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and vivid impression, and doubtless the infor-
mation is just and trustworthy.- Boston Ad-


The Life of Jefferson S. Batkins, Member for Cranberry Centre, is a prolix version of the story of the grotesque member of the Massachusetts Legislature, so well acted out by Warren at the Museum, in the play "The Silver Spoon." "Whoever," says the Golden Age, "desires an insight into the crooked ways of politics and the dark places of legislation, should read the Life of Jefferson S. Batkins, written by himself; and "himself" is none other than our friend Loring of Boston. It is a clever exposé of the way things are done and undone by cliques and lobbies, and photographs some of the wire-pullers and pipelayers so that they can hardly fail of general recognition. If Mr. Batkins is a representative man, it is certainly no wonder that our political affairs are in a bad condition, but rather surprising that they are not worse than they are. The book is a capital hit."

Chapters of Erie.- Charles Francis Adams, Jr., and Henry Adams, younger sons of Hon. Charles Francis Adams, have collected several of the recent articles relating to the operations of the present managers of the Erie Railroad into a book, which Messrs. Osgood & Co. have published under the title of Chapters of Erie: The relating especially to the Erie swindle were from papers the pen of Mr. C. F. Adams, Jr., who writes in the compact, energetic style of a man of business, thoroughly conversant with all the facts of the .matter in hand, and thoroughly convinced of their importance from a political as well as moral point of view. According to his showing, the most gigantic rascality of the present century has been developed in the management of the Erie Railroad; and one of the greatest dangers to the future welfare of our government and country is folded up in the railroad monopolies, which are fast concentrating their diffused powers and making their possibilities of evil felt. Mr. Henry Adams gives a very graphic and entertaining account of the Gold Conspiracy in this city two years ago, and other articles on John Smith, and British Finance. He shows more of the purely literary spirit than his brother, and writes in a glowing style, clear, succinct, and admirable. Their book is a valuable one, and we hope often to meet both its authors in the field of literature, for which they have such manifest fitness.-Golden Age.

Stimulants and Narcotics, by George M. Beard, M.D. (Putnam & Sons), is the title of the latest issue of "Putnam's Handy Book Series," giving a brief description and history of the prin cipal articles belonging under the above-named head, with a discussion of their manifold effects, as modified by external circumstances. from all special pleading on either side, treating It is free the subject from a scientific point of view, and presenting a great deal of curious and valuable information which has never before been collected in a single volume. The author deals in facts rather than in opinions, describing, in many cases, the results of actual experiment, without commit ting himself to any exclusive theory.

& Sons).-Of the many excellent works on health, Health and its Conditions (G. P. Putnam we have seen none at once so attractive and so

good as "Health and Its Conditions," by James Hinton, an English writer. The same is to be said of him as of Huxley, Tyndall, and Darwin: that science affords him opportunity for the choi cest use of language: he uses beautiful English, his style reminds strikingly of that prince of wordpainters, John Ruskin, and-saving a few flaws, chiefly an occasional lack of clearness-his is a work which will repay study for its language alone. But the matter of his book is still more worthy of attention than is its manner; he is a deep, while practical thinker, and these “thoughts on health" go to the root of things. His method is chiefly that of analogy from external nature; to learn from life rather than from death.—Evening Mail,

Newton, D.D. (Carter & Brothers).—In this new Nature's Wonders, by the Rev. Richard addition to Dr. Newton's already numerous volness of God, as shown in the works of nature, are umes of children's sermons, the wisdom and good. simply and beautifully unfolded. The special subjects treated are, by title, separately: How the sun, moon, flowers, and works in general, praise God, a serstars, light, air, clouds, trees, mon being devoted to each topic, and wrought up tration, and warmth of living, loving sympathy with all that simplicity of diction, wealth of illus with the little ones that characterize the good Doctor's model productions of this sort. work will be wanted in all our Sunday-school and The family libraries.-S. S. Times.

Arnot (Carter & Bros.), is a series of exhaustive
The Parables of Our Lord, by the Rev. William
practical and devotional in their purpose, rather
essays on the parables of the New Testament,
than exegetical, and addressed to the popular
heart and conscience rather than to the critical

ber of the series of Shakespeare's plays, edited by
The Tempest (Harper) forms the second num-
William J. Rolfe, A. M. The text is prefaced
with an introduction containing a history of the
play, and of the sources of the plot, and critical
comments by Coleridge, Schlegel, Hazlitt, Mrs.
Jameson, and others, and is followed by copious
notes, a glossary, etc.
printed, illustrated, and neatly bound, presents
This edition, beautifully
the great dramatist in a most convenient and de-
sirable form.

Burns' Poems, diamond edition (Lee & Shepard), is a very neat edition, and contains, besides all the poems, a full table of contents, two copious indexes, a glossary, and a life of the poet. The more unfamiliar Scotch phrases are explained by foot-notes.

brook, M.D. (Wood & Holbrook), presents a
Parturition Without Pain, edited by L. Hol
code of rules compiled from the best authorities
for escaping from the primal curse inflicted on
the mother of the human race.
method consists in the liberal use of a fruit diet,
The secret of the
and a strict observance of the laws of hygiene.

The Member for Paris, A Tale of the Second

Empire, by Trois-Etoiles (Osgood).-An exceedingly effective story of France, during the first decade of the reign of Napoleon III. Its author must either be an Englishman thoroughly at home across the channel, or a Parisian with a remarkable command of English. The plot is of French type; the filling, English. Two brothers, one the heir of a dukedom, both sons of an old Republican, self-exiled to Brussels, repair to Paris, concealing their title to aristocratic eminence, and settle themselves quietly down to prepare for the law. Gradually each rises; and the elder, carried away by Imperial artifices, slowly loses his liberalism. The book, by a clever breadth of plot, gives one a vivid picture of the earlier Imperial regime and the sort of men who bolstered up the throne, whether at the Bourse, in the court-room, by the spy system, or in the chairs of important secretaries. Besides the politics, a thread of romance is carried on which adds intensely to the interest.-Christian Union.

Two College Friends, by Fred. W. Loring (Loring), is the story of two youths who left college to serve in the army of the Union in the late war. The story depends for its chief interest on the rapid development of character amid the experiences and responsibilities suddenly thrust upon the undeveloped boys. The incidents afford the writer a fine opportunity for the exercise of his power of piquant description and for the exposition of some proper and noble sentiments.

and profit in any home circle, and should be remembered by parents in their family purchases.— S. S. Times.


Cringle and Cross-tree," by the popular Oliver Optic, is the fourth of the "Onward and Upward Series," and tells how Phil Farringford shipped as a sailor for a Mediterranean voyage, found himself on a slaving cruise, and with the assistance of a part of the crew, captured the vessel, brought her into port, and saw justice meted out to the pirates. No further hint is needed for our, young folks.

The Children's Album and The Children's

Sunday Album (Lee & Shepard).—The former, by "Uncle John," has reached a sale of twenty-six thousand copies. The latter is by the author of "A Trap to Catch a Sunbeam." Each of them contains about 150 pictures of a character to interest young children, and on the opposite page is a short story. They have handsome covers, and doubtless will be esteemed pet books by all who possess them.

Houghton), gives a series of agreeable anecdotes, The Judge's Pets, by E. Johnson (Hurd & connected by a slight thread of narrative, illustratdomestic animals, showing that in affection and ing the virtues of favorite dogs, horses, and other intelligence they are not so far inferior to the nobler whether young or old, who can count many warmrace as human pride is apt to fancy. The reader, hearted friends among the four-footed tribes, will find much entertainment in this volume, which presents a strong appeal to his sympathies.

Dene Hollow.-T. B. Peterson & Brothers publish, simultaneously with its issue in London, this new story by Mrs. Henry Wood. The author of "East Lynne" is sure of a large circle of readers Little-Folk Songs, by Alexina B. White (Hurd for whatever she may write, and this story is said & Houghton), is printed on fine tinted paper, and to rival in absorbing interest and dramatic inten- abounds with happy illustrations. The songs sity any previous work by its prolific author. It themselves are short, bright and simple, yet deservis published in a substantially bound octavo vol- ing some of them to be ranked with the best of ume of 262 double-column pages, large type. verses for children, full of fun and cheerful humor without vulgarity.

Grandfather's Faith, by Julia A. Matthews (Carter & Bros.), is a good book for young persons, who need only to know that it is written by the author of the "Drayton Hall Series" to feel sure that it is both interesting and impressive. It is the first of the "Dare to do Right Series," which the author is engaged in preparing, and which will doubtless be as good and useful as her former books. It is very neatly issued by the publishers.

The House in Town, by the author of "The Wide Wide World" (Carter & Bros). This second sequel to the story entitled "What She Could," is a further development of the deeply interesting career of a young Christian girl, and the members of the household of which she forms a part. It is full of admirable pictures of average life, and deserves truly to be classed among the best fictitious writings of the day. The tone and style of the book are wonderfully natural, and the religious teachings are rich, and warm, and true, without the least taint of cant or professionalism. Miss Warner has written more absorbing works, but she has not excelled the series she is now producing, in lifelikeness and practical helpfulness for the young reader. We notice that still another sequel is to follow. The three volumes now issued will please

Evenings with the Children, by Mrs. Ramsey (Lothrop), is intended to give pleasant instruction regarding the geography, history, animals, and productions of South America. Much real information is conveyed in a very interesting manner, and as it is divided into evening entertainments, it makes a peculiarly suitable book for mothers to read aloud to their children during the coming winter evenings.

Stories of Vinegar Hill, a box of half-a-dozen neat books by the author of "Ellen Montgo mery's Bookshelf," which we remember as one of the most enjoyable series of the juveniles of days gone by, comes to us from Robert Carter & Bros. These "Stories of Vinegar Hill" tell of the work of a Sunday-school lady who carried her love of the Lord and His children with her into the country, as few do, and set herself to reform the "Irishtown" of the place. They are interesting and natural-two desirable qualities not always combined in Sunday-school literature—as well as lively.—Evening Mail.

A. L. O. E.'s Picture Story Book (Carter & Bros.) is a collection of charming original narratives for the nursery or play-room, with a profusion of striking and attractive colored illustrations.

The Day Stars, by Agnes Giberne (Pott, Young & Co.), is a life of Christ, written in simple style from the Gospel narrative. Its peculiar feature is the general (nearly exclusive) use of words of only one or two syllables.


A popular book years ago was The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville, by Judge Thomas Chandler Haliburton. Though severely criticised as an unjust caricature of Yankees, Sam Slick" has been accepted as the type of a class, and doubtless many of this generation of readers will be glad to find out the original. Hurd & Houghton have issued a new edition of the book as one of the series of "Riverside classics." It is illustrated by Darley.

Vanity Fair is issued in two elegant volumes, in the edition of Thackeray's "Works," now passing through the press of Lippincott & Co. It is embellished with the author's original illustrations, and with its clear and handsome type and excellent paper, is admirably adapted to the library or family book-table.

The Carriage Painter's Illustrated Manual, by F. B. Gardner (S. R. Wells), is a plain, sensible treatise on an important branch of mechanical industry, presenting in a narrow compass the essential principles and methods of the difficult art to which it is devoted.

CARLTON & LANAHAN.-Among their recent publications the religious public will be interested in The Mission of the Spirit, by the Rev. L. R. Dunn, illustrating the office and work of the Comforter in the redemption of man; a second series of Misread Passages of Scripture, by J. Baldwin Brown, B.A., reprinted from an instructive English work, showing the errors in the prevalent construction of several important passages in the Bible; A King's Daughter, with other stories from real life, an original production by Mrs. H. C. Gardner, a successful writer for young people; Lindsay Lee and His Friends, a Scotch story founded on facts which occurred under the ministry of the Rev. Newman Hall, intended as a contribution to the cause of temperance, and an antidote to the free thinking tendencies of the times; Gustavus Adolphus, a memoir of the military hero of the Reformation, translated from the French of L. Abelous, by Mrs. C. A. Lacroix; and the third volume of Dr. Whedon's Commentary on the New Testament, containing the "Book of Acts," and the "Epistle to the Romans," presenting the author's interpretation of a portion of Scripture in accordance with what he regards as "the views of the primitive Church of the first three centuries," in opposition to the theology of Augustine and Calvin.

Hudson's Shakespeare.-Noyes, Holmes & Co. are preparing a new edition of Hudson's Shakespeare in eleven volumes. Mr. Hudson, who is one of the best Shakespearian scholars living, has written new introductions to many of the plays, and rewritten the notes, embodying in both introductions and notes the results of his study and reading since the work was first published. The new edition will be brought out in the tasteful style which Noyes, Holmes & Co. are careful to secure for their publications; it will be printed at the

Riverside Press, which sufficiently guarantees its typographical excellence, and altogether it will be a most desirable edition for those who wish elegant books, as well as for those who desire intelligent guidance through the vast treasure-house of Shakespeare.

Handy-Volume Tennyson.-Jas. R. Osgood & Co. have issued a very pretty cheap edition of "Tennyson's Poems," which will commend itself to the admirers of the laureate not merely on account of its cheapness, but because it contains all of Mr. Tennyson's poetical writings, including those earlier pieces which he has declined to acknowledge of late years.

First Help in Accidents and in Sickness (Alex. Moore) is intended as a guide in the absence, or before the arrival, of medical assistance. A part of it has been compiled from trustworthy sources, much of it written by eminent physicians, and the whole arranged and prepared for the press by the editors of "Good Health." The title-page announces that it is published with the recommendation of the highest medical authority. The book is illustrated and appears to be a complete and thorough manual, which it would be handy to have in the house.

East and West Poems is the title of Bret Harte's new volume just published by James R. Osgood & Co. It includes most of the poems originally published in a volume entitled "The Lost Galleon," the poem pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University in June last, several poems that have appeared in periodicals since the publication of his last volume, embracing Truthful James's Answer to her Letter, Further Language from Truthful James, Sequel to Maud Muller, A Newport Romance, etc., several poems that have never before been collected, and others that are now first printed. The volume is a fresh proof of the varied genius and poetic power of the author.

Dukesborough Tales, by "Philemon Perch" (Turnbull Bros.), is a collection of very delightful gia and other parts of the South that has passed stories illustrative of a phase of social life in Georaway.

"Philemon Perch" saw that life with

keenly-observant eyes, and has written of it with oftener met in his own section of the country than freshness and vivacity, and with a humor of a kind in any other, but rarely there in such wealth of sunniness.-N. Y. Evening Post.

Nobody's Fortune.-Edmund Yates's new story has, in its serial issue in "Every Saturday," attracted general attention by its originality, and by the high reputation of the author as a novelist. The story has just been completed and is issued in book form by James R. Osgood & Co. It is exceptionally clear and consistent in construction, and although original and ingenious, never trespasses upon the bounds of probability for purposes of mere effect. It is characterized by the directness and simplicity of diction which mark the author's previous popular works, with which it compares favorably in interest and careful finish.

Behind the Bars (Lee & Shepard).—Mrs. Lunt, wife of the Hon. George Lunt, is the au

thor of that able book "Behind the Bars." It is one of the calmest, ablest, and most convincing books on modes of treatment in lunatic asylums that has ever been written. We think its influence has been much weakened by its authorless title page. On such subjects as this the reader has a right to demand the name of the writer as a guarantee that he is not being imposed upon. Few books of the year have been so widely commended as this.-Watchman and Reflector.

Nast's Illustrated Almanac for 1872 is published by Harper & Brothers. Some of Nast's best work is in this little volume, and there are no more amusing comic pictures drawn now-a-days.

Chas. Sumner's Works (Lee & Shepard).— Three volumes of this edition of Mr. Sumner's Works have now been issued, the fourth volume is in the hands of the binder, and the fifth is in press. The first edition, limited to one thousand copies, is sold only by subscription, and each copy has Mr. Sumner's autograph. Probably no such list of subscribers was ever obtained to any work. On it we find the President, the Cabinet, the whole diplomatic corps, United States Senators and Representatives, and the great men of the country and all the professions. A fac-simile of this list will be appended to the last volume, while the original will be presented to Mr. Sumner. As evidence of the value of the list merely as a collection of autographs, Mr. H. Vincent Butler, who has the control of the sale of the work, has been offered for it one thousand dollars! The arrangement of contents is strictly chronological, and the speeches are accompanied by historical notes and explanations which add greatly to their interest and value. The volumes are faultless in typographical execution, and the publishers, Lee and Shepard of this city, guarantee both the character and success of this great undertaking.

At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies, by Charles Kingsley (Harper), is very sprightly and graphic in style, and makes exceedingly pleasant reading, to say nothing of the great amount of information it imparts. It is very full of facts. The reader is truly made the companion of the voyager, and enjoys the scenes visited through the rarely vivid and accurate descriptions of them which he gives. The geography, ethnology, natural history, natural scenery, manners and customs, government, education, etc., are treated, making the work as complete as it is interesting. For the young it will be found particularly entertaining and useful. It should be remembered in the family and school purchases for holiday times. -S. S. Times.

available down to the end of the year 1870 have been carefully searched.

Duchenne's Treatise on Localized Electrization, and its Applications to Pathology and Therapeutics (Lindsay & Blakiston).-This translation is made from the third edition of the original work, now in course of passing through the press. The present part includes all that had been printed at the time of the investment of Paris by the German army, and, in consequence of that investment, it is published before the original is given to the world. Duchenne's great work on Localized Electrization is not only a well-nigh exhaustive treatise on the medical uses of electricity, but it is also an elaborate exposition of the different diseases in which electrity has proved to be of value as a therapeutical and diagnostic agent. No similar treatise exists in the English language-indeed the work is unique.-Herbert Tibbits, M.D.

Wright on Headaches (Lindsay & Blakiston). -The author's plan is simple and practical. He adult life and old age, giving in each their varietreats of headaches in childhood and youth, in ties and symptoms, and their causes and treatment. fact that this is a reprint of the fourth edition tesIt is a most satisfactory monograph, as the mere tifies.-Med. and Surg. Reporter.

Acton's Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs (Lindsay & Blakiston.)-We think Mr. Acton has done good service to society by grappling manfully with sexual vice, and we trust that others whose position as men of science and teachers enable them to speak with authority will assist in combating and arresting the evils which it entails. We are of the opinion that the spirit which pervades it is one that does credit equally to the head and to the heart of the author.-British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review.

Whitaker's Almanac for 1872 will be supplied to the trade, by Pott, Young & Co., about Nov. 20. Retail price, 50 c.

MR. S. ZICKEL, the American publisher of the Moniteur de la Mode, takes pleasure in announcing to the friends and patrons of this noted journal of fashion that he will be able to supply them regularly after the first of October. During the late war the paper was rather irregularly issued and somewhat reduced in size and quality, but now the causes for these deficiencies have been removed, and the Moniteur will appear in all its former splendor, with colored fashion steel-plates, woodcut drawings, and all the original fashions that make it so invaluable to its subscribers. In order to give every one a chance to test the value of this paper, an extra subscription term for 3 months (Oct. to Dec.) is offered at $2.50.

Mackenzie's Essay on Growths in the Larynx (Lindsay & Blakiston).-The present Essay is ROBERT CARTER & BROS. are preparing a based on an experience of nearly 150 cases of La- very elegant red line edition of Mrs. Bickersteth's ryngeal growth. It includes detailed reports of poem, "Yesterday, To-day, and Forever," of 112 cases, of which 26 have been previously pub-which 27,000 copies have been sold in the plainer lished in the medical journals or the Transactions of Medical Societies, and 86 are now brought forward for the first time. In addition to the author's own cases, he has appended a record of all the published cases which have been treated since the invention of the Laryngoscope: all sources

style. The same house have nearly ready a new and revised edition from new stereotype plates, of President McCosh's work, "Intuitions of the Mind." They are now selling the fifth thousand of his lectures on "Christianity and Positivism," which were delivered in this city last Spring. About 20

years since there appeared in London a volume for children, but which seemed to have an attraction to readers of all ages entitled, "Ministering Children." In a short time 70,000 copies were sold by the London Publishers. It was republished in this city and had a wide circulation. The publishers (Carter's) are now preparing a red line edition of this work, and its sequel, in a dainty little quarto, with a profusion of tinted illustrations, to be ready for the approaching holidays. The same house have also nearly ready, "The Scots Worthies," by John Howie, with more than 100 illustrations.

MESSRS. SMITH, ENGLISH & CO., Philadelphia, have just published one of the most complete, full, well-classified and arranged, and altogether splendid catalogues of theological and religious books, American and foreign, old and new, common and rare, that we have ever seen. For clergymen and students it is invaluable. Its preparation has cost a great deal of time and labor, and it will have a

permanent value.

DODD & MEAD.-Several new works of interest are announced for publication by Dodd & Mead, including "The Sciences of Nature versus The Science of Man," by President Noah Porter of Yale College, a review of the arguments of Huxley, Spencer, and others, aiming to prove that on the principle of many of the current philosophies which claim to be conducted in the spirit of the Inductive philosophy, it is impossible to have any trustworthy induction at all; a popular work on "Corals and Coral Islands," by James D. Dana, Professor of Geology in Yale, a large octavo volume of some 400 pages, illustrated with over 50 woodcuts, with one or two unimportant exceptions, from designs made by Professor Dana, who visited in person the Coral Islands. The same house also announce "The Theology of the New Testament," translated from the Dutch of J. J. Van Oosterzee, Professor in the University at Utrecht, and better known to American readers as one of the authors of Lange's Commentaries; "A Comparative History of Religions," by James C. Moffatt, D.D., Professor of Church History in Princeton College. The aim of this book is to investigate as closely as possible the original creed of mankind, by actual examination of the most ancient scriptures, to pursue the comparative history of the religions to which these scriptures belong, to classify as far as possible all religions, ancient and modern, and to determine if possible the essential principles inherent in all and wherein they differ. They have in press also, "Bible Lore," a series of chapters on the rare manuscripts, various translations, and notable characteristics of the Bible.

JAMES R. OSGOOD & Co. have begun the publication of a series of novels, intended to comprise the best and most readable of new English and American works of fiction. Translations from the best French and German authors will also be

included. These novels will appear regularly from week to week. They will usually be illustrated, and will be put up in handsomely ornamented covers of new and unique design.

MR. GEORGE GEBBIE, Phila., has made

special arrangements with the English publishers to issue in this country, "Beeton's Great Book of English Poetry, from Cadmon and King Alfred's Boethius, to Browning, Tennyson; and Longfel low." The volume contains nineteen hundred and forty-five of the best pieces in the English language, with sketches of the history of the poetry of England and America, and biographies of five hundred of the poets. The examples are arranged in chronological order, and the work furnishes in compact form a comprehensive survey of English and American poetry. Many old ballads and songs, and short poems, of which the authors are unknown, are included; and many of the minor poets are represented and their biographies included, which are not to be found in any similar collection. Many American poets are included in the work, whose writings are copyrighted here, and special permission has been given Mr. Gebbie to circulate the book in America, by Messrs. Osgood & Co., Appleton & Co., Widdleton, and other copyright holders. It is issued in two handsome octavo volumes, in cloth, or half mor., price, clo. $10.; hf. mor. $12.50.

THE NEW YORK ART PUBLISHING CO., a new firm who give promise of enterprising life, appear in the market with some fifty-two publications, embracing a great variety of chromatic printing. The examples which have been submitted to us give evidence of such excellent taste on the part of the publishers that we cannot permit ourselves to doubt the success of their enterprise. Two of those before us are flower pieces, one on a delicate blue ground, the other on gold, very bright and beautiful. These are surrounded by illuminated borders, quite unique in their way. Two others are examples of illuminated texts no less artistic. Borders of graceful design and color embrace the words printed in beautifully illuminated characters. The wise words on one are from the Psalm of Life-“Learn to labor and to wait ;" those on the other are Bryant's "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again." In acknowledgment of his receipt of one of these most desirable souvenirs, Mr. Bryant thus wrote to the publisher:-"It is not the good fortune of every poet to see his lines so honored, and I am proud of having produced anything which has been thought worthy of being put in so beautiful a shape."-Evening Mail.

The Pictorial Family Register, by A. H. Platt, M.D. (George Maclean), is arranged for the recording in a brief and intelligible manner the name, birthplace, date of nativity, descent, names of parents, and other particulars about every member of any family. Suitable leaves are provided for the insertion of photographs. Such a book as this can be made very useful as well as interesting if properly kept, and it will commend itself to those who wish to preserve a satisfactory. family record.

Portrait of Robert Collyer.-A. Williams & Co., Boston, have a lithographed head of this popular clergyman, in regard to which it will be sufficient to quote the following extract from a


"Miss Louise Dewey, a dear young friend of

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