Зображення сторінки

land who befriended American pris- HEARD, SIR ISAAC, Garter King of
oners, VIII. 453.

HASKELL, E., Major, IX. 459.
HASLET, JOHN, Colonel, killed at
Princeton, IV. 259. His account of
the battle of Long Island, 516.
attack on a British party at Mamaro-
nec, 526. His account of the battle
at Chatterton's Hill, 527.

made of his being detained by the
Americans, and inquired into, VIII.
282, 291, 313, 537.

HAWKINS, BENJAMIN, procures a spe
cimen of the language of the southern
Indians, IX. 306; X. 479.

HAWLEY, JOSEPH, Major, first uses the
words, "We must fight,' II. 405.
Spirited letters of, cited, III. 437, 438,


HAY, UDNEY, Colonel, to detain ship-
carpenters in his employ, VII. 75;
147. Provides wood for the garrison,
148. His exertions to obtain flour, 205.
HAYES, a British major, permitted to
go to New York, VII. 291.

HAYNE, ISAAC, Colonel, proposition to
retaliate for the treatment of, VIII.
217, 218.

HAYNIE, ELIZABETH, to have a tene-
ment, rent-free, XII. 263.
HAZARD, EBENEZER, postmaster-gen-
eral, IX. 393.

HAZELWOOD, JOHN, Commodore, his
unsuccessful enterprise against the
British batteries in Philadelphia, V.
77. Commands the shipping in the
Delaware, 87. Silences a redoubt at
the mouth of the Schuylkill, 90; 101.
His account of the naval part of the
action in the attack on Red Bank,
113. Misunderstood by Smith, 121;
132. Sword voted to, by Congress, 155.
HAZEN, MOSES, appointed colonel of a
second Canadian regiment, III. 250.
Commands at Montreal; cited about
the Canadians, 361. His account of
the Indians, 364. Colonel of the regi-
ment called Congress's Own, IV. 267.
Ordered from Wilmington towards
Albany, V. 223, 292. In the battle of
Germantown, 469. Despatched to
Congress respecting the proposed Can-
ada expedition of, 1778, VI. 64, 66.
Marches to join Irvine, 443, 444, 453,
454; VIII. 68. Receives orders and
designates by lot an officer for retalia-
tion in the case of Huddy, 280, 297,
301. His success in intercepting illi-
cit intercourse between New York
and New Jersey, 386. Memorial from
his officers, sent to Congress, 466;
IX. 197.

Arms, his researches to ascertain the
pedigree of the Washington family,
I. 539, 546.

HEARD, NATHANIEL, General, III. 446.
Ordered to apprehend Tories, 452.
Moves towards Aquackanoc, IV. 432.
HEATH, WILLIAM, appointed brigadier-
general, III. 23. Stationed at Cam-
bridge, 54. Detached to New York,
333. Appointed major-general, IV.
32. Opposes the evacuation of New
York, 92. Commands at the posts in
the Highlands, 172. To move toward
New York after the battle of Prince-
ton, 263, 265, 270. Summons Fort
Independence to surrender, and re-
treats, 250, 310. His conduct cen-
sured, 307, 308. Justifies himself,
308. To countermand troops from
Ticonderoga to Peekskill, 361; V.
221. To hasten forward troops to the
North River, 358, 359. To send the
Convention troops to Charlottesville,
VI. 94. Resumes the command at
Boston, 274. Ordered to head-quar-
ters, 276. Moves toward the enemy
in Connecticut, 292, 293. Commands
the left wing of the army on the
North River, 304. Takes command
at West Point, 409, 425. Directed to
concert signals with Governor Clin-
ton, 426; to superintend the recruit-
ing service, VII. 16; to procure
information about Halifax, 36; to
repair to Providence in anticipation
of the arrival of the French fleet, in
1780, 71. Cited upon its arrival at
Newport, 108, 113. Endeavours to
secure the French there against the
British, 127. Wishes to join the ar-
my, but desired to continue with Ro-
chambeau, 155. Ordered to dismiss
militia, 174; to join the main army,
216, 218; to take the command at
West Point, 258, 259. Directions to,
268. To detach regiments to the
north, 283. To command a foraging
party which was to operate as a feint,
293. Selects and arranges troops to
quell the mutiny in the Pennsylvania
line, 363. Directions to, 365, 426.
To march to Morristown, 410, 417.
Commands the army while Washing-
ton is gone to Newport, 446. His
dissatisfaction about the detachment
of field-officers to the south, 453-456.
Despatched to the Eastern States to
represent the distresses of the army,
VIII. 36, 39. Takes command of the
troops that remain after the army
marches to Virginia, 136. Appointed
to meet an officer to receive papers

relating to Lippencot's trial, 324. A
commissioner at the meeting at Tap-
pan in regard to a general cartel, 342.
Describes the ceremony of the procla-
mation for the cessation of hostilities,
425. Letter to, upon his departure
from the army, 454, 457. Publishes
his Memoirs, XI. 200.

Hebrew Congregation of Savannah, ad-
dress to the, XII. 185.

Hedges, the raising of, XII. 332, 356.
HEINAKEN, a Dutch consul, XI. 26-29.
HEINTZ, JEAN DE, IX. 14, 16.
HEISTER, Commander-in-chief of the
Hessian troops, IV. 418.
Helvetic Confederacy, abstract of the,
IX. 524.

Hemp, on the encouragement of the
growth of, X. 197. Inquiries respect-
ing; bounty received on, XII. 263.

HENLY, THOMAS, Major, aid-de-camp
to General Heath, killed in the attack
on Montresor's Island; his character,
IV. 136.
HENRY, PATRICK, member of the Wil-
liamsburg Convention, and of the
first General Congress, II. 396. Pro-
poses a state of defence, 405. One of
the first to speak of independence,
497. His opinion of Rutledge and
Washington in Congress, 506. Ap-
pointed colonel, III. 152; 309. Gov-
ernor of Virginia, IV. 135. Sends
Walker to head-quarters on secret bu-
siness, 329. His letters respecting
Conway's Cabal, V. 495, 512, 513.
Chairman of a committee of the Vir-
ginia legislature to receive Washing-
ton, IX. 72; 85, 142. Favors Lady
Huntington's Plan, 92, 111. On the
Federal Constitution, 266, 273, 356,
370, 373, 378, 392. His influence in
the Virginia Assembly, 433, 446.
Will not accept a senatorship, X. 96.
Opposed to the constitution, 430, 562.
Reasons for not appointing, to office,
431. The offering of the secretary-
ship of State to, XI. 78-81, 83. His
election to the Virginia Assembly,
390, 391. His letter to Mr. Blair, 391,
557. Declines the appointment of
minister to France, 404. His decease,
437. His political opinions, 556; XII.


Heraldry, observations on, XII. 297.
HERIOT, GEORGE, written to, about the
British treaty, XII. 212.

Herkimer, Fort, new fortifications to
be erected at, VIII. 57. Magazine to
be formed at, 471. See German Flats.
Herringtown, skirmish at, VI. 75, 76.

HERTBURN, WILLIAM DE, proprietor of
the Washington manor in the county
of Durham, I. 540.

Hessian prisoners, to be cantoned in
the German counties, IV. 257. Safe
conduct granted to their stores and
medicines, 268. Necessaries sent to,

Hessians, III. 382. Measures adopted
to entice, from the enemy, IV.‍ 66.
Their humanity to prisoners, 309.
Reinforce the British at New York,
in 1781, 127, 133. See German troops.
HETH, WILLIAM, Colonel, XI. 299.
HICKEY, THOMAS, execution of, III.

Highlanders. See Scotch Highlanders.
Highlands, importance of the passes of,
IV. 154, 178, 426, 441; V. 4, 7. Im-
portance of keeping the enemy from
getting possession of, 11, 89. Meas-
ures for securing, 73. Posts there,
threatened, 89. See Montgomery and
North River.

HILLEGAS, Mrs., VII. 408.
HILLSBOROUGH, Lord, his conduct in
relation to Walpole's Grant, II. 484,

HINMAN, Colonel, III. 43. Commands
the Connecticut troops at Ticonde-
roga, 63.

Hippopotamus, a machine for raising
mud, XII. 274.

Hispaniola, insurrection there, and sup-
plies sent to, X. 194, 195. Money
voted by Congress for the relief of,
XII. 105.

HOAKESLEY, ROBERT, cited respect-
ing the treatment of the Convention
troops, VII. 124.

HOGG, PETER, Captain, II. 98, 116,
164. Ordered to the Upper Tract,
179. Builds a fort at Vass's place,
190, 191. Is deserted by Captain
Daniel, 192; 193. Joins Lewis and
Woodward, 251; 260.

Hogs at Mount Vernon, XII. 314.
Hints in regard to, 364.
HOLKER, agent of the French marine,
and consul from France, VI. 104, VII.


HOLLAND, Lord, furnishes to the Editor
curious extracts from the letters of
George the Third to Lord North, re-
specting the American war, VI. 531.
Holland, loans in, XII. 13, 22, 33, 107.
Ministers to, during Washington's ad-
ministration, 434.

Holland emigrants. See Palatines.
HOLMAN, Colonel, arrives at New York,
IV. 27.

Honey-locusts, directions about, XII.

Hopewell, Fort, on the South Branch;
engagement at, II. 148.
HOPKINS, ESEK, Commodore, Howe
gets knowledge of the fitting out of
the fleet of, III. 226; 275. Is warned
of the intentions of the British fleet to
blockade him; makes a descent on
Providence Island; ordered to appear
before Congress, and censured, 353.
His engagement with the Glasgow,
354. Aided by troops from Washing-
ton, 367.

Board, V. 116. His letter to Duché,


Horses, III. 16. Price of, IV. 270.
Removed from the neighbourhood of
the enemy's lines, 311. Price of, VI.

At Mount Vernon, XII. 314.
Directions in regard to, 364.
Horse-hoe invented by Poellnitz, X.

Hospital, complaints against the, on
Hudson's River, IV. 299. Wants, V.
207. On the location of a marine, at
the seat of government, XII. 322.
Hospitality, directions respecting, at
Mount Vernon, III. 171.

Hostilities, cessation of, ordered, VIII.
416, 421, 425, 542, 567.
HOUDON, M., employed to execute a
statue of Washington, IX. 51, 131–
133, 138, 144, 185.

Hounds sent from Europe to Mount
Vernon, IX. 124, 129, 164.
Household steward, inquiries, qualifica-
tions, and compensation for a, XII.

HOWARD, JOHN EAGER, Colonel, his
account of the battle of Germantown,
V. 468. Declines being Secretary of
War, XI. 94, 97, 106. Recommend-
ed for brigadier-general in the Pro-
visional Army, 265.

HOWE, GEORGE, Lord, killed at Ticon-
deroga, in 1758, II. 298, III. 202.
His popularity; monument erected to,
in Westminster Abbey, by the Prov-
ince of Massachusetts, 202.
HOWE, RICHARD, Lord, Admiral, III.
449, 453, 463. Sends the Phænix
and Rose up the North River, 468.
His letter directed "To George Wash-
ington, Esq.," 473. His intercourse
with Lord Drummond, 527. Declares
himself and his brother commission-
ers for granting pardons, IV. 2. Let-
ters to, respecting the exchange and
treatment of prisoners, 50, 273. Or-
derly Book cited respecting, 52. Sends
General Sullivan with a message to
Congress, 71. His conference with


a committee respecting peace,
With General Howe, issues a procla-
mation, offering pardon, 205. On the
treatment of prisoners, 550. Joined
with Lord North's commissioners, V.
397. Sails from the Hook with his
fleet, VI. 26. Is seen off Point Ju-
dith and pursued by Estaing, 29.
Comes round again to Newport, 63.
HowE, ROBERT, appointed brigadier-
general, and ordered to the Southern
Department, III. 294, 319. Com-
mands in Georgia; consulted respect-
ing an expedition to St. Augustine,
IV. 366. At Charleston, V. 451.
Ordered against Verplanck's Point,
and retreats, VI. 299, 300. Ordered
to Ridgefield, 305; to make West
Point the capital object of his at-
tention, VII. 74, 78, 84, 88; to divert
the enemy, 77; to dismiss all the
militia at his garrison, 92. His quali-
fications to command at West Point,
94. To forward the New Hampshire
and Massachusetts militia, 121. Com-
mands troops to quell a mutiny in the
Pennsylvania line, 363, 366. Ordered
to march against the Jersey line, 380,
382. Subsequent directions to, 389,
563. Thanks to, and to the officers
and men under his command, 565;
VIII. 109. Marches to Philadelphia
to suppress a mutiny of the Pennsyl
vania troops, 457–459.

HowE, SIR WILLIAM, British lieuten-
ant-general, commands the British
troops on Bunker's Hill, III. 17. Com-
plains of firing on officers sent for
parley, 67. Succeeds General Gage
at Boston, 113, 118, 511. Answers
Lord Dartmouth's letter to Gage re-
specting abandoning Boston; dis-
courages the dividing of the forces;
approves repairing to Rhode Island,


His proclamations and associa-
tion, 140, 159. Obtains intelligence
of the state of the American army,
157, 176. Organizes the Loyal Ameri-
can Associators in Boston, 162. On
the state of affairs December 3d, 1775,
186. His order respecting the de-
struction of houses and fences for
fuel, 187. His letter respecting Ethan
Allen; writes to Lord Dartmouth re-
specting retaliation, and exchange of
prisoners, 203. Withholds aid from
Governor Tryon, and gives him ad-
vice how to proceed, 224. Obtains
full knowledge of the proceedings of
Congress, 226. His orders respecting
the habits and appearance of the ar-
my, 236. His opinion of the Ameri-
can army, 248; 268, 281; 290. Writes

respecting the Refugees from Boston,
325. Extract from his proclamation
before evacuating Boston, 350; 530.
His plans; his readiness to yield the
command to Carleton, 415. Leaves
Halifax, 441. Head-quarters of, on
Staten Island; his prospect of assist-
ance from the Tories, 452. On the
destruction of Falmouth, 520, 521. His
letter to "George Washington, Esq.
&c. &c. &c.," and his account of the
affair, IV. 4, 509. Writes concerning
prisoners, 5, 142, 512, 529, 555-560.
Letters to, respecting exchanges and
treatment of prisoners, 23, 52, 105,
107, 143, 166, 198, 214, 227, 252, 275,
287, 380, 454, 496, 557. His return
of American prisoners and the British
loss on Long Island, 71. On the burn-
ing of New York, 100. On a ball cut
and fixed to the end of a nail; his let-
ter to Lord Germain cited, proposing
ships and troops for the campaign of
1777. His expectation of recruits from
the Americans, and disappointment,
107, 108, 519. Complains that the trea-
ty between Foster and Arnold was not
ratified, 106, 141, 142; 143. Is made
a knight of the Bath; festivities there-
upon in New York, 143. His plan for
the campaign of 1777, 195. Returns
an intercepted letter unopened, 198,
529. His proclamation offering par-
don, 205. Corresponds with Lord
Germain about trying General Lee
as a deserter, 276, 277. Lands in
New Jersey in February, 1777, 325.
Probabilities weighed, that he will
march to Philadelphia, 339. Changes
his plan for the campaign of 1777,
392. Offers a bounty to deserters,
409. His advance to Somerset Court-
House, 462. Retreats without loss to
Brunswic, 469, 479. His expected
junction with Burgoyne, 475, 476,
481. Embarrasses Washington by his
movements, 501, 502, 505. Disap-
proves the ill treatment of prisoners,
510, 512. Writes about the exchange
of Skene and Lovell, and regrets the
want of a personal communication,
512. Cited respecting the raising of
loyalists, 522. His intercepted letter
to Burgoyne, V. 4, 5. Issues his
"Declaration" near the Head of Elk,
51. Writes concerning prisoners, 54,
518-521,535-539. Written to, about
prisoners, 54, 136, 147, 163, 175, 218,
230, 234, 263, 272. His humanity to
the Americans wounded at the battle
of the Brandywine, 62, 63. His letter
on the destruction of mills, 80. Cour-
tesy to, in returning a dog, 82. Dis-

satisfied at not being reinforced, and
asks a resignation, 160, 161. Within
his lines, 179. His excursion to Ches-
nut Hill, 180, 182. Declines grant-
ing passports to vessels for supplying
the Convention Troops with fuel and
provisions, 188, 189, 521. On the
American army at Valley Forge, 291.
Written to, concerning Ethan Allen's
rank and the seizure of a deserter
with a flag of truce, 293. His resig-
nation accepted, 337, 548. Joined
to British commissioners; returns to
England, 395, 397. See British Ar-
my and BURGOYNE.
HOWELL, DAVID, IX. 47. Commis-
sioner to ascertain the eastern boun-
dary, XI. 120.

HUDDY, JOSHUA, Captain, particulars
of his apprehension and execution,
VIII. 262, 263. Retaliation demand-
ed for the treatment of, 263, 296. The
selection of a subject for retaliation
for, 280-283, 291, 297, 301 - 303.

Hudson's River. See North River.
HUGER, FRANCIS K., his attempt to
effect Lafayette's escape from prison
at Olmutz, XI. 111, 492.
HUGER, Major, his house the first en-
tered by Lafayette in America, V. 451,


HULL, WILLIAM, Major, his rank restor-
ed to, VI 467. At the storming of Stony
Point, 538. Colonel, in the expedition
against Delancey's corps at Morrisa-
nia, VII. 356, 357, 385, 392. Endeav-
oured to dissuade Hale from going as
a spy to Long Island, VII. 550. Sent
to Rochambeau, VIII. 94.
Humane Society of Massachusetts, IX.

HUMPHREYS, DAVID, Lieutenant-Colo-
nel, his enterprise against York Isl-
and, VII. 306. His unsuccessful at-
tempt to surprise Knyphausen or Clin-
ton, 33. Aid to the Commander-in-
chief, VIII. 193. Despatched to Sir
Guy Carleton, with a proclamation
and resolves of Congress, 427. Rec-
ommended, IX. 6-8, 46, 48. Chosen
secretary to the commission for nego-
tiating treaties of commerce with
foreign powers, 8, 45, 46. Goes to
France, 46. His qualifications for a
work connected with the Revolution,
113; 135. His return to the United
States, 196. His publication respect-
ing Asgill, 196, 221. On Washing-
ton's attending the Convention, 222,
238. Accompanies the President elect
to New York, 487. Appointed a com-
missioner to make a treaty with the

southern Indians, X. 29. Goes to
Europe, 105, 108. His appointment
to the court of Lisbon; citation from,
138. Takes charge of the public pro-
perty at Gibraltar, 333. Sent to Spain
with instructions, XII. 92; to Por-
tugal, 93.

HUNT, Captain, at Vass's, II. 191.
HUNTER'S genealogy of the Washing-
ton family of Adwick-le-Street, I.554.
Hunting shirts. See Indian dress.
Danbury, IV. 405. Cited respecting
General Wooster's bravery, 406. De-
tached to join Varnum and Greene,
V. 163, 167. Cited respecting the
destitution of provisions among the
troops, 193. Appointed on a court of
inquiry, 280; 392. Ordered to take
post at Suffern's, VII. 88; 336; VIII.


Congress, VI. 380. His resignation,
VIII. 112, 114. Governor of Con-
necticut; death of, XI. 107.
HUNTINGTON, Countess of, her project
in relation to the Indians, IX. 86, 91,
96, 111.

HUNTINGTON, a letter respecting the
appointment of, to a lieutenancy, III.

HUSBAND, HERMAN, apprehended as a
fomenter of the insurrection in Penn-
sylvania, X. 449.

Hutting troops, directions respecting,
V. 525, XI. 460.

HYDE, WEST, Colonel, British com-
missioner to effect an exchange of
prisoners, VI. 213, 509.


Illuminati, Society of the, XI. 314, 337.
IMLAY, J. H., speaker of the House of
Assembly of New Jersey, XII. 236.
Importations, Washington's practice
respecting, II. 331, XII. 253.
Impost, opposition to, and prospects of
an, IX. 36, 157. Acceded to, 162,

Independence, American, Horace Wal-
pole's remark concerning, II. 41.
Said to be aimed at by the people of
Massachusetts, and denied, 399, 401.
When first designed by the principal
persons in America, 402, 496. Parties
in Congress respecting, III. 347, 357.
Declared by Congress, 455. Decla
ration of, proclaimed to the army,
457; not signed by Clinton and Liv-
ingston, 469. Gage's letters to Lord


Dartmouth cited, respecting, 513. Fa-
vored by a small party in Parliament,
V. 324; 327, 350. Expectations of,
from the French treaty, 357, 366;
VIII. 298, 371. Means necessary for
the support of, 443.

Independence, Fort, taken possession of
by the British, IV. 158. Summoned
to surrender by General Heath, 281.
His explanation of the affair, 308.
Independence, Mount, opposite Ticon-
deroga, IV. 6. Evacuated, 493.
Independent companies, in Virginia, II.
4,506. To act separately from the
colonial, 65; 405. Their spirited
conduct, and letters, upon Lord Dun-
more's removing the powder from
Williamsburg, in 1775, 507. Address
to, by the Commander-in-chief, III. 4.
Indian affairs, badly managed, II. 235.
French policy, and a special agent
recommended for, 235, 236. Vicissi-
tudes in the, 237. Managed by Gist,
251, 269. Sole management of, left
to Atkin and Gist, 284. Commis-
sioners of, V. 273, 414.
Indian dress and shirts, recommended,
II. 292, 293. Adopted in part, 294.
Recommended, III. 21, 46, IV. 462.
Indian language, a vocabulary of, re-
quested, IX. 165, 195, 213, 249, 301,
306. Remarks on, by Zeisberger,
Indian Prophecy, a drama, the founda-
tion of, II. 476.

Indian war-dance, described, II. 417.
Indians, treaty with the, at Lancaster,
in 1744, II. 14, 480. Expect presents
and pay, 21, 23, 59. Their custom of
giving names, 47. Should be kept in
favor, 110. A good agent should be
sent to the, 111. Their great power
of annoyance, 134.
Should be en-
gaged, 135, 147; 235. Enraged with
Atkin for imprisoning ten of their
number, 245. Must be furnished with
provisions, 253. Cannot be guarded
against by troops, 267. Their im-
portance, 276, 318. Are mercenary,
276. Seven hundred join Forbes's ex-
pedition, 279. Accompanied in their
excursions by whites; small parties
of, more effectual than whites, 294.
Neglected by Braddock, 475; 480. In
the western parts of New York begin
to be restless, III. 41. Favorably in-
clined to the colonies, 54, 55, 60,
119. Intention of Congress in regard
to employing them, 63, 407. Instruc-
tions to Arnold respecting them, 90.
British ministry's intention to engage,
210. Effect of the taking of Montreal
upon them; should be engaged, 363,


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