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strongly opposed to this trade. On this account it is one of the greatest obstacles in the way of Christian missions. Our countrymen there are known only as vendors of opium-the curse of China -or as preachers of Christianity. The Imperial Government set itself against the trade for more than sixty years, and declared it contraband. It was, however, utterly unable to contend with the heavily-armed vessels in which the opium is carried; but in 1839, after repeated warnings to the English residents (the last being addressed to them individually) to send away their opium then in Chinese waters; a special commissioner from Pekin caused the owners to be confined within their own dwellings until they surrendered the entire quantity, amounting to 20,283 chests. He then destroyed the whole, valued at between one and two millions sterling, and took such measures as rendered it almost impossible to dispose of a chest along the coast.

5. The British Government thereupon declared war against China: and, after the slaughter of nearly 40,000 of its subjects, dictated a treaty by which the Chinese were compelled to pay more than £4,000,000 for the opium destroyed, and for the expenses of the war, and also to give up the island of Hong-Kong on their coast. The English merchants had previously signed a pledge to discontinue the trade, and the British Government entered into a Supplementary Treaty, by which they bound themselves to discountenance all smuggling for the future.

6. Instead of these engagements being kept, the merchants (with, it is said, two exceptions) immediately resumed the trade. After a time, the British Government also allowed the island ceded to them for the purpose "of careening and refitting ships, and keeping stores there for that purpose," to be used

"It appears that field-pieces, loaded with grape, had been planted at the end of long, narrow streets, thronged with men, women, and children, and that they were mowed down like grass, and the gutters flowed with their innocent blood."-Speech of Sir H. Pottinger, H. M. Plenipotentiary at China, at a dinner given to him by the Liverpool Merchants, as quoted in Letter by Aug. S. Stapleton, Esq. p. 7.

for warehousing the contraband opium; and the annual import into China has risen, since that war, from less than 40,000 to 80,000 chests.

7. During the continuance of peace, the British Government importuned the Chinese Emperor to legalize the opium trade, but always without success. He refused again and again, alleging that " nothing should induce him to derive a revenue from the vice and misery of his people;" but a second war having broken out, they have now dictated a new treaty, by which their former obligation to discourage smuggling is abrogated, and the Chinese have been forced to legalize the trade, with every prospect of its indefinite extension among their vast population of 400,000,000-more than a third of the human race. The great rise which immediately took place in the price of opium in Calcutta, shows what ground there is for this apprehension.


8. By far the greater part of the opium imported into China is prepared by the British Government in India, expressly with that view. It is manufactured ACCORDING TO SAMPLES OBTAINED FROM CHINA OF THAT PREPARATION OF THE DRUG MOST IN DEMAND

AMONG THE INFATUATED VICTIMS OF THE DEMORALISING INDULGENCE before described. It has all along been packed according to Chinese weights, even dur ing the subsistence of the treaty binding this country to discourage smuggling into China, and it is disposed of by public sale now in the name of her Majesty, the profits arising from it forming a large part of the INDIAN REVENUE.

9. Within the presidency of Bengal the Government exercise a strict monopoly in the growth of the poppy. This is enforced by regulations often made instrumental of great oppression in the hands of the corrupt native officials. The money requisite for the cultivation is advanced by Government, and an ever-increasing extent of the richest land is annually devoted to that purpose, at the cost of the proportionally diminished growth of the useful products of the soil of India, such as sugar, indigo, &c. Thus, notwithstanding the remonstrances of some of the ablest of the chairmen, directors, and members of the service,

the East India Company have extended the cultivation to districts where it was before unknown, and have derived an additional revenue from farming out the home sale of this article; while they themselves, in their own "Memorandum of Improvements in their Administration" (presented to Parliament, 1858), call the consumption of opium "a hurtful indulgence, from which India itself has hitherto been comparatively free."

10. According to the testimony of competent and unprejudiced witnesses, the demoralisation which is proved to be inseparable from the trade in China, attends the cultivation in India. A Government officer in that department declares, that "one opium cultivator demoralises a village" another, that in Assam, where the cultivation is free, "it is depopulating the country, and degrading one of the finest races of that peninsula "into one of the most abject and depraved."

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classes, the loss would be only temporary, and the new sources of revenue prove much more secure than the precarious and dishonourable opium manufacture.

In the name of the Committee,
G. D. CULLEN, Chairman.
D. DAVIDSON, Vice-Chairman.

**Those wishing further information on the subject of this paper, are referred to-"The Opium Trade in China, by an Eye-Witness;" being Four Letters by the Rev. James Johnston, Missionary at Amoy: Heaton and Son, London, price 2d. "The Opium Trade; Appeal to the British Nation against it,' by Rev. W. Tait: Wertheim and MacIntosh, London, price 6d. "C The Traffic in Opium in the East," by Dr. Jeffreys, Staff-Surgeon at Cawnpore: Longman, London, price 6d. "What is the Opium Trade?" by Donald Matheson, Esq.: Constable, Edinburgh, price 6d.


11. In the North-Western provinces, and in Scinde,, the culture of the poppy is prohibited; in the presidencies of Madras and Bombay it is virtually soand (as in the case of the prohibition of the growth of tobacco in the United FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN,- Having peKingdom) this prohibition is easily en-rused the foregoing statement of facts, forced, the plant being extremely con- we feel constrained to call on you spicuous, and requiring to be four to awake to your responsibility in months on the ground.

12. The remainder of the opium shipped from India to China is the produce of native independent States; but it can be shipped only from British ports, where the British Government have no difficulty in levying any amount of transit-duty they choose to impose, there being no other route by which it can pass.

From these two facts last mentioned, it is evident that whenever the Legislature wills it, the CULTURE AND MANUFACTURE OF OPIUM IN INDIA CAN BE


That this would, at first, entail a serious loss to the Indian revenue, is admitted; but the Committee believe that, by wisely developing the great resources of India; by employing the large capital, which Government has now embarked in the manufacture of opium, in works of public utility, yielding a good return; and by an improved system of taxation, reaching the more wealthy

this matter. All these things have been done, and are being done in your name. Through your representatives in the East, you are chargeable with the introduction of a new vice; with fostering it to a gigantic growth; and, finally, with extorting from its victims a legal sanction to your unhallowed enterprise. You first induced the poor heathen to taste your poisonous drug, then plied him with ever-increasing draughts, till, awakening from his delirium, he dashed your cup from his lips. You filled it afresh, and forced him again to drink; and now you have obliged him to take it into his own hands, that, in his seeming consent, you might have a poor palliation of your guilt!

Do you resent the charge? We know that you have done it ignorantly through your rulers. Would we could say as much for them! Do you, then, condemn them for the past? Prove your own innocence for the future. You are citi

zens of a free country. You form its public opinion-that public opinion, which, sooner or later, becomes public law. For the formation of that opinion, for the passing of those laws, you are responsible. Shrink not from the responsibility. This is no party movement for which we ask your aid. We cannot say it is not a political, economical, or commercial advantage which we call on you to secure, for it could easily be shown to be each and all of these. But it is infinitely more. It is the honour of Britain, in the face of the world, we call on you to vindicate. It is the welfare of a third of the human race we call on you to defend. It is in the cause of degraded humanity, of outraged morals, of the glorious gospel of the blessed God-impeded by this accursed traffic-that we call on you to rise and abolish it for ever. Say not it is impossible. It is right, and therefore can be done. It is right, and therefore one day shall be done; but whether in your day, or only after you have given in your account for every talent you

possessed, will depend much on yourselves. With the example of the abolition of the slave-trade and slavery, why should you despair? This is not your cause, but God's; and (need we say?) He can, in a manner the most unlooked for, and at a time the least expected, overthrow every obstacle, and conduct to a triumphant issue any cause that is His own.

Does any one ask, "What can I do ?" Circulate far and wide these facts brought to your own knowledge; inform your neighbour of the wickedness perpetrated in his name and yours; and then together demand of the Legislature that the culture of the poppy be forbidden in India, except as it is required for medicine; and that the opium trade with China be prohibited, as are other trades which are CONTRARY TO THE MORAL SENSE of Mankind.

Communications regarding the subject of the above Statement and Appeal may be addressed to the Secretary, DAVID M'LAREN, Esq., 2, Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh.


AH mother! you are smiling, well you may,
When you remember on this very day,
But two short years ago, the gracious Lord
Spake by the hammer of His mighty Word
In tones so solemn, that the heart was bent
To listen to His dictates, and repent.
Oh, what mighty change! a child of hell,
Steep'd in transgression, doomed to torments

Awakened by the voice of sovereign love,
To cry for mercy to the fount above:
And then-to find that mercy full and free-
That mercy (which a Paul found) stretched
to thee!

Ah! words may strive, but words will ever prove

Powerless to paint the worth of sovereign love. It may be when a few more rolling years Have spent their little course, a few more fears

Been felt, a few more trifling sorrows known, When bending low before the' eternal throne; That then you'll better tell the wondrous


That then your tongue will not so feeble


That then-when feeble faith is lost in sight, That tongue and heart will both their powers unite

In celebrating, 'mid that holy throng, The love that in that dark night gave “a song."

Till then, oh strive to know His precious power,

Renewing, cleansing, cheering every hour; Bringing down thoughts of self, of ease, of earth,

And raising to a life of heavenly birth, Trusting His merits, seeing in His sight, Striving in His strength, working in His might.

And when the picture stays on earth alone, And thou to many mansions shall have gone, We'll give back smile for smile, and think

with joy,

"Ah, now you're smiling where there's no alloy."

And then, we'll hope to meet you there ere long;

So now, God bless you-I have closed my song,



To the Editor of the Gospel Magazine.

MY DEARLY BELOVED BROTHER,-I doubt not that your mind has been greatly exercised about the strange religious movements in this country. Many of your readers are also anxious to hear the testimony of an eye-witness respecting the revivals.


I therefore send you a few particulars which I hope may prove interesting; and I ask all who read this to unite in fervent, hearty prayer to Him whose ear is not heavy," that the power of the Lord the Spirit may be abundantly displayed through every corner of our land; and that many may be found crying out, in heartfelt sincerity, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?"

I commence by giving you a short sketch of the present movement from its beginning, which is to be traced to the town of


Ballymena is a large market town. The parish in which it is situated is called by the strange name Kirkinriola. It lies to the north-west of Belfast, in the county of Antrim, and is about the same distance that Bonmahon is from Waterford. It contains about 5000 inhabitants; and, in the history of Ireland, Ballymena has a questionable reputation from the circumstance that, in 1798, a bloody battle was fought here between the United Irishmen and the Protestant Yeomanry.

The linen manufacture is carried on here to a great extent; there are from fourteen to twenty large bleach-greens, several linen factories and flax establishments; and from all the surrounding districts, every Saturday, an immense concourse come in to trade in flax, and to the market. The population is composed of those who work in those factories, as well as those who are engaged in agricultural pursuits. Besides the members of the Church of England there are two congregations of Presbyterians, of the Synod of Ulster, one of Seceding Presbyterians; there is a large body of Wesleyans, some Independents, and there are also some Romanists resident in the district.

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A good Christian lady, who was not a native, came to sojourn for a time, last year but one, in this busy place. She was delighted with the cleanliness, and the industry, and the prosperity of the people; but she loved her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and it was a great and sad grief to her that, with some exceptions, there was great deadness, and coldness, and lifelessness.

She became an active missionary. God blessed her humble endeavours for His cause. Several were brought, by her instrumentality, to know the truth respecting salvation for themselves, and to be anxious about it for others. A prayer-meeting was established; God's blessing, and God's Spirit was earnestly asked for, and God seemed to give a special blessing in this large and populous district. The results were very strange. The conversions of the most abandoned characters were most striking. The morality of the community became most remarkable. Intemperance especially became checked. Out of twentytwo public-houses in Ballymena fifteen were closed for want of business. The outward evidences of a great change in the community could not be concealed. It was evidenced in a greatlyincreased attendance upon every place of worship. A great desire to know and hear the message of salvation characterized both young and old.

Many also "received the Word with gladness," and desired to be called and known as Christians; they desired to tell it also to others.

The ministers of every denomination joined heart and hand, and gave the right hand of fellowship one to the other. The foremost man appears to have been the Rev. Mr. MOORE, one of the Presbyterian Ministers of Ballymena: It was in the early part of this year the work began to spread itself.

In the neighbouring parish of Connor a similar spirit, like to that which was evinced in Ballymena, began to show itself; and so on, the circle became wider and greater, until at last it reached the important town of Belfast. From thence it has been gradually extending itself to the counties of Armagh, and Down, part of Louth, Derry, and even as far south as Monaghan. The savour of the great work has diffused itself in some measure over the whole of Ireland. Faithful, earnest men, in every quarter, have been continually instant in prayer that God would bless His work, and that He would extend its influence to every quarter of the land, and God has heard them.


Belfast, from its population and importance, seems to have been the place to excite most attention; but you must not imagine that the work has been confined to this great and interesting place. In the smallest villages about and around, the most strange and extraordinary conversions have taken place. The great mass of the population has been sobered and solemnized.

The circumstances of Belfast are peculiar. You may remember that, about eighteen months ago, the attempt was made in Belfast to commence openair preaching in the streets. The immediate consequence was, that the Roman Catholic portion of the population, who are about a fourth of the number, and those of the poorer classes, determined that this should not go on. For several months the Orange Men of Belfast determined that it should. The peace of the community was disturbed; the worst passions were excited. The 12th of July, 1858, was a day of battle and bloodshed. The town of Belfast was filled with police, and soldiers, and armed men. Neither life or property seemed safe. The "lewd fellows of the baser sort" determined that the gospel should not be preached. Although the law was upheld in a measure, yet it was not fully vindicated. Men of expediency declared that it was better to give up, and that there should not be, and that there ought not be, any preaching of the message of salvation. They said, forsooth, "It might not be calculated to

promote a breach of the peace." In the end Government had to send down two special commissioners to make inquiry into the facts, and to report upon it.

Now, mark you! all this was done because that earnest men wished to bring before their fellow-sinners, in the high-ways and by-ways, the simple message of salvation. It was no exciting controversy that was preached by the men who desired to arrest the passer by. It was the simple gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Man declared it should not be preached; God, however, willed it otherwise. In a very few months after, that this open-air preaching was put down, and after that the Rev. Mr. HANNA was obliged to desist from his open-air service, a great change was wrought upon the minds and characters of those who were most turbulent. Many who were ready to fight for the Bible, but who cared little for its teaching, were humbled under a sense of sin, and began to feel the comfort and the joy of a good hope. Man endeavoured and Satan strove to crush truth; God, however, brought about His own work in His own way, and determined that there should be the testimony of the name of Jesus, both in private and in public, and in a most remarkable manner in Belfast.

A great revival of religion was brought about there by God's Spirit: quietness and peace ensued.

On the 12th of July, 1859, the Word was proclaimed in love; prayer was made with earnestness and faith. Thousands met together to hear the sound of the gospel; and the same man, whose preaching excited so much rancour and violence, went through the streets of Belfast followed by thousands, singing the blessed song "Salvation! O the joyful sound," and no man dared to lift even his voice to gainsay him. Where, before, all was strife and bloodshed, all was now order and great assurance; and since then the Word of the Lord has had free course, and has been glorified.

The places of worship began to crowd. The inquiry after religion became exciting. Young and old, rich and poor, the moral and the depraved, all seemed alike anxious, earnest, craving, for the Word

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