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To the Editor of the Gospel Magazine.

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us that, "the children attending the school, established and sustained by the Irish Society, and taught by a young man who had found peace, &c., were each and all simultaneously prostrated." Who can doubt but what these children were just like a flock of lambs, who, because one ran a certain way all did the same, without any purpose or meaning? No; I don't think such conversion as this will do for the Lord's living family. Still, far be it from us to say that the Lord is not at work; nay, we believe that in most of these movements there is an under current of good; there is real conversion going on, and if we can only remove the thick coatings of husk, we shall find a kernel within of true and living fruit. One thing is very favourable to such an impression, and that is, the Roman Catholics themselves are considerably alarmed at the movements which are taking place at home and abroad.

A lady in Dublin, who takes an active part in the missionary work there, and has been honoured greatly to help it in various ways, recently wrote as follows:

DEAR EDITOR,-Several readers of your valuable journal have been hoping for some reference to, and remarks upon, the extraordinary (so called) "revivals, which are now taking place in Ireland; but as September number is now to hand, with no allusion to these movements, we venture to lay before our friends a few facts, which we have collected from various sources, with the hope that such will draw out the opinions of those personally acquainted with the wonderful scenes that are being daily exhibited in the northern parts of Ireland. And here let me (at the risk of being by some, deemed censorious) put in a caution: We must ever bear in mind that extraordinary popular delusions upon religious matters is no new species of excitement. In pagan times, for hours together, would a deluded multitude cry out, "Great is Diana of the Ephesians;" and in later days the frames and feelings of the crowds that rushed to the revival meetings of John Wesley, cried out to anything that he chose to advance, a sort of infection taking possession of the spirits of one after another. As a writer truly observes: "All excesses are dangerous, and none perhaps more We have wonderful encouragement so than an excess in devotional feeling. to work, and such crowded, earnest, and Of religious excesses, originating either hearty meetings for praise and prayer. in imposture or the delusions of an The priests are sorely troubled. They over-heated temperament, the world has say, "The people used to come to conhad many lamentable examples. During troversy-that was bad enough; but the last thousand years there have now, when four hundred Roman Cathoappeared as many as twenty false lics meet in the Coombe in open day, for Messiah's, besides an incalculable num-worship with the heretics, we know not ber of persons who have presumed, with where it will end." " equal impiety, to declare themselves And we have a further proof of the to be prophets specially sent of God. alarm which pervades the Roman CathoHistory abounds in accounts of these lic prelates in the expressions at the deluded beings, and of their temporary close of their late lengthy pastoral; success in working on the credulity of they say, followers." So, dear friends, it behoves us to be cautious, and not receive all as genuine in such a counterfeit world; and although we are not going to say for a moment that the work going on in Ireland is not genuine, still we must say that some of it bears the impress of a mere excitement of the feelings. For instance, an Irish paper before us, tells



Addressing you on various subjects concerning your spiritual and temporal welfare, we should, venerable and dearly beloved brethren, be wanting to you, to ourselves, to Our common spiritual Father, did we not call upon you to offer up fervent prayers to Heaven for our Holy Father the Pope, that God may deliver him from all his enemies at home

and abroad, may shorten the days of his affliction, and may give him to see once again reigning around him, what alone he sighs for, 'glory to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will.'"

But let us come, dear reader, to the reality of the work going on in Ireland, and if asked what do you consider the evidences which show whether the work is genuine or not, our reply would be, 1st. Does it lead to conviction on account of sin, and confession before God? 2ndly. Does it lead to Jesus as the only atoning_sacrifice for a poor, lost sinner? 3rdly. Is there the living a life of faith upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and a daily dependence upon the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit? And now, having named these tests, we will lay the facts before our readers as we have received them, and leave them to judge of the work going on. The first extract is from Ballymena; the writer says,

"We paid a short visit to the Presbyterian Church in Wellington Street at a very late hour of one evening this week; and a description of what we observed on that occasion would have corresponding application to the proceedings of almost every other evening for the last fortnight. On entering the gate of enclosure (at nearly eleven o'clock) we found fifty or sixty persons, of both sexes, assembled in the open air about a young woman of very interesting exterior, who, at an earlier hour, and while in attendance at services within the church, had been suddenly and very deeply impressed with a conviction of sin. In this case the usual outburst of mental agony was past, and the sufferer had partially recovered strength, but was still too weak for removal to her residence. In the vestry-room, we beheld a scene which it would be impossible to forget, but equally impossible to describe. The apartment was filled with persons of both sexes, who had been borne from the church under the most excruciating agonies of strong conviction-some of them in a fainting statesome prostrate and moaning heavilysome shuddering in every muscle from mental excitement which they found it impossible to restrain-some calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus-some ejaculating prayers for grace and faith

and others crying aloud in frenzied supplication for Heaven's mercy. In one corner of the room we observed a greyheaded old man-trembling in every limb and regardless of all around himfervently and audibly imploring God to pardon his manifold transgressions, for the Redeemer's sake. A boy, some fourteen or fifteen years of age, was writhing in fearful agony of mind upon the floor, calling incessantly for mercy, and for deliverance from the expected torments of an anticipated hell. 'Oh, Saviour of sinners,' he exclaimed, deliver me from this horrible pit!' 'Oh, Jesus of Nazareth, set my feet upon that rock!' In another part of the room a young man was reclining, in a state of partial stupor, in the arms of a more aged supporter, who was earnestly labouring to tranquillize his mind with words of gospel consolation. At this moment a young woman who had previously been carried from the church in a state of insensibility, and had been seated on a chair of the apartment, recovered animation, but, immediately thereon, fell prostrate with her face towards the floor in a most frightful paroxysm both of soul and body. Every possible assistance was rendered to this person by some pious members of the congregation, who were necessarily in attendance; but, for a considerable period, her suffocating sobs were mingled with appalling cries of terrible despair. The other cases in the vestryroom were of a milder class, and some of them had not occurred on that evening for the first time-several of the parties having been previously among the number of the reformed-but they had become so deeply affected whilst attending the services of the church, that, being unable to restrain their feelings, they were obliged to retire. The prevailing emotion among this class of the converts was exhibited in silent tears of penitence and gratitude-or in an outburst of prayer.

"Open-air prayer meetings continue to be held in every portion of the neighbourhood; and we have been informed, on credible authority, that forty-three new cases of conviction' occurred at one of them in the course of a single evening. The Rev. Mr. Mooney, Incumbent of Ballymena, is heartily co

operating with his fellow-labourers manifest Himself to the people assemamong the clergy of the Presbyterian bled. It having been found that one Church, in promoting the cause of evan- speaker would not be heard to the congelical reform in the community. He fines of the vast assembly, the clergypreached an excellent sermon on the men took up various stations on the subject of religious revivals on Sunday field, and each had a very numerous last, and presided at a crowded meeting auditory. Devotional exercises, which in the Parochial School on the evening were conducted with what every one felt of Tuesday, on which occasion the was unwonted fervour, having been assemblage was faithfully and eloquently engaged in by the ministers, the plataddressed by the Rev. Mr. Maguire, In- forms were alternately occupied by some cumbent of Muckamore. Irrespective of the 'converts from Ballymoney.' of the local evening services, mid-day These young men-for they were for the meetings for united prayer are now held most part mere youths, and one who in the Town-hall, on every Tuesday and spoke with much effect could not be Friday. The first of these took place on more than fifteen years of age-told Tuesday last, on which occasion William their experiences, and the happy termiYoung, Esq., of Fenaghy, occupied the nation to their mental throes, when chair, and the religious services were relieved from the terrible terror of deconducted by the Rev. Messrs. Moore, served condemnation, in words which Mooney, and Dill. In spite of threats, spoke the language of the heart, and and even acts of violence on the part of told of strong conviction. The theme of relatives, the Roman Catholic converts each and all who found peace was continue in steady adherence to the Jesus '- -a name which they pronounced doctrines of the Reformed religion, and with deep emotion. But the work of their number is on the increase. One revival in our town had commenced ere of them-a poor woman resident at some any of the meeting had assembled, and distance in the country-was this week anxious prayers that the labours of those urged, by some of her fellow-converts, to to come might be successful had gone to follow their example, and burn her the throne of grace from many a hearth 'Manual' of the Roman Catholic faith. and public prayer-meeting; and scarcely 'No,' she replied, 'I will not do so, for had the meeting began to assemble, and it contains some portions of the Word before any addresses had been delivered, of God, but I will bury it in the earth.' until an unfortunate girl, who had forAnd she buried it accordingly." merly resisted all the appeals of conscience until conscience seemed dead, "This revival is now in our midst. was carried away from the field uttering Nothing at all approaching to it in ab- loud cries for mercy, and wailing for past sorbing interest has ever before visited and countless offences. Others followed our country. From being spectators of in rapid succession, until scenes of sufthe marvellous results of awakened con- fering souls in distressing agony, which sciences in others, the people of our own we knew would have a glorious termilocality and the inhabitants of our own nation, were to be found in every corner town, have become sharers in the of the place of meeting. Earnest young showers of blessings with which a wise men, whom we scarcely believed, so and gracious Providence has been pleased youthful were they, could display that to refresh the thirsty ground.' At a firmness of nerve and powers of consolameeting held on Tuesday evening, when tion which they display, casting all false it was understood several of those 'en- shame aside, met in groups round the lightened' in Ballymoney would address stricken brother' or 'sister,' to pray the assemblage, more people than we with them. The day after the meeting ever saw attending any meeting, whether (Wednesday) not fewer than 150 cases for instruction or amusement, were pre- of decided conviction were known, and sent. We were exceedingly delighted those who had found peace and joy to see ministers of all Protestant denomi- through such terrible tribulation were nations standing side by side, strength- sought after to give consolation to friends ening each others' hands and heart in in distress. The ministers of religion seeking that the Holy Spirit might were indefatigable in their exertions, and


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untiring in their attendance on the people; and many of those who had taken part in conducting religious services the evening before, were kept out of bed all night that they might answer the calls of distracted friends for assistance to dear ones in trouble. There is not a street nor a lane in the whole town but can number three or four of those who have been enlightened, and on every face there is either an undefined fear, an attempt at a sneer, or, as is the case in the great majority of instances, a joyful looking forward and anxious desire for a share of the blessings. Many Roman Catholics have been, like their fellow sinners of other creeds, 'turned from darkness to light.'


as they and another young man, who is also one of the newspaper staff, have all been prostrated, like those who have found peace in Jesus," we have had a difficulty in getting out the Chronicle. We have, of course, visited the young lads, and, had we not known that the change in others has led to a different walk and conversation, we would have been surprised at the effect a few short hours had wrought in their conversation and desires. As it is, they informed us, with tears in their eyes, and in language whose earnestness told of conviction, that for nothing the world could offer would they barter the love of their dear Saviour, who had put a new song in their mouth,' and through whose great love and intercession they had found 'peace in believing;' and the effect on others in the office has been most marked and salutary. A most intelligent young lad, who has the misfortune to be both deaf and dumb, but who is otherwise gifted with good reasoning powers, on witnessing the astounding effects wrought under his own eyes, with his fellow-apprentices, seemed wonderfully impressed, and, in reply to a question from ourselves, what he thought of the great change, told us, by dumb signs, that he hoped he would be similarly affected, because he thought that he would then be as able to speak of the great love of Christ as the others. This is an illustration of the impression the physical suffering and mental agony of awakened soul has on an eye-witness, even when the on-looker has been deprived of two great aids for acquiring knowledge. As an evidence of the fact that the conversion of their intimate acquaintances and fellow-workmen had a solemnising effect, we may mention that a prayer-meeting of a deeply-interesting character was held in our office, when two of the young men converted engaged in devotional exercises of a truly evanThe service was one gelical nature. which, from the peculiar circumstances in which many of their friends are placed, had a very visible effect. Prayer-meetings are held throughout the day in several of the houses of worship; and during the night, and all day, the voice of prayer and supplication, as well as In the house to which we refer, two praise to God for His great mercy, is of the one family are compositors, and, I heard in every street.

"The services of Wednesday evening, to which a great number will look as the means of their conversion, were impressive in the extreme, and well calculated to lead many to Christ. Whether the phenomenon which was seen in the heavens could be ascribed to natural causes or not, a flash of light in the sky, which was visible for a few seconds while prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was being offered, brought the whole congregation present at the time, with a few exceptions, to their knees, and nine individuals, many of them with deep groans and cries for mercy, were carried or assisted off the ground, exhibiting all the mental emotion which has been a characteristic of this awakening since it commenced. Strong men and young women, as well as children, have all been affected, but by far the largest number of cases has occurred in the homes of the stricken ones after they were conveyed home. We have known in one house-the residence of a young man who works as a compositor in our own office-as many as sixteen individual cases of conviction, all the young members of the family, and their friends and neighbours who came to pray having become impressed, convicted of a knowledge of sin, and their need of a Saviour and all of whom have since been acknowledging with joy the hand of Divine power in thus bring ing to their souls that peace which passeth understanding,' and which they hope and believe will last for ever.


"On Friday evening, the children attending the excellent school established and sustained by the Irish Society, and taught by a man who had, we are sure, found peace and joy in believing' himself long ago, were each and all, we might say, simultaneously prostrated that the work of the Spirit in them might out of the mouths of babes and sucklings perfect praise.' A more af fecting or impressive sight could not be witnessed this side the grave, than witnessing those young children crying for mercy with such earnestness that they must have felt deep need of a Saviour; but when they had, by the 'great goodness of our God,' obtained peace, and the light of a soul at peace with their Creator and Judge shone in their infantile faces, a glimpse of their happiness sent a thrill of joy to one's heart, and must have made unbelievers tremble, and sent the arrow of conviction' to the heart of the most inveterate sceptic."— Coleraine Chronicle.

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own breasts, to the exclusion of all else. The meeting began to assemble about half-past six, but before long, evidences of the presence of God were apparent. Attentively listening to the words of truth and soberness,' round converted sinners, we saw young girls, one after another, to the number of twelve or thirteen, attacked with that indescribable agony of mind, and prostration of physical energy, which point to the supernatural nature of the agency at work with their spirits. The school-house was open all night, many coming from Ballymoney having determined to remain, rather than leave with the train which was put on for the purpose of carrying them home, and abandon those in whom they had taken an interest, and in whom they hoped to witness a saving change through faith. Those of the enlightened' ones that did leave by the train, occupied the time in singing praises to God; and we have heard since of a young man from Coleraine, who came along with them, and whose family have all been converted, being stricken in the railway carriage, and that he has since "Such unwonted excitement was never been blessed by being made a partaker exhibited before by the inhabitants of in the covenant of grace. When the this beautiful little town, as was felt by train arrived at the Coleraine station, a them and the quiet country people of the very large crowd of persons had collected, surrounding district, on Monday evening many of whom were evidently surprised last, when, by the invitation of the Pro- at the news which had come before the testant clergyman of the place, a number train, and when they heard, loud above of those who have, we firmly believe, the din of the train, the voice of prayer been made heirs of salvation, visited it rising from the crowded carriages. Since from Ballymoney. There were indivi- the above was written, we paid another duals of both sexes present, and the crowd visit to Portrush, where the work has of those who came to hear was immense. made marvellous progress. We had it The reverend gentlemen, who took part on the statement of a most trustworthy in the proceedings, chose that part of the individual whom we observed very zealous common convenient to the rear of the in the work of comforting and strengthHotel a site which commands a beau-ening, so far as human agency can, those tiful and comprehensive ocean view, labouring under conviction, and who has with the distant headlands of Enni- large opportunities of knowing the real showen, on the north-west of which facts, that upwards of one hundred indithe setting sun shed the last of his de-viduals had been enlightened through scending rays, ere any of the crowd left the green knolls, where stories of redeeming love fell from the lips of earnest speakers clerical and lay-men and women, young girls and boys, and even children, essaying the task of instructing in the mystery of Godliness those whom they knew to be ignorant or careless of the great love which filled their

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the instrumentality of those who came from Ballymoney, and that in the evering and morning succeeding their visit. We have no doubt but many have since been turned from darkness to light; as meetings for prayer and exhortation, conducted by ministers and people, have been held every night and morning since." Coleraine Chronicle.

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