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THE OFFICE OF STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Elsewhere in this issue of the Journal mention is made of those who have declared themselves as

candidates for the office of state superintendent. It is probable that this announcement will be of unusual interest to every teacher in the state. With us the state superintendent exercises tremendous influence for good or ill upon every phase of our educational work. Logically he is at the head of the entire educational system. He is a member of the governing boards of the University and the normal schools; and by means of his control of public school funds, his appointment of institute instructors, and the like, he could be a czar in secondary and elementary education. His opportunities for good or for harm are well-nigh unlimited. Of course, no man would deliberately imperil the usefulness of any of our schools; but through indifference or hostility toward desirable reforms, or through unduly magnifying measures of minor importance, he might easily retard our development, or swing us off on a tangent to our very great disadvantage. On the other hand, we have had a chance to see that a man of insight and courage and strength, and endowed with the qualities which enable him to gain the confidence and good will of men, can keep this great commonwealth moving forward along the right lines, leading the sisterhood of states educationally.

The office of state superintendent in Wisconsin is of greater importance and dignity than that of any other state in this country, with two or three exceptions. The salary attached to the office is larger than it is in most states, and it is more than the majority of schoolmen in any position receive. The incumbent of the office is now practically independent of malicious political meddling; and he plays a tremendously important part in deter

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mining the curriculum and methods of teaching in the schools, alike of low and of high degree. As already intimated, his influence radiates into every phase of our educational work. How absolutely essential it is then that the state superintendent should be a man of broad experience educationally, an intelligent student of modern education, and that he should know how to secure the embodiment of contemporary ideals in the practical work of teaching from the rural school upward. He should know what is going on outside the confines of this state, to the end that he may draw upon the experience of the world for the betterment of conditions here. He should be a man free from personal jealousies, so that he may utilize the abilities of every man and woman among us who can in any way advance the educational interests of the state. It is of special importance that he should not be an autocrat, ready to stifle any progressive movement which he has not himself initiated, or of which he is not the conspicuous director.


Which of the gentlemen who have announced themselves will meet these requirements most effectively? It is not proper that this Journal should intrude its own opinion upon its readers. Teachers ought freely to discuss the merits of the candidates; but it is manifestly unprofessional for any teacher to try to buldoze another into lending his influence and support to a particular candidate who is favored for mere personal reasons. Perhaps one might not inappropriately support a man for president of a teachers' club, say, because he is a personal friend; but there can be no justification whatever for such action in reference to a state superintendent. The continual educational development of this state is of supreme importance, alike to teachers and to laymen, and the best avail

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