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Glenelg, Ross, Sutherland, and Caithness, Orkney, and Zetland, situated chiefly in the Highlands and Islands, and containing only 143 parishes, and a population of 377,730 persons, are, as stated in the parochial returns, in the most urgent need of not less than 250 additional schools.

The number of scholars that would attend each of these 250 schools, it is computed, at a low average, would amount to forty-two. It follows, therefore, that in these synods, there are 10,500 children left without any adequate means of education; and the Committee are quite satisfied that the number is, in fact, much greater than the calculated number of 10,500. These 10,500 children alluded to are all, it is to be noticed, under fifteen years of age. If persons of all ages are included, the number of those not taught to read almost exceeds belief. But how could it be otherwise, when more parishes than one are described, as not having a sufficient number of schools to accommodate one-tenth of their population? Several are said to be in need of three and four, and one of even six schools.

In the first ten synods above mentioned, there are only six catechists stated to be necessary for the due means of religious instruction to the people, and this necessity arises from the large territorial extent of some particular parishes.

In the other six synods also above mentioned, no fewer than 130 catechists are required! Nor will this lamentable deficiency seem surprising, when the physical localities of the country are considered. There are many islands in it at great distances from the coast. The coast of the main-land is often indented by long arms of the sea, and its whole surface is intersected, and in many places, rendered impassable by precipitous mountains, and by rapid rivers.

By the authority of the General Assembly, congregational collections, throughout the parishes of Scotland, were recommended, and materially augmented the fund for the formation of schools.

In November 1825, the first school was opened in the parish of Lochbroom and in May 1827, the number of schools had amounted to thirty-five; whilst others were in progress, and the number of children and adults receiving education amounted to nearly 3000. In these schools both Gaelic and English are taught; and according to the returns received from 23 schools, 681 were reading Gaelic, and 1433 English.

In justice to the Catholics, it must be stated that they are eager for knowledge, and that in many instances, their efforts to satisfy their desire, have received the co-operation of their clergy. At Kinloch Moidart, near Arisaig, the Gaelic School Society has a seminary, respecting which it is stated in the report of 1827, "that though the school has been established here but a year, many evince an extensive acquaintance with the blessed truths contained in the Bible, which is peculiarly pleasing, as the prevailing religion in this quarter is the Roman Catholic. The parents seem deeply sensible of their obligations to your society; and some employ their children in reading to them out of the Scriptures, which heretofore were to them as a sealed book."

In the neighbourhood of Arisaig, the British and Foreign Bible Society distributed, during this year, upwards of one hundred Bibles, gratuitously, among the Catholics, on their own application. In the neighbouring islands the Gaelic School Society received no opposition; and the following extract from the Report of the Committee of the General Assembly, for increasing the Means of Education and Religioas Instruction in Scotland, by means of Schools, is equally satisfactory. "The Sub-Committee feel cordial gratification in reporting, that one extensive Roman Catholic proprietor, has joined cheerfully in providing a portion of the required accommodations for a schoolmaster; nor can they, without injustice to the present Roman Catholic Bishop in the isles, avoid recording, that he has promised to be the convener of the Committee, with the most enlightened and liberal frankness; and to employ his influence, for encouraging the attendance of the children of the Catholic persuasion in the General Assembly's Schools." The venerable and benevolent Principal of the University of Edinburgh, who proposed, and has promoted, by his visits to the islands, this scheme for the education of the people of these regions, personally received from the above-mentioned bishop, and several priests in the Long Island and elsewhere, the frank and cordial offer of their co-operation.


Ox leaving Arisaig, we were driven by a contrary wind into Egg. Its harbour is formed by a sound, sheltered by a rocky island, and capable of admitting a vessel of seventy tons. A few cottages, and two decent houses, appear on the sloping side of an adjoining ridge. One of these is the Manse: In one day they were deprived of their pos sessors; the late minister and physician, who were drowned within pistol-shot of the shore. Such are the accidents to which the function of minister is liable in these islands. The last incumbents of Stornaway, in Lewis, and of a parish in Arran, perished in a similar manner. In our walk to the Manse, we experienced that sort of molestation to which pedestrians are perpetually subject in Scotland. A man of very respectable appearance accosted us, and asked us each successively respecting the names of the others of our party, requesting us to inform him accurately, as he should be questioned concerning us by the whole island. "What is your name? your object in travelling? whence came you? whither are you going? where are you staying when you will be at home?" are customary queries. The answer by no means satisfies: suspicion questions its correctness: and the sight of a stranger, and the speculations which it suggests, often interrupt the work of a field, during the long period in which he is visible in the open country over which he is travelling. The advice of Burns is in conformity to this practice


Conceal yoursel as weel as ye can from critical dissection,
But keek thro' every other man with closest sly inspection.

The pathway to the hospitable manse was rough, crossing a broad and rapid torrent. The principal object of interest in the island, is the Scuir, the summit of which rises to an elevation of 1340 feet above the level of the sea, shooting up into columnar precipices, varying, according to Macculloch, from 470 to 350 feet in height, and composed of black porphyritic pitch-stone: a stately pile of natural architec chaotic waste, interspersed by a multitude of small lakes, ture*. The island, seen from its summit, exhibits a wild, enclosed in the rugged hollows of the hills.

From the Scuir, we descended to the beach on the eastern side of the island, and visited the cave. Its hands and knees. Its interior extends about 20 or 30 feet entrance, choked by long grass, can be penetrated only on strewed with bones, remnants of the black mouldering relics in height and breadth, and about 250 in length. It is yet victims of vengeance in a lawless age. The tale, horrible as of the entire population of the island, who perished in it, it is, is well authenticated. Some clansmen of Macleod of Macleod, in Sky, were driven into Egg by contrary winds when on their return from a southern cruise, and seriously offended the natives, who had hospitably entertained them. These, resenting their conduct, turned them adrift upon the sea, in a boat without oars. The tide fortunately set of their clan, incensed at this outrage, instantly repaired to towards Sky, and landed them in that island. The people Egg to avenge the injury. The poor natives, perceiving the approach of the hostile flotilla, took refuge in the cave, discover their retreat, till unhappily, one of them who was and were sought in vain by the invaders, who could not sent out to ascertain whether the enemy had departed, was observed, and traced to his hiding-place. A fire was kindled at the entrance, and the inmates were suffocated. An aged gentleman in Sky, whose memory is richly stored with local traditions, informed me, that he had read several of the songs celebrating the achievements of the hero by whom this deed of summary vengeance was perpetrated. He was renowned for his prowess, had defeated Clanronald on the mainland, and perished in a sea-fight in Bloody Bay, in the Sound of Mull. But of all his feats, the burning the cave in Egg obtains the greatest meed of applause: an unequivocal proof of the spirit of the age. Yet some extenuation of this act of barbarous indiscriminate massacre may be supplied, by the recollection, that in the period of anarchy in which it occurred, the islanders were frequently compelled, in self-defence, to take the law into their own hands, and to inflict on each other punishments, on a principle, which, in the intercourse of states, becomes a mainspring of international security.

The harbour of Egg was much crowded when we re

* It was first brought to notice at the commencement of the present century, by Professor Jamieson of Edinburgh. (In the first part of these sketches, the discovery is inadvertently ascribed to Playfair.)

turned to our cutter for the night. The shore and the boats were filled with people, young and old, fishing for the coal-fish, which bears different names, cuddy, sithe, sillock, &c., according to the period of its growth, not attaining its full size till the fourth year of its age. It affords a plentiful harvest to the fisherman. The readiness of these and other fish to bite on this prosperous evening, was quite astonishing. The real benefit which the islanders derive from this easy substitute for more adventurous and far more lucrative sea-fishing, may be questioned. There are few people, to whom the temptation to the indolent enjoyment of slender profits, purchased at the cost of little labour, is more agreeable, and consequently more dangerous, than to these islanders: a people when fairly put upon their mettle, capable of arduous and daring exertion, but ready to grasp at every pretext for avoiding it, when not absolutely necessary. The coal-fish furnishes not only food, but oil to the rude lamp of the Highlander. Thus, according to the benignant economy of Providence, the ocean supplies, at his own door, the materials for illuminating the page, from which the light of fancy, of reason, or of religion, beams on the mind of the imaginative and intelligent native of these dark and stormy regions.

Egg, Rum, Muck, and Canna, form the group called the Small Isles. Egg contains 6000 acres, of which one sixth is arable. Its population has been diminished by emigration. These islands constitute one parish, served by two ministers, one of whom is a missionary. The Catholic priest who officiates in Egg and Canna, resides in the former. It must be regretted, that the School of the Gaelic School Society has been discontinued, that institution shifting the position of its schools, in order to diffuse instruction to the utmost extent of its funds.

Rum, a huge pile of mountains, is famous for its breed of horses, originally planted here by a vessel belonging to the Spanish Armada, and for the production of a beautiful blood-stone. To the mountains of Rum Sir Walter Scott has most appropriately applied the epithet "dark." Of this island Dr. Macculloch observes: "There is a great deal of stormy magnificence about the lofty cliffs, as there is generally all round the shores of Rum; and they are in most places as abrupt, as they are inaccessible from sea. The interior is one heap of rude mountains, scarcely possessing an acre of level land. It is the wildest and most repulsive of all the islands. The outlines of Halival and

Haskeval are indeed elegant, and render the island a beautiful and striking object from the sea. In some places, extensive surfaces of bare rock are divided into polygonal compartments, so as to resemble the grand natural pavements of Staffa, but with an effect infinitely more striking. If it is not always bad weather in Rum, it cannot be good very often, since, on seven or eight occasions that I have passed it, there has been a storm, and on seven or eight more in which I have landed, it was never without expecta tion of being turned into a cod-fish."

The mountainous islands among which Rum is prominent, are, in fact, barrier crags which intercept the vapours of the Atlantic. Thus Ireland, to borrow the peculiarly poetical metaphor of a physician residing in Cornwall, who has written a book in commendation of its climate, serves as "an umbrella" to that fortunate extremity of our island. But to the difference of climate resulting from local circumstances, we shall have occasion to advert hereafter; a subject on which the pedestrian can offer the testimony of personal experience.

The principal curiosity in Canna, is a rock possessing magnetic influence, which affects the compass. "But such disturbances," says Macculloch," are neither peculiar to that point, nor even to this island. Deviations of the needle, produced by the influence of rocks or land, are very frequent throughout all the basaltic islands of this coast; and, in many places, the influence is such, and so extensive, as to affect the ordinary variation of the compass when at sea." The scenery of this island is highly picturesque. Muck yields good pasturage. This island frequently suffers extremely from the want of fuel, occasioned by the deficiency of peat, a source of wealth and comfort, the value of which can be only fully appreciated when severely felt. The peat is conveyed to Muck from the main-land in boats, often so heavily laden as to risk being swamped. We found Egg subject to a similar inconvenience, caused by the perpetual rain, which had prevented the drying of the peat. The more prompt and industrious among the highlanders will not, however, admit this excuse, and assert that whenever the people are quick in seizing the opportunity, they infallibly secure a good dry stock of fuel. On the opposite coast the peat is piled under the roofs of the houses. It is thought that the increased facilities for procuring coal, would enable the people to purchase it often at a cheaper rate than peat. P. S. Q. R.

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LONDON: Published by JOHN WILLIAM PARKER, WEST STRAND; and sold by all Booksellers,

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THE island of Ceylon is situated between the sixth and tenth parallels of North latitude; winter is consequently unknown, and it enjoys a summer which may be styled perennial. The richness and variety of its natural productions are indescribably great, though it is remarkable that the soil of the country contains a very small proportion of vegetable matter; a fact attributable, probably, to the high temperature of the climate*, which produces rapid decomposition, and to the heavy rains which prevent its accumulation. The soils, according to Dr. Davy, are derived from the decomposition of gneiss, of granitic rock, or of clay iron-stone; and in many cases, quartz constitutes more than nine-tenths of the whole. Of this the principal cinnamon-garden, in the neighbourhood of Colombo, is a singular instance; in many places the surface of the ground is as white as snow, being a pure quartz-sand: a few inches below the surface, where the roots of the plant penetrate, it is of a gray colour, and, upon being analyzed, was found to consist of more than ninety-eight parts of siliceous sand, to one part of vegetable matter. It would appear, therefore, not a little surprising, that cinnamon should succeed best on so poor a soil, but this success is attributable to the operation of other circumstances. The peculiarities of the climate of Ceylon cause its productions to differ very much on the opposite coasts; the Palmyra-tree (Borassus flabelliformis,) for instance, which is extensively cultivated on the northern side, is hardly to be met with on the south; while, on the contrary, the Coco-tree, (Cocos nucifera), which forms a sort of continuous garden in the south, cannot be grown on the north: in fact, all vegetable productions requiring a moist soil succeed best on the south-west side, and those requiring a dry one, on the north and north-east sides of the island. The seeds of all European plants degenerate very much, and, in a few years, yield but very indifferent returns: to preserve the quality, the importation requires to be renewed almost every year; but some of the indigenous plants flourish with wonderful vigour.

Dr. Davy remarks, that the geology and mineralogy of Ceylon, have not yet received that attention which their importance demands; the same observation is fairly applicable to the other branches of the natural history of this beautiful and valuable possession of the British Empire. We are thus unfortunately precluded from giving any very detailed description of the botanical curiosity, of which we this week present an engraving, executed from original drawings, kindly furnished to us with that view, by the Right Hon. Sir Alexander Johnston, who, while inquiring into the history of the island, had drawings made of a great many of the trees, plants, and other vegetable productions, to which any religious, political, or moral interest was attached by the native Hindús, Buddhists, Mohammedans, or early Christians. To that gentleman is to be ascribed, amongst other plans for the improvement of the island of Ceylon, and the developement of its resources, the suggestion, in the year 1810, of establishing a botanical garden near Colombo, which was accomplished, and of having the Linnean system translated into the Singhalese and Tamul languages, and some of the

The following results are given by Dr. Davy as the annual mean temperature at the different places indicated, viz., Trincomalé, on the N.E. coast... .80° 4' Colombo, on the S.W. coast.. Kandy, in the interior..

.79 0

.73 5

The summit of Adam's Peak, about 7000 feet above the sea, from 51° at 9 P.M., to 59° at 7 A.M., in April, 1817.


ablest of the natives regularly instructed in botany. We are indebted to Mr. Moon, the late superintendent of the garden, for having arranged, according to that system, a valuable catalogue of Ceylonese plants, in the English and Singhalese languages.

The subject of our sketch occurs in this catalogue, as the Tabernæmontana dichotoma of the Hortus

Kewensis. Its native name is Diwi Kaduru, and nine species of the tree are enumerated. Kaduru signifies "forbidden,” and Diwi “ tiger's." It thrives in a low situation with a light mixed soil, and is found near Colombo.

The flower of this extraordinary production is said to emit a fine scent; the colour of the fruit, which hangs from the branches in a very peculiar and striking manner, is very beautiful, being orange on the outside, and a deep crimson within; the fruit itself presenting the singular appearance of having had a piece bitten out of it. This circumstance, together with the fact of its being a deadly poison, led the Mohammedans, on their first discovery of Ceylon (which they assigned as the site of Paradise), to represent it as the "forbidden fruit" of the garden of Eden; for, although the finest and most tempting in appearance of any, it had been impressed, such was their idea, with the mark of Eve's having bitten it, to warn men from meddling with a substance possessing such noxious properties t.

The traditions which connect the history of our first parents with various localities, both in Ceylon and other eastern islands, are of such ancient date, that their origin becomes a subject of curious speculation. Adam is represented by the Moormen, or Mohammedans of Ceylon, on his expulsion from Paradise, to have lamented his offence, standing on

one foot on the summit of the mountain which now

bears his name; the figure of a foot is still to be traced there, but this, the Buddhists claim as a relic of their deity. Again, the reef of rocks connecting Ceylon with the island of Rámiseram, is usually called Adam's Bridge; but the Hindús, on the other hand, term it Rámá's bridge, representing their hero to have crossed it, when about to attack the giant Rávana in his strong-hold; and two large monuments, like Mohammedan tombs, on the island of Rámiseram, are represented by the Mohammedans to be the tombs of Cain and Abel. Many other instances might be adduced, but they may be more properly traced at another opportunity, with the aid of the additional information which Oriental scholars are so actively engaged in gathering for the illustration of ancient history.

+ We find that these particulars were furnished by Sir. A. Johnston to Captain Grindlay, in illustration of a view of the cinnamon-garden from the back of Sir Alexander's house, published by Captain G. in his beautiful work on the scenery, architecture, &c., of Western India and Ceylon.

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No sound should be heard in the church but the healing voice of Christian charity. The cause of civil liberty and civil government gains as little as that of religion by confusion of duties. Those who quit their proper character, to assume what does not belong to them, are, for the greater part, ignorant both of the character they leave, and of the character they assume. Wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling, and inexperienced in all its affairs, on which they pronounce with so much confidence, they have nothing of politics but the passions they excite. Surely the church is a place where one day's truce ought to be allowed to the dissensions and animosities of mankind.-Burke.

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ON HABITS. CONSIDERING how deeply the principle of imitation is implanted in human nature, and how intimately it is connected with all that we say, or think, or do; and that the effect of this principle is to establish an undistinguishing rule of action, and an indolent subservience to custom, we need not be much surprised to find man, too frequently, the mere slave

of habit.

From his earliest infancy, indeed, he is occupied, almost unconsciously, in forming a system of habits, by which his daily life is regulated, and on which, more or less, his future happiness or misery depends. It can scarcely, however, be supposed, that judgment or foresight have much, if any, part, in these first beginnings; and the result must mainly depend on the associations presented to the mind of each individual, and the character of those by whom he is surrounded. In maturer years, when this system comes to be submitted to the test of a strict examination, and to be reformed by the rule of experience, often dearly bought, a task is frequently to be commenced, which it requires all the courage of the most stout-hearted to engage in; and happy | is he who, when he shall have detected the defects of the structure which has been thus almost imperceptibly raised, can set himself resolutely, and without hesitation, to pull down all that is unsightly, useless, or pernicious in its parts, even although the foundation itself is involved. Having formed his resolution, let him that instant set about the execution of it, and let him rest assured he will have occasion for all the energies he can bring to the task. If it be true that a freedom from error, and an honest reception of truth, constitute our happiness in this life, as well as our title to a better, it will follow that no sacrifice we can make in the pursuit of such an object can be too great; and if we proceed upon a well-grounded conviction that there is no uncertainty in the matter, it will also follow that the exertion must, in course of time, succeed.

But alas! We are too willing to put off the evil day, and while we are dallying with every trifle in our path, instead of resolutely girding ourselves up to the effort, time steals on, and life languishes, at best only a succession of failures which serve but more strongly to rivet our chain.

To say nothing of the acknowledged consequences of open and gross vice, how many a well-intentioned scheme do we not see frustrated by some circumstance which we readily impute to chance or accident, but which, if the truth were told, may be fairly traced to a weakness, an indecision, a want of something which we have long surrendered to the tyranny of habit, and which we have not the courage to reclaim. An undistinguishing submission to the customs of the world, a dread of its censure, and an acute sensibility of its applause; an indolent acceptance of the plausibilities of error, and an aversion to the investigation of abstract truth; are fetters which we are too willing to permit to be thrown around us, and under the constraint of which, many a good purpose languishes and dies. Yet, so satisfied are we with our bonds, so corrupt is our nature, so perversely indolent, yet so sensitively proud, there is no self-deception we would not practise, rather than encounter the evil, no error we would not fall into, rather than admit its existence.

I never think of this subject without recurring to the instructive story of Obidah and the Hermit in The Rambler. Obidah is described as setting forward on his journey through the plains of Indostan; his senses are regaled by all that could delight or


amuse him, and forgetting the toils of his journey, he steadily pursues his path till the sun reaches its meridian height. At a little distance from the high road he espies a shady-grove, which offers a tempting invitation to screen him from the glare of the mid-day sun; he enters, and, enchanted with the spot, strolls incautiously on, amusing himself with plucking flowers and listening to the sound of birds. In these amusements his hours pass away unnoticed; having wandered from the dircct path, he knew not which way to travel, and he stood pensive and confused, afraid to go forward lest he should go wrong, and yet conscious that his time for loitering had long since expired. The day draws to a close. A storm comes on, and, seeking for shelter, he arrives unexpectedly at the cell of a Hermit; his story is told, and the hermit takes occasion to read him an instructive lesson, which it will be well for us all to ponder and apply to ourselves.

"Human life," says he, "is the journey of a day; temptation succeeds to temptation, and one compliance prepares the way for another; we lose in time the happiness of innocence, and we solace our disquiet with sensual gratifications. We entangle ourselves in business, immerge ourselves in luxury, and rove through the labyrinth of inconstancy, till the darkness of old age begins to invade us, and disease and anxiety obstruct our way. look back on our lives with horror, grief, and repentance, and wish, too often vainly wish, we had not forsaken the ways of virtue and happiness.

We then

"Happy are they who shall learn from thy example not to despair, but shall remember that though the day is past, and their strength wasted, there yet remains one effort to be made; that reformation is never hopeless, nor sincere endeavours ever unassisted; that the wanderer may at length return after all his errors, and that he who implores strength and courage from above, shall find dangers and difficulties give way before him."



THE COMMON BEE, or HONEY-FLY, is an insect of the species of the fly with four wings. This fly is of the number of those who live in association. Man has subjected them to his dominion, in order to profit by their labour; and he has assembled them in kinds of baskets, or boxes, called hives, which vary in form and size in different countries.

The Bees live in a state of society; the individuals of a hive are perfectly known to each other, and they never admit a stranger into their community, excepting accidentally at swarming-time, when circumstances can so combine, that several swarms may unite and form a social brotherhood. Every societyis a monarchy governed by a queen, subordinate to whom are several hundred drones, and a multitude of labourers, according to the size of the colony. It is of the latter that we are giving an account.

These insects are called common, because they, in fact, compose the community of the hive, of which the drones only form a part during a short period of time. They are also called Working Bees. because they alone bring provisions into the hive, construct the combs, nourish the brood, defend the monarchy; in one word, because they perform all the labour useful to the community.

Some authors maintain that, in the monarchy of the Bees, a regularity and an admirable subordination are to be observed; that a well-regulated distribution of employment is remarked, as well as perfect order and concert, which must result from minds

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