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active church, and you will see that the chief workers are drawn from amongst the young. And besides every one is bound to serve Christ in some way or other, and I think the sooner they get at it the better."

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Undoubtedly, George: but what I plead for is that it should not be all work, and certainly not all public work. I've heard that in some parts of the country, in mines and lace factories, they take what they call " shifts." One set of "hands" goes to work for several hours and then they rest, and another set is employed. So in agricultural districts the young labourers have one day in the fields and another in the schools. Now I think we want something like that. I'm sure it's not a good thing to devote every spare minute you have to visiting the sick, talking to children, and so on. One's time should be divided between that kind of activity and prayer and reflection. Reflection, it seems to me, is to the soul what eating is to the body. Always eating and never taking exercise would bring on all kinds of diseases, and soon completely shatter the health. Always working and never taking exercise would, I need not say, soon carry us into the grave. Health is necessary to good work, and plenty of it. If my blood is poor, and strength gone, my work will be slight in quantity and bad in quality. Reflection and prayer purify the blood, renew the strength and increase the health, and so more work will be done, and the work that is done will have more real life and force in it."

"Oh as to that I don't say it is necessary or wise to get to public work at once. I quite believe that there is less danger and often more usefulness in quiet and retiring efforts to be useful, than in others that come more fully before the public gaze. I was much struck this morning with the act of Christ in saying to his disciples after a hard day's work, Come ye aside into a desert place and rest awhile.' It seems to me that what we want, as Mr. Kingston often says, is that all Christian work should be the fruit of Christian life. Not an effort to get life, or to quiet conscience, but just the blossoming and fruit-bearing of the life of Christ within us ;" and "then I think seasons of meditation will be looked for as naturally as we look for dinner-time and bed-time."

To Margaret that seemed to be right, and yet hardly right. She could understand very well that the "fruit of the Spirit is love, joy," and so forth; but did not, she said to herself, George's way of stating it do away with the need of special

meditation, and render useless any efforts to discipline the mind by reflection, and really put out of court the very question Fred had raised? Turning this over rapidly in her mind, she said, "I hardly see that, George, that is to say I see it, but I feel that it needs another statement to complete it. Do not some Christians, for lack of a little forethought or selfacquaintance, engage in work for which they are ill adapted, and neglect other work they could do perfectly well? Are not others struggling through their service from week to week merely from a sense of duty, whereas if they would carefully ascertain what their gifts are, what they can do, and what they cannot, and would in addition take care to reserve to themselves some time for private prayer and reflection, would they not get to their right work, and do it with much more pleasure ?"

"Oh to be sure, Maggie! I don't dispute all that. But what I'm afraid of is this, that some of these reflecting Christians' should never do anything else but reflect:' and by and bye go away from the world leaving it no better than when they came into it. Reflection,' by all means; but work for God and souls assuredly should only follow."

"You remind me," said Fred, "of an idea that came into my mind last Sunday at chapel. Of course I ought not to have made a little sermon of my own while our minister was preaching; but he sometimes starts trains of thought which run away with me for a moment or two. It seemed to me that Christians look upon a Christian church as a large harp of many strings which the preacher is to keep always in tune; and twice a week he must touch with skilled fingers the delicate instrument and make it break forth in sweet and harmonious strains of praise to God. Now it is a harp but it is surely also a school in which the minister is a sort of Usher under the Head Master, Christ Jesus, and has to train the whole nature, mind, and heart of the pupils for the service they are to render in the world."

"Good! Fred, but that's not all," said George, eagerly, 66 а church is a workshop as much as it is a school: and a machine to be worked as well as a

harp to be played. We do not go to school always: we go to school so that we may prepare to work afterwards."

"But is not this it," Maggie chimed in, "if I may venture amongst your figures? If the church is a workshop, are not the young members apprentices who need the special training and discipline that Fred is contending for when

he talks about reflection ? If it is a school are not the young in a training class whose special object should be to teach them to think, to know themselves, their hearts, their weaknesses, their defects, and their need of Christ Jesus in all His manifold relations. If it is a harp, are they not strings which the minister has to tune so that when struck they may not make any unpleasant discord in the music of the church."

"Hear, hear! bravo!" exclaimed George and Fred, clapping their hands.

After they had sobered down a bit, and had wandered from the topic for a few minutes, Fred found his way back again by saying, "I think there is another side to this subject. Such habits of reflection, of forethought, or as Coleridge puts it, of dwelling at home,' would not only fit for work and improve its quality, but also give fresh zest to prayer and form a character regularly watchful. I've noticed this, that when I've failed to enjoy communion with God, it has been when I have commenced prayer without reading and meditation; and I believe that if you have ten minutes for prayer, five of those should be given to consideration of the soul's need, and to thought upon God and His word."

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for want of thought.' In a moment we may thoughtlessly commit an act whose consequences will follow us for ever." "But how," inquired Maggie, you to get this reflective habit? I want to be able to keep my thoughts from wandering in time of prayer; to be able to think a subject out without feeling that I have to bring my mind back to it ever so many times."

"Ah," said Fred, with a sigh, "that is hard work. Coleridge's VII. Aphorism is In order to learn we must attend: in order to profit by what we have learnt we must think-that is, reflect.' But I find this attending' the great difficulty. Still I feel that it is a difficulty that can be overcome by hard work."

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"Mr. Goodman once told me," George answered, "that there were two aids to this work that he could thoroughly commend. The first was to get a good book and master it. Know all its ideas completely, as completely as if you had written the book yourself. Take a gospel, or an epistle, or join the class of our pastor for the study of Butler's Analogy of Religion. The second was to commit to memory a verse of Scripture every morning, and keep it before the mind as far as possible all the day."

"Would it not be a good thing," asked Fred, "to try to get Coleridge's 'Aids to Reflection' adopted as the class-book, instead of Butler for the coming winter? so that we might master a part of it. I fancy nothing could be better."

It was agreed to recommend it at the forthcoming opening meeting of the "Mutual Improvement Society." JOHN CLIFFORD.


Stars silent rest o'er us, Graves under us silent;
But heard are the voices of worlds and the ages:

"Choose well, your choice is brief and yet endless."-GOETHE's Mason Lodge.

Tis not a mere gleaming on graves of the slain, But credible light, and a world-beacon flame That solemnly sacredly shines from the past With teachings and meanings no time can


And we for the moment the earth's latest born,
As heirs of the past have a work to perform,
Selecting the truest, the wisest, the best,
And purging its legacy pure of the rest.
Its good and its evil, its love and its hate,
Have formed what we found as with fingers of

Beware then, O brothers, the future will be
As th' spirit that worketh in you and in me.
From what has been lost to the all we may gain
The Past bids us help the weak world to attain,


And shows the race near its glorious goal
For all who have served it with purpose of soul.

As sacred to us are the places we tread
As Salem once was to her long sainted dead;
For everywhere Labour and Love are to tend
Some duty divine for the world without end.
And never were nobler the men who have been
Than men who love God and despair not or dream,
But dauntless, determined to do or to die,
Are obeying the laws of their Master on high.
Such men are His prophets, His martyrs His

His soldiers, His builders of fire-during things,
And one with the crowned and all-conquering


Who from the beginning march into His land.



To describe our Annual Assembly is not a very easy task. To most of us these meetings are so familiar that description is unnecessary. To those who, unhappily for themselves, do not frequent " Our Feast of Tabernacles," no description can do more than convey a faint idea of its character and value. The meeting of friends, the brotherly communion, the frank, friendly, and forceful debate, the public services, the push of work, reports, committees, resolutions, amendments, riders, instructions, majorities, &c. Well, it is with this as it is with other good things, "none but he that's there, can know." It was a large association. Over two hundred and thirty representatives signed the book, and of visitors we had a good number. On Wednesday afternoon the attendance was more numerous than at any previous gathering of the kind. The annual meeting of the Chilwell College subscribers was held on Monday afternoon, T. W. Marshall, Esq., the treasurer, in the chair, and this enabled a larger number than usual to be present at the opening devotional service in the evening. This is a thing to be perpetuated, as far as possible; because when the opening service is well attended, voices are heard in prayer that we only hear at associations, and it does us good to see and hear each other at the same loving father's footstool. Let us endeavour, as far as may be, to have Monday evening always free and sacred to devotional exercises. The service was conducted by Rev. T. Ryder, and an address of "welcome," which struck a happy key note, was delivered by the Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.

An early service was held in Broad Street Chapel, on Tuesday morning, conducted by the Rev. W. Gray, and a paper read by Rev. W. Sharman, on "Our Village Churches." This elicited a warm though friendly discussion, and the writer was requested to send the substance of his paper for publication in the Magazine.

At ten o'clock, after devotional exercises, in which several brethren took part, the Chairman, the Rev. John Clifford, M.A., LL,B., B.Sc., delivered his Inaugural Address. The subject chosen, was "Jesus Christ; and Modern Social Life."

The ex-president, Rev. I. Preston, moved, and F. Stevenson, Esq., of Nottingham, seconded, the thanks of the assembly to the chairman. The address was ordered to be printed, not only in the Minutes, but separately for more general circulation. This was done without delay; and before the close of the meetings hundreds of copies had been disposed of. It consists of forty-four pages, and may be had of the

publishers of our Magazine at threepence a copy, or 2s. 6d. a dozen.

The Association was then duly constituted, and the following officers were chosen :-Mr. Councillor Hill, of Derby, vice-chairman, and the Rev. Watson Dyson, of Old Basford, assistant secretary. The appointment of several committees, to prepare resolutions and report on Thursday, closed the morning session. The open committee of the Foreign Mission met on Tuesday afternoon. The treasurer reported that more money had been raised for general purposes this year than ever before; still a balance of over £350 was shown against the society. Earnest attention was given to the enfeebled state of the Orissa Mission, and a determination was expressed to increase its European strength in India as soon as possible. It was also decided to appeal for funds, promised for five years, wherewith to send a missionary to Rome. The annual Home Missionary meeting was held in Mansfield Road Chapel, the chairman being F. Stevenson, Esq., and the speakers Revs. J. Harcourt, H. B. Robinson, H. Cross, E. H. Jackson, R. Silby, and T. E. Rawlings. It was thought by some to be one of the best Home Missionary meetings held for years past. "Unification of effort in home mission was the theme.

The devotional service at seven on Wednesday morning was conducted by Rev. B. Wood; and an address on "The Prayer meeting" was delivered by Rev. W. H. Allen. At nine the annual Sunday school Conference met in Broad Street Chapel, under the presidency of H. Jelley, Esq., of Yarwell. A most interesting and instructive paper on Sunday school work was read by Mr. G. F. Bayley, of Barnet; and an animated discussion was opened by Mr. R. Argile, jun., and joined in by Revs. J. C. Jones, S. Allsop, J. C. Pike, E. C. Pike, J. Wilshire, Messrs. B. Baldwin, J. Wallis Chapman, and others. At eleven the spacious chapel in Stoney Street began to fill, and soon a very large congregation had assembled for morning worship. The Rev. R. Kenney, of Wheelock Heath, now one of the fathers of the Connexion, opened the service. The Rev. C. Clarke, B.A., of Ashby, preached the first Association sermon, an admirable expository and timely discourse from John xvii. 20-23. The Rev. J. Lewitt, of Scarborough, offered the closing prayer. At three the Lord's Supper was celebrated. Rev. T. Ryder presided, the Rev. E. Bott delivered a most suitable and touching address, and the Revs. W. Gray, E. C. Pike, and B. Wood offered prayer. The collection, which is annually devoted to the fund for

the widows and orphans of our missionaries, was £20. The Foreign Missionary meeting was held at 6.30 p.m., Charles Roberts, Esq., of Peterborough, presided, and introduced the business of the evening in an excellent and most appropriate speech, historical, financial, and practical. An abstract of the Fifty-fifth Report of the Society was read by the Secretary; and Revs. J. Wilshire, T. Bailey, G. Taylor, Messrs. R. Johnson, T. Cook, of Leicester, delivered addresses. The last gentleman spoke much and well on the desirability of a mission to Rome. Collection, £30.

The Second Association Sermon was preached at Mansfield Road Chapel by Rev. W. Evans, the Rev. J. Fletcher opening the service. The text was 2 Cor, xii. 9. The sermon was greatly enjoyed. At nine business was resumed, the College taking precedence. The treasurer showed a good balance in hand; and the reports of the examiners told that tutors and students had done their session's work well. Much regret was expressed that we have so few students. Various statements were made as to the possible causes, and resolutions were passed with a view to secure the admission of any eligible candidates who might offer themselves at once.

The Centenary Fund came on next; and, though the general fund for chapel building and home missionary purposes has not yet reached the sum desired and intended, it was shown that something approaching to £20,000 has been spent by various churches in commemoration of the centenary year. The sum of £5000 must and will be raised.

The reports of Hymn Book Trustees, Magazine, Ministers' Reception Committee, Board of Advice and Arbitration, and other connexional institutions were presented; the Rev. J. Clifford was heartily thanked for his able conduct of the Magazine, and re-appointed for 1873; and £100 were voted by the Hymn Book Committee for the Centenary Fund. A resolution condemnatory of the working of the Elementary Education Act of 1870, and adopting the platform of the Manchester Conference and another conveying our entire and prayerful sympathy with Mr. Miall in his efforts for religious equality, were unanimously passed, About £1200 were granted from the Building Fund to various churches now engaged in building chapels or schools, or for the relief of some heavily pressed by debt. Nothing can be more satisfactory than the working of this fund: would it had been established twentyfive years ago?

The Secretary's report was again sadly incomplete. Returns. came in at the eleventh hour; and in some cases threequarters of an hour later, and some have not come in at all. We have 1100 baptized:

about 20,800 members: and a clear increase of nearly 300. Some noble sums have been raised for Sunday schools, especially in Yorkshire. Sheffield has baptized the greatest number: and seems to have had a large blessing. Other churches, though not much behind, do not come up to the same number. The writer wonders whether if we had amongst us a man of the highest type of an Evangelist, who could and would visit our churches, he would not be the instrument of stirring them up to love and good works. Some churches complain of their ministers being out so much; but is it not well sometimes to hear another voice than the old familiar one? Oh! if such men as Henry Varley and Charles Spurgeon and Alexander McLaren, and Charles Vince, could take a tour amongst our churches, not to preach anniversary sermons and make collections, but to seek, by God's blessing, to stir up the dead sea of order and routine, not to say of formalism and worldliness, would it not be a blessing to many? We want a Paul and Barnabas to come amongst the churches, and "see how they do."

The letter of this year was by the Rev. G. Hester, of Sheffield. The writer showed that the real and only way "to make our churches more effective as centres of usefulness is to possess and display more of Christ; His mind, spirit, and conduct. As one of the speakers at the Conference remarked, the letter furnished the key to the success and blessing enjoyed at Sheffield during the past year.

The Association would have been welcome to London: but two or three intimations, of a hearty welcome northward, especially from Burnley, led to the decision to go there in 1873. The chairman elect is the Rev. Samuel Cox. The preachers are to be Revs. W. R. Stevenson, M.A., and W. Lees. The letter is to be written by brother Chapman on "How to increase and develop the number and efficiency of our lay preachers."

Hearty and unanimous votes of thanks were accorded to both the preachers, to the ladies who had worked at the bazaar, to our friend Mr. Cook, for his liberal and enthusiastic aid, to our many kind and generous hosts, and to the officers of the year, especially to the president. were not editor of this Magazine.

If he


The business was brought to a close by eight o'clock on Thursday evening; and for three-quarters of an hour a free conference was held. Prayer was offered, and brief addresses delivered by many brethren, and, "the end crowned the whole."

Much beside what is here written was

*But he is, and this will account to my attached friend, the writer of this paper, for the absence of all those portions of his MS. referring to him.-ED.


Open-air Services at our Associations.-More Students Wanted.

done; and will be found in the Minutes, or Year Book, the official chronicle of the connexion for 1872.

Perhaps we attempt to crowd too much into the three-and-a-half days during which we meet. Nor at present can we see any chance of improvement in this respect. But though a busy week it is a most joyous and profitable one.

One thing more we delight to chroniclethe Bazaar. The large room in the Mechanics' Hall was very tastefully set out, and seven stalls, representing five districts -Yorkshire two, Nottingham two, and Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, and Derbyshire one each-were well supplied with useful and ornamental articles. In addition to these Mr. Thomas Cook furnished

a stall on which a large number of Eastern curiosities were displayed, and most of which were sold. This is not the first time Mr. Cook has thus generously helped his General Baptist friends.

Only one minister has died during the year-the Rev. R. Pedley. He died in a good old age, and his end was peace. We can scarcely expect such a slight diminution of our ministerial number another year. Who next may fall God only knows. But let us work for our Saviour and His truth. His cause is dear to us, and deserves our best. And soon He will call us to our reward! Lord may we be ready-our work done-and then. Come Lord Jesus-come quickly. S. S. ALLSOP.



Dear Sir,-It may not be generally known that the Committee appointed by the three churches in Nottingham, to arrange where the various services should be held, empowered a smaller committee to hold two open-air services for the masses, one on Tuesday, the other on Thursday evening. Speakers were obtained, and the place for Tuesday selected; but owing to the rain we had to give both up. Some hesitancy was also felt in the matter, lest we should injure the other meetings on those nights.

I believe the suggestion as to the holding of these meetings, was yours; but myself and others have long felt that wherever our annual gathering is, there we ought to hold open-air services. It seems scarcely necessary to show the desirability of these meetings, when it is an acknowledged fact and one often mentioned in the various addresses last week, that many of the working men will not come to our places of worship, and that to reach them we must go out to them.

I write to ask, that in every future Asso ciation it be an understanding that two open-air services be held, (weather permit. ting), and that we may not clash with any other meetings, would suggest that we hold one on Monday, and the other on Thursday evenings, both to commence about 8. The preparatory devotional service on Monday to begin at 6.30 and close at 8.

If this compels us to devote Friday morning to business or even the whole of Friday, so be it. Better sacrifice the pic nic than not obey the Master, "Go ye out into the highways and hedges."

Or it might possibly be met by giving up the Thursday morning preaching, and the business usually transacted on Thursday be begun then, and finished so much earlier.

I merely throw out this as a suggestion; "where's there's a will there's a way."

Let us try to make the Association meetings less self-gratifying, more self-denying, if by so doing we can better serve the MasI remain yours, sincerely, H. F. Cox.



Or the various subjects that came up for discussion at the Association, the most important was the paucity of students in our College. We have not room this month to enter fully into this question. We wish now briefly to call attention to one or two points. First, to the fact that some applicants who have been rejected by us, have developed into most creditable and useful preachers, a circumstance which does not need to have its lesson pointed. Next to the special committee appointed at the Association to consider and act upon applications made immediately. Will young

men who burn with a divine ardour to preach the gospel of Christ, and who are ready to undergo any work, so that they


may obtain the necessary fitness, apply at
once? The Lord has need of you. Let not
the severity or even the unwisdom of the
tests employed keep you back. If you have
tried, try again. The college course does
not ask for perfected and developed power:
but merely for power, capacity of heart and
brain for the work of God. Young men,
there is no nobler work to which you can
consecrate your lives: no greater or richer
gains than those of the Christian ministry.
Brother ministers! let us look out young
and capable men, direct them in their pre-
liminary studies, secure opportunities for
them of preaching, and so supply the urgent
needs of our churches. And let us do it at
J. C.

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