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great many promised to come, and go on with their learning; but alas the spell had been broken and we lost some. I hope next time there will be better success. Then we had concerts and also

social gatherings. The Master of Marlborough College was at one of these last January, and won golden opinions. And that leads me to remark that I don't know any set of people who have such a good and accurate notion of what constitutes a real lady or gentleman as the poor have. They don't make it consist of money or dress, but judge almost entirely by manners. If you work amongst the poor as a clergyman, it does not matter what your politics may be in theory, but you must go in for equality and fraternity; you must meet the people as brethren, without condescension, and make them feel that as churchmen we are members one of another. I have not the time to speak about visiting amongst the people; but I believe there is not a house now out of all our thousand, where the people can say they have never had a visit from a clergyman. I do not forget that we had a very pleasant visit to Marlborough last summer. I don't believe any party ever enjoyed it more. In conclusion I hope during the year we shall get some plan to obtain help from you and our friends in building a church. In addition to myself, the one visitor whom you sent, there are between twenty and thirty visitors; fifty or sixty teachers, and hundreds of worshippers. Your £150 a year has drawn forth another £150 from charitable people, and not only that, but it draws forth almost double that sum from the people themselves for the maintenance of the Mission Work and charities. There is a great harvest out of the seed you have sown; we have a large school and congregation, and therefore we want a fairly large building. Although we may not be able to rear a handsome church like the Eton and Harrow mission, yet I hope our church will hold as many as theirs when built. Lastly, I hope, brother Marlburians, you will remember that while to the outward eye this may be mine and Mr. Marshall's work, yet in a true sense it is your work. I trust by your prayers, sympathy, and help in every way you will strengthen our hands for this work of helping and pitying God's poor (loud applause).

MR. THOMPSON proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. SMITH for his address, and referred to the civilising effects of his and Mr. Marshall's work-morally, spiritually and intellectually.

The vote was carried by acclamation. The meeting then broke up.

On the followingTuesday evening Mr. NOEL-SMITH delivered in the Town a lecture entitled "A Thieves' Kitchen at Holborn, and other scenes in East London," at the conclusion of which a collection was made in aid of the College Mission.


On Friday, Feb. 15th, a meeting of O.M.'s, resident in Oxford, took place in New College Common Room, to hear an account of the School Mission at Tottenham from the Rev. E. F. Noel-Smith, the curate-in-charge, who gave a most interesting address, after which he answered several questions, and a general conversation ensued. The Rev. T. L. Papillon presided, and amongst others present we noticed A. Robinson, Esq., Rev. W. Lock, senior Proctor, F. Madan, A. Chandler, W. H. Chappel, W. M. Tatham, R. C. Harvey, H. B. Lawford, E. W. Silver, J. H. Speck, E. N. Gardiner, H. Brinton, R. F. Cholmely, &c. A larger meeting might have been expected, but we have had a surfeit of meetings in Oxford of late, especially in connection with work among the London poor, but it is to be hoped that the interest lately aroused may lead, as Mr. Smith suggested, to some O.M's. taking up their quarters at Tottenham instead of at the West End, and so most effectually helping on the work in a way which can never be done by occasional and spasmodic visits. Perhaps it is hardly too much to hope that when the University Settlement scheme is in working order a branch of it consisting of O.M's might be located at Tottenham. Meantime it appears that Mr. Smith will be glad of help in concerts and social entertainment for the people, as well as of contributing towards the Building fund. To this last we are requested to acknowledge a donation of £10 from H. Brinton at the close of the meeting.

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To the Editor of the Marlburian. DEAR SIR,-May I suggest that the present method of counting a ball in,' that strikes on the outside brick of the fives-court, be discontinued. For it is nearly always the case that, when a ball does pitch there, it is practically impossible to take it. It is I believe the rule that the ball is in when it strikes the floor of the court, but this outside brick, at the end of the court, is not part of the floor, being merely put there to prevent the cement falling at the edge, and therefore it is not strictly fair or legal that it should be counted 'in.' It has not always been usual to count it as in, for it certainly was not counted so four years ago. Why then should we change

the old rule for, I believe, a rule that is distasteful to all. Hoping to see this remedied,

Yours truly,


To the Editor of the Marlburian. S18,-There is in existence a certain anomaly, of which I desire to know the cause.

There arrive, I believe, (though unfortunately I only know of it from hear-say) a certain number of papers which are published by schools, who exchange papers with the Editor of the Marlburian. These are placed in Upper School, where they are torn to pieces, as is everything else in Upper School, before anyone has seen them, and so none, except a few of the IVth, ever get the benefit of them. Even if a few fellows in the IVth form take the trouble to peruse them, surely the Vth form, who would be much more likely to read them than the IVth, have a much better right to do so first. Might I suggest then, that the papers be placed in the Adderley forsay a week-before they go to Upper School. They might be put away during prep. hours, and if the Librarian finds this too much trouble, surely some one out of the school might be appointed to do it. Plenty of fellows would not

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DEAR SIR,--When the new buildings were commenced, a wail arose that Upper School seats had been taken away. This was remedied for a time by some seats which were affixed to the paling round the scene of operations. On the disappearance of this, however, the seats once again vanished. And no attempt has since been made to supply their place with new ones. Summer is now approaching, and, as every one knows, the open air is preferable for real hard work to the somewhat close atmosphere of the College class rooms and even Upper School itself. Now, Sir, perceiving that some very flourishing creepers have been planted against the front wall of the new buildings I am aware that the seats cannot resume their accustomed place. But I wish to suggest that seats should be placed round some of the trees which have so long beautified our court, and which I now think might be made useful as well as ornamental, in affording us shade during the summer months. Hoping that this boon may be conferred upon us,

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To the Editor of the Marlburian.

DEAR SIR,-Allow me to bring before the notice of the public a grievance of long standing and to propose a change which I am sure would be welcome to most of the school. I refer to the entertainment at the end of the term, which is called, though in some cases with a certain degree of irony, solo-singing. About twenty fellows generally go in for the four prizes which are offered, and I would venture to say that at the most not more than eight have the slightest chance of winning one, which means to say that twelve unnecessary solos are inflicted on the public, of which about half are more or less painful to listen to.

Again, would it not be possible for the programme to contain a little more variety, instrumental music, since it is extremely monotonous and wearisome to listen to one solo after another, where but a small percentage is firstclass. It has always been to me a matter of wonder why on earth fellows should enter for this competition. Do they do so in order to be able to say that they have sung a solo at an entertainment, which though it is of course a great honour, I think fellows might forego for the benefit of the school who are condemned to listen to them?

It would be a great addition to the evening's pleasure, which at present is rather questionable, if Mr. Bambridge would favour us with a pianoforte solo, which, to the great regret of the public in general, he very seldom does. I feel sure that the most unmusical fellow in the school could not deny that he listened with delight to Mr. Bambridge's per formance at the last concert or that he would be glad to listen to the same again. There are also other members of the School who have, on former occasions, such as penny readings &c., performed on the piano or violin and might do so again with advantage.

Hoping that you will find room for this in your valuable columns, I remain &c.,



To the Editor of the Marlburian. SIR, -I should like to say a word in support of the excellent proposition made by "Debater." I believe that the institution of House debates would tend to raise considerably the public taste and appreciation for the mother tongue. would suggest that these debates be held every alternate Saturday night; that the Captain of Class-room be Speaker, or President; that a Clerk be chosen by him to perform the necessary duties; that brewing be permitted; but that all the other laws of the M.C.D.S., relative to books, &c., be enforced. It was proposed in your last number to increase the number of non-political debates. Now I think that House debates would be principally non-political, in order that more fellows might have an opportunity for speaking on, more or less, familiar subjects. By this means more fellows would be encouraged to speak in College debates, and thereby make these debates more lively than they are at present. Of course party feeling would not be of so much consequence in House debates, as the subjects would be

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To the Editor of the Marlburian. SIR,-I desire, through the medium of your columns, to make a suggestion, in which I am sure not a few will support me. Everyone in the school has the opportunity of reading a number of newspapers, smaller or larger, according to circumstances, but very few see any magazines at all, and those who do see them can at the most get one or two generally of the cheaper ones.

Now I propose that a Magazine Society be formed, under the auspices of some member of the Common Room (I feel sure that one of the masters, who are always so ready to take up suggestions, would take up this one), which could be conducted on the principle of a circulating library. The number of members might be restricted, and they might be chosen by ballot, while each member might subscribe 1s. a month. This could not be beyond anyone's resources, and if there were forty members, would be amply sufficient to provide most of the leading magazines. Hoping to see this speedily adopted,

I remain, &c.,


To the Editor of the Marlburian.

DEAR SIR,-I write to suggest a change in the time of evening chapel. Is there any reason why it should not be held at 6.40, that is directly after afternoon school? There would be many advantages:

(1) The outboarders would get the benefit of Chapel, into which, by the present arrangements, they only go three times a week.

(2) There would be many less coughs and colds which are so annoying in Chapel and Form.

(3) Fellows would be able to attend to the service much better then than at 9 o'clock, when they are thoroughly tired out. Hoping this proposal will be considered,

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DEAR SIR,-Now that the racing season is coming round again, may I make a few suggestions about the O.M.'s race.

The best thing to do, in my opinion, would be to abolish it; it has been an egregious failure every year, except one, since it has been started, while last year there were not enough competitors to make a race at all. If, however, the Race Committee decide to retain it, I should like to propose that post cards be sent to those O.M.s likely to be interested, stating the length of the race, the day on which it would be run, and a date before which entries must be made. If no names were sent in, the Race Committee could erase the event from the programme, with the comfortable assurance that

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ON Mitcham Common the Nomads turned out in full strength on 1st December to do battle against their opponents of many seasons past-the Old Cheltonians. A very stubborn game ensued. Nomads' forwards did not show nearly so much energy in the game as usual, appearing very slack in getting on to the ball, while the O.C.'s had to put in extra work as their team was two short; our backs, however, were good enough to turn with. Kingsbury made a very brilliant run in and scored a try, from which Vans-Agnew placed a goal. F. B. Windeler also secured a try, but a goal was not added. Result: Nomads won by a goal and a try to nothing.

Nomads' Team:-F. Thursby (captain), C. Hawkins, J. Ll. Dove, C. S. Rashdall, A. V. Buckland, W. W. Ellis, E. Latter, G. B. Hartley, J. T. Robinson (forwards), F. B. Windeler, F. N. Templer (-backs), C. M. Wilkins, J. D. VansAgnew, and W. B. Kingsbury (), G. C. Alston (back).

December 8th saw the team at Wandsworth, there to play the Clapham Rovers. Though keen and frosty the air, and hard and white the ground, it was determined to try conclusions; but any fast display of football could scarcely be expected, at any rate it was not made by the Nomads, as they contented themselves with keeping the enemy at bay, and no score was effected on either side; the match ending in a draw.

Nomads' Team:-G. C. Alston (back), C. M. Wilkins, W. B. Kingsbury, and E. C. Cholmondeley (4), J. D. Vans-Agnew and R. H. Cunuingham (4), F. Thursby (captain), J. Ll. Dove, G. H. Windeler,

G. G. Hawkins, E. H. Lawrie, C. S. Rashdall, E. N. Gardiner, and W. W. Ellis, (forwards).

For the 15th December an important match had been arranged with the Midland Counties' Union, but a misunderstanding unfortunately occurred as to where the game was to be played, the Nomads' Secretary believing that Blackheath, and the Union officials thinking Birmingham had been settled for the trial of skill.

This error having been discovered

only shortly before the date fixed for the match, and neither club having arranged for a journey, the meeting had reluctantly to be abandoned.

To prevent the team in consequence suffering from want of exercise they played St. John's School, Leatherhead; as the fixture had been arranged for the second team the school were a little surprised at being beaten by four goals and a try to nothing. But they took the reverse very well, especially considering that it was the first match lost by them this season; their captain delivering himself of the sportsmanlike expression that they would much rather be beaten by the Nomads' first team than play an easy match with our second.

The match v. the Middlesex Wanderers played on Blackheath, on 22nd Dec.-being the last before our annual tour-was won with some ease. And this result was no doubt arrived at more certainly by reason of the means which had been taken to remind our men of the chief points of scientific play; an absence of that necessary element of success having been noticed, v. the O.C. and Clapham Rovers. In the first half we played against hill, and wind, and yet managed to hold our opponents until after a good deal of much improved passing F. B. Windeler got in after a fine dodgy run. No goal was secured, but immediately after drop out passing tactics which were all too much for our opponents were employed and F. B. Windeler again romped in. The place, which was somewhat difficult, failed. Nothing further occurre till after half-time, when with hill and wind the Nomads penned the Wanderers and Kingsbury favouringus with one of his tortuous runs scored a try, which Vans-Agnew converted into a goal. No further score, and thus the Nomads won by 1 goal and 2 tries to nothing. Two O.M's, A. C. Lavers and H. D. P. Kitcat, did yeoman's work for the other side.

Nomads' Team :-G. C. Alston (back), C. M. Wilkins, J. D. Vans-Agnew, and W. B. Kingsbury (), F. B. Windeler and C. L. Nicholson (), F.

Thursby (captain), G. H. Windeler, E. H. Lawrie, H. M. Elder, C. Ll. Davies, W. W. Ellis, W. B. Mounsey, P. T. Robinson, and G. H. Wilkinson (forwards).

MARLBOROUGH NOMADS V. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE.— This, the first match of our annual tour, was played at Kettering on Boxing Day in a thick fog, and ended in a victory for the Nomads by a goal and a try to nothing, The play for some time was very even; at length Vans Agnew, getting an opening, made a short run and finished up by dropping a neat goal amid considerable cheering. After the kick out G. H. Kingston rendered good service to his side, and the Nomad goal was for a short time in danger; a rush of the forwards, headed by Thursby, Lawrie, and Davies, quickly transferred the game to Northamptonshire territory, and a try would have been obtained had it not been for the slippery state of the ball Wilkins then distinguished himself by making a splendid run, which ended in his gaining a try; no goal resulted. Up to half-time, and during the second half, the play was much more even. The Northamptonshire forwards played up very hard, and during the last ten minutes gave the Nomads some trouble to prevent their getting in. Beyond those above mentioned, Garland, and the brothers Windeler deserve mention.

Nomads-G. C. Alston (back), C. M. Wilkins, W. B. Kingsbury, J. D. Vans Agnew (), F. B. Windeler, A. S. Soden (1), F. Thursby (captain), G. G. Hawkins, G. H. Windeler, E. H. Lawrie, H. M. Elder, J. H. Dove, A. Ll. Davies, J. H. Garland, H. T. Ravenhill (forwards).

Northamptonshire :-Lindsay (back), Mason, H. J. Kingston, G. H. Kingston (), Denton, Burgers (), Hanger, Brudenell, Godfrey, Mobbs, Garrett, Phips, Bayers, Denton (forwards).

Umpires:-Nomads, R. M. Yetts; Northampton. shire, W. S. Godfrey. Referee:-F. S. Currey. Vice-President Rugby Football Union.

MARLBOROUGH NOMADS V. MANCHESTER.-Played on December 29th at Manchester. This proved to be a very unfortunate game for the Nomads. Directly the game was started the Nomads carried the ball into the Manchester 25 mark, and here they stopped for fully twenty minutes, unable to get in, but having numbers of opportunities to drop goals; this they endeavoured to do, but the tries were a succession of the most miserable failures. At length

the monotony of these futile efforts was varied by J. W. Hulse securing the ball and rushing through the Nomads; on being stopped by the three-quarters he passed to his brother, who in turn transferred the ball to D. J. M'Niven, who ran in and obtained a try, J. W. Hulse kicking the goal. Ends were changed, and Manchester were again penned, more shots at goal resulting in more failures. Again it was the fortune of J. W. Hulse to attack the visitors' goal, this time pa-sing to H. J. M'Niven, who passed it on to his brother, a try being the result, J. Hulse kicking another goal. The forward play of the Nomads was good to a man, and it would be invidious to mention names. F. N. Templer played well at half. The Nomads were a long way the best team forward, but were weaker behind, which probably accounted for their unlucky defeat by two goals to nothing. In the evening the Nomads were entertained at the Grand Hotel by the Manchester Club.

Nomads :-G. C. Alston (back), C. M. Wilkins, W. B. Kingsbury, J. D. Vans-Agnew (), F. B. Windeler, F. N. Templer, (), F. Thursby (capt.), C. Hawkins, G. H. Windeler, C. S. Rashdall, H. M. Elder, J. H. Dove, A. H. Davies, G. H. Garland, H. T. Ravenhill (forwards).

Manchester-Higgins (back), J. W. Hulse, W. S. Hulse, H. J. M'Niven (3), D. G. M'Niven, Bagshaw (), J. E. Fletcher (O.M.) (capt.), Hulme, Wormald, Ransome, Trevor-Smith, Solly, Clarke, Morgan, Keyworth (O.M.) (forwards).

Umpires- Nomads:-R. M. Yetts. Manchester:R. Walker. Referee - J. MacLaren, president of the Rugby Union.

MARLBOROUGH NOMADS V. FETTESIAN LORETTONIANS.This may be described as our best match as regards the play of the Nomads; we were beaten, but considering that our opponents' team was made up chiefly of the best University men, as well as some Scotch International men, we may fairly say that the result -a goal and a try to nothing-was not a disgraceful beating. In this match the Nomads had the services of F. H. Fox, who played a brilliant game and was constantly most heartily cheered by the spectators Had it not been for the pace of Don Wauchope, who was able to overtake him, the result of the game would probably have been very different. F. B. Windeler and F. N. Templer were very useful at half, their tackling being most serviceable. Wilkins

was unlucky in not gaining a try, as after a fine run he was stopped on the verge of the Fettesian line. One piece of play on the part of Fox must not be passed over; after having his kick charged down, he recovered himself beautifully, and put in a dashing run which was cheered to the echo. Thursby, Hawkins, and Keyworth deserve mention.

Nomads J. D. Vans-Agnew (back), W. B. Kingsbury, F. H. Fox, C. M. Wilkins (), F. N. Templer, F. B. Windeler (), F. Thursby (capt.), C. Hawkins, G. H. Windeler, J. H. Garland, A. H. Davies, C. S. Rashdall, J. H. Dove, J. B. Keyworth, H. M. Elder (forwards).

Fettesian Lorettonians :- W. P. Gornall (back), M F. Reid, D. J. Gillon (4), A. R. Don Wauchope, A. G. G. Asher (2), A. R. Patterson, C. W. Berry, F. J. C. M'Kenzie, H. Bramley, W. M. Douglas, H. F. Caldwell J. Steel, A. L. Williamson, P. A. Williamson, W. M. M'Leod.

Umpires- Nomads :-R. M. Yetts. Fettesian:J. G. Walker. Referee :-J. MacLaren, president of the Rugby Union.


MARLBOROUGH NOMADS V. HUDDERSFIELD. This match was played at Huddersfield on January 1st. The Nomads kicked off and tight scrimmages in the middle of the ground were the order of the day, until at length Templer getting possession of the ball passed to Wilkins, who eluded all the Huddersfield men and grounded the ball behind the goal-Vans-Agnew converting the try into a goal. This proved to be the only point of the day. Although the forwards, well supported by the backs, tried hard to add to the score, their efforts were not attended with success, and indeed, during the last seven minutes the Huddersfield men made matters very warm for the Nomads. Forward J. D. Vans-Agnew, Elder, Dove, Thursby and Windeler were especially noticeable; at half-back Templer played a grand game, well supported by F. B. Windeler, and Fox and Wilkins at (1).

Nomads:-G. C. Alston (back), C. M. Wilkins, F. H. Fox, W. B. Kingsbury (4), F. N. Templer, F. B. Windeler (4), F. Thursby (capt.), C. Hawkins, G. H. Windeler, H. M. Elder, J. H. Dove, J. D. Vans-Agnew, A. H. Davies, J. H. Garland, J. B. Keyworth (forwards).

Huddersfield-Wilson (back), Halstead, Wryley, Littlewood (), Sutcliff, Holmes (capt.) (capt.) (1),

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