Зображення сторінки

REPRESENTATION. Sec. 3. At all State organization conventions the representation shall be by locals, each local being entitled to one delegate and one additional delegate for every 100 members in good standing to be determined by the number of due stamps purchased during the six months preceding the call for the election of such delegates.

Delegates to the State Convention must be members of the party for at least two years, except from locals which have not been organized for that period. They must also be members of the county which they are to represent.

POLITICAL CONVENTION. Sec. 4. All statutory political conventions where the work of the convention has been prescribed by referendum, convention or committees of the dues-paying organization, shall be held at the seat of the State organization, and the State Executive Committee may direct that the delegates near or at the seat of the State headquarters shall constitute a quorum at such conventions and shall assemble and hold such convention as the law provides.

DELEGATES EXPENSES. Sec. 5. The railroad fare of the delegates in going to or from the place of convention shall be paid from the treasury of the State organization. The fund for this purpose shall be raised by a per capita assessment on the membership, or in such other manner as the State Committee shall find expedient.


National Committeemen

ELECTION. Sec. 1. The locals in the State of New York shall elect by referendum vote in the month of January each year, such number of representatives of the National Committee of the party as the state may be entitled to, provided, however, that not more than one member shall be from the same local.

To qualify as a candidate for National Committeeman, such candidate shall be nominated by not less than two locals in two different counties.

TERM OF OFFICE. Sec. 2. The election of National Committeemen shall be conducted by the State Committee, and the National Committeemen elected shall hold office for the termi of one year and until their successors are elected.

VACANCIES. Sec. 3. Any vacancies occurring in the offices of National Committeemen shall be filled by a referendum vote without delay.

WRITTEN REPORTS. Sec. 4. The National Committeeman shall make a written report to the State Committee in the months

of January, April, July and October of each year, and to the State Convention whenever it meets. The seat of any National Committeeman who shall fail to make reports for two consecutivo quarters shall be declared vacant and a new election ordered.

INSTRUCTIONS. Sec. 5. The State Committee or State Executive Committee may call upon the National Committeemen at any time to appear before it to discuss such questions as the committee deems important, and the decisions arrived at by majority vote of the committee shall be binding upon the National Committeemen and they shall vote as instructed.


METHOD OF AMENDING THIS CONSTITUTION.-Any amendment of this constitution shall be submitted to a general vote upon motion of the State Committee or upon demand of at least three locals in three different counties.


WHEN TAKEN. Sec. 1. The State Committee or three or more locals in three different counties with at least 500 members may demand a referendum vote on all questions.

DEMANDS ON REFERENDUM. Sec. 2. A demand for a referendum vote made by a local must stand open for six weeks for two locals to second it. If no endorsement is received from two locals within the specified time such motion shall be null and void.

Sec. 3. All referendum votes shall be open for six weeks for locals to vote, and no extension of time shall be made by the State Committee.

Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the State Secretary to submit every proposed referendum to the locals within three weeks after it has been duly initiated.


National Conventions

METHOD OF ELECTION AND APPORTIONMENT OF DELEGATES.The election of delegates to national conventions of the party shall be through the county organizations. The number of delegates to be apportioned by the State Committee in proportion to the membership in the county organizations.


Miscellaneous Regulations

RESIGNATION OF CANDIDATES AND APPOINTEES. Section 1. All candidates for public office or appointees to public office selected by the dues-paying membership of the Socialist Party of the State of New York or any of its subdivisions shall sign the following resignation blank before nomination is made official, or appointment is made final.

FORM OF RESIGNATION. Sec. 2. Recognizing the Socialist Party as a purely democratic organization in which the source and seat of all powers lies in the dues-paying membership, as an elected (or appointed) official of the party it shall be my duty to ascertain and abide by the wish of the majority of the duespaying members of my local or political subdivision.

To the end that my official acts may at all times be under the direction and control of the party membership I hereby sign and place in the hands of Local, to which I may be elected (or appointed), such resignation to become effective whenever a majority of the local shall so vote.

I sign this resignation voluntarily as a condition on receiving said nomination (or appointment) and pledge my honor as a man, a Socialist, to abide by it.

FORMS OF RESIGNATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Sec. 3. The State Executive Committee shall supply each local with the necessary resignation forms.

APPOINTMENT FOR NON-COMPETITIVE OFFices. Sec. 4. Elected Socialist officials shall submit the names of the proposed or contemplated appointments for heads of departments, members of mayor's cabinets, commissioners, deputies and members of commissions or any other appointees to position of administrative or executive character for the approval of the local or county organizations. If said local or county organization shall disapprove of any proposed appointment, it may submit its choice of appointment to the said elected official. In case of further disagreement, the local or county organization and the elected officials have the right to appeal to the State Executive Committee.

SELECTION OF CANDIDATES TO BE VOTED FOR AT THE FALL PRIMARIES. Sec. 5. (a) All candidates for public offices other than for county, township, municipal offices, or candidates lying

wholly within one county, to be nominated at the primary elections, shall be selected by a referendum vote of the dues-paying membership in such districts, or by a convention of delegates from the locals of such districts.

(b) The selections made through such referendums or conventions shall be binding on the members composing the official committees authorized by law to make the designations for the primary elections.

ELIGIBILITY FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. Sec. 6. No person shall be eligible as a candidate of the Socialist Party for any political or public office (this not to include members of the political committee elected for the purpose of designating candidates) who is not a member in good standing at the time of his nomination, and has been such for a period of two years preceding the date of his nomination. Provided that this rule shall not apply where there has been no local organization in existence for the prescribed period.

No one but party members in good standing shall be nominated for member of political committees, authorized by law to designate candidates.


National Constitution

TAKES PRECEDENCE. In case of conflict between any provisions of this constitution and the national constitution, the latter shall take precedence.

Document No. 3


(Adopted 1918.)


The name of the organization shall be "Local New York Socialist Party."



Section 1. Local New York shall be composed of all organizations of the Socialist Party within the borough of Manhattan in the city and county of New York.



Section 1. The affairs of the Local shall be conducted by a Central Committee, and by the officers and committees elected by the Central Committee.

Sec. 2. The officers of the Local shall be: An Executive Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer. No member shall hold more than one of these offices.

Sec. 3. All acts of officers and committees shall be binding and inclusive unless rescinded by the Central Committee, and all acts of the Central Committee shall be binding and conclusive unless rescinded by a general party meeting or by a general vote of the members.


Central Committee

Section 1. The Central Committee shall be composed of delegates from the various branches of Local New York, and of the officers and members of the standing committees of the Local.

Sec. 2. The basis of representation shall be as follows: One delegate for every twenty-five members in good standing in the branch. The number of delegates shall be determined by the number of dues stamps bought by a branch during the twelve months preceding the month of November before the election.

Sec. 3. Newly organized branches shall be entitled for the first year to not more than two delegates; the regular representation shall be given them only after an existence of at least one


Sec. 4. The delegates to the Central Committee shall be elected at the second regular meeting of the branches in the month of December, and their term shall be for twelve months, unless withdrawn as hereinafter provided.

Sec. 5. Delegates to the Central Committee must be in good standing and members of the Socialist Party for at least two years, excepting delegates of newly organized language branches.

Sec. 6. Delegates to the Central Committee who have absented themselves without excuse from three consecutive meetings shall thereby forfeit their seats in the Central Committee, and branches shall be requested to elect other delegates.

Sec. 7. The Central Committee shall elect an Executive Committee of nine, a Grievance Committee of five, an auditing Committee of three, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a

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