Зображення сторінки



Special studies bearing on Milton's theory of poetry and fine art. ADDISON, JOSEPH. Addison's Criticisms on Paradise Lost, ed. by Albert S. Cook. Boston, 1892. (With one exception all references to Addison's papers in The Spectator are to this volume, which is cited as Addison on P. L., ed. by Cook, and also to their number and date in The Spectator.)

BYWATER, INGRAM. Milton and the Aristotelian Definition of Tragedy, in Journal of Philology 27 (1900). 54.

COOK, ALBERT S. Milton's View of the Apocalypse as a Tragedy, in Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Oct., 1912.

GOOD, JOHN WALTER. Studies in the Milton Tradition (especially Appendix I). University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 3, and 4. Urbana, 1913.

HADOW, WILLIAM HENRY. Milton's Knowledge of Music, in Milton Memorial Lectures. London, 1909.

SCOLARI, FILIPPO. Saggio di Critica sul Paradiso Perduto di Giovanni Milton. Vinegia, 1818.

SPAETH, SIGMUND GOTTFRIED. Millon's Knowledge of Music. Its Sources and its Significance in his Works. Princeton, 1913. WOODHULL, MARIANNA. The Epic of Paradise Lost. New York, 1907.


Theories of poetry and the fine arts certainly or presumably known to Milton; see also next section.

ARISTOTLE. Poetics. (References are to the text and the translation in Aristotle on the Art of Poetry, ed. by Ingram Bywater. Oxford, 1909.)

CASTELVETRO, LODOVICO. Poetica d'Aristotele vulgarizzata et sposta. 1570. (References are to the Basil edition, 1576. Cited as Poetica d'Aristotele.) HEINSIUS, DANIEL. De Poetica (Heinsius recensuit). Leyden, 1610 De Tragoediae Constitutione. Leyden, 1611.

HORACE. ATs Poetica. (References are to the text, and the translation by Francis Howes, in The Art of Poetry, ed. by Albert S. Cook. Boston, 1892.)

LONGINUS. On the Sublime. (References are to the edition by W. Rhys Roberts. Cambridge, 1899.)

Mazzoni, GIACOPO. Della Difesa della Commedia di Dante. Studio e spesa di D. Mauro Verdoni e D. Domenico Buccioli, Saccerdoti di Cesena. 1578. (References are to the Cesena edition, 1688. Cited as Difesa di Dante.)

De Poeta.)

De Poeta Libri Sex. Venetiis, 1559. (Cited as

L'Arte Poetica. 1564. (References are to the Naples edition, 1725.) QUINTILIAN. Institutio Oratoria. (References are to Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory, trans. by John Selby Watson. London, 1873.) ROBORTELLI, FRANCESCO. In Librum Aristotelis de Arte Poetica Explicationes. Florence, 1548.

SCALIGER, JULIUS CAESAR. Poetices Libri Septem. 1561. (References are to Select Translations from Scaliger's Poetics, by Frederick M. Padelford. Yale Studies in English, No. 26. New York, 1905.) SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. An Apology for Poetry. 1595. (References are to the text in Elizabethan Critical Essays, Vol. 1, ed. by Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904.)

TASSO, TORQUATO. Discorsi dell'Arte Poetica e in particolare sopra il Poema Eroico. 1587. Discorsi del Poema Eroico. 1594. (References are to the text in Opere di Torquato Tasso, Vol. 12, ed. by G. Rosini. Pisa, 1821-1832. Cited as Dell' Arte Poetica and Del Poema Eroico.)

VIDA, MARCO GIROLAMO. De Arte Poetica. 1527. (References are to the text, and the translation by Christopher Pitt, in The Art of Poetry, ed. by Albert S. Cook. Boston, 1892.)


Works containing miscellaneous material related to the subject of this book.

1. Ancient and mediaeval.

ARISTOTLE. The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle, trans, by James E. C. Welldon. London, 1892. (Cited as Eth. Nic., trans. by Welldon.) The Rhetoric of Aristotle, trans. by Richard C. Jebb. Cambridge, 1909.

CICERO. The Orator, in The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Vol. 4, trans. by Charles D. Yonge. London, 1852.

PLATO. The Dialogues of Plato (especially the Gorgias, Ion, Phaedrus, Republic, and Symposium), trans. by Benjamin Jowett. Oxford, 1892.

STRABO. The Geography of Strabo, Bks. 1, 2, 5, trans. by Horace L. Jones. (Based in part upon an unfinished version by John R. Sitlington Sterrett.) London, 1917.

DANTE. Divina Commedia. (The translation used is by Arthur J. Butler, in 3 vols. London, 1891-1892.)

De Vulgari Eloquentia and De Monarchia, in The Latin Works of Dante. Temple Classics. London, 1904.

2. Sixteenth-century.

JONSON, BEN. Discoveries, ed. by Maurice Castelain. Paris (? 1896). PUTTENHAM. The Art of Poesy, in Elizabethan Critical Essays, Vol. 2, ed. by Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904.

SPENSER, EDMUND. Complete Poetical Works. Cambridge Edition, 1908. A View of the Present State of Ireland, in The Works of Edmund Spenser. Globe Edition. London, 1907.

TASSO, TORQUATO. Gerusalemme Liberata. Vinegia, 1580. (The translation used is by Edward Fairfax, ed. by Henry Morley. London, 1901.)

WHETSTONE, GEORGE. 'Dedication' to Promus and Cassandra, in Elizabethan Critical Essays, Vol. 1, ed. by Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904.

WEBBE, WILLIAM. A Discourse of English Poetrie (containing in an appendix Webbe's translation of the Catholica of Fabricius), in Elizabethan Critical Essays, Vol. 1, ed. by Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904. ELIZABETHAN CRITICAL ESSAYS. Ed. by Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904. (Cited as Eliz. Crit. Essays.)

3. Modern.

ALLODOLI, ETTORE. Giovanni Milton e l'Italia. Prato, 1907.

BEERS, HENRY A. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century. New York, 1899.

BUTCHER, SAMUEL HENRY. Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. London, 1920.

BYWATER, INGRAM. Aristotle On the Art of Poetry. Oxford, 1909. CHARLTON, HENRY B. Castelvetro's Theory of Poetry. Manchester, 1913. CHURCH, RICHARD W. Dante and Other Essays. London, 1899. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Biographia Literaria, Shakespeare,

and Table Talk, in Works, ed. by Shedd. New York, 1884. COOPER, LANE. Aristotle On the Art of Poetry. An Amplified Version for Students of English. Boston, 1913.

Methods and Aims in the Study of Literature. Boston, 1915. DELILLE, JACQUES. Les Jardins, in Œuvres Complètes. Paris, 1863. DOWDEN, EDWARD. Essays Modern and Elizabethan. London, 1910. DRYDEN, JOHN. Essays of John Dryden (especially An Essay of Dramatic Poesy), ed. by W. P. Ker. Oxford, 1900.

ELLWOOD, THOMAS. The History of Thomas Ellwood, Written by Himself. Morley's Universal Library. London, 1886.

GREEN, JOHN RICHARD. A Short History of the English People. New York, 1898.

HAVENS, RAYMOND D. Seventeenth-Century Notices of Millon, and The Early Reputation of Paradise Lost, in Englische Studien 40 (1909). 175-199.

The Influence of Milton on English Poetry. Cambridge, Mass., 1922.

LEGRAND, PHILLIPE E. The New Greek Comedy, trans. by James Loeb. London, 1917.

MASON, GEORGE An Essay on Design in Gardening. London, 1795. MASON, WILLIAM. The English Garden, a Poem in Four Books. Commentary by W. Burgh. York, 1783.

MASSON, DAVID. The Life of John Milton. London, 1871-1880. (The references to Vol. 1 are to the new edition, London, 1881.)

PALGRAVE, FRANCIS T. Landscape in Poetry. London, 1897.
PHELPS, WILLIAM L. The English Romantic Movement. Boston, 1893.
PHILLIPS, EDWARD. Theatrum Poetarum. Canterbury, 1800. (Refer-
ences to the Preface are given to Critical Essays of the Seventeenth
Century, ed. by Joel E. Spingarn. Oxford, 1908.)

The Life Of Milton, in Of Education [etc.], ed. by Laura
E. Lockwood. Boston, 1911.

RAND, EDWARD KENNARD. Millon in Rustication, in Studies in Philology, Apr. 1922.

REYNOLDS, MYRA. The Treatment of Nature in English Poetry between Pope and Wordsworth. Chicago, 1896.

REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Discourses, ed. by Roger Fry. London, 1905. SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Introduction to King Arthur, in Dramatic Works of Dryden, ed. by Scott and Saintsbury. Edinburgh, 1882. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. A Defence of Poetry, in Shelley's Prose in the Bodleian Manuscripts, ed. by A. H. Koszul. London, 1910. SIEVEKING, ALBERT F. Gardens Ancient and Modern. London, 1899. SPINGARN, JOEL E. A History of Literary Criticism in the Renaissance. New York, 1908. (Cited as Lit. Crit. in the Ren.)

SWITZER, STEPHEN. The Nobleman, Gentleman, and Gardener's Recreation, or, An Introduction to Gardening, Planting, Agriculture, and the other Business and Pleasures of a Country Life. London, 1715. THOMPSON, ELBERT N. S. Essays on Milton. New Haven, 1914. THOMPSON, GUY A. Elizabethan Criticism of Poetry. Chicago, 1914. TOLAND, JOHN. The Life of Milton. London, 1771.

WALPOLE, HORACE. On Modern Gardening, in Anecdotes of Painting, collected by Mr. George Vertue, digested and published . . . by the Honorable Horace Walpole, Vol. 4. London, 1827.


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