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to the good cause while absent, and then return to be a fellow-worker;— holy, happy, and useful unto the kingdom of God.

The Sittings of Conference were presided over by Mr. Miller, and Mr. W. Bailey was appointed to assist the Secretary in writing the minutes. The business that occupied our attention was of even more interest and importance than usual. Our Bible Work came under review; and the report showed a large amount of work done, and a considerable number of Scriptures -or portions of Scripture-distributed, larger indeed than in any former year. We had to acknowledge the generous help of the British and Foreign Bible Society through the Calcutta Auxiliary, and also of the Bible Translation Society; nor in this acknowledgment was individual effort overlooked-for though I may not mention names and places, it will rejoice all who are interested in the prosperity of the work in Orissa to know that, during the last eight months a christian friend has expended more than 500 Rupees (£50) in the purchase of Oriya gospels, which he is distributing in a part of Orissa where such distribution is more needed than in any other part. I trust that the special blessing of the God of all grace will rest on this important effort. interesting the circumstance tioned of Baxter that he gave in one year £100 to buy Bibles for the poor!



In reporting the work done for the British and Foreign Bible Society, it was stated that the separate books of the Old Testament printed since last Conference were, the Book of Psalms, Book of Ruth, and Books of Isaiah and Daniel. The completion of the Old Testament in one volume, the revision of which was begun nine years ago, was also reported. I record this with devout thankfulness to Him in whose fear it was begun, by whose help it has been carried on, and by whose grace it is now finished. I reverently commit it to His blessing, and whatever good be effected by it, will devoutly ascribe all to Him. But I do not forget that the precious fruit of labour of this kind is seen in its brightest light when the labourer has ceased from his toil, and rests with his blessed Master. The important work done for the Bible Translation Society was re

ported, and all felt that if our means were enlarged, more might be done in this part of our work.

In reviewing our Tract Work it was gratifying to note that a goodly number had been circulated through the year; and that four new tracts had been printed-three of them the production of Makunda Das. One of them was a poetic history of Joseph, and was especially intended for our Orphan Schools. The same gifted brother presented two new tracts in manuscript on well selected subjects, which will be carefully examined, and if need be revised before being printed. A considerable number of our standard tracts were ordered to be printed during the year. It was reported that another edition of Phulmani and Kurana, translated by Mr. Stubbins, had been printed since last Conference. It is a book remarkably adapted for native christian women, and by it its gifted authoress (the late Mrs. Mullens) being dead yet speaketh. It was thought very desirable to have a series of tracts of the narrative kind, adapted to our native christians and orphan children; and brethren Phillips and W. Bailey were requested to direct their attention to the subject. It was also thought that a series of Biographical Tracts might be very useful to our increasing christian community. It was felt that the record of such a life as that of Gunga, or Rama Chundra, or Erun, or Lachman Das, or Jagoo, could not fail of doing good. The question of providing School Literature in Oriya of a healthy, moral tone was considered in connection with the remarkable educational movement among the Oriyas in Sumbulpore district. The extent to which female education is spreading in that region is surprising; and the ability to read will be no blessing unless something better than the filthy shastres is put into their hands.

Our hope of the evangelization of Orissa depends, under God, on an efficient native ministry; and it is therefore gratifying to state that our meeting with the native preachers was a very pleasing one. Anunta Das (whose father was one of the early converts at Piplee) was received on the list, having completed his studies in the College. His conduct, while prosecuting his studies, has been worthy of his holy


profession, and his profiting has appeared to all. Though not brilliant, he will, if he continue humble and prayerful, be very useful. It will interest many to know that Thoma was stored to his office, though, according to our usage in such cases, the first year is on probation. I doubt not that prayer will be offered that he may walk humbly with his God, and that his future course may be marked by increasing sobriety and vigilance.

The additions by baptism during the year, though not so large as in some former ones, were still encouraging.

The distress of the christians at the new village, near Berhampore, was considered, and it was felt by all that they must be helped. The crops have almost entirely failed, not only there, but throughout the Ganjam district: the Government is rendering help by public works and other ways. We are bound to help our brethren of the household of faith.

Our last sitting was a Free Conference with the native brethren. Among the questions discussed were those of temperance, the weekly offering, what more could be done to extend the kingdom of Christ, and the desirableness of Occupying Sumbulpore as a station. Prayer was then offered by Shem, and this important Conference closed.

I must not, however, long as this letter is, lay down my pen without briefly describing the public services. The first sermon was preached on Lord's-day, the 11th, by Tama Patra, from Matthew vi. 10, "Thy kingdom come." It was carefully prepared, and adapted to interest and profit. Some of his illustrations to show the benefits resulting from the extension of Christ's kingdom were very impressive. I was particularly struck with his exposition and amplification of the beautiful figures in 2 Samuel xxiii. 4, and Isaiah xxxii. 2. In the afternoon Dr. Phillips preached from Revelations xxii. part of 17th verse. It was a word in seasonjust the discourse needed to show us all that every converted man and woman has a work to do in inviting others to come. The English service in the evening was a very pleasing one. Mr. Hill preached from 2 Chron. xiv. 11. The sentiment of the text was felt to be very encouraging, and it was elucidated and applied in an in

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[It will be understood that we are not responsible for the opinions expressed by our friends who favour us with com. munications for the Correspondence Department.]

THE ROMAN MISSION. To the Editor of the Missionary Observer.

Dear Sir, I can hardly conceive any one so hardy as to accuse Mr. Cook of egotism in becoming the advocate of the Mission to Rome, when, in fact, he is the sole author of the suggestion. It appears to me a peculiar proof that the idiosyncracy of modern civilization is not opposed to the spirit of evangelical enterprise, to find the most successful impresario of monster excursions the instigator of the boldest and (I think) the most promising of all recent proposals for the extension and revival of the gospel in Europe. few considerations will show that Mr. Cook has propounded a design which has a richer array of arguments in its favour than perhaps any other we could name.


I. The recent transformation of Rome from an ecclesiastical theocracy to a political city, governed on the acknowledged principles of modern civilization, of itself constitutes the region a new field for gospel labour.

II. The Romans gave us christianity: let us give it back to them, expurgated of the errors with which they corrupted it.

III. To convince and to convert one Roman to genuine christianity is a triumph of higher potential value in relation to future propagandism than to convert fifty Hindoos, imprisoned in peninsular isolation, and paralysed by Asiatic apathy and caste.

IV. Rome already totters. Prussia has boldly defied her. France has resigned the protectorate of her. Italy triumphs in a freedom freshly won from her toils and scarecrows. Austria plays the part of a reluctant lover, looking out for an excuse to declare "off." Russia simply awaits the extinction of an inveterate foe. Spain, wallowing in brutality; and Ireland, sunk in superstition, torn by faction and sapped by treason, only, of all European powers, can be reckoned on her side. Let England only turn the lantern of divine truth on her face, and she slinks from view, overwhelmed with ignominy and glad of oblivion as her final resting place.

V. Other denominations are moving into the field. Even the Unitarians have a missionary there. Why should not we take a share in the harvest to be gathered? It is a grand work to overthrow the great fabric of christian idolatry; and such valiant iconoclasts as we have proved ourselves to be in the East, gives us a title to try conclusions with the enemy in the West.

The point to be settled, then, is, where and when shall this great theme be first mooted, and what practical steps shall follow the decision, if favourable to action. With great submission to your judgment, sir, and that of your readers, and with great gratitude and respect for the able services of the present Foreign Mission Committee, I venture to think that so large a design, and one that claims so strongly the interest and support of the whole body, ought first to be discussed in the open meeting of the people's representatives at the Association.

If the Association resolve to undertake the enterprise, a certain Sunday might be set apart for simultaneous collections throughout the Connexion for the object; and I have no doubt such a sum would be raised as would fairly set the thing agoing; and after such a public initiation the work of getting together annual and regular

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PERSECUTION IN JAPAN. PERSECUTION rages in Japan. authorities there are consistent StateChurchmen, determined to prescribe the faith and worship of subjects, and to punish all who are guilty of the crime of nonconformity. They are apparently alarmed at the progress made by Christianity. The strange religion wins victories over idolatry. The Prince of Soga is the chief zealot, and a high official named Ewakura his assistant. Already some two thousand native Christians have been doomed to die, and sixty-seven were included in the first order issued to the executioner. Starvation, imprisonment without light or clothing, exposure unclothed on frozen ponds with hands and feet bound, and forcing a burning coal into the mouth, are among the exquisite cruelties by which martyrdom has been consummated. have the European Consuls expostulated and protested. At length these officials have laid the facts before their respective governments. But what can Christendom do? A well-read Japanese might retort on the representatives of Germany, France, and England that their nations have claimed and exercised the right of inflicting penalties on such as refuse to conform to the established religion. If so great a bigot as the Prince of Soga reads history, he could remind the consuls of France and England of St. Bartholomew's-day, and other black-letter days made memorable by the punishment of Dissenters. In any case, it is difficult to deny the political right of Japan to do as it will with its own subjects. This, however, makes it yet more

In vain

incumbent upon Christians to sympathise with and pray for their Japanese brethren. Like the converts in Madagascar a few years since, the disciples of Jesus in Japan are passing through their baptism of fire. May their future resemble the history of the island of the south, and Japan soon cast away its idols to worship and to serve the God of the Christian martyrs.-The Freeman.


A SEAMAN, in returning home to Scotland after a cruise in the Pacific, was asked, "Do you think the missionaries have done any good in the South Sea Islands?" "I will tell you a fact which speaks for itself," said the sailor. "Last year I was wrecked on one of those islands where I knew that eight years before a ship was wrecked and the crew murdered; and you may judge how I felt at the prospect before me-if not dashed to pieces on the rocks, to survive for only a more cruel death. When day broke, we saw a number of canoes pulling for our poor ship, and

we prepared for the worst. Think of our joy and wonder when we saw the natives in English dress, and heard some of them speak in the English language! On that very island the next Sunday we heard the gospel preached. I do not know what you think of missions, but I know what I do."-Spirit of Missions.


THE Rev J. Buckley and Mrs. Buckley wish to present their acknowledgments for the following:

"Lessons from Lilies," from Rev. James Woolley.

"The Supremacy and All-sufficiency of Christ," from Dr. Jabez Burns. Sundry small books for schools from Messrs. Winks & Son.

And to a Friend (Derby), per Rev. W. Hill, for £1 18., which will be devoted to the good cause.

Mr. Buckley also appreciates the kindness of a Friend who occasionally sends a Cambridge paper. March 4, 1872.

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Received on account of the General Baptist Missionary Society, from
March 18th, to April 18th, 1872.

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Subscriptions and Donations in aid of the General Baptist Missionary Society will be thankfully received by T. HILL, Esq., Baker Street, Nottingham, Treasurer; by the Rev. J. C PIKE, the Secretary, and the Rev. H. WILKINSON, the Travelling Agent, Leicester, from whom also Missionary Boxes, Collecting Books, and Cards may be obtained.



JUNE, 1872.



(Minister of Commercial Road Chapel, London, from 1845 to 1861.)

"We see not yet all things put under Him."-Hebrews ii. 8.

WE are accustomed to regard these anniversaries as seasons of joy, and we are fully justified in doing so. That heart must be strangely formed that can participate in services such as ours without happy emotions. To assemble as the representatives of our various churches scattered throughout the land-to receive new and enlarged accounts of their stedfastness and success-to know that we are pledged to one object, and that the noblest and the best that can occupy the attention or engage the power of the human mind-to offer common prayer and thanksgiving to the great Father of all for the salvation of all-these are, together, circumstances of great joy. Nor is it to be wondered at if, sometimes, under the excitement of these circumstances, our joy may have so far predominated as to weaken or exclude other sentiments, and we may have been tempted to carry ourselves rather as those who divide the spoil, than as those who have still to carry on the conflict and to achieve the victory. The work to which we are confessedly pledged, which is no less

than the conversion of the world, is a glorious one; and if, in our circumstances, it is well to rejoice in recorded success, it is still betterit implies a more elevated state of mind to temper joy with serious reflection and strict inquiry. After having laboured thus long with the word of God for our guide, and the promise of God for our encouragement, we may well inquire why we have accomplished so little. Our successes have been very partial at the best. We have often failed where we ought to have succeeded, and met with discomfiture when we ought to have achieved the victory; and it is certain that if the success which has attended our labour in the past should be the measure of success accorded to the church for all future time, ages must roll away before the divine purposes can be fulfilled; and manifold generations of men, in long and fearful succession, must live and die without hearing of that redemption which it is our privilege to enjoy. Surely, then, it is not unfitting for us, on such an occasion as this, to pause in our course to review our

This Sermon was preached in the year 1856 before the Association held at Spalding. The Minutes of that year state, "This was an excellent sermon, listened to with the deepest attention, and the preacher was requested to print it." We have frequently heard the fame of this discourse, and we are glad that the kindness of Mrs. Pegg affords us the great pleasure of presenting such timely, able, and eloquent words to our readers.-ED.


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