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E have given more or less space in this book to the consideration of drawings drawn to scale, and this brings to mind a suggestion along the same line, which may be of value. In Figs. 42 and 43, we show an elevation of bathroom work, with floor plan for the same. It will be noticed that the space on which these drawings have been made, is ruled off, into oneeighth inch squares. Paper ruled in this manner, and called co-ordinate paper, can be procured usually of stationers, and for the making of scale drawings is often very useful.

In Figs. 42 and 43, we have used a scale of-inch to 4-inches. In other words, each

the spaces; the height of the back to the lavatory is 10 inches, the height of the ceiling from the bathroom floor is about 10 feet, etc. These spaces might just as proprely represent 2 inches or 8 inches or any other dimension. It is always best, how

Side View

Side View

End View

Fig. 44.-Showing a Side and End View of a Bath Tub.

one of the spaces, whether vertical or horizontal, represents 4 inch on the actual work.

Thus, the diameter of the soil pipe, 4 inch, takes up a single space; the 2 inch pipe takes up in diameter, half of one of

Front View

Fig. 45.-View of a Water Closet.

ever, to make the scale just as large as the amount of work to be shown, and the size of the paper will allow.

It is probable that many of our readers in different parts of the country are already familiar with this method of laying out drawings, for many boards of health require such drawings as we show in Figs. 42 and 43, and supply paper ruled in this very way, on which the drawings are submitted.

Most of the practice work which we have heretofore presented in this book, has been on soil pipe work. We have reached

Fig. 42. Each of the Spaces, Vertical or Horizontal, Represents 4 in. on the Actual Work.

a point now, where we need to be able to draw the different fixtures, and we there fore show in Figs. 44, 45, and 46, come of this work.

In Fig. 44 we show a side and an end view of a bath tub, for we must be prepared to show this or any other fixture in either position.

Fig. 45 gives views of a water closet which is general in shape, and unless some particular type is to be shown on a drawing, this form we believe, will be found easier to draw than most any other. For

the different views of these fixtures, and would advise practice in constructing them, first, on the same scale that we show, and then on a larger scale, as it is of course necessary to be able to draw work in any size, and not well to practice continually on the size which we give in the exercises.

After devoting some time to the above practice, we would ask our readers to take up the work shown in Fig. 47, which brings into use the fixtures we are now familiar with, and in certain ways is


Showing a Scale of 1-8 inch to 4 inches, same as in Fig. 42.

some reason or other, the washout water closet shown in Fig. 46, often appears in plumbing drawings. While saying nothing as to the excellence of this particular type, or otherwise, it is a difficult matter for the beginner in drawing to show it properly proportioned. The incorrect view of Fig. 46 will serve to show some of the common errors made in illustrating this style of closet, which our readers will observe by comparing the same with the upper view.

We have indicated by dots, the centers of the several curves necessary in drawing

somewhat more difficult than preceding exercises. Skill in the drawing of plumbing work is simply a matter of practice, and we therefore again urge upon those following this series, to put in as much practice work as possible. If Fig. 47, or in fact any other work which we present, is on too small a scale for our readers to work easily, with the knowledge of the subject which they now possess, we would advise them to enlarge the size, say to double that which our work shows. It will be noticed in Fig 47, that the Y branch into which the bath and lavatory on the

second floor enter, faces toward the front, in which case, we have the view which appears. The two vent tees also face the front, so that the tee branch does not appear, merely the circular form of the end of the branch.

Again, the upper fitting in Fig. 47, through which the vent line enters the stack, stands with its branch facing the front, and does not show the true shape of it, such as we have previously given in a preceding chapter.

As we have already stated, in making these drawings, we must be able to show fittings and fixtures in any position that we happen to meet, and while it is best to show them to the best advantage, it is almost impossible to show every feature of a drawing of any extent, as we would desire.

[blocks in formation]



E have previously shown the proper forms for constructing some of the common fixtures. To these add in Figs. 48, 49, and 50, the urinal, slop hopper, and refrigerator. In these, besides showing the fixture itself, we have shown its connections also. We think this a good idea for the reason that some of our

positions, as seen from the side, and from the front. The front view of this fixture, will be found rather difficult to draw, and to make it as easy as possible, we have dotted the centers of. the principal curves used in constructing it. By placing the compasses on the different centers, and seeing which curves would probably be struck from the different points, we think it can be worked out satisfactorily.

In practicing on this work, it may be advisable, as we have previously suggested, to work on a larger scale, if the

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