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compensate for some reduction of taxation upon necessaries, and we should modify our excessive dependence upon alcohol and tobacco duties. His prophetic vision indicates a revenue of 680 millions in 1933 and an expenditure of 630. Assuming the national income to be then about 5000 millions, he claims that the charge of about 14 per cent. will not be intolerable when compared with 9 per cent. before the war.]

LEWIS (E. LLEWELYN). The Children of the Unskilled. London : King. 1924. Pp. 107.

[An inquiry directed to ascertain the supply of skilled labour obtainable from unskilled workmen's children; concluding in favour of better education and a more flexible industrial system.]

LOWENFELD (HENRY). The Birthright of Man. London: Parsons. 1923. Pp. 160.

[Plans for the abolition of unemployment, without disturbance of existing institutions, are proposed.]

MACLAREN (W. A.). Rubber, Tea, and Cacao. With special sections on Coffee, Spices, and Tobacco. London: Benn. 1924. Pp. 334.

[The volume is one of the Resources of the Empire Series; to which the Prince of Wales contributes a foreword and the Right Hon. Sir Eric Geddes a general Introduction.]

MARTIN (P. W.). The Flaw in the Price System. London: King. 1924. Pp. 109.

MILES (T. B.). Industrial Unrest, its Cause and a Suggested Cure. London: Cranton. Pp. 96.

PENSON (LILIAN M.). The Colonial Agents of the British West Indies a Study in Colonial Adminstration mainly in the Eighteenth Century. London: University Press. 1924. Pp. 318.

PROTEDICOS (D. E.). The Financial Position of Greece. The public debt, the physical assets, and other aspects of the financial system are examined in detail. By the Secretary of the National Bank of Greece.

RATHBONE (ELEANOR F.). The disinherited family. A plea for the endowment of the family. London: Arnold. 1924.

RUSSIA. Report on economic conditions in Russia. London : Constable. Pp. viii+164. 2s. 6d.

SNOWDEN (RIGHT HON. PHILIP). Labour and the New World. London: Cassell. 58.

TEMPERLEY (H. W. V.). A History of the Peace Conference of Paris. Vol. VI.` (British Institute of International Affairs.) London : Frowde. 1924. Pp. 709.

[The sixth and final volume, like its predecessor, is the work of many hands. Mr. Temperley, Reader in Modern History in the University of Cambridge, is the Editor.]

UNWIN (GEORGE), HULME (A.), and TAYLOR (G.). Samuel Oldknow and the Arkwrights. The industrial revolution at Stockport and Marple. Manchester University Press. 1924. Pp. 259.

[Mr. Hulme and Mr. Taylor contribute chapters.]

WATTAL (P. K.). The system of Financial Administration in British India. Bombay Times of India. 1923. Pp. 412.

[A general description of the financial machinery is followed by chapters on the preparation, the voting, and the execution of the budget.


ABBOT (EDITH). Immigration. Select Documents and Case Records. University of Chicago. 1924. Pp. 809.

The volume emanates from the Graduate School of Social Service adminis. tration; an institution of which Miss Abbot is Dean. As a Director of the Immigrants' Protection League she has a first-hand knowledge of relevant facts. The documents-numbering more than two hundred, beginning with a colonial steerage act dated 1751-appear to have been selected judiciously and impartially.]

BRISSENDEN (PAUL FREDERICK) and FRANKEL (EMIL). Labor Turnover in Industry: a Statistical Analysis. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. 216.


[A valuable examination of the method of measuring labour turnover, important to all students of the subject. Rather scanty American records are analysed in an effort to relate "accessions" to and separations" from the labour staffs of firms to length of service, degree of skill, etc.; the results will be useful for comparison, but the book might advantageously have been compressed to half its length.]

COMMONS. Legal Foundations of Capitalism. New York: Macmillan Co. 1924. Pp. 394.

COUCHMAN (CHARLES B.). The Balance-sheet: its Preparation, Content and Interpretation. New York: Journal of Accountancy. 1924. Pp. 288.

FISK (HENRY E.). The Inter-ally Debts. An analysis of war and post-war public finance, 1914-1923. New York: Banker Trust Company. 1924. Pp. 367.

KAHN (OTTO H.). Why I favour the Mellon Tax Plan. New York: Citizen's National Committee. 1924. Pp. 42.

[Secretary Mellon's proposal to reduce surtaxes to a maximum of 25% is advocated on the ground that extreme taxes increase the advantages which large and established concerns have over the venturesome enterprising newcomer and pioneer; it puts a premium on idle timorous capital, instead of stimulating and rewarding active constructive venture.]

MILLER (EARL J.). Workmen's Representation in Industrial Government (University of Illinois Studies). Urbana: University of Illinois. 1922. Pp. 182.

[The Council Movement in Foreign Countries, the Non-Union Council Movement in the United States, the Theory of the Council Movement, are among the topics treated in separate chapters.]

NUSSBAUM (F. L.). Commercial Policy of the French Revolution : a Study of the Career of G. J. A. Ducher. Washington: Amer. Historical Association. 1923. Pp. 388.

[Reviewed above.]

SULZBERGER (M.). The Status of Labor in Ancient Israel. Philadelphia: Dropsie College. 1923. Pp. 128.

[Skilfully interpreting many hundreds of texts, the learned writer argues that the natives subjugated by the invading Israelites and their descendants were well treated. The ideals of democracy were first developed by the Hebrews.]


BADULESCO (VICTOR V.). Paris Marcel Giard. 1923.

Les finances publiques de la Roumanie.
Pp. 74, 8vo.

[A reprint of the article in the Revue de Science et de législation financière, in which the author gives a lucid account of the past and present finance of Roumania and takes a sanguine view of its future.]

CALMETTE (GERMAIN). Recueil des documents sur l'histoire de la question des Réparations (1919-5 Mai 1921). Paris: Costes. 1924. Pp. 539.

[A large collection of documents numbering more than 150 is preceded by an introduction dealing with the Peace Conference, the negotiations of 1920, and the resolutions of 1921.]

GOODMAN (S.). Le grand vol des titres. Paris: Giard. 1924. Pp. 119.

[On the theft of coupons, etc., payable to bearer.]

GIGNOUX (C. J.). L'après-Guerre et la politique Sociale. Paris: Colin. 1924. Pp. 200.

LAVERGNE (BERNARD). Les Co-opératives de consommation en France. Paris: Colin. 1923. Pp. 216.

LIEFMANN (ROBERT). Les formes d'Entreprises. (Bibliothèque Internationale de Bonnet.) Paris: Giard. 1924. Pp. 287.

[The Fribourg Professor's second edition is translated by H. Stelz and J. Loussert. The subject includes Co-operation and "Socialisation."

VARKE (ALBERT). Le droit international du travail. Preface par G. ANTONELLI. Paris: Giard. 1923. Pp. 310.

[An analysis of the Labour clauses in the Treaty of Versailles and of the International Labour Organisation occupies a great part of the book.]


BERL (0.). Die Chinesische Mauer. Vienna: Berl. 1923. Pp. 63. [The policy of mutual exclusiveness pursued by the nations into which AustriaHungary was broken up is deplored; and it is hoped that Austria may play a part in breaking down these Chinese walls.]

BRENTANO (LUGO). Der Wirtschaftende Geschichte. Leipsic: Memer, 1923. Pp. 498.

[A collection of lectures and articles.]

Mensch in der


HEINECKE (DR. GUNTHER-ERFRID). Die Volkswirtschaftliche Erfüllbarkeit der Reparationsverpflichtungen, im Rahmen des (Forschungen von paneuropäischen Wiederaufbauproblems. Sozialwissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaft.) Berlin and Leipsic. 1924. Gruyter. Pp. 134.

KÖTZSCHKE (DR. RUDOLF). Allgemeine Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Mittelalters. Jena Fischer. 1924.

MANES (ALFRED). Versicherungswesen. Erster Band, Allgemeine Versicherungslehre. Vierte auflage. Teubner: Leipsic and Berlin. 1924. Pp. 231.

MANKO (DR. A.). Regenerierung der Landes-Währung. Vienna and Leipsic Manko. 1923. Pp. 159.

[A secondary title promises a method of reckoning calculated to ensure stability of valuation.]

VADNAI (DR. EUGEN). Die stellung des Spediteurs in der arbeitsteiligin Verkehrswirtschaft. Budapest: Lloyd. 1924. Pp. 81.

[A study on the functions of the agent who is intermediary between those who despatch and those who transport goods.]

WEBER (MAX). Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Sozial und Wirtschafts geschichte. Tübingen: Mohr. 1924. Pp. 556.

[Six articles covering an immense range of subjects and periods, beginning with the agriculture of the ancient world, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, etc.]


BACHI (RICCARDO). La Cassa di risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde nella evoluzione economica della regione. 1823-1923. Milan. 1923. Pp. 567.

A sumptuous quarto published under the auspices of the Commissione Centrale di Beneficenza, to celebrate the centenary of the Savings-Bank of the Lombard Provinces. Professor Bachi is the general editor, and there are contributions by several distinguished writers on different aspects of the subject: by Prof. Bachi on the Historical Evolution of the Bank; by Prof. Supino on the Effects of Crises; by Prof. Gini on the Importance of Lombardy to the Kingdom of Italy...]

CABIATI (ÁTTILIO). Principi di Politica Commerciale. Vol. I. La Teoria Generale degli Scambi internazionali. Genova: Stabilimento Grafico. 1924. Pp. 302.

Among festures special to his treatise on a familiar subject the author annonces has trement of international exchange in a regime of depreciated and unstable money and has study of two particular types of customs duties, counterng pra pasiping and retaliation.]

EINATTI LE Le krte del lavoro. Turin: Gobetti. 1924. Pa 276

A series of repolished papers containing interesting descriptions of Italian stries, together with instructive resections on the psychological causes and AVIKEN desqgames of labour disputes)

GANGEN: L La politica economica e Finanziaria del Governo Fastata Bologna: Zamchelli. 1904. 1904. Pp. 507.

GORRI, PROF. ULISSE). Trattato di economia. Secunda edizione vara Mia: Società editrice. 1923. Vol. I., pp. 256; Vol. II.,

A general treatise covering evenly a large extent of familiar ground.] GRAZIANI (AUGUSTO). Il pensiero scientifico di Angelo Messedaglia Capitale e Interesse. .. Two papers contributed by Professor Graziani to the Academy of Moral and Political Science, Naples.

MORTARA (GIORGIO). Prospettive Economiche, 1924. Città di Castello Società Tipografica "Leonardo da Vinci." 1924. Pp. 420.

This volume, following on a similar publication last year, contains very useful summaries of the world's production of and trade in the principal commodities in which Italy is interested. Professor Mortara is hopeful for the economic future of Italy. "Italy, who may be said to have become convalescent in 1921 after the crisis of the passage from war to peace, has prosecuted energetically in 1923 her efforts towards economic recovery." Her financial position has been greatly strengthened by the excellent harvests last year.]

SAVORGNAN (F.). La scelta matrimoniale (Studi Statistici, Metron). Ferrara: Taddei. 1924. Pp. 136.

[A study on "homogamy ": the correlation between husband and wife with respect to race and nationality and some other attributes.]


VINCI (FELICE). Statistica Metodologica. Padua. 1924. Pp.

ZORLI (A.). Trattato di Economia Sociale. Turin: Bocca.

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