscle Shoals, 196;
220, 349, 367, XII. 40. Treaty with
them, and embarrassments, 57, 84 -
87, 108, 181. Meeting of their depu-
ties at Colerain; measures for perpet-
uating peace with them, 65. Relin-
quish land to Georgia, 86.
Indians, Delaware, sue for peace, II.
322. Attack the Virginia frontiers,
340; 433. Claim compensation for
lands, 531.

Indians, Five Nations, X. 228.
Indians, Iroquois. See Six Nations.
Indians, Miami, commit murders, X.

Indians, Micmac, treaty with, IV. 38.
Indians, Mingoes, claim compensation
for lands, II. 531; VI. 384.
Indians, Muncey, expedition against,
VI. 384, 387.

Indians, Norridgewock, Natanis, the last
of the, III. 112.

Indians, Nottoway, II. 170.
Indians, Nova Scotia, aid solicited of,
III. 460, 497.

Indians, Ohio, attack the frontiers in
1763, II. 340.

Indians, Oneida, visit head-quarters
and profess friendship, IV. 370. At-
tached to the Americans, V. 274;
414. Deputation from them visits Ro-
chambeau, VII. 183.

Indians, Ottowa, II. 10, 13.
Indians, Passamaquoddy, III. 272.
Indians, Penobscot, aid of the, solicited,
III. 460, 496, 497.
Indians, St. Francis, visit head-quarters,
III. 60, 63. Referred to General
Schuyler, 63.
Indians, St. John's, III. 272. Aid of the,
solicited, 460, 497. Treaty of, with
Massachusetts, IV. 38.

Indians, Seneca, with others, visit the
army, and Philadelphia, V. 414; VI.
387. Two murdered, and measures
taken to prevent hostilities, X. 113.
Their chiefs; an address to them by
the President, 128-131. Reply to
the speech of the chiefs, and presents
made to them, 210-214; 240.
Indians, Shawanee, II. 135, 340. Their
residence; claim compensation for
lands, 531, X. 107.


Indians, Six Nations, various names
given to the, II. 36; 433; 531.
dress to, by Congress, III. 496. Ex-
pedition against, VI. 206, 224, 225,
264, 356, 384. Impolicy of expelling
from the country they inhabited be-
fore the war, VIII. 479. Treaty with
them, IX. 76, 79; X. 156. Treaty
with, laid before the Senate, XII. 23.
Message to Congress concerning en-
croachments by the, 104.
Indians, Southern, measures taken for a
treaty with the, X. 23, 73, 75. Opin-
ions of the Cabinet respecting the
affairs with, 348. Commit depreda-
tions, XII. 8. Measures suggested in
regard to them, 79. Representations
made to the Spanish government re-
specting them, 100.

Indians, Stockbridge, III. 439. Early
enlisted by the Massachusetts Provin-
cial Congress, 495. Join the camp at
Cambridge, 496. Several of them en-
gaged at different times, VII. 203, 204.
Indians, Tuscarora, II. 170; V. 414 A
deputation of, visits Rochambeau, VII.


Indians, Twigtwee, visited by Gist, in
1751, and described, II. 37.

Indians, Wabash, X. 119. On a treaty

with the, 263. Depredations by them,
XII. 13. Expedition against them,


Indians, Western, the dissatisfaction of
the, IX. 58, 76, 81, 114. Treaty with
thein, 105, 114. Their depredations,
X. 140, 154, 213, 222, 225. Propose a
conference at Auglaise; commission-
ers appointed and receive instruc-
tions, 313, 317. Their hostilities and
depredations, 343, XII. 8, 13. Expe-
dition against them, 14. Further
measures adopted, and recommended,
19. Unsuccessful attempts to con-
ciliate, 27, 39. Wayne's provisional
treaty with them, 56. See WAYNE.
Indians, Wyandot, XII. 82.
Inland Navigation, XII. 281. See West-
ern Inland Navigation.

INNES, HARRY, on secret propositions
made to the Kentuckians, IX. 473.
His report to the governor of Ken-
tucky, XI. 99.

INNES, JAMES, Colonel, commander of
the Ohio expedition in 1754, JI. 41.
Ordered to construct a fort at Will's
Creek, 63. Left with the command
there by Braddock, 86. Goes to North
Carolina, 112. Consulted after the
skirmish at Edwards's Fort, 142. Goes
to Fort Cumberland, 161.
INNES, Colonel, declines the office of
attorney-general, XI. 79.
Inspectorship, in the army, temporary
institution of the, V. 347. Impor-
tance and good management of the,
VIII. 315, XI. 251. See STEUben.
Intemperance, in the camp, discounte-
nanced, II. 141. The penalty for, 149.
Prevalence of, 188.

Inventions, encouragement of, recom-
mended, XII. 9.

Invoices of goods to be sent from Eu-
rope, XII. 253.
IREDELL, JAMES, appointed associate
justice of the Supreme Court, X. 53.
Iron-works, persons employed in, should
not be exempted from military duty,
IV. 397.

IRVINE, WILLIAM, Brigadier-General,
V. 168. Wounded and made prisoner,
181. In want of provisions, and re-
ceives directions, VI. 432. His expe-
dition under Stirling to Staten Island,
441-444. In the expedition to Bull's
Ferry, VII. 116. Exertions of, in
quelling a ferment in the Pennsylva-
nia line, 188; 336; 436; VIII. 80.
To take the command at Fort Pitt,
248. Queries proposed to, in regard
to the fur trade, IX. 303, 326, 445.
IRVINE, Captain, escapes from Boston,
III. 306.

IRVINE, a British major, killed at
Georgetown, VII. 439.

sel belonging to, captured by an Al-
gerine cruiser, X. 15.

Isle-aux-Noix, III. 85. Americans re-
tire to, 110. Sullivan stops at, for
orders, 442.

IZARD, RALPH, VII. 175; 380; X. 443.
On sending ministers abroad, 479.


JACKSON, HENRY, Lieutenant-Colonel,
makes an unsuccessful descent on
Montresor's Island, IV. 136. Is to
attend Arnold, V. 412. Joins the ar-
ny, 422. Detached to join Sullivan
in Rhode Island, VI. 8, 11; 52. Effi-
ciency of his regiment in the action at
Springfield, VII. 507.

JACKSON, WILLIAM, accompanies the
President in his tour through the east-
ern States in 1789, X. 46.
JACKSON, Major, exchanged, VII. 290.
Jackson's River, Il. 190, 194.
James River, a project for connecting
the navigation of, with the western
rivers, IX. 31, 64, 80, 91, 115, 147,
172, 291.

James River Company, on the appro-
priation of one hundred shares in the,
IX. 83, 108, 116, 133, 142, XI. 3, 19,
20, 25, 172, 473.

JAMESON, JOHN, Lieutenant-Colonel,
his conduct and agency in the capture
of André, VII. 214, 219, 256, 524,


JAY, JOHN, on the early intention of
the colonists to become independent,
II. 500. Opposed to the Canada expe-
dition, VI. 113. Chosen president
of Congress, 141, 378. His letter
to Lafayette respecting the Canada
expedition, 149. On communicating
important events to the people in an
official manner, 179. Sends to Wash-
ington an extract from Gates's letter,
214. Cited, 223, 241, 343. His com-
mendation of Gérard, 348. Appointed
minister plenipotentiary to negotiate
a treaty between the United States
and Spain, 377, 378, 385. His voyage,
469. Despatches sent to, after the
capitulation of Cornwallis, VIII. 188.
Appointed a commissioner to negotiate
a treaty of peace, 372. Appointed sec-
retary of foreign affairs, IX. 135. His
difficulty with Littlepage, 157, 166.
On the principles and features of a
new form of government, 230, 510.

A writer in The Federalist, 284. On
the Constitution, 286, 287, 289, 367,
393, 408; 485. Queries to, by the
President, X. 3, 464. Discharges the
duties of secretary of state, 11, 41.
Appointed chief justice of the Su-
preme Court of the United States,
35. Favors Gardoqui's proposals for
a treaty with Spain, 73; 113. A let-
ter from, 186, 499. His appointment
as envoy extraordinary to Great Brit-
ain, 405, 406, 409, 413, 418. His suc-
cess in his negotiation, 445. Signs
the British treaty, XI. 32. Resigns
the office of chief justice, 33, 34.
Chosen governor of New York, 34.
Cited respecting the British treaty,
64, 104, 123, 481; respecting the Fare-
well Address, XII. 395.

Jay's Treaty. See British Treaty and
Great Britain.

JEFFERSON, THOMAS, chosen to the
second general Congress, II. 405.
On the early purpose of the colonists
to become independent, 501; VI. 152.
Directs James Monroe's studies, 264.
Chosen governor of Virginia; writes
to Washington in regard to the treat-
ment of the British governor Hamil-
ton, 315-317, 407. Requested to pro-
vide against the arrival of the French
fleet, VII. 35. Permits Hamilton and
Hays to go to New York, 291. De-
sires Washington to take the com-
mand in Virginia, VIII. 73. A com-
missioner for a treaty of peace, 372.
On a committee of arrangements for
the last audience of the Commander-
in-chief, 569. Favors a project for
western inland navigation, IX. 30.
On a committee that reports a plan of
government for the Western Territo-
ry; appointed a commissioner for form-
ing commercial treaties in Europe, 47.
Employs Houdon to execute a statue
of Washington, 51, 131. His plan of
a coinage, 125. His appointment as
secretary of state, X. 11, 40, 54, 77.
His arrival in America, 42. Written
to about the proclamation for a perma-
nent seat of government, 147. Cited
respecting difficulties on the north-
western boundary, 151. His agency
in the republication of Paine's "Rights
of Man," 159. On the invitation from
Florida for foreigners to settle there,
163. His letter, urging the President
to be a candidate for a second elec-
tion, 254, 504. His disagreement with
Hamilton, 280, 283, 306, 515, 517.
His opinion as to the place of admin.
istering the inaugural oath to the
President, 321. His conversation with

M. Genet, 356, 536. His resolution
to resign, 364. On the power of the
Executive to change the place of con-
vening Congress, 375, 549. On mak-
ing public the negotiations with Great
Britain, 385. His resignation, 390.
Remarks attributed to, respecting the
President's sentiments, 430, 432. On
the proclamation against the Penn-
sylvania insurgents, 531. On trans-
planting the College of Geneva to the
United States, XI. 19, 473. Last let-
ter to, from Washington, 137. Elected
Vice-President of the United States,
194. His friendship for Washington,
228. Declaration attributed to, respect-
ing Monroe, 229; XII. 319.
JESKAKAKE, an Indian chief, II. 438,

JOHNSON, GUY, Colonel, an Indian
agent, III. 12. Strongly suspected of
exciting the Indians, 41, 496. Ar-
rives at New York, IV. 39.
JOHNSON, SIR JOHN, Indians attached
to, III. 400. Violates his parole, 409.
Escapes to the Lakes; finds his way
to New York, 410. Reports respect-
ing, 418, 419, 496. Penetrates New
York with a body of the enemy from
Canada, VII. 63. Commits ravages
on the Mohawk River, 281; VIII.
25, 276.

JOHNSON, M., wife of Sir John, at Al-
bany, III. 410, 431.
JOHNSON, SAMUEL, declines the Presi-
dency of Congress, VIII. 112.
JOHNSON, THOMAS, in Congress, nomi-
nates Washington for Commander-in-
chief of the American army, III. 480.
Governor of Maryland, IV. 386.
vors inland navigation, IX. 32. On
the election of the first president, 438.
Declines being district judge, X. 55,
66. Appointed associate justice, 182.
Resignation of, 318. Declines the
offer of the secretaryship of state, XI.
59, 76.


JOHNSON, SIR WILLIAM, finishes his fort

at Lake George, II. 117. Indian agent;
proposes a colony on the Ohio, 484.
sioner for carrying into effect Lord
North's bills, V. 397, 398. Facts re-
specting, 402. Writes to members of
Congress; the proceedings of Con-
gress thereon, VỈ. 31, 32, 79.
JONCAIRE, a French officer, II. 438-


JONES, JOSEPH, his letter respecting
Conway's Cabal, V. 499. Cited re-
specting the powers of Congress, VII.
68; on Greene's resignation, and
Pickering's appointment as quarter-

master-general, 150. Letters to, re-
specting the affair of the Newburg
Addresses, VIII. 393, 400. Cited in
regard to reports in Philadelphia of
dangerous combinations in the army,

JONES, PAUL, concerts with Lafayette
the plan of an attack on the west coast
of England, VI. 546, 547. Answers
questions of the Board of Admiralty,
VIII. 45; IX. 259. Returns to France,
262, 305. Employed by Russia against
the Turks, 424. Death of, X. 357.
JoNEs, a clergyman of Morristown, an-
ecdote of, XII. 410.

JOSIAH, lieutenant in the Continental
navy, IV. 41. Capture and ill-treat-
ment of; exchange of, proposed by
order of Congress, 50; acceded to
by Lord Howe, 512, 555.
Journal. See Diary.
Judiciary, proposed nominations for the,
and its importance, X. 26, 34, 35, 36,
49, 55, 66, 86. On alterations in the
system of the, 182, XII. 31, 37. In-
competent to enforce the laws in
Pennsylvania, 46. See Supreme Court.
JUMONVILLE, and his party, skirmish
with, II. 26, 32, 451. Killed, 32, 447.
Number and intentions of the party,
33, 39, 47. Prisoners taken, how
disposed of, 458, 467.

Jumonville, a poem, by M. Thomas,
II. 450.

Justice, public national, urged, VIII.
443, 449. Want of, IX. 168. To be
the basis of proceedings with the In-
dians, X. 107. Enjoined, XII. 228,



KALB, Baron de, arrives in America
with Lafayette; appointed major-gen-
eral, V. 62; 97; 154, 157, 163; 449,
450; 531. Disapproves an attack on
Philadelphia, 168. Conway's remon
strance against his appointment as
major-general, 204; 531. Ordered to
return to camp, 291. In the council
of war at Valley Forge, 360; VI. 347.
Commands at Elizabethtown and Am-
boy, 487. Commands the Maryland
troops, VII. 8, 19. Directions to, 15.
Mortally wounded at the battle of
Camden; commended for his bravery
by General Gates, 185, 239. Buried
at Camden, XII. 200.
KEAN, JOHN, X. 256.
KELLY, Lieutenant, wounded and mur-
dered, IV. 310.

Kentucky, IX. 134, 180, 510. Secret
propositions made to the inhabitants

of, by the British, 473, 485; X. 137.
Admission of, into the Union, 139, XII.
13, 32. Governors of, 419. Members
of Congress from, during Washing-
ton's administration, 432.

KEPPEL, Admiral, arrives in the Ches-
apeake with Braddock's forces, and
furnishes thirty sailors for his expedi-
tion, II. 68, 469. Declines taking
French prisoners on board his ships,

KIASHUTA, an Indian sachem, II. 525,

KIERSE, Quartermaster, VII. 262.

KING, RUFUS, on the value and settle-
ment of the western lands, and the
war with the Wabash Indians, X. 156.
Appointed minister to London, XI.


King, the proposition to make Wash-
ington, VIII. 302.

Kingsbridge, fortifications near to, and
their importance, III. 430, IV. 10.
Encampment at, 41. Favorable con-
dition and situation of, 83. Plan to
surprise the enemy at, 435; V. 211.
Post evacuated by the British, 381.
King's County, resolves not to oppose
the enemy; a committee of the Con-
vention sent thither, IV. 42.
King's Ferry, American troops ordered
to, VII. 125.

Kingston, burnt by the British, V. 129,

specting Fisher Ames's speech on the
British treaty, XI. 127.

KIRKLAND, SAMUEL, missionary to the
Oneida Indians; his influence with
them; visits head-quarters, III. 110,
IV. 370, V. 274, X. 228.

KIRKLAND, Colonel, secured, III. 204.
Sent to Congress for examination, 213.
KIRKPATRICK, JOHN, secretary to Wash-
ington, II. 110.

Kittaning, III. 72. Troops detached
to, VI. 205.

KNIGHT, JOHN, Captain, a British pris-
oner, III. 501.

Knighthood, a proposition for, disap-
proved by Congress, IX. 14.
Knowledge, essential to a free govern-
ment, XII. 9, 227.

KNOWLTON, Major, attacks the enemy
near Bunker's Hill, III. 241. Sta-
tioned at Bergen, IV. 20. Mortally
wounded near Haerlem, 98, 104. His
connexion with Nathan Hale's going
as a spy to Long Island, VII. 550.
KNOX, HENRY, assists in planning the
encampments around Boston, III. 138.
Supersedes Gridley in the command
of the artillery, 148, 197. Instructions

to, on going to Ticonderoga, 160.
His departure, 174. Overcomes great
difficulties and effects his purpose,
211. Goes to Newport to give sug-
gestions for its defence, 368. His
plan for the artillery, IV. 14. Recom-
mended for promotion, 237. Pre-
sents a memorial to the Massachusetts
government respecting bounties, 316.
Associated with Greene in planning
the defence of the North River, 416,
434. His efficiency in the artillery
department; must not be supersed-
ed by Ducoudray; commendation of,
444-446. His laconic letter to Con-
gress, declining to serve under Du-
coudray, and the resolve of Congress,
490, 491; V. 154, 157, 163. Disap-
proves an attack on Philadelphia, 168.
His great success in his department,
339. In the council at Valley Forge,
340, 360. His return of the artillery,
in April, 1779, VI. 197. Despatched
to the New Jersey legislature, VII.
79; 108. To forward artillery to the
south, 289. Directions to, on the pro-
posed attack upon York Island, 306;
308. Despatched with a circular to
the eastern States, 353-356. Instruc-
tions to, respecting the siege of New
York, 407, 415. Directions to, about
the proposed attack on the north end
of York Island, VIII. 94. His exer-
tions for the army's supplies in Vir-
ginia, 151. His interview with Count
de Grasse, 162. Difficulty about the
promotion of; appointed major-gen-
eral, 202-204, 214. His appointment
to meet commissioners in relation to
prisoners, 215, 249, 260, 264, 267, 334.
To command at West Point, 339. A
commissioner at the meeting for a
general cartel, at Tappan, 342. To
forward ordnance and stores to Alba-
ny for the frontier posts, 472. Com-
mands the army during the Com-
mander-in-chief's attendance on Con-
gress at Princeton, 474; 497; 500.
Ördered to reduce the army, 502.
Returns to West Point from New
York, 503. His connexion with the
Newburg Addresses, 552, 564. Sug-
gests the idea of the Society of the
Cincinnati, IX. 22. On powers to raise
troops in time of peace, 36. Secre-
tary at war, 108. On donations to
Washington by Virginia, 108. Cited
respecting Greene's son, 202.
respondence with, respecting the con-
duct and sentiments of the eastern
States, 207, 225, 228, 233. On the
convention of 1787, 228, 236, 251,
513; on a form of government, 230,


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