Зображення сторінки

racter; and, on the whole, to proportion his compenfation to what you really think his lofs; but public intereft or example are not proper for your confideration on this accafion.

His readiness of fubmiffion to the warrant has been urged as a defire to go to gaol; and fo, upon the principle of Volenti non sit injuria, preffed as an argument to fhew, he could not be hurt by it. This feems very ftrained; for he could not avoid gaol but by paying.

Make the plaintiff what, on your oaths, you think an amends for the damage he really fuftained; but public confiderations of correction, punishment, or reformation, are not your business or duty at this time.


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Great expectations from lord Shelburn's colt, but he ran rufty; and it is fuppofed he will not ed he will not ftart any more. Some knowingones, who had backed him for a confiderable fum, were taken in deep. Mr. Luther's colt, four years old, weight 8ft. 4lb. beat Mr. Conyer's Freehold, aged, weight 9ft. It was obferved at ftarting, that Freehold carried too much weight. However, it is thought he would have won the heat, had not a perfon, belonging to one of the public offices, croffed the course whilft he was running.

The fweepstakes, over the duke's course, was won hollow by lord Albemarle's Havanna from a great many others. But difputes having arisen, whether or not Havanna was duly qualified, part of the money is detained in the hands of the clerk of the course.

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Heads of the militia bill, which received the royal assent on the 24th March, 1764.


to HE fum of 20,0001. being granted to his majesty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of pay and cloathing for the unembodied militia, for one year, from the 25th day of March, 1762; in order that the charge of pay and cloathing for fuch militia may be duly and properly defrayed and fatisfied.

Where the militia is or fhall be raised, but not embodied, the receiver general of the county fhall iffue four months pay in advance, according to the establishment of pay here fet down; that is to fay, for the pay of four calendar months in advance, at the rate of 6s. a day for each adjutant; 1s. each ferjeant, with the addition of 2s. 6d. a week for each ferjeant major; 6d. a day for each drummer, with the addition of 6d. a day for each drum-major; five-pence a month for each private man and drummer, for defraying contingent expences; and alfo half a year's falary to the regimental and battalion clerks at the rate of 501. a year, and allowances to the clerks of the general and subdivifion meetings, at the rate of 51. 5s. for each general meeting, and 30s. for each fubdivifion meeting; and pay for cloathing of the militia after the rate of 31. 10s. for each ferjeant, 21. for each drummer, with the addition of 203. for each ferjeant-major, and each drum-major; and where the militia hath not already been cloathed, or not been cloathed within three years, 30s. for each private man. [K]


The above fums fhall not be paid, if pay has not before been iffued, till the lord lieutenant or deputies fhall have certified to the treafury and receivers general the inrolment of three-fifths of the men and officers.

The money fhall be iffued by the receiver general to the clerk of the regiment or battalion (except the allowances to the clerks of meetings) upon producing the warrant of his appointment; and for independent companies, to the refpective captains, or to their order; a fecond payment fhall also be made within three months after the firft, and a third within three months after the fecond. Receipts of the perfons to whom the money, fhall be fo paid fhall difcharge the receivers general.

The regimental and battalion clerks fhall pay and advance one months pay to the adjutant, and two months pay to each captain, for the ferjeants, ferjeant-major, drummers, and drum-major, and contingent expences of his company. Captains fhall diftribute the pay accordingly, and account for the fame yearly to the clerk; or, if an independent company, to the receiver general; and pay back the furplus monies in his hands, except the contingent expences, which fhall be accounted for, and applied to the general ufe of the regiment, &c. Captains of independent companies fhall diftribute the pay to their men, and apply the money allowed for contingent expences.

The clerk fhall retain money in his hands for his own falary; and fhall discharge the cloathing bills.

When the lord lieutenant and deputies fhall have fixed the days

of exercise, they fhall certify the fame to the receiver general, fpecifying the number of men and days they fhall be abfent from home. The receiver general shall iffue thereupon pay for the men to the regimental clerk, &c. who fhall pay over the fame to the respective captains.

Captains fhall make field returns to the commanding officer; and keep an account of every day's exercife, to be examined and compared with the return.

Captains fhall make up their account of all monies received, by way of debtor and creditor, to be figned by them, and counterfigned by the commanding officer, and delivered, with the balance, to the clerk, or receiver general; which accounts fhall be allowed to be fufficient vouchers at the receipt of the exchequer.

During the time the troops are embodied, and called out into actual fervice, and receive pay as the king's other forces, all pay from the receivers general fhall cease.

The clerk of the general meetings fhall be paid his allowance, upon producing an order from the lord lieutenant or three deputies; and the clerks of the fubdivifion meetings, upon producing a like order from one deputy lieutenant, which orders fhall discharge receivers general.

Regimental and battalion clerks fhall give fecurity for paying and accompting for the monies received by them; the bonds fhall be lodged with the receivers general, and put in fuit by them on non-performance of the condition; and they fhall be intitled thereupon to full cofts and charges, and 51. per cent. of the money re covered;

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And whereas the allowance of fending and receiving letters and packets free from the duty of poftage, heretofore granted to, or cultomarily exercifed by, certain perfons not being members of parliament, in refpect of their offices, has not been sufficiently confined to fuch letters and packets only as relate to the bufinefs of their refpective offices, and may, therefore, if continued without further reftrictions and limitations, be liable to great abufe: in order, therefore, to put the more ef fectual ftop to thefe and the like frauds and abufes, and at the fame time to ascertain, for the better guidance and direction of his majesty's poft mafter general, and the officers to be employed under him, in the performance of their duty, by what perfons only, and under what regulations or reftrictions, the privilege or allowance of fending and receiving letters and packets free from the duty of pof tage fhall thenceforce be enjoyed and exercifed: May it please your majefty, that it may be enacted, and be it enacted,' &c.

That from and after 1ft May 1764, while the revenue of the poft office fhall continue to be carried to the aggregate fund, no letters or packets fhall be exempted from postage, but fuch as fhall be fent from or to the king; and fuch, not exceeding two ounces in weight, as shall be fent during the feffion of parliament, or with in forty days before or after fum

It appeared, on examining witneffes previous to the paffing of this bill, that a waiter at one of the coffee houfes of this city made a practice of felling counterfeit franks at the rate of about a crown a dozen.

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or prorogation, and be figned on the outfide by a member of either houfe, and the whole of the fuperfcription to be of fuch member's writing; or, directed to a member, at his ufual refidence, or place where he fhall then be, or at the houfe, &c. of parliament.

And in like manner, letters and packets fent from and to places in Ireland, during the feffion there, or within forty days before or after fummons or prorogation, figned and directed by a member of that kingdom as aforefaid.

Älfo all letters and packets to the lord high treasurer, or com. miffioners, and fecretaries to the treafury; lord high admiral, commiffioners and fecretaries to the admiralty; principal fecretaries of state, and their under fecretaries; commiffioners for trade and plantations, or their fecretary; fecretary at war, or his deputy; lieutenant general, or other chief governor or governors of Ireland; or their chief fecretary, or fecretary for the provinces of Ulfter and Munfter; their fecretary refiding in Great Britain; the under fecretary, and firft clerk, in the office in Ireland of the chief secretary ; and the first clerk in the office of the fecretary for Ulfter and Munster; the poftmafter general, or deputy, for Scotland, Ireland, and America; the fecretary, or deputy of the poftmafter general; farmer of the bye and crofs-road letters; furveyors of the poft-office; and letters and packets fent from any of the faid offices, figned by them on the outfide, and the whole fuperfcription of their writing; and letters and packets from the trea

fury, admiralty office, office of the fecretaries of state, plantation office, war office, general poft office at London, chief offices at Edinburgh, Dublin, and America, indorfed for the king's fervice, and fealed with the feal of office, or of the principal officer in the depart


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Commiffioners of the treafury and admiralty, the fecretaries of ftate, commiffioners for trade and plantations, fecretary at war, poftmafter general, and his deputies, are impowered to authorife certain perfons in their respective offices, of whom lifts to be transmitted to the general poft-office, London, to indorfe the letters and packets upon the king's fervice, and seal the same with the feal of office, &c. None to be fo indorfed and fealed, but by direction of their fuperior officer, or which concerns the bufinefs of the office, on forfeiture of 51. for the first offence, to be recovered and applied as by act 9 Annæ is directed; and for the fecond offence, the offender to be difmiffed.

Perfons appointed to make fuch indorsements, not to exceed two in any office, admiralty and war offices excepted: and in the admiralty not to exceed eight in time of peace, and twelve in time of war; and in the war office, not to exceed fix in time of peace, and ten in time of war.

Where any privileged perfon, difabled from writing the whole. fuperfcription, fhall authorise fome perfon to fign his name upon, and write the fuperfcription, and give notice thereof, under his hand and feal, to the poftmafter general, letters and packets fo

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