Зображення сторінки

Forms of Train Orders

254. Q.-What is the purpose of Form A? 255. Q. How will a train receiving a Form A order run?

256. Q.-What is Form B used for?

257. Q.-How will trains be governed under example 1 ?

258. Q.-When an inferior train receives an order to pass a superior train, what right is conferred?

259. Q.-What is Form C used for?

260. Q.-What right is conferred on the first. named train?

261. Q.-Which train will take siding if the trains meet at either one of the designated points?

262. Q.-If the second named train reaches the point last named in the order before the other arrives, how may it proceed?

263. Q.-What is Form E used for?

264. Q.-When a train has been directed to run late between certain stations how must that train proceed?

265. Q.-How will other trains receiving the order be governed?

266. Q.-When a train has been directed to wait at a certain station for an inferior train, how will the superior train be governed?

267. Q.-How will the inferior train be governed?

268. Q.-When one or more trains have been directed to wait at certain stations until a certain time, how will such train or trains be governed? 269. Q. How will inferior trains receiving the order be governed?

270. Q.-May time orders be used in connection with an extra train which has been created by the third example of Form G?

271. Q.-What is Form F used for?

272. Q.-What example will be used when the number of the engine for which signals are displayed is not known?

273. Q.-What example is to be used to follow the first example?

274. Q.-What example will be used for changing sections?

275. Q. What example will be used to drop an intermediate section?

276. Q.-What example will be used to substitute one engine for another?

277. Q.-What example will be used to discontinue a section?

278. Q.-When it is desired to pass one section by another, what example will be used?

279. Q.-What form will be used when a section is to be annulled for which signals have been displayed?

280. Q.-What is Form G used for?

281. Q. When the second example is used, how must the extra be governed?

282. Q.-What is Form H used for?

283. Q. When example 1 is used, how will the work extra be governed?

284. Q.-Must the time of regular trains be cleared?

285. Q.-When a work extra has been directed to not protect against extra trains and afterward it is desired that the work extra clear the track or protect against an extra after a certain time what example will be used?

286. Q. When example 4 is used, how will the extra train be governed?

287. Q. When it is desired that a work extra may work on the time of a regular train under protection of a flag, what example is used?

288. Q.-Must work extras give way to all trains as promptly as they can?

289. Q.-When an extra is run over the working limits, must it be given a copy of the order held by the work extra?

290. Q.-If the order indicates that the work extra is protecting against extras, how will the extra be governed?

291. Q.-If the work order indicates that the work extra is not protecting against extras, how will the extra be governed?

292. Q.-What is a Form J order used for? 293. Q.-When a train has been held by a Form J order, when may it proceed?

294. Q.-What is Form K used for?

295. Q.-After a schedule has been annulled, may it be restored?

296. Q.-What is Form L used for?

297. Q.-May an order which has been annulled be reissued under its original number? 298. Q.-May it be reissued under another number?

299. Q.-What is Form M used for?

300. Q.-What is Form P used for?

301. Q.-How is the order given under this form?



Note. The answers have been kept separate from the questions in order that the student may have an opportunity to think out the answers for himself, for by so doing he gains knowledge and confidence in himself, but to permit the student to know beyond a doubt that he has given the correct answers to the foregoing list of questions, we append this list of answers. The number which has been given the question corresponds to the number of the answer.

1. Answer. Yes.

2. A. Yes.

3. A.-Apply to the proper authority for an explanation.

4. A. Yes.

5. A.-The fact must be reported to superior officer.

6. A.-No.

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