Зображення сторінки


her to the utmost. The honour of the whole sex
concerned in the issue of her trial. Matrimony,
he sees, is in his power, now she is,
XVIII. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-Will not obey
her mother in her prohibition of their corre-
spondence and why. Is charmed with her
XIX. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Knows not what
she can do with Lovelace. He may thank him-
self for the trouble he has had on her account.
Did she ever, she asks, make him any promises?
Did she ever receive him as a lover?

XX. XXI. From the same. She calls upon

Lovelace to give her a faithful account of the

noise and voices she heard at the garden-door,

which frightened her away with him. His con-

fession, and daring hints in relation to Solmes,

and her brother, and Betty Barnes. She is ter-


XXII. Lovelace to Belford.-Rejoices in the stu-
pidity of the Harlowes. Exults in his capacity
for mischief. The condescensions to which he
intends to bring the lady. Libertine observations
to the disadvantage of women; which may serve
as cautions to the sex,

His pro-

XXIII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-A conversation
with Mr Lovelace wholly agreeable.
mises of reformation. She remembers, to his
advantage, his generosity to his Rosebud and
his tenants. Writes to her aunt Harvey,

XXIV. XXV. Lovelace to Belford. His ac-

knowledged vanity. Accounts for his plausible

behaviour, and specious promises and proposals.

Apprehensive of the correspondence between

Miss Howe and Clarissa. Loves to plague him
with out-of-the-way words and phrases, .
XXVI. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-How to judge
of Lovelace's suspicious proposals and promises.
Hickman devoted to their service. Yet she treats
him with ridicule,

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XXVII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Lovelace com-
plains, she hears, to Mrs Greme, of her adhering
to her injunctions. What means he by it, she
asks, yet forego such opportunities as he had?
She is punished for her vanity in hoping to be
an example. Blames Miss Howe for her beha-
viour to Hickman,
XXVIII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Warm dia-
logues with Lovelace. She is displeased with
him for his affectedly-bashful hints of matri-
mony. Mutual recriminations. He looks upon
her as his, she says, by a strange sort of obliga-
tion, for having run away with her against her
will. Yet but touches on the edges of matri-
mony neither. She is sick of herself,
XXIX. From the same.-Mr Lovelace a perfect
Proteus. He now applauds her for that treat-
ment of him which before he had resented; and
communicates to her two letters, one from Lady
Betty Lawrence, the other from Miss Montague.
She wonders that he did not produce those let-
ters before, as he must know they would be
highly acceptable to her,


same. The contents of the letters from Lady

Betty and Miss Montague put Clarissa in good

humour with Mr Lovelace. He hints at mar-

riage; but pretends to be afraid of pursuing the

hint. She is carnest with him to leave her; and

why. He applauds her reasonings. Her serious

questions, and his ludicrous answers. He makes

different proposals. He offers to bring Mrs Nor-

ton to her. She is ready to blame herself for her

doubts of him; but gives reasons for her caution.

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He writes by her consent to his friend Doleman,
to procure lodgings for her in town,
XXXIV. Lovelace to Belford.-Glories in his
contrivances. Gives an advantageous descrip-
tion of Clarissa's behaviour. Exults on her
mentioning London. None but impudent girls,
he says, should run away with a man. His far-
ther views, plots, and designs,
XXXV. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-Humorously
touches on her reproofs in relation to Hickman.
Observations on smooth love. Lord M.'s family
greatly admire her. Approves of her spirited
treatment of Lovelace, and of her going to Lon-
don. Hints at the narrowness of her own mother.
Advises her to keep fair with Lovelace,
XXXVI. XXXVII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.---
Wonders not that her brother has weight to
make her father irreconcilable. Copy of Mr
Doleman's answer about London lodgings. Her
caution in her choice of them. Lovelace has
given her five guineas for Hannah. Other in-
stances of his considerateness. Not displeased
with her present prospects,
XXXVIII. Lovelace to Belford.—Explains what
is meant by Doleman's answer about the lod-
gings. Makes Belford object to his scheme,
that he may answer the objections. Exults.
Swells. Despises everybody. Importance of
the minutia. More of his arts, views, and con-

XXXIX. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-Acquaints

her with a scheme formed by her brother and

Captain Singleton to carry her off. Hickman's

silent charities. She despises all his sex, as well

as him. Ill terms on which her own father and

mother lived. Extols Clarissa for her domestic

good qualities. Particulars of a great contest

with her mother, on their correspondence. Has

been slapt by her. Observations on managing


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XLIX. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-Observations
on Lovelace's meanness, pride, and revenge.
Politeness not to be expected from him. She
raves at him for the artful manner in which he
urges Clarissa to marry him. Advises her how
to act in her present situation,
La Belford to Lovelace.-Becomes a warm advo-
cate for the lady. Gives many instructive reasons
to enforce his arguments in her favour,
LI. Mrs Hervey to Clarissa.-A severe and cruel
letter in answer to hers, Letter XLVIII. It was
not designed, she says, absolutely to force her to
marry to her dislike,
LII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Her deep regret,
on this intelligence, for having met Lovelace.
The finer sensibilities make not happy. Her
fate too visibly in his power. He is unpolite,
cruel, insolent, unwise, a trifler with his own
happiness. Her reasons why she less likes him
than ever. Her soul his soul's superior. He
fortitude. Her prayer,

LIII. LIV. From the same.-Now indeed is her

heart broken, she says. A solemn curse laid upon

her by her father. Her sister's barbarous letters

on the occasion,

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LV. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-A letter full of
generous consolation and advice. Her friendly
Vow. Sends her fifty guineas in the leaves of a
Norris's miscellanies,

LVI. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-A faithful friend

the medicine of life. She is just setting out for

London. Lovelace has offered marriage to her

in so unreserved a manner, that she wishes she

had never written with diffidence of him. Is

sorry it was not in her power to comply with his

carnest solicitations. Returns her Norris: and


LVII. LVIII. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-Sorry

she has returned her Norris. Wishes she had

accepted of Lovelace's unreserved offer of mar-

riage. Believes herself to have a sneaking kind-

ness for Hickman: and why. She blames Mrs

Harlowe and why,

In answer to Letter LVII. Clarissa states the dif-

ference in the characters of Mr Lovelace and

Mr Hickman; and tells her, that her motives

for suspending marriage were not merely cere-

monious ones. Regrets Mrs Howe's forbidding

the correspondence between them. Her dutiful

apology for her own mother. Lesson to chil-


LIX. Lovelace to Belford.-Thinks he shall be

inevitably manacled at last. The lady's extreme

illness. Her filial piety gives her dreadful faith

in a father's curses. She lets not Miss Howe

know how very ill she was. His vows of mar-

riage bring her back to life. Absolutely in car-

nest in those vows. [The only time he was so.]

He can now talk of love and marriage with-

out check. Descants upon Belford's letter,

No. L.

LX. From the same. Is setting out for London.

A struggle with his heart. Owns it to be a vil-

lain of a heart. A fit of strong, but transitory

remorse. If he do marry, he doubts he shall

have a vapourish wife. Thinks it would be bet-

for both not to marry. His libertine reasons.

Lessons to the sex,

LXI. From the same. They arrive at Mrs Sin-

clair's. Sally Martin and Polly Horton set

upon him. He wavers in his good purposes.

Dorcas Wykes proposed, and reluctantly accept-

ed for a servant, till Hannah can come.

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LXIX. Clarissa to Miss Howe. An attempt to

induce her to admit Miss Partington to a share

in her bed for that night. She refuses. Her

reasons. Is highly dissatisfied,.

. . 130

LXX. From the same. Has received an angry

letter from Mrs Howe, forbidding her to corre-

spond with her daughter. She advises compli-

ance, though against herself; and, to induce

her to it, makes the best of her present prospects, 131

LXXI. Miss Howe. In answer.-Flames out
upon this step of her mother. Insists upon con-
tinuing the correspondence. Her menaces if
Clarissa write not. Raves against Lovelace.
But blames her for not obliging Miss Parting-
ton; and why. Advises her to think of settle-
ments. Likes Lovelace's proposal of Mrs
Fretchville's house,

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LXXII. Clarissa. In reply.—Terrified at her
menaces, she promises to continue writing. Be-
seeches her to learn to subdue her passions. Has
just received her clothes,
LXXIII. Mr Hickman to Clarissa.--Miss
Howe, he tells her, is uneasy for the vexation
she has given her. If she will write on as before,
Miss Howe will not think of doing what she is
so apprehensive of. He offers her his most
faithful services,
LXXIV. LXXV. Lovelace to Belford.-Tells
him how much the lady dislikes the confrater-
nity; Belford as well as the rest. Has had a
warm debate with her in her behalf. Looks
upon her refusing a share in her bed to Miss
Partington as suspecting and defying him.
Threatens her. Savagely glories in her grief,
on receiving Mrs Howe's prohibitory letter;
which appears to be instigated by himself,
LXXVI. Belford to Lovelace.-His and his com-
peers' high admiration of Clarissa. They all
join to entreat him to do her justice,
LXXVII. LXXVIII. Lovelace. In answer.-
Endeavours to palliate his purposes by familiar
instances of cruelty to birds, &c.-Farther cha-
racteristic reasonings in support of his wicked
designs. The passive condition to which he
wants to bring the lady,

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LXXIX. Belford. In reply. Still warmly ar-

gues in behalf of the lady. Is obliged to attend

a dying uncle; and entreats him to write from

time to time an account of all his proceedings, 140

LXXX. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Lovelace, she

says, complains of the reserves he gives occasion

for. His pride a dirty low pride, which has

eaten up his prudence. He is sunk in her opi-

nion. An afflicting letter sent her from her

cousin Morden,

Encloses the letter. In which her cousin (swayed

by the representation of her brother) pleads in

behalf of Solmes, and the family views; and

sets before her, in strong and just lights, the

character of a libertine.

Her heavy reflections upon the contents. Her ge-
nerous prayer.

LXXXI. Clarissa to Miss Howc.-He presses

her to go abroad with him; yet mentions not
the ceremony that should give propriety to his
urgency. Cannot bear the life she lives. Wishes
her uncle Harlowe to be sounded by Mr Hick-
man, as to a reconciliation. Memnell introdu-
ced to her. Will not take another step with
Lovelace till she know the success of the propo-
sed application to her uncle,
Substance of two letters from Lovelace to Bel-
ford; in which he tells him who Memnell is, and
gives an account of many new contrivances and


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play. The title of it, The Quarrelsome Lovers.
Perseverance his glory; patience his hand-maid.
Attempts to get a letter the lady had dropt as
she sat. Her high indignation upon it. Far-
ther plots. Paul Wheatly who, and for what
employed. Sally Martin's reproaches. Has
overplotted himself. Human nature a well-
known rogue,
LXXXIII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Acquaints
her with their present quarrel. Finds it impru-
dent to stay with him. Re-urges the applica-
tion to her uncle. Cautions her sex with regard
to the danger of being misled by the eye,
LXXXIV. Miss Howe. In answer.-Approves
of her leaving Lovelace. New stories of his
wickedness. Will have her uncle sounded.
Comforts her. How much her case differs from
that of any other female fugitive. She will be
an example, as well as a warning. A picture of
Clarissa's happiness before she knew Lovelace.
Brief sketches of her exalted character. Adver-
sity her shining time,

LXXXV. Clarissa. In reply.-Has a contest

with Lovelace about going to church. He

obliges her again to accept of his company to St


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XCII. From the same.-Interesting conversation
with Lovelace. He frightens her. He men-
tions settlements. Her modest encouragements
of him. He evades. True generosity what. She
requires his proposals of settlements in writing.
Examines herself on her whole conduct to Love-
lace. Maidenly niceness not her motive for the
distance she has kept him at. What his. In-
vites her correction if she deceives herself,
XCIII. From the same.-With Mr Lovelace's
written proposals. Her observations on the cold
conclusion of them. He knows not what every
wise man knows, of the prudence and delicacy
required in a wife,

XCIV. From the same. Mr Lovelace presses for

the day; yet makes a proposal which must ne-

cessarily occasion a delay. Her unreserved and

pathetic answer to it. He is affected by it. She

rejoices that he is penetrable. He presses for

her instant resolution; but at the same time in-

sinuates delay. Seeing her displeased, he urges

for the morrow; but, before she can answer,

gives her the alternative of other days. Yet,

wanting to reward himself, as if he had obliged

her, she repulses him on a liberty he would

have taken. He is enraged. Her melancholy

reflections on her future prospects with such a

man. The moral she deduces from her story.

[A note, defending her conduct from the cen-

sure which passed upon her as over nice,]. . 166

Extracts from four of his letters; in which he
glories in his cruelty. Hardheartedness he owns
to be an essential of the libertine character. En-
joys the confusion of a fine woman.
His apos-
trophe to virtue. Ashamed of being visibly af-
fected. Enraged against her for repulsing him.
Will steel his own heart, that he may cut
through a rock of ice to hers. The women
afresh instigate him to attempt her virtue.

XCV. Miss Howe to Clarissa.-Is enraged at

his delays. Will think of some scheme to get

her out of his hands. Has no notion that he can

or dare to mean her dishonour. Women do not

naturally hate such men as Lovelace, . . . 170

XCVI. Belford to Lovelace.-Warmly espouses
the lady's cause. Nothing but vanity and non-
sense in the wild pursuits of libertines. For his
own sake, for his family's sake, and for the sake
of common humanity, he beseeches him to do
the lady justice,
XCVII. Lord M. to Mr Belford.-A proverbial
letter in the lady's favour,

XCVIII. Lovelace to Belford.-He ludicrously

turns Belford's arguments against him. Re-

sistance inflames him. Why the gallant is pre-

ferred to the husband. Gives a piece of advice

to married women. Substance of his letter to

Lord M., desiring him to give the lady to him

in person. His view in this letter. Ridicules

Lord M. for his proverbs. Ludicrous advice to

Belford in relation to his dying uncle. What

physicians should do when a patient is given

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XCIX. Belford to Lovelace.-Sets forth the folly,
the inconvenience, the impolicy of KEEPING,
and the preference of MARRIAGE, upon the foot
of their own principles, as libertines,

C. Lovelace to Belford.-Affects to mistake the in-

tention of Belford's letter, and thanks him for

approving his present scheme. The seduction

progress is more delightful to him, he says,

than the crowning act,.


CI. From the same. All extremely happy at pre-
sent. Contrives a conversation for the lady to
overhear. Platonic love, how it generally ends.
Will get her to a play; likes not tragedies. Has
too much feeling. Why men of his cast prefer
comedy to tragedy. The nymphs, and Mrs Sin-
clair, and all their acquaintance, of the same
mind. Other artifices of his. Could he have
been admitted in her hours of dishabille and
heedlessness, he had been long ago master of
his wishes. His view in getting her to a play;
a play, and a collation afterwards, greatly be-
friends a lover's designs, and why. She consents
to go with him to see the tragedy of Venice Pre-

CII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Gives the particu-

lars of the overheard conversation. Thinks her

prospects a little mended. Is willing to com-

poand for tolerable appearances, and to hope,

when reason for hope offers,


CIII. Miss Howe to Clarissa. Her scheme of
Mrs Townsend. Is not for encouraging deal-
ers in prohibited goods; and why. Her humo-
rous treatment of Hickman on consulting him
upon Lovelace's proposals of settlements,

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CIV. From the same. Her account of Antony
Harlowe's address to her mother, and of what
passed on her mother's communicating it to her.
Copy of Mrs Howe's answer to his letter,
CV. CVI. Lovelace to Belford.-Comes at several
letters of Miss Howe. He is now more assured
of Clarissa than ever; and why. Sparkling eyes,
what they indicate. She keeps him at distance.
Repeated instigations from the women.
count of the letters he has come at.
All rage

and revenge upon the contents of them. Mena-

ces Hickman. Wishes Miss Howe had come

up to town, as she threatened,


CVII. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Is terrified by

him. Disclaims prudery. Begs of Miss Howe

to perfect her scheme, that she may leave him.

She thinks her temper changed for the worse.

Trembles to look back upon his encroachments.

Is afraid, on the close self-examination which
her calamities have caused her to make, that
even in the best actions of her past life she has
not been quite free from secret pride, &c. Tears
almost in two the answer she had written to his
proposals. Intends to go out next day, and not
to return. Her farther intentions,
CVIII. Lovelace to Belford.-Meets the lady at
breakfast. Flings the tea-cup and saucer over
his head. The occasion. Alarms and terrifies
her by his free address. Romping, the use of it
to a lover. Will try if she will not yield to
nightly surprises. A lion-hearted lady where
her honour is concerned. Must have recourse
to his master-strokes. Fable of the sun and
north wind. Mrs Fretchville's house an embar-
rass. He gives that pretended lady the small-
pox. Other contrivances in his head to bring
Clarissa back, if she should get away. Miss
Howe's scheme of Mrs Townsend is, he says, a
sword hanging over his head. He must change
his measures to render it abortive. He is of the
true lady-make. What that is. Another con-
versation between them. Her apostrophe to
her father. He is temporally moved. Dorcas
gives him notice of a paper she has come at,
and is transcribing. In order to detain the lady,
he presses for the day. Miss Howe he fancies
in love with him; and why. He sees Clarissa
does not hate him,

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another proverbial letter he has sent him. Per-
mits the lady to see it. Nine women in ten that
fall, fall, he says, through their own fault, .
CXIII. Lord M.'s characteristic letter,
CXIV. Lovelace to Belford. The lady now comes
to him at the first word. Triumphs in her sweet-
ness of temper, and on her patience with him.
Puts his writings into Counsellor Williams's
hands, to prepare settlements. Shall now be
doubly armed. Boasts of his contrivance in
petto. Brings patterns to her. Proposes jewels.
Admires her for her prudence with regard to
what he puts her upon doing for her Norton.
What his wife must do and be. She declines a
public wedding. Her dutiful reasons.
willing to dispense with Lord M.'s presence.
He writes to Lord M. accordingly,

Extract from a letter of Clarissa.-After giving

Miss Howe an account of the present favour-

able appearances, she desires her to keep to her-

self all such of the particulars which he has

communicated to her as may discredit Mr Love-

CXV. Lovelace to Belford.-His projected plot
to revenge himself upon Miss Howe,

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Again makes Belford object, in order to explain
his designs by answering the objections. John
Harlowe a sly sinner. Hardhearted reasons for
giving the lady a gleam of joy. Illustrated by
a story of two sovereigns at war,
Extracts from Clarissa's letter to Miss Howe. She
rejoices in her present agreeable prospects. At-
tributes much to Mr Hickman. Describes Cap-
tain Tomlinson. Gives a character of Lovelace,
[which is necessary to be attended to; especial-
ly by those who have thought favourably of him
for some of his liberal actions, and hardly of her
for the distance she at first kept him at.]
CXXV. Lovelace to Belford.-Letter from Lord
M. His farther arts and precautions. His hap-
py day promised to be soon. His opinion of the
clergy, and of going to church. She pities
everybody who wants pity. Loves everybody.
He owns he should be the happiest of men,
could he get over his prejudices against matri-
mony. Draughts of settlements. Ludicrously
accounts for the reason why she refuses to hear
them read to her. Law and gospel two different
things. Sally flings her handkerchief in his face, 239

. 217 | CXXVI. Lovelace to Belford.-Has made the

lady more than once look about her. She owns

that he is more than indifferent to her. Checks

him with sweetness of temper for his encroach-

ing freedoms. Her proof of true love. He ridi-

cules marriage purity. Severely reflects upon

public freedoms between men and their wives.

Advantage he once made upon such an occasion.

Has been after a licence. Difficulty in procuring

one. Great faults and great virtues often in the

same person. He is willing to believe that wo-

men have no souls. His whimsical reasons,

CXXVII. From the same.-Almost despairs of

succeeding (as he had hoped) by love and gen-

tleness. Praises her modesty. His encroaching

freedoms resented by her. The woman, he ob-

serves, who resents not initiatory freedoms, must

be lost. He reasons, in his free way, upon her

delicacy. Art of the eastern monarchs,

CXXVIII. From the same.-A letter from Cap-

tain Tomlinson makes all up. Her uncle Har-

lowe's pretended proposal big with art and plau-

sible delusion. She acquiesces in it. He writes

to the pretended Tomlinson, on an affecting hint

of hers, requesting that her uncle Harlowe would,

in person, give his niece to him, or permit Tom-

linson to be his proxy on the occasion. And now

for a little mine, he says, which he has ready to



CXXIX. Belford to Lovelace.-Again earnestly

expostulates with him in the lady's favour. Re-

members and applauds the part she bore in the

conversation at his collation. The frothy wit of

libertines how despicable. Censures the folly,

the weakness, the grossness, the unpermanency

of sensual love. Calls some of his contrivances

trite, stale, and poor. Beseeches him to remove

her from the vile house. How many dreadful

stories could the horrid Sinclair tell the sex!

Scrious reflections on the dying state of his


CXXX. Lovelace to Belford.-Cannot yet pro-
cure a licence. Has secured a retreat, if not
victory. Defends in anger the simplicity of his
inventive contrivances. Enters upon his gene-
ral defence, compared with the principles and
practice of other libertines. Heroes and warlike
kings worse men than he. Epitome of his and
the lady's story after ten years' cohabitation.
Caution to those who would censure him. Had

CXVI. From the same.--Fresh contrivances
crowd in upon him. He shall be very sick on
the morrow; and why. Women below imper-
tinently reproachful. He will be no man's suc-
cessor. Will not take up with harlots. Histo-
ry of the French marquis,
CXVII. From the same.-An agreeable airing
with the lady. Delightfully easy she. Obse-
quiously respectful he. Miss Howe's plot now
no longer his terror. Gives the particulars of
their agreeable conversation while abroad,

CXVIII. From the same.An account of his

ipecacuanha plot. Instructs Dorcas how to act

surprise and terror. Monosyllables and trisyl-

lables to what likened. Politeness lives not in

a storm. Proclamation criers. The lady now

he sees loves him. Her generous tenderness for

him. He has now credit for a new score. De-

fies Mrs Townsend,

CXIX. Clarissa to Miss Howe.-Acknowledged
tenderness for Lovelace. Love for a man of er-
rors punishable, .
CXX. Lovelace to Belford-Suspicious inquiry
after him and the lady by a servant in livery
from one Captain Tomlinson. Her terrors on
the occasion. His alarming management. She
resolves not to stir abroad. He exults upon her
not being willing to leave him,.
CXXI. CXXII. From the same.-Arrival of
Captain Tomlinson, with a pretended commis-
sion from Mr John Harlowe to set on foot a ge-
neral reconciliation, provided he can be convin-
Iced that they are actually married. Different
conversations on this occasion. The lady insists
that the truth be told to Tomlinson. She car-
ries her point though to the disappointment of
one of his private views. He forms great hopes
of success from the effects of his ipecacuanha

CXXIII. From the same.He makes such a fair
representation to Tomlinson of the situation be-
tween him and the lady, behaves so plausibly,
and makes an overture so generous, that she is
all kindness and unreserve to him. Her affect-
ing exultation on her amended prospects. His
unusual sensibility upon it. Reflections on the
good effects of education. Pride an excellent
substitute to virtue,

CXXIV. From the same.-Who Tomlinson is.

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