Зображення сторінки


11. Alder, berry bearing, 465. Rhamnus frangula, 1.
12. Acacia, 1719. H. Robinia acacia, 1.

Mulberry tree, 1429. H. Morus nigra, 1.
Lime tree, 473.1,2,3. Tilia Europea, 1.
Mercury, dogs, 135.1. Mercurialis perennis, F.
* Elm, wych, 469.4. L.

Ragweed, 177. Senecio jacobea, E.
13. Laburnum, 1721. Cytifus laburnum, f.
Strawberry, 254. Fragaria vefca, F.
Quicken tree, 452.2. Sorbus aucuparia, L.
Sycomore, 470. Acer pjeudoplat. L.
Laurel, 1549. H. Prunus laurerafus, L.
Gooseberry bush, 1484. H. Ribes groffularia, F.
Currant bush, 456.1. Ribes rubrum, F.
Mallow, 251.1. Malva fylveftris, E.
Hornbeam, 451. Carpinus betulus, L.
14. Flixweed, 298.3. Sifymbrium sophia, E.
Apple tree, 451. Pyrus malus, L.
Hops, 137.1. Humulus lupinus, E.
Plane tree, 1706. H. Platanus orientalis, b.
Walnut tree, 438. Juglans regia, f.

BITTERN, 100,11. Ardea ftellaris, makes a noise.

15. Vine, 1613. Vitis vinifera, B.

Turneps, 204.1. Braffica rapa, F.

16. Abele, 446.2. Populus alba, B.

Chefnut, 138.2. H. Fagus caftanea, B.
Ivy, ground, 243. Glechoma hederacea, F.

Fig tree, 1431. Ficus carica, b.

Apricots and peaches out of blow.

RED START, 78.5. Motacilla Phænicurus, returnî,
Tulip tree, 1695. H. Liriodendron tulipifera, B.

Plum tree, 462. Prunus domeftica, F.

Sorrel, wood, 281.1,2. Oxalis acetofella, F.
Marygold, marjh, 272. Caltha paluftris, F.
Laurel, Spurge, 465. Daphne laureola, F.

37. Jack in the hedge, 291.2. Eryfimum alliaria, F.
Willow, white, 447.1. Salix alba, L. et F.
Cedar, 1404. H. Pinus cedrus, 1.

Elder, water, 460.1. Viburnum opulus, f.
Abele, 446.2. Populus alba, L.

+ CUCKOW, 23. Cuculus canorus, fings. 18. Cak, 440.1. Quercus, robur, 1. F.

Thorn, black, 462.1. Prunus fpinofus, B.
Pear tree, 452. Pyrus communis, f.
Mulberry tree, 1429. H. Morus nigra, B.
Violet, dog, 364.3. Viola canina, F.
Lime tree, 413.1,2,3. Tilia Europea, L.
Nightfhade, 265. Atropa belladonna, E.
Cherry tree, 463.1. Prunus cerafas, F.
Ath tree, 469. Fraxinus excelfior, f.
Maple, 470. Acer campestre, L.
Broom, 474. Spartium fcoparium, b.
Chefnut, 138.2. Fagus caftanea, L.
Fir, Scotch, 442. Pinus fylveftris, b.

Linnæus does not feem to know this fpecies of elm.

Ariftophanes fays, that when the cuckow fang the Phoenicians reaped wheat and barley. Vid. Aves.

[merged small][ocr errors]

18. Cuckow

[blocks in formation]

Meadow fweet, 259. Spiræa ulmaria, E.
Fig tree, 1431. H. Ficus carica, fruit formed.
Tormentil, 257.1. Tormentilla erecta, E.
Phyllerea, 1585. H. Phyllerea latifolia, F.
Thorn, evergreen, 1459. H. Mefpilus pyracantha, F.
Rofemary, 515. H. Kofmarinus officinalis, F.
Campion, white, 339.8. Lychnis dioica, F.
Buckbean, 285.1. Menyanthes trifol. F.
Furze, needle, 476.1. Genifta Anglica, F.

Stitchwort, 346.1.

23. Crab tree, 451.2. Apple tree, 451.1.

Robert, berb, 358.

Stellaria beloftea, F.
Pyrus malus fylv. F.

Pyrus malus, f.

Geranium Robertian, F.

Fieldfares, 64.3. Turdus pilaris, ftill here.

24. Broom, 474. Spartium fcoparium, F.

Mercury, 156.15. Chenopodium bonus henr. F.
Yew tree, 445. Taxus baccifera, L.
Holly, 466.1. Ilex aquifolium, B.
Furze, 475. Eulex Europeus, 1.

Agrimony, 202. Agrimonia eupator, E.

25. Sycomore, 470. Acer pseudoplat. F.
Hornbeam, 451. Carpinus betulus, F.
Afp, 446. Populus tremula, 1.
Spurge, fun, 313.8. Euphorbia peplus, F.
Elder tree, 461.1. Sambucus nigra, f.
Nettle, 139. Urtica dioica, F.

Bindweed, Small, 275.2. Convolvulus arvenf. E.
Fir, balm of Gilead. Pinus balfamea, L.

Cicely, wild, 207.1. Charophyllum fylveftre, F.
Young currants and gooseberries.

26. Plantain ribwort, 314.5. Plantago lanceol. F.
Germander, wild, 281.11. Veronica chamad. F.
Cuckow pint, 266. Arum maculatum, fpatha out.
Holly, 466. Ilex aquifolium, F.

Harebells, 373.3. Hyacinthus nonfcript. F. 27. LILAC, 1763. H. Syringa vulgaris, F.

Crane's bill. field, 357.2. Geranium cicutar. F.
St. John's wort, 342.1. Hypericum perforat. E.
Betony water, 283.1. Scrophularia aquat. E.
Bryony, white, 261. Bryonia alba, E.
Birch tree, 443.1. Betula alba, F.

28. Jeffamine, 1599.1. H. Jafminum officinale, 1.
Thorn, white, 453.3. Crataegus oxyacantha, f.

28. BLACK.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

I. Crofswort, 223.1. Valantia cruciata, F.
Avens, 253.1. Geum urbanum, F.

Mugwort, 191.1. Artemifia campestris, E.
Bay, 1688. H. Laurus nobilis, L.

3. Lily of the valley, 264. Convallaria Maialis, f.
Violet, water, 285. Hottonia paluftris, F.
4. Lettuce lambs, 201. Valeriana locufta, F.
Tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera, L.
Hound's tongue, 226.1. Cynogloffum officinale.
Cowlips, 284.3. Primula veris, F.

Valerian, great wild, 200.1. Valerian officinalis, F.
Rattle, yellow, 284.1. Rhinanthus crifta galli, F.


Thermom. 8. The lowest this month.

Fir, filver, buds hurt by the froft.
5. Twayblade, 385. Ophrys ovata, f.
Tormentil, 257. Tormentilla erecta, F.
Celandine, 309. Chelidonium majus, E.
Betony, 238.1. Betonica officinalis, E.
6. Oak, 440. Quercus, robur, F. et L.
Time for forwing barley.

Saxifrage, white, 354.6. Saxifraga granulata, F.
Afh, 469. Fraxinus excelfior, f.

Ramfons, 370.5. Allium urfinum, F.
Nettle, white, 240.1. Lamium album, F.
Quicken tree, 452.2. Sorbus aucuparia, F.
7. Fir, Scotch, 442. Pinus fylveftris, F.
8. Woodruffe, 224. Afperula odorata, F.
9. Chefnut tree, 1382. H. Fagus caftanea, f.
10. Celandine, 309. Chelidonium majus, F.

Solomon's feal, 664. Convallaria polygonat. F.
Thorn, white, 453.3. Crataegus oxyacantha, F.

The black cap is a very fine finging bird, and is by fome in Norfolk called the mock nightingale. Whether it be a bird of paffage I cannot fay.

+ I have fome doubt whether this bird be the Sylvia of the Linnæus, though the defcription feems to answer to Ray's, and to one of my own, which I find among my papers.

Vernal heat, according to Dr. Hales, at a medium, is 18.25.

11. Maple,


17. Acacia, 1719. H. Robinia pseudo-acacia, F. 18. Yarrow, 183. Achillea millefolium, F.

19. Thermom. 44.25. Higheft this month.

21. Orache, wild, 154.1. Chenopodium album, F.

Solftice. About this time ROOKS come not to their neft trees at night.
Wheat, 386.1. Triticum bybernum, F.

RYE, 388.1. Secale hybernum, F.

Self-heal, 238. Prunella vulgaris, f.

Parfley, hedge, 219.4. Tordylium anthriscus, f.

Graffes of many kinds, as feftuca, aira, agroftis, phleum cynofurus, in ear. 22. Horehound, bafe, 239. Stachys Germanica, F.

St. John's wort, 342. Hypericum perforatum, F.
Parfnep, 206.1. Paftinaca fativa, F.

Mullein, white, 287. Verbascum thapfus, F.
Poppy, wild, 308. Papaver fomnifer, F.
23. Larkspur, 708.3. H. Delphinium Ajacis, F.

Marygold, corn, 182.1. Chryfanthemum feget. F.
24. Rosemary, 515. H. Rofmarinus officinalis, D.
25. Vine, 1613. H. Vitis vinifera, F.

Bindweed, great, 275.2. Convolvulus arvenfis, F.
Feverfew, 187. Matricaria parthenium, F.
Woad, wild, 366.2. Refeda Luteola, F.
Rocket, bafe, 366.1. Refeda lutea, F.

Archangel, yellow, 240.5. Galeopfis galeobdolon, F.
Wheat, 386.1. Triticum hybernum, F.
Thermom. 20. The lowest this month.

27. Clover mowed.

Pennywort, marsh, 222. Hydrocotule vulgaris, F.
Meadow, fweet, 259. Spiræa ulmaria, F.

28. Oats manured, 389. Avena fativa, F.
Barley, 388. Hordeum vulgo, F.

Midfummer fhoots of apricot, oak, beech, elm.

SUCCORY, WILD, 172.1. Cichorium intybus, F.
Blue bottles, 198. Centaurea cyanus,


Knapweeed, great, 198. Centaurea fcabiofa, F.

30. Currants ripe.

According to Dr. Hales, May and June heat is, at a medium, 28.5.

The groves, the fields, the meadows, now no more

With melody refound. 'Tis filence all,

As if the lovely fongfters, overwhelm'd
By bounteous nature's plenty, lay intranc'd
In drowsy lethargy.


[blocks in formation]

2. Beech, 439. Fagus sylvatica, F.

Pearlwort, 345.2. Fagina procumbens, F.
Carrot, wild, 218. Daucus carrota, F.
Grafs, dog, 390.1. Triticum repens, in ear.

Violet, Calathian, 274, Gentiana pneumonan. F.

I heard no birds after the end of this month, except the STONE CURLEW, 108.4. Charadris Oedicnemus, whistling late at night; the YELLOW HAMMER, 93.2. Emberiza flava; the GOLDFINCH, 89.1. and GOLDEN CRESTED WREN, 79.9. Motacilla regulus, now and then chirping. I omitted to note down when the cuckow left off finging, but, as well as I remember, it was about this time. Ariftotle fays, that this bird difappears about the rifing of the dog-star, i. e. towards the latter end of july.

4. Silver


4. Silver weed, 256.5. Potentilla anferina, F.
Betony, 238.1. Betonica officinalis, F.

Nightshade, enchanters, 289. Circæa lutetiana, f.
6. Lavender, 512. Lavendula pica, F.
Parfley, hedge, Tordylium anthrifcus, F.
Gromill, 228.1. Lithofpermum officinale, F.
Furze, 473. Ulex genista, D.

Cow wheat, eyebright, 284.2. Euphrafia odont. F.
7. Pinks, maiden, 335.1. Dianthus deltoides, F.
8. Tanfey, 188.1. Tanacetum vulgare, f.

Bed-ftraw, lady's yellow, 224. Galium verum, F.
Sage, wood, 245. Teucrium fcorodonia, F.
Spinach, 162. H. Spinacia oleracia, F.
Thermom. 22. Lowest this month.

9. Angelica, wild, 208.2. Angelica fylveftris, F.
Strawberries ripe.

Fennel, 217. Anethum fœniculum, F.

10. Beans, kidney, 884. H. Phafeolus vulgaris, podded.
Parfley, 884. H. Apium petrofelinum, F.

Sun dew, round leaved, 356.3. Drofera rotundifol. F.
Sun dew, long leaved, 356.4. Drofera longifol. F.
Lily, white, 1109. H. Lilium candidum, f.

11. Mullein, boary, 288. Verbafcum phlomoid. F.
Plantain, great, 314.1,2. Plantago major, F.

WILLOW, SPIKED, of Theophr. 1699. H. Spiræa falicifol. F.

Jeffamine, 1599. H. Jasminum officinale, F.

Reft harrow, 332. Ononis fpinofa, F.

Hyffop, 516. H. Hyffopus officinalis, F.
Potatoes, 615.14. H. Solanum tuberosum, F.
Second fhoots of the maple.

Bell flower, round leaved, 277.5. Campanula, F.
LILY, WHITE, 1109. H. Lilium candidum, F.
Rafberries ripe.

Figs yellow.

13. LIME TREE, 473. Tilia Europaa, F.
Knapweed, 198.2. Centaurea jacea, F.
Stonecrop, 269. Sedum rupestre, F.

Grafs, knot, 146. Polygonum aviculare, F.
Grafs, bearded dog, 390.2. Triticum caninum, F.

15. Thermom. 39. Highest this month.

16. Afparagus, 267.1. Afparagus officinalis, berries. Mugwort, 190.1. Artemifia vulgaris, F.

18. Willow herb, purple spiked, 367.1. Lythrum falicaria, F.


Agrimony, water hemp, 187.1. Bidens tripart. F. 20. Flax, purging, 362.6. Linum catharticum, F. Arfmart, Spotted, 145.4. Polygonum perficaria, F. Lily, martagon, 1112. H. Lilium martagen. HENS moult.

22. Orpine, 269. Sedum telephium, f.

Hart's tongue, 116. Afplenium fcolopendra, F.
Pennyroyal, 235. Mentha pulegium, F.
Bramble, 461.1. Rubus fruticofus. Fruit red.
Lauruftinus, 1690. H. Viburnum tinus, f.
24. Elecampane, 176. Inula helenium, F.

Amaranth, 202. H. Amaranthus caudatus, F.

27. Bindweed, great, 275.1. Convolvulus fepium, F. 28. Plantain, great water, 257.1. Alifma plantago, F.

28. Mint,

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