Зображення сторінки

accompanied with Elephants; and the local Agreement of History and Tradition, with the Remains of Elephants and Mastrodontes found in the New World. Lond. 1827. 8vo.

RANKINS, William. A Mirrovr of Monsters: wherein is plainely described the manifold Vices and spotted Enormities, that are caused by the infectious Sight of Playes, with the Description of the subtile Slights of Sathan, making them his Instruments. London by I(ohn) C(harlewood) forT(homas)H(acket),

1587. 4to.

A copy is in the British Museum. It contains 24 fol. not including the title. Gordonstoun, 1918, 107.

Ranters. The Routing of the Ranters. London, 1650. 4to.

This, and several other tracts, 1650-4, relating to the Ranters, will be found in the British Museum.

The Arraignment and Tryall with a Declaration of the Ranters. 1650. The Ranters Bible. London, 1650. News from Newgate and the Old Bailey. London, 1651. 4to. Three tracts. Bindley, pt. i. 368, 37. 4s.

The Ranters Ranting: with the Apprehending, Examinations, and Confession of John Collins, J. Shakspear, Thomas Wilberton, and five more. London, 1650. The Ranters Bible. London, 1650. A Warning Piece against all Blasphemers, Ranters, &c. London, 1653. 4to. 3 Tracts. Nassau, pt. ii. 928, 27. 10s. resold Hibbert, 6715, 10s. 6d. See S.S.


RAPIN, Paul, de Thoyras. The History of England (from the earliest Period to the Revolution in 1688), written in English by Mr. Rapin de Thoyras, translated into English, with additional Notes (and a Continuation to the Accession of K. George II.) by N. Tindal, M.A. London, 1743-7. folio. 5 vols.

Best edition. The historian Rapin is remarkable for his impartiality and candour. Nassau, pt. ii. 634, with the heads, monuments, &c. dates 1743, &c. 137. Willett, 2164, with heads, monuments, medallic history, &c. 1743-7, 147. 14s. Duke of York, with portraits, maps, plans and medallic history, 1743-51, old morocco, 167.


Roxburghe, 8374, 1732, &c. 127. 5s. Hollis, 1138, with maps, geneal. tables, heads, monuments, medallic history, &c. 1743-51,177. 10s. LARGE PAPER. Steevens,

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1703, with portraits, maps, plans, coins and the summary, bound in 10 vols. 1732-41, 537. 11s. Dent, pt. ii. 1244, with the medallic history, suminary, heads and monuments, 1732, &c. russia, 1417. 15s. This copy was purchased at Leigh and Sothe574, in 6 vols. the Rapin on the largest by's in May 1800, for 197. 19s. Edwards, paper, the Tindal on fine paper, russia, 431. 1s. Allen in 1799, 1732-51, 421. Fonthill, 1977, 5 vols. 1734-46, with atlas, 641. 1s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 291, with the heads, monuments, medals, also the portraits by Houbraken, 1732, &c. in 9 vols. morocco, 671. 4s. Heath, 4369, with the medallic history, heads and monuments (the Rapin on common paper), russia, 434. 1s. Williams, 1676, with the medallic history, &c. &c. 1743-7, illustrated with upwards of 100 additional portraits, and bound in 7 vols. morocco, 2881. 15s. Collation made from several copies, including the portraits of Houbraken, taken from Birch's Lives. Vol. I. The third Edition, illustrated with Maps, genealogical Tables, and the Heads and Monuments of the Kings, engraved on 77 Copper-plates. 1743.' Title and dedication to Frederic, Prince of Wales, two leaves; the preface and life of Rapin, pp. iii-x; au account of the heads, &c. engraven by Vertue, 8 pages; an explanation of the genealo gical tables, one leaf; introduction, p. iii-viii: the history, pp. 9-849. On the back of p. 849 are directions concerning the genea logical tables. Plates.-Rapin, by G. Vertue. Britannia Saxonica. p. 30. Genealogy of the Kings of Mercia and of Northumberland. p. 47. Posterity of Woden and Genealogy of the Kings of East Anglia. P. 55.

Genealogy of the Kings of Kent and Essex. p. 57. A Table of the se ven Kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons. p. 80. Egbert, by G. Vertue. p. 83. Alfred, by G. Vertue. p. 90. Canute the Dane, by G. Confessor, by G. Vertue. p. 136. Genealogy Vertue. p. 124. Monument of Edward the of the Kings of Wessex and of the Kings of England after the Dissolution of the Heptarchy. p. 146. A new Map of England, Scotland and Ireland. p. 162. William the Rufus, by G. Vertue. p. 182. Conqueror, by G. Vertue. p. 163. William Monument of

William the Conqueror, by C. Du Bose. p. 188. Henry I. by G. Vertue. p. 190. Monument of William Rufus, by C. Du Bos p. 193. Stephen, by G. Vertue. p. 200. Henry II. by Geo. Vertue. p. 222. Genes logies of William the Conqueror and of Henry II. p. 242. Monument of K. Henry II and of K. Richard I. by C. Du Bosc. p. 242. Richard I. by G. Vertue. p. 244. John, by G. Vertue. p. 259. Monument of King John, by C. Du Bosc. p. 280. Henry III. by G. Vertue. p. 296. Monument of K. Henry III. by J. V. Schley. p. 346. Ed

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Sir Thomas

ward I. by G. Vertue. p. 357. Monument, chanan, by Houbraken. p. 76. of K. Edward I. by G. Vertue. p. 386. Ed- Smyth, by Houbraken. p. 81. ward II. by G. Vertue. p. 388. Monument Cecil Lord Burleigh, by Houbraken. of K. Edward II. by C. Du Bosc. p. 404. p. 88. Thomas Howard Duke of NorEdward III. by G. Vertue. p. 406. John folk, by Houbraken. p. 101. James, Earl of Gaunt, by G. Vertue. p. 346. Edward of Morton, by Houbraken. p. 104. Sir Prince of Wales, by G. Vertue. p. 438. Mo- Francis Drake, by Houbraken. p. 112. nument of Edward Prince of Wales, by C. Sir Francis Walsingham, by Houbraken. p. Du Bosc. p. 438. A genealogical Table of 124. Mary Queen of Scotts, by Houbraken. the Posterity of Edward III. p. 144. The p. 130. Mary Queen of Scots, by G. Vertue. Monument of K. Edward III. by C. Du Bosc. p. 132. Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, p. 444. Richard II. by G. Vertue. p. 453. by Houbraken. p. 135. The Speech of Q. EliMonument of K. Richard II. by C. Du Bosc. zabeth to her Army encamped at Tilbury in p. 476. 1st. Genealogical Table of the Royal 1588. p. 135. Robert Devereux Earl of Family of Scotland. p. 482. Henry IV. Essex, by Houbraken. p. 149. William by G. Vertue. p. 484. Geoffrey Chaucer, by Shakespear, by Houbraken. p. 154. Sir Houbraken, p. 502. William of Wickham, Philip Sydney, by Houbraken. p. 154. Moby Houbraken. p. 502. Monument of K. nument of Q. Elizabeth, by C. Du Bosc. Henry IV. by P. Yver. p. 503. Henry V. by p. 156. Monument of Mary Queen of Scots, G. Vertue. p. 504. Monument of K. Henry V. by C. Du Bosc. p. 156. James I. by G. by G. Vertue. p. 530. Monument of K. Henry Vertue. p. 158. Anne of Denmark, by V. by P. Yver. p. 530. Henry VI. by G. Houbraken. p. 162. Henry, Prince of Vertue. p. 532. John Duke of Bedford, by Wales, by Houbraken. p. 164. Thomas G. Vertue. p. 535. Edward IV. by G. Sackville, Earl of Dorset, by G. Vertue. Vertue. p. 595. W. Waynfleet, Bishop of p. 174. Henry Prince of Wales, by G. VerWinchester, by Houbraken. p. 616. Mo- tue. p. 181. Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury nument of K. Edward IV. by C. Du Bosc. (by Houbraken ?). p. 183. Robert Carr, Earl p. 628. Edward V. by G. Vertue. p. 629. of Somerset, by Houbraken. p. 184. ElizaMonument of K. Edward and his Brother beth, Pr. Pal. and Queen of Bohemia, by Richard, by G. Vertue. p. 636. Richard III. G. Vertue. p. 186. Sir Edward Coke, by by G. Vertue. p. 637. Henry VII. by G. Houbraken. p. 190. Sir Walter Ralegh, by Vertue. p. 649. Elizabeth, Queen of K. Houbraken. p. 196. Sir Francis Bacon VisHenry VII. (by Houbraken?). p. 654.Monu- count St. Albans, by Houbraken. p. 204. ment of K. Henry VII. and his Queen, by Archbishop Williams, by Houbraken. p. 206. G. Vertue. p. 691. Monument of K. Abbot, Abp. of Canterbury, by Houbraken. Henry VII. by C. Du Bosc. p. 691. Henry p. 215. Ben: Johnson, by Houbraken. p. 236. VIII. by G. Vertue. p. 702. Catharine of A genealogical Table of the Posterity of James Arragon, by Houbraken. p. 704. William I. p. 236. Charles I. by G. Vertue. p. 237. Warham, Abp. of Canterbury, by G. Vertue. Thomas Lord Coventry, by Houbraken. p. p. 741. Cardinal Wolsey, by Houbraken. 244. Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel, by p. 753. Ann Bullen, by Houbraken. p. 775. Houbraken. p. 251. George Villiers, Duke Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, by Houbraken. of Buckingham, by Houbraken. p. 276. p. 802. Sir Thomas More, by Houbraken. Francis Lord Cottington, by Houbraken. p. 806. Jane Seymour, (by Houbraken ?). p. p. 294. John Hampden, by Houbraken. 812. Ann of Cleues, by Houbraken. p. 824. p. 296. Algernon Piercy, Earl of NorthumThomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, by Hou- berland, by Houbraken. p. 314. John Pym braken. p. 826. Catherine Howard, by Esq. by Houbraken. p. 352. Thomas Houbraken. p. 830. Map of France. At Wentworth Earl of Strafford, by Houbraken. end of the volume. Vol. II. 1743. pp. 1p. 374. Francis Russel the second Earl of 807, including the title page and a dis- Bedford, by Houbraken. p. 400. Edward sertation on the Whigs and Torys; index, Montague Lord Kimbolton (by Houbraken?). 16 pages; Rapin's letter to Robethon, er- p. 406. George Lord Digby Earl of Bristol, rata, &c. three pages. Plates.-Tindal, by Houbraken. p. 406. Robert Earl of by B. Picart. Edward VI. by G. Vertue. Lindsey, by Houbraken. p. 456. William p. 3. Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, Cavendish Duke of Newcastle, by G. Verby Houbraken. p. 4. John Russel, the first tue. p. 466. Edward Sackville Earl of Earl of Bedford, by Houbraken. p. 19. Mo- Dorset, by G. Vertue. p. 470. James Stuart nument of K. Edward VI. by G. Vertue. Duke of Richmond and Lenox, by Houp. 26. Mary, by G. Vertue. p. 27. Philip II. braken. p. 508. Thomas Lord Fairfax, by King of Spain, by G. Vertue. p. 37. Eliza-Houbraken. p. 514. Usher Abp. of Arbeth, by G. Vertue. p. 50. Sir Nicholas magh, by G. Vertue. p. 572. William HarBacon, by Houbraken. p. 62. Robert Dud- vey, M. D. by Houbraken. p. 574. James ley, Earl of Leicester, by Houbraken. p. 64. Graham Marquess of Montrose, by HouFrancis, Earl of Bedford, by G. Vertue. braken. p. 580. General Ireton, by Houp. 69. Henry Lord Darnly King of Scot-braken. p. 582. Oliver Cromwell, by G. land, by G. Vertue. p. 70. George Bu- Vertue. p. 591. Oliver Cromwell, by Hou

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To face the

braken. p. 600. John Thurlow, by Hou- | daunt Earl of Peterborough, by Houbraken. braken. p. 602. Lieut. Gen. Lambert, by p. 706. Barcelona. p. 707. Battle of RaHoubraken. p. 604. Lieut. Gen. Fleet- millies. p. 747. Investiture of Ostend. p. wood, by Houbraken. p. 606. Charles II. 751. Menin. p. 751. Mechlin or Malines. by G. Vertue. p. 618. Henry Duke of p. 751. Dendermonde. p. 751. Aeth. p. Glocester, by G. Vertue. p. 621. Sir Henry 751. Turin. p. 757. Casal. p. 759. Sidney Vane, by Houbraken. p. 630. George Mor- Earl of Godolphin, by Houbraken. p. 792. ley Bishop of Winchester, by G. Vertue. Vol. IV. Part I. Pp. 1-392. Plates.p. 634. John Duke of Lauderdale, by Lerida. p. 11. Camp of Tarragona. p. 13. Houbraken. p. 656. Anth. Ashley Cooper Toulon. p. 27. Henry Boyle, Lord CarleEarl of Shaftesbury, by Houbraken. p. 656. | ton, by Houbraken. p. 55. Bruges. p. 71. Henry Bennet Earl of Arlington, by Hou- Antwerp. p. 71. Battle of Oudenard. p. 75. braken. p. 658. Sir William Temple, by Lisle. p. 85. Battle of Wynendale. p. 85. Houbraken. p. 660. John Milton, by Hou- Brussels. p. 89. Ghent. p. 93. Mahon. p. braken. p. 676. William Lord Russel, by 97. George Prince of Denmark, by HouHoubraken. p. 728. Thomas Willis, M. D. braken. p. 104. Siege of Tournay. p. 135. by G. Vertue. p. 740. Thomas Otway, by Battle of Malplaque. p. 137. Mons. p. 139. Houbraken. p. 740. John Dryden, by Alicant. p. 141. Edward Russel Earl of Houbraken. p. 740. K. James II. by Ver- Orford, by Houbraken. p. 143. Doway. p. tue. p. 741. William Russel Earl of Bedford, 171. Siege of Doway. p. 173. Bethune. by Houbraken. p. 781. The Monument of p. 175. Aire. p. 175. Almanar. p. 177. K. James II. by C. Du Bosc. p. 782. Vol. III. Battle of Saragossa. p. 179. Sarah Dutchess Continuation. Vol. I. 1744 or 1751. Title, of Marlborough, by Houbraken. p. 187. dedication to William, Duke of Cumberland, Bouchain. p. 211. Incampment at Prats to the reader, four leaves; introduction, pp. del Rey. p. 213. Cardona. p. 215. Plan of i-xxviii; history (part i.), pp. 29-532. different Movements of the Army of the Plates.-K. William III. by Houbraken. To Allies and of the French Army. p. 285. face the title. Sr. William Temple, by Hou- Dunkirk. p. 329. Sr. Richard Steele, by braken. p. xiv. Map of England and Wales, Houbraken. p. 343. George Hamilton, by Seale. p. 1. Britannia Romana. p. 1. Earl of Orkney, by Houbraken. p. 346. Q. Mary, by Houbraken. p. 29. Daniel Vol. IV. Part II. Title, 1747. one leaf; Earl of Nottingham, by Houbraken. p. 38. history, pp. 393-714 (misprint 706). Plates. Seal of William and Mary. p. 40. Map of King George, by Houbraken. Scotland, by Seale. p. 57. Views (11) in Scotland. p. 69. Plans (16) of Towns, &c. in Ireland. p. 77. Map of Ireland, by Seale. p. 133. Frederick Duke of Schonberg, by Houbraken. p. 136. Cony, in Savoy. p. 185. Laurence Hyde Earl of Rochester, by Houbraken. p. 190. The Hon. Robert Boyle, by Vertue. p. 238. Plan of Comaret Bay. p. 253. Lieut. General Talmarsh, by Houbraken. p. 254. Ypres. p. 257. Tillotson Abp. of Canterbury, by Houbraken. p. 260. Seal of K. William III. p. 264. George Savile Marquis of Hallifax, by Houbraken. p. 281. Newport, in Flanders. p. 300. John Locke, by Vertue. p. 327. John Lord Somers, by Houbraken. p. 403. William Duke of Gloucester, by Houbraken. p. 409. The metallick History. Lond. 1747. pp. iv and 40, not including the title, and xxii plates. At the end of the volume are seventeen maps and charts, eleven by Seale and six by Bowen. Vol. IV. Part I. 1745. Title, one leaf; continuation of vol. III. pp. 533-796. Plates. -Q. Anne, by Houbraken. To face the title. Seal of Q. Anne. p. 533. John Duke of Marlborough, by Houbraken. p. 536. Seal of Q. Anne after the Union. p. 545. Bay of Bulls. p. 569. Bay and Harbour of Vigo. p. 573. Battle of Eckeren. p. 619. Battle of Maestricht. p. 619. Battle of Donawert. p. 655. Battle of Hochshet. p. 657. Gibraltar. P. 665. Blenheim House. p. 679. Lines of Brabant. p. 699. Charles Mor

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title. Samuel Clarke, D. D. by Houbraken.
415. Thomas Marquis of Wharton, by
Houbraken. p. 421. Sir William Wynd-
ham Bart. by Houbraken. p. 440.
Duke of Argyle and Greenwich, by Hou-
braken. p. 459. Seal of K. George I. p. -
Sir Isaac Newton, by Houbraken. p. 552.
Charles Earl of Sunderland, by Houbraken.
p. 562. George Byng Lord Torrington, by
Houbraken. p. 568. Plan of Messina. p. 599.
Charles Lord Talbot, by Houbraken. p. 630.
Robert Earl of Orford, by Houbraken. p.
633. Sir Samuel Garth, M. D. by Hou-
braken. p. 706. Medals of Q. Anne and K.
George I., pp. 22 and 10 plates; a summary
of the history, &c. pp. 1-274; the index to
the contination, 16 leaves.

The History of England, written by Mr. Rapin de Thoyras, translated into English with additional Notes by N. Tindal, M.A. London, 1722. folio. 2 vols. - London, 1726. 8vo. 21 vols. Duke of York, 4326, with the atlas separate, 41. 4s. The sesond Edition. London, 1732-3. folio. 2 vols. Bishop of Ely, 1299, 17. 1s. The third Edition. London, 1743. folio. 2 vols. London, 1757-9. 8vo. 21 vols. The fourth Edition corrected and illustrated with maps, genealogical tables and plates. Bindley, pt. iii. 1255, uncut, 87. 5s. Drury, 3509, 81. 10s.

The Continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England from the Revolution to the Ac

cession of K. George II. by N. Tindal, M.A. | each Article. In two Parts. LonThe second Edition. London, 1751. folio. don, 1797-1802. 4to.

vols. The former edition of 1744-7, with a new title-page and illustrated with 26 heads and 20 maps and sea charts. Gough, 3843,

51. 18s.

An Abridgement of the History of England; being a Summary of Rapin's History and Tindal's Continuation from Julius Cæsar to the Death of K. George I. (by the Rev. P. Morant). London, 1747. 8vo. 3 vols. with plates. 15s.

Histoire d'Angleterre, (avec la Continuation de Dav. Durand et Dupard), nouvelle Edition avec les Notes de Tyndal et l'Abrége des Actes publics d'Angleterre de Th. Rymer. La Haye (Paris), 1749. 4to. 16 vol. Best edition. LARGE paper. Haye, 1724-36. 4to. 13 vol. et les Remarques de N. Tyndal, avec un Abrégé des Actes publics d'Angleterre de Th. Rymer, 2 vols. La Haye, 1733.4to. 15 vol. Roxburghe, 8373, 10 vol. 57. Duke of York, 4196, 15 vols. 21. 2s. LARGE PAPER. Duke of Grafton, 855, 10 vols. 41. 14s. 6d.

Acta Regia: or, an Account of the Treaties, Letters and Instruments between the Monarchs of England and Foreign Powers, publish'd in Rymer's Foedera, translated from the French of M. Rapin, as published by M. Le Clerc (by Stephen Whatley). London, 1726-7. 8vo. 4 vol. with the heads of the kings and queens, engraved by Vandergucht. Roxburghe, 8384, 10s. 1731. 8vo. 4 vols. Hibbert, 6761, 8s. 1732. folio. Heath, 4370, russia, 27.1733. folio. Bishop of Ely, 1300, 10s.5.-n. d. folio.

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The critical Works of Mon. Rapin, transl. into English by Basil Kennet and others. London, 1706. 8vo. 2 vols. 6s. 8vo. 2 vols. This work is conducted on a most improving plan, that of comparing the discriminating excellencies of similar authors, with subsequent reflections on the subjects of which they treat. See Williams' Christian Preacher.

Christus patiens, Carmen heroicum (edente Mich. Maittaire). Lond. 1713. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Christ's Sufferings, a Poem, translated by C. Beckingham. Lond. 1720. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

RASHLEIGH, Philip. Specimens of British Minerals selected from the Cabinet of Philip Rashleigh, Esq. with general Descriptions of

Towneley, pt. ii. 1400, 13s. Hibbert, Collation. Part. i. 1797. 6873, 17. 15s. pp. 56, with 33 coloured plates, and an introduction, 2 pages. Part. ii. dated May, 1802, consists of Observations, 2 pages; twenty-three pages of letter press describing 20 coloured plates, also the Section of the Stream-work at Poth,' with a coloured engraving.

RASPE, Rudolph Eric. Account of some German Volcanos and their Productions, with a new Hypothesis of the prismatical Basaltes, established upon Facts. Lond. 1776. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Pp. 140, with 2 plates. Published as supplementary to Sir Wm. Hamilton's Observations on the Italian Volcanos.

A critical Essay on Oil Painting; proving that the Art of Painting in Oil was known before the pretended Discovery of John and Hubert Van Eyck; to which are added, Theophilus de Arte Pingendi, Eraclius de Artibus Romanorum, and a Review of Farinator's Lumen Animæ. London,

1781. 4to. 7s. 6d.

See TASSIE, James.


RASTALL, W. Dickinson. A History of the Antiquities of the Town and Church of Southwell in the County of Nottingham. London, 1787. royal 4to.

Bindley, pt. iii. 1588, 17s. Willet, 2116, 17. 3s. LARGE PAPER. Hibbert, 6874,

russia, 17. Drury, 3639, russia, 11. 3s. Dent, pt. ii. 992, 11. 2s. Nassau, pt. ii. 929, russia, 17. 10s. Beckford in 1817, no. 52, russia, 47. 16s. Collation.-Pp. 486, not including title, one leaf, dedication, 3 pages, list of subscribers and contents, 8 pages, introduction, 12 pages, index and errata, 6 pages, also 15 plates at pp. 1, 36, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 68, 139, 344, 346, 348, 356 and 398.

RASTELL, John. The Pastyme of People. The Cronycles of dyuerse Realmys, and most specyally of the Realm of England; breuely copylyd and empryntyd in Chepesyde, at the Sygne of the Meare-mayd, next to Pollys gate (1529). folio.

The only perfect copy known is in the library of K. George III. now in the BriE 6, and A-G 1, with cuts. tish Museum. It consists of 68 leaves, ATownley, pt. i. 847, nine leaves wanting, 437. 18.—

Now first reprinted and systematically arranged, with fac-simile Wood-cuts. Lond. 1811. 4to. Edited by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, D. D. Five hundred copies printed. Edwards, 568, 21. 4s. Duke of York, 4197, 11s. Nassau, pt. ii. 930, 14. 1s. White Knights, 3563, russia, 14. 10s. FINE PAPER. Twelve copies printed. THICK PAPER. One copy struck off, now in the collection of the Earl Spencer. On VELLUM.

Abbreuiamentum Librorum Legum Anglorum. Londini Impensis et Industria Johannis Rastell, 1517. 4to. 18s. In three parts: the first contains p 4, in sixes; the second, q 10, of which the last leaf is blank; the third, M 6.

A briefe Shew of false Wares packt together in the named Apology of the Church of England. Lovanii apud Joanem Foulerum, 1567. Svo. Prefixed is an epistle To the reader.' Contains fo. 140.

William. A Collection of Entries, &c. London, 1670. folio.

Best edition. This work will be found ex

tremely useful to the student of the old law,

Rastell also published a collection of the Statutes and other law books. See Wood's Athen. Oxon. and Ames' typogr. Antiquities. RATCLIFFE, Egr. Politiqve Discourses, treating of the Differences and Inequalities of Vocations, transExpositiones Terminorum Legum Anglo-lated out of French, by Egremont

rum et Natura Breuium, cum diuersis Casibus, &c. Impressum 1527. 16mo. fol. ciii. and a leaf containing a device: also a table and prohemium in English prefixed. The last leaf varies in some copies, having scriptural cuts instead of the device.

A new Boke of Purgatorye, whych is a Dialogue and Disputcyon between one Comynge an Almayne a Christen Man, and one Gyngemyn a Turke of Machomitys Law, dysputynge by naturall Reason and good Philosophye, whether there be a Purgatorye or no Purgatorye. London by John Rastell, 1530. folio. By signatures it contains h 6; a also has six, the rest only four leaves each. A copy is in the British Museum. See FRITH, John.

An account of Rastell and of his various works and publications, both as author or printer, will be found in Bale's Scriptores, Pits de Rebus Anglicis, Wood's Athen. Oxon. and Ames' Typog. Antiq.

RASTELL, John, M. D. A Confutation of a Sermon, pronounced by Mr. Iuell at Paules Crosse, the second Sondaie before Easter, Anno Dni. MD.LX. Antwerpe by Ægidius Diest, 1564. 8vo.

The treatise contains 159 leaves, with a preface, a challenge against the Protestants and a table. Gordonstoun, 1906, 4s.

A Replie against an Answer (falsely intitled) in the Defence of the Truth, made by John Rastell, M. of Art, and Student in Diuinitie. Antwerp by Ægidius Diest, 1565. 8vo. 206 leaves, besides an epistle 'To the reader.'

A Treatise intitled, Beware of M. Iewel. Antverpiae ex Officina Joannis Fouleri, 1566. 8vo. fol. 180, not including an epistle and Rastell's privilege. White Knights, 3462, 15s. The third Book, declaring by Examples out of ancient Councels, Fathers, and later Writers, that it is Time to beware of M. Jewel. Antverpiae, ex officina Joannis Foueri, 1566. 8vo. Inglis, 1258, 5s.

[ocr errors]

Ratcliffe. London for Edward
Aggas, 1578. 4to.


Eighty-one leaves. Gordonstoun, 1801,

RATHBORNE, Aaron. The Surveyor. London, 1616. folio.

With portrait of the author, æt. 44, by
S. P(ass) and of Charles Prince of Wales by
Bindley, pt. iii. 198, il. Is.
Towneley, pt. ii. 1357, 19s.


Ratseis Ghost, or the second Part of his madde Prankes and Robberies. Printed by V. S. 4to.

Black letter. A copy of this curious tract, supposed unique, is in the Earl Spencer's library.


RAUTHMELL, Richard. tates Bremetonacenses: or, the Roman Antiquities of Overborovgh. London, 1746. 4to.

Pp. xv. and III, with five plates at pp. 1, 64, 74, 96, and 101. Dent, pt. ii. 993, 12s. Towneley, pt. ii. 1399, 14s. Heath, 4606, 15s. LARGE PAPER.

RAVENSCROFT, Edward. Twelve dramatic Pieces. London, 167398. 4to. Roxburghe, 5689, &c. 10 plays, 11. 14s. Rhodes, 1937 to 1952, twelve plays, 21. is.

Thomas. Selections from Ravencroft's Works. 1822. 4to.

Presented to the Members of the Roxburghe Club, by the Duke of Marlborough. Dent, pt. ii. 1221, 13s. 6d.

Melismata, Musical Phancies, fitting the Court, City and Country Humours, in three, four and five Voices. London, 1611. 4to.

A briefe Discovrse of the true (but neglected) Vse of Charact'ring the Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection and Diminution, in measurable Musicke, against the common Practise and Custome of these Times. Examples whereof are exprest in

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