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DR. LIVINGSTONE's travels have shown us another world to conquer; another farextending battle ground where we may war a good warfare on behalf of suffering and oppressed man. His heroic daring and sublime persistence have opened the gates into a new world: but it is a world of men; of men needing the gospel of Christ, needing its message of freedom. Livingstone is not a mere geographer, adding another line to our school books and putting a few unpronounceable names on our maps and globes. He is a missionary of Christ. He himself said, "The end of the geographical feat is the beginning of the missionary enterprise."

But one of the first things we ought to do is to get rid of that awful and brutal system of eastern slavery which he has laid bare. Speaking of it, he says, "If I am permitted, in any way, to promote its suppression, I shall not grudge the time and toil I have spent. It would be better to lessen human woe than to discover the sources of the Nile." It is a painful and humiliating fact, though little known, that the worst barbarities of slavery are daily practised in the wide man-hunting grounds of Central Africa, the valleys of the Nile, and the East Coasts

adjacent to Zanzibar. Not less than 500,000 men and women are carried off annually from these regions, and 70,000 are sold in the markets of Zanzibar, Arabia, and Asiatic Turkey: the remainder of those seized dying from thirst, hunger, and fatigue, in forced marches, or from overcrowding and cruelty on board slavers.* But the worst aspect of this subject is that the English Government has, in its treaties with the princes of Zanzibar, officially recognized this trade. Surely we ought to wipe our hands clean of all complicity with this "sum of all villanies," and to seek, in every way we can, to extinguish slavery in the East as we have done in the West. We are glad to find, since writing the above, that the Queen's Speech contains the following:-" My Government has taken steps intended to prepare the way for dealing more effectually with the Slave Trade on the East, Coast of Africa." This is a miserably weak way of putting the matter, but we are willing to hope that the performance may be better than the promise.

J. C.

* Cf. The Slave Trade in Africa in 1872. By E. F. Berlioux. London: E. Marsh, 12, Bishopsgate Street Without. A work in which all the evidence is carefully collected and clearly stated.


SPEAKING of the massacre of the French Protestants on Bartholomew's Day, an illustrious magistrate of the sixteenth century said, "Let it be blotted out from the memory of man." This cannot be. Great crimes against mankind are full of great lessons. They ought not to be forgotten. Great crimes against the saints of the most High God call forth faith, courage, and heroism. We must not walk with heedless steps over the graves of God's martyrs.

French Protestantism was born in the throes of a great anguish. It fed on suffering. It grew up amid fire and blood and vapour of smoke. The flames of persecution always glared on its path. Death was ever on its track. From 1521, when the Gospel of the Reformation was first preached in Meaux, four years after Luther nailed his theses against indulgences upon the door of his cathedral, on to the Revolution of 1789, when religious equality was proclaimed, the Protestant church of France was in grave peril. Popery could only rest when it was trampling out its life.

The darkest day of all was August 24, 1572. Just 300 years ago, the horrible slaughter, long premeditated and well

planned began. Admiral Coligny, the chief layman of the French Protestant church, and the greatest captain of christendom, was the first to fall. Thousands upon thousands followed in the awful carnage. Tumult and disorder ruled. Rivers of blood flowed in the streets. The dead bodies of men, women, and children, blocked up the doorways. It was a feast of cannibals. De Thou says 30,000, Sulley says 70,000, were destroyed. Add, too, all that were killed by hunger and grief, and not less than 100,000 deaths testify to the fiendish hate and barbarous cruelty of the Papists. It is the greatest crime of the Christian era.

It was an Italian crime. It was a Roman Catholic crime. This is beyond dispute. Popes never ceased to demand the extermination of the chiefs of the Huguenot party. And when the blood of the victims deluged the streets of Paris, the papal clergy celebrated an extraordinary jubilee, and made a general triumphant procession. In Rome the College of Cardinals offered solemn thanksgivings, and the Pope caused the guns to be fired and a medal to be struck in honour of the disgraceful victory. The execrable slaughter was the deed and the glory of Roman Catholicism.

The two antagonists that fought three hundred years ago are at war, as deadly, as on that memorable Sunday morning. The spirit of the Reformation, which is the spirit of freedom; and the spirit of the Papacy, which is the spirit of priestly domination, are still the same. The first asserts religious equality, the necessity of personal action, the equal rights of all who form the brotherhood of Christ. The second denies the right of personal action, suppresses all but the priest, reviews the crimes that redden its annals, and declares that it knows no change. The crown and flower of the former is, perfected humanity; of the latter, the Bartholomew massacre.

Yet this spirit of sacerdotalism is, as innumerable signs declare, the spirit that dwells and rules in the body of the so-called Protestant Church of England. Love of truth, of manhood, and of Christ's free gospel, requires us to oppose Roman Catholicism with all our might. And since nothing so effectually fosters Popery as the Established Church, we ought not to leave a stone unturned by which we may altogether liberate the religion of Christ from State patronage and control. The best memorial to the Protestant martyrs would be the completion of their work.

J. C,


THE MIDSUMMER MORNING SERMONS TO YOUNG MEN AND MAIDENS, preached at Bloomsbury Chapel. By Rev. W. Brock. London: Pask, 39, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn, W. C., and Stock, Paternoster Row.

Ir affords us unmingled gratification to receive this volume of sermons from the pen of the preacher of Bloomsbury chapel. Dr. Brock has been known for many years as the real friend and trusted counsellor of the young; and his ministry has been appreciated by and blessed to "young men and maidens" in an unprecedented degree: hence a more fitting memorial of his ministry could not have been chosen than these twenty sermons. They display all the well-known characteristics of Dr. Brock's preaching in a large measure. Broad, strong, manly sense, careful and elaborate preparation, a decisiveness of tone born of clearness and force of conviction, pungency of appeal, and direct practicalness are everywhere apparent. He speaks out of a heart sympathetic with the young in their early perils and fondest hopes; but as one assured that safety in the midst of danger, and the true attainment of life's best aspirations, are found only in Christ Jesus. Young men and maidens all over the land will do well to get these living words, and to treasure them in their hearts.

THE GENERAL BAPTIST YEAR BOOK, 1872. London: Marlborough. Leicester: Winks & Son.

OUR "Minutes" for 1872 are full of suggesgestive material. The "Reports of the Churches" show that an unusual amount of attention is being given to the renova

tion and modernising of chapels and school-rooms, and to the question of chapel buildings altogether. Town churches, too, are taking up new village stations. Sunday school work is assuming greater importance. Many of these reports are very instructive. This Handbook, though made less complete this year than last to avoid expense, which we much regret, reflects credit on its compiler, and deserves the attention of all interested in the affairs of Christ's kingdom amongst us.

JESUS CHRIST AND MODERN SOCIAL LIFE. By J. Clifford, M.A., LL.B. London: Marlborough. Leicester: Winks & Son. INSTEAD of asking any one to notice this address we insert two extracts, one from an American, and the other from an English paper.

"We have read it with eminent satisfaction. In both substance and form it is very admirable. Its argument is as strong as its rhetoric is choice. It represents at once original thought, wide reading, and careful culture. Best of all it is animated throughout with a spirit equally earnest, trustful, heroic, and devout. . . . . It is a thoughtful, able, discriminating, earnest, and effective plea for Christianity, and for a wiser, steadier, more comprehensive, and more practical application of the saving forces which Christ offers us."-From a Leader on the Address in the Morning Star, the organ of the Free-will Baptists of America, July 24, 1872.

"It is an earnest and forcible exposition of the divine method of human improvement by personal conversion and faith, through Christ, as contrasted with Communism, Positivism, and State-Mechanism. It is a noble address."-Freeman, July 26.


The next MIDLAND CONFERENCE will be held at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Tuesday, Sept. 17. Morning subject-"Individual effort in Christian work": Writer, the Rev. J. Wilshire. Afternoon subject-"The Conversion of our young people, and their reception into the church": Writer, the Rev. J. P. Tetley. C. CLARKE, Secretary,

The LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE CONFERENCE was held at Clayton, Aug. 14. The Rev. W. Stubbings, presided at the morning service. A paper was read by the Rev. W. Chapman on the question, "How can we best increase the efficiency, and utilize the services of our local preachers?" It was followed by a very animated discussion, in which a goodly number of the brethren took part. In the afternoon the Rev. J. A. Andrews took the chair. Baptized since last conference, fifty-five.

Resolved-I. That the deputation appointed to visit the friends at Hyde Road, Manchester, be thanked for their services, and that the Revs. W. Gray, E. K. Everett, and the Secretary, be requested to watch over this infant cause, and to render the best advice and help they can.

II. That the next Conference be held at Dewsbury, on Wednesday, Dec. 18, and that the Rev. E. K. Everett be the preacher. III. That we very cordially welcome into this Conference and district the Rev. J. R. Godfrey, of Nazebottom (a branch of the church at Heptonstall Slack.)

IV. That this Conference feeling deeply that the success of the denomination depends largely upon the number and efficiency of occasional preachers, recommends the churches to look out young men of piety and ability, and encourage them to engage in the work of preaching: and also to add to the congregational and Sunday school libraries some books likely to be helpful to occasional preachers; and it further recommends the pastors of churches to take the occasional preachers under their supervision, with a view to increase their efficiency.

V. That this Conference recommends the formation of an Occasional Preacher's Association for this district, and that Mr. J. S. Gill be the convener of a meeting for this purpose.

P.S. A good Centenary Meeting was held in the evening; but it would have been more pleasing and encouraging if there had been a larger audience to enjoy it.

JAMES MADEN, Secretary.


The secretary acknowledges, with thanks, the receipt of 5s. in postage stamps, from a female friend. C. CLARKE, Secretary.


ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH.-Re-opening of the Baptist Chapel.-This chapel which was built in 1862, has been closed three Sundays for cleaning and renovation. Messrs. Bird and Dyer have washed the ceiling and walls, Mr. Joseph Salisbury has painted the interior of the chapel and Mr. Belton the exterior. On Sunday, Aug. 4, the Rev. C. Clarke, B.A., minister of the place, preached afternoon and evening. On Tuesday, Aug. 6, a public tea was provided in the Market Hall at one shilling each, the clear proceeds of the tea being fourteen guineas. Thirty-two trays had been given. In the evening a meeting was held in the chapel. The chair was taken by W. Joyce, Esq., surgeon. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. C. H. Boden and Thomas Mays, of Ashby, and the Rev. Robert Ann, minister of the Union Chapel, Handsworth, and J. C. Stokes, Esq., of Birmingham. Collections were made. The cost of renovation and extras was £55 12s. 10d., and before the meeting separated the minister announced that the whole of this amount had been realised.

GREAT GRIMSBY. Freeman Street.-New Organ Opening Service.-On June the 28th, a selection of vocal and instrumental music was given. J. H. Clough, Esq., of Bradford, presided. The vocalists were all amateurs, and chiefly composed of the chapel choir. Several pieces from Handel's Messiah, and from Haydn, and Mendelssohn were performed in an admirable manner. The following is a description of the organ :-Great organ: compass CC to G 3. 1. Open diapason, metal, 8 feet, 56 pipes. 2. Stopped bass, wood. 3. Clarabella, 38 feet, 56, pipes. 4. Dulciana, metal, 8 feet, 44 pipes. 5. Principal, metal, feet, 56 pipes. 6. Mixture (12th and 15th), metal, 112 pipes. Swell organ: compass CC to G 3. 7. Open diapason, metal, 8 feet, 44 pipes. 8. Stop diapason, wood and metal, 8 feet, 56 pipes. 9. Principal, metal, 4 feet, 56 pipes. 10. Piccolo, metal, 2 feet, 56 pipes. Trumpet, 8 feet, 56 pipes. Pedal organ: CCC to C. 12. Bourdon, wood, 16 feet, 25 pipes. Couplers: 13. Swell to great. 14. Swell to pedal. 15. Great to pedal. Three composition pedals. The whole


of the stops reach throughout the manuals, except the stop diapason bass, which with the clarabella, complete the perfect scale. The organ is enclosed in a case of Ionic design, and the front pipes are all open speaking pipes, their decoration being a simple fleur-de-lis, with a border at the top, worked out in gilt and diapered, the whole presenting a chaste and rich appearance. The organ is pronounced by competent judges to be well-balanced and very effective, and the tone is particularly sweet and exquisite. The instrument was built by Messrs. Brinley and Foster, of Sheffield, and cost £210. Previous to the opening services, upwards of £130 was subscribed, £35 being realised by a bazaar. Two sermons were preached on the following Sunday, by the Rev. J. Parkes, of Louth. The total raised is £160.


LONDON, Praed Street-Chapel Reopening.-Considerable alterations have been made in this old fashioned chapel. The pulpit, with the vestries and back gallery, have been removed, and the building has been enlarged by the addition of a woodlined panelled recess, with coved ceiling, containing a raised platform with minister's vestry underneath. A concealed staircase gives private access to the platform, vestries and school-rooms. The old seating and gallery fronts have been removed. The new seats are stained, with sloping backs and benches and moulded ends. The gallery front is formed of ornamental curved iron panels with moulded bookboard; these, with a slight alteration of one of the old mouldings, have reduced the apparent height of the front, crush, at times of exit, has been relieved by a new outer door. The gas-lighting has been reconstructed by the use of six "stars" pendant from the ceiling, and of wall brackets under the galleries. ventilation has been improved. A new baptistery, with vestry, class-rooms, have been made; these, with a new staircase to the school-room, additional window light both to the chapel and class-rooms, a private lavatory, and a number of "domestic" conveniences, complete the list of alterations. With the exception of the seating and wall lining thereto, the whole of the chapel internally has been painted in colours, by the careful arrangement of which a considerable effect of "roominess" has been obtained. The outside has not been altered, it has only been repainted. Before the alteration the congregation were put to many inconveniences in finding accommodation. Now there are ninety-two additional sittings available to the regular attendants, and greater space and comfort, is given to each person. The works, at a cost of about £800, have been carried out from the designs and under the superin


tendence of the architect, J. Wallis Chapman, of London, who has given immense pleasure by the surprising improvement he has skilfully effected in the old building. It does him great and lasting credit. Opening services were held on Wednesday, July 24, the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon preaching in the afternoon, and Mr. G. F. Bayley (in the place of Mr. R. Johnson, who was unable to attend,) presiding at the public meeting in the evening. Other opening sermons were preached by Revs. F. Greeves, H.Varley, and the pastor. Over £200 were given or promised; and in order that the movement may not seriously interfere with the church's greater work-the building of Westbourne Park Chapel-it is arranged to appropriate the money paid for the additional lettable seats to pay for the renovation.

NEW BASFORD.-Our NEW CHAPEL was opened on Thursday, July 11th, when a sermon was preached in the evening by the Rev. J. Wilshire. Owing to the excessive unfavourableness of the weather the congregation was limited, but the collection good. On Sunday, July 14, two sermons were preached by the Rev. Alcorn. On Sunday, July 21, the Rev. W. Woods, preached in the morning, and the Rev. T. Goadby, B.A., in the evening. A tea meeting was held on Monday, July 29, and after tea a public meeting in the chapel, at which B. Walker, Esq., presided. The Revs. J. Wilshire, W. R. Stevenson, M.A., J. Stevenson, M.A., J. Fletcher, J. Felstead, and Messrs. Dean, and J. T. Marriott (Regent's Park College), took part. An interesting selection of sacred music was given by the choir. Mr. Spendlove, secretary of the building committee, read a statement, which showed that the chapel was opened with a debt of £375 upon it. The chairman said he was very anxious to see this amount brought down to £200 during the next year, and he generously promised £50 himself if the friends would raise the remainder of the £175. After the strain we have already borne for some time, the church and congregation did not feel prepared to do as much as this. But as Mr. Joseph Clarke kindly came forward and promised half of the £75, some have great hope that, through his generosity and that of Mr. Walker and our own special efforts, our debt may be reduced to the extent of £175 during the coming year. We had a large attendance at our tea meeting and at the public meeting afterwards. We feel that we have great cause for thankfulness that our success, as to the money we have been enabled to raise, has gone so far beyond our expectations; and our prayer now is that a very enlarged spiritual prosperity may be given to us in our new chapel.


THE LINCOLNSHIRE AND CAMBRIDGESHIRE GENERAL BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION held its forty-fourth anniversary at Spalding, July 18. The prayer meeting began at 7.0 a.m., and at ten o'clock the Rev. J. C. Jones, M.A., took the chair. Reports of the various schools were read. At eleven the Rev. B. Hackett preached the annual sermon from the parable of the sower, Luke viii. 4-9. At 2.30 Mr. Franks, of Gedney, gave the annual address. Mr.

Best, of Boston, read a paper on "The best means of promoting the regular and punc. tual attendance of teachers and scholars." A discussion followed, in which Rev. J. Jolly, Messrs, T. Sharman, J. Ward, Godsmark, and Pentney, took part. At 6.30 a platform meeting was held, presided over by Mr. Franks, and addresses were given on Sunday school work by the Revs. W. Sharman, J. Jolly, A. Jones, J. C. Jones, M.A., Messrs. T. Sharman, J. Ward, and W. Green. Votes of thanks were given to Mr. Best for his paper, to Rev. B. Hackett for his sermon, and he was requested to send the substance of it to the Magazine. Also to the friends at Spalding for their kind reception and abundant provision. next meeting is to be held at Gosberton, the last Thursday but one in July, 1873. Preacher, Rev. J. Jolly, or in case of failure, Rev. E. Bott. Chairman, Mr. J. Ward, of Boston. The subject of the annual paper for next year, "Illustration, its uses and abuses considered in relation to Sunday school instruction." Writer, the Rev. J. C. Jones, M.A.


GREAT GRIMSBY.-Freeman Street.-Anniversary services were held Aug. 4th and 5th.

Rev. J. Stevenson, M.A., preached, and also addressed the parents and children. A public tea was held on the 5th, at which there was a good attendance. The tea was provided by subscriptions. A public meeting was held in the chapel, Mr. J. K. Rigall in the chair. Addresses were given by Rev. J. Stevenson, M,A., Mr. Wm. Rudd, Rev. W. Garwood, Rev. R. Smart, land Mr. Thos. Stephenson. From the secretary's report it appeared that the number of scholars on the books was 230, the number of teachers 20, and the amount received during the year £35 15s. 10d, the expenditure £28 18s. 6d. The library, which was commenced on the first Sunday in January, had 132 volumes in it, the amount received since its commencement was £13 Os. 8d., of which they had already spent £11 6s. 10d. There were fifty members, and the books were thoroughly circulated. The collections were good.

HINCKLEY.-Our old school rooms have long been extremely inconvenient and have recently become so dilapidated that to put

them in proper repair would require a sum that would go far towards erecting new rooms, we have resolved, therefore, to build at a cost of about £400. Towards this sum £110 have already been subscribed, and we now appeal for help. The building is now in progress, and will be completed by the middle of September. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Rev. J. Parkinson, pastor of the church, or by any of the following members of the building committee:-Mr. S. Buckingham, Spring Hill Cottage; Mr. G. Bacon, Castle Street; Mr. S. Payne, Leicester Road; Mr. T. Aucott, the Borough. Will friends help at once?

NETHERTON.-The Sunday school sermons were preached here on June 30. Collections, £30 3s. 1 d.

WEST VALE, near Halifax.-The annual sermons were preached, July 21, by the Rev. Duncan McCallum, when the noble sum of £77 was collected.

WINDLEY. - Sermons were preached, Aug. 11, by the Rev. H. Crass weller, B.A., and Mr. Fred Thompson. Collections, £6 9s. (more than double the average). On the following day a tea meeting was held, Mr. Fred Thompson presiding at the meeting. It was afterwards, addressed by the Revs. H. Crassweller and J. Wilshire, Messrs. J. G. Pike, T. Abell, Hadfield, W. Hall, G. Deane, and Medding. It was pleasant to see the St. Mary's Gate friends come seven miles through the wet to hear their late minister preach; but still pleasanter, at the Monday's meeting, to hear the late pastor and the present pastor of one of the Derby churches joining in saying God speed to our village work. The chapel was crowded. A more successful anniversary we do not remember.


BROMPTON, near Northallerton.—Aug. 4, one male, aged 82, by W. Stubbings.

DERBY, Watson Street.-Aug. 15, three, by H. A. Blount. All from the Wesleyans. DEWSBURY.-Aug. 1, two, by N. H. Shaw. ISLEHAM.-Aug. 4, three, by G. Towler. LOUGHBOROUGH, Baxter Gate.-Aug. 17, fifteen, by E. Stevenson.

NETHERTON.-May 5, two; June 9, three, by W. Salter.

OLD BASFORD.-Aug. 4, three, by W. Dyson.

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