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the words, not only of the Hebrew, but also, when necessary, of the Arab, Chaldaic, Syriac, Ethiopian, and even Chinese languages. At length, he began a Hieroglyphical Hebrew Dictionary, destined to facilitate the interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphics; but, for want of time, he was obliged, though reluctantly, to abandon his project. From that time, he resolved to relinquish all his researches; but seeing the attention of several learned men fixed upon Egypt, and their investigations turned towards the science of hieroglyphics, he yielded, perhaps too easily, (as he modestly says) to his desire of making known the plan he himself intended to follow, in publishing what he calls his Fragments. In spite of the confidence his system inspires him with, he only presents it as a conjecture; he does not give any scientific quotations, that nothing may appear to bias the judgment of the reader, and prevent him from forming an impartial opinion of the truth of his system. He has not searched, in the Hebrew language, for the known signification of certain hieroglyphics, he wished that the analysis of the language should give their meaning; so that, if this work. agree with that which bears the name of Horapollon, with Clement of Alexandria, Diodorus Siculus, or other authors, who have explained some symbols, this agreement should encrease the confidence of our author, and is. a coincidence worthy of his consideration. These Fragments contain some very extraordinary coincidences between the religion and primitive symbols of Egypt, and the symbols of the Catholic religion. These naturally presented themselves to the author with such an air of truth, that he has, very properly, noticed them.

Documens Historiques, sur les derniers evenemens Arrivés en Sicile.Historical Documents, relative to the late Events in Sicily. 8vo. 2s. 6d,

These events, says the author of this pamphlet, are either little known, or


only known through false reports, the different Italian and French journals having distorted them through party spirit. Some partizans of absolute power have loaded, with the whole weight of their indignation, a who dared to claim the rights which belonged to them: others, friends of liberty, but anxious for the fate of their own country, blamed the Sicilians for asserting their independent liberties, which might prevent the freedom of the Neapolitans. Without stopping to refute the assertions of the two parties, the author thinks it right to relate the facts as they happened'; he adds, that, though this revolution had not the happy result which the Sicilians expected, yet it cannot be uninteresting to give a faithful account of events which will form a part of history. The author declares, that he advances nothing but what is correctly extracted from official papers and accounts pre sented to government. It appears to us that he has fulfilled his engagement.

Trophée des Armeês Françaises, &c.-Trophies of the French Army, from 1792 to 1815. 6 vols. 8vo. £3. 15s.

These six volumes contain the military history of France, enriched with Sixty Views of the most remarkable Battles.

These views, drawn with great truth, and engraved on copper' plate with great skill, give, though on a small scale, a satisfactory idea of the events they represent; aud, being taken from authentic documents, may be considered as faithful representations of the triumphs of France. To these views are added accurate ac counts of every memorable fact, related with considerable warmth of style. They are preceded by an introduction, written by M. Tissot, who, in few words, describes, with scrupulous fidelity and lively interest, all the military history of France, during the space of twenty-three years,



In an American journal it is stated, that 10,000 persons are employed in the Printing Establishments of the United States. The value of the foreign works there published, during the last thirty years, exceeds twenty millions of dollars, and the amount of the annual publications is generally about two million dollars.


A MS. of the eighth century, hither to unknown, of a translation of the Bible into the Georgian language, by St. Euphemius, has been discovered in the convent of Mount Athos


There is an official Gazette, which is regarded as the organ of the Chinese government in every thing that concerns the religion, laws, manners, and customs of this country. No article which has not been inspected by the Emperor, and which has not received his approbation, can be inserted. The least deviation from this rule, even the addition of a syllable, would be severely punished. A man employed inthe postage of letters was put to death, in 1818, for having published some false reports through the means of this gazette. The reason given by the judges in condemning him to capital punishment was, his having failed in respect towards his Imperial Majesty. The Chinese Gazette contains articles relative to public affairs in this great empire, as well as extracts from memorials and petitions presented to the Sovereign, with his replies, orders, and favours granted to the mandarins and people. It appears every day as a pamphlet, and contains sixty or seventy pages.


A collection of all the patriotic proclamations, and of all the acts of the Peloponesian Senate, that have appeared since the commencement of the heroic struggle of the Greeks against their oppressors, has lately been translated from modern Greek into French, by M. Mustoxydi, a learned Greek of Corfu. It will shortly be published.

The Count Zenowitsch, a descendant from the ancient Greek emperor Zeno, is now residing at Frankfort-onthe-Main-his eldest brother is governor of Minsk, in Russia. The colonel formerly served under Kosziusko, and since in France. The Zeno family still adopt the armorial bearings of their



To each mosque is attached one or more colleges, and each has its own professor, who instructs students and examines them from time to time to ascertain the progress they make. The professors, or Muderris, as they are called, like every one employed in the mosque, are dependent on the Veli, and may be dismissed by him, or by the Nazir, (inspector) if they neglect their duty. Different colleges have different ranks, and the students of inferior ranks are examined for degrees by the professors in presence of the mufti. Those of the graduates, who aspire to distinguished places in the law, continue their studies for seven years as Mulugims; this time being expired, they are again examined by the mufti, and, if they are found capable, they are created muderrises. All the colleges, being considered as religious establishments, are accountable to the Kàsi-âsker of Rumili, the second jurisconsult in the kingdom.


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The Canal of Alexandria last year received, in honour of the Sultan, the name of Mahmoudie.. It terminates a few steps from Pompey's column, and begins near the Nile, and under the town of Saone. Its length is 41,706 toises, its width 15 toises, and its depth 3 toises. One hundred thousand men began it in January, 1819; this number was increased the following month to two hundred and sixty thousand; the workmen received a piastre a day. In the month of May, thirty thousand other workmen, from Upper Egypt, were added to the number; and on the 13th of September the work was completed. Six European engineers directed the work.


About a year ago, a Bible Society for women was established at Stockholm, at the head of which is the Countess Lowenhjelm.


Captain Wulf, translator of Shakspeare's works, has just translated into Danish Lord Byron's Manfred.

Mr. F. Faber, who resided during three years in Iceland, and minutely examined every part of that mountainous country, has made a large collec tion of birds and their eggs, which are now exhibited in the Royal Museum.

and Algarva, covering a space of 4,630 He lately published a Latin account of his discoveries, under the title of Icelandic Ornithography.


There is an establishment at Bonn, supported at the expense of the Prussian Government, and an Indian printing-house, where the characters are engraved, under the direction of Professor Schlegel; who is also employed in a grammatical and etymological concordance of Sanscript, Greek, Latin, and the ancient German dialects. GERMANY.

There is is now forming at Munich a Society for the Imitation of Oriental Manuscripts. The intention of it is to increase, by means of lithography, copies of the best works in the Turkish, Arabic, Persian, and Tartar languages, and to send them to the East, by the way of Trieste. Those who copy manuscripts, and those ornaments with which the Turks and Arabs like to embellish their writings, have, till now, prevented such a publication; but this difficulty may be overcome with the help of lithography. The low prices of this species of engraving will contribute to the dissemination of learning in the East.

Mr. Charles Rummer, a Berlin artist, has made a globe, where the mountains are well executed in relief. He has them of every size and price.

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Upon the estate of Count D'Erbach, a Roman eagle has been found, thirteen inches in height, and weighing seven pounds. It belonged to the 22d Legion.

There have been found near Stockstad, in Bavaria, some stones with inscriptions which indicate, that the funeral place of the 3d Cohort of the 23d Legion was at that place; where, also, have been discovered some coins of the time of Trajan, and pieces of sculpture.

Professor Zimmermann, at Giessen, has discovered, that all liquid atmospheric substances, such as dew, snow, rain, and hail, contain a combination

meteoric iron and nichel.- Rain generally contains salt, and a new organic substance, composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon, which M. Zimmermann calls pyrine. These same ingredients are found in the meteorolites, which are supposed to be of tellurick origin, rather than cosmique.

Poetry-Germany continues to enrich itself by translations from the ancient poets. The comedies of Plautus, Phaedrus' fables, the odes of Pindar and Horace have been lately translated into German verse, and the translators have preserved, throughout, the merit Eur. Mag. Vol, 82.

of the originals. It is difficult to appreciate the advantages which the German possesses over most European languages, in this respect. The French, in fact, have not a single translation of the ancient poets that is worthy of the name. Their prose gives only a distorted copy of them; and their poetry presents us with translations which are sometimes elegant, but never faithful. Among the Germans, on the contrary, wherever Pindar, or Horace speaks, it is the individual itself that speaks, and not the translator, who has only to substitute for Greek and Latin, German words of the same measure. No doubt, he requires, like all other translators, judgment and taste in the selection of words, that he may be at once elegant and faithful; neither can he more than other translators, attain this elegance, unless he be a poet himself. Hence it is that those who have distinguished themselves in works of imagination, are precisely those who have most happily succeeded in translating the an. cient poets. To prove this, it is sufficient to mention the names of Voss, and to recollect that the author of Louisa has been the expounder of several eminent works. Phaedrus has been translated by M. Vogelsang. His style, in general, is easy and elegant. As to Pindar, it is the first time that his odes have been translated into verse of the same measure. M. Tiersch has caused the Greek text to be printed opposite his translation, to which he has added a treatise on the versification of Pindar, and many learned dissertations which are equally interesting. Tiersch, indeed, is entitled to higher merit than that of a mere translator. That he has been endowed with the original spirit of poetry, appears evident from having naturalized the songs of Pindar in Germany. M. Schmidt, the translator of Horace, has followed twice for once the precept, nonum prematur in annum; for he has been revising and polishing his work since 1802. He has nearly equalled Rammlar, Eschon, and Voss. The last, indeed, is a formidable adversary before whom he seems to have yielded. He is also ac cused of having rendered his author unnatural by his excessive scrupulosity, and to have, substituted the names of girls for boys in cases of a particular



The Portuguese Monarch has possessions in all the four quarters of the world, viz.:

In Europe, the kingdom of Portugal 2 U

square leagues, and 3,680,000 inha bitants.

In America, Brazil and Guyana 277,000 square leagues, and 24 millions of inhabitants.

In the Atlantic Ocean and Africa, the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo, 50 square leagues, and 91,200 inhabitants.

The Azores, 147 square leagues, 160,000 inhabitants.

The islands in Cape Verd, 216 square leagues, 36,000 inhabitants.

The islands on the Coast of Guinea, 58 square leagues, 35,000 inhabitants. The Government of Angola, 70 square leagues, 75,000 inhabitants.

At Mozambic, 139 square leagues, 60,000 inhabitants.

Goa, 92 square leagues, 60,000 inhabitants.

Timor and Solon, 33 square leagues, 15,060 inhabitants.

Macao, 14 square leagues, and 33,800 inhabitants.

Total-282,144 square leagues, and 6,649,200 inhabitants, amongst which, are two millions of slaves.

The importance of this Power is equal to that of the Netherlands, and superior to that of Sweden. · The revenues of the Crown are from 80 to 90 millions of francs.-The military force consists of 25,000 troops of the line, and 33,000 militia.-In Brazil, there are 50,000 troops of the line and militia. The Portuguese Marine` consists of only 8 ships of the line and 6 frigates.


The buildings of the Inquisition at Barcelona are demolished: and a public place, called Quiroga, established on the scite.


There has been recently discovered in Corsica a new mineral, full of particles of gold. Vases have been made of it, which, in beauty and colour, rival vermillion. It is called causicorum.


M. Joseph Masera, of Montefalcone, near Chiari, has made an ingenious discovery; he substitutes in organs and bird-pipes the horizontal movement and moveable points, for the rotary movement, and the fixed points of the cylinders; which improvement enables the performer to vary the music at pleasure.

Near the Forum of Pompeii, a public edifice, supposed to be the Chalcidium, has been discovered; an inscription, found there, shews that it was built at the expense of the Priestess Eumachia. A few days after this discovery, a statue of this priestess was found, in per

fect preservation, and which surpasses in size and elegance all the works of art in the ruins of Pompeii.

The Italians claim the priority of inventing mutual instruction, which the French attribute to Herbault and Paulet, and the English to Bell and Lancaster. This method of instruction has been introduced into Italy for more than three centuries, and it still exists now. Towards the middle of the eighteenth century, schools called Della Dottrina Christiana were established at Milan, and in 1532, a priest, hamed Castellino da Castello, improved them, and introduced mutual instruction, (le Instruzione vicendevole.)

The Chevalier Tambroni has in the press the most ancient document in Italy, upon painting; it is entitled, Instruzioni Pittoriche, by Cennino Cennini, a pupil of Giotto. This interesting work had remained unknown in the library of the Vatican. It is as serted in this MS. that oil painting was known in Italy before the time of John of Bruges, to whom that invention has been attributed.

The Professor Peyron, at Turin, has discovered, in the convent of Bobbio, several fragments of manuscripts, which contain Cicero's orations, by means of which those published by Professor Maji will be complete.

It has lately been resolved at Rome to adopt Copernicus's system of the world, and it is now permitted to write in favour of that system!

Pére Jean-Baptiste Aucher, of Venice, translator of the celebrated Chronicle of Eusebius, has translated from Arme nian into Latin a precious manuscript, which is at the congregation of Armenian monks of St. Lagacres, at Venice. This MS. contains several unpublished fragments of Philo the Jew; namely, three dialogues, two upon Providence, and one upon the soul of beasts; questions upon Genesis and Exodus; two Sermons upon Sampson and Jonas; and a dialogue upon the three angels who appeared to Abraham. This manuscript, which is of the thirteenth century, formerly belonged to Haiton, the second king of Armenia. The congregation intend to publish the said translation in one vol. 4to. similar in form, paper, and type to the Chronicle of Eusebius; the Armenian translation will run by the side of the Latin version; it will also contain some Greek fragments and notes to facilitate the understanding of the text.

Professor Maji has made recent discoveries of the lost works of some ancient authors, amongst which are several parts of mutilated books of Poly

bius, Diodorus, Dion Cassius, some fragments of Aristotle, Ephorus, Timeus, Demetrius Phalaris, &c. some parts of the unknown works of Eunapius, Menander, Priscus, and Peter the Protector. Amongst the unpublished works of Polybius are the beginnings of some lost books, and the entire end of the thirty-ninth, in which the author takes a general review of his history, and devotes his fortieth book to chronology. The fragments of Diodorus and Dion are numerous and very precious. Amongst them is a summary of the wars of Rome, a narrative of Macedonia, Epirus, Syria, Spain, Portugal, and Persia. These writings were discovered in a manuscript containing the speeches of Aristides. The waiting appears to be of the eleventh century. M. Maji has also discovered an unpublished Latin grammar that quotes a great many writers whose works have been lost, and an unknown Latin book on rhetoric, and moreover a Greek collection, containing fragments of the lost works of Philo, as well as other precious remains of antiquity.


A very useful machine has lately been introduced at Lausanne, and which is well worth imitation. This machine is for the purpose of making bread, or rather to produce the fermentation of the dough. It is simply a box made of wood, about one foot wide and two long; it is placed on supporters, on which it is turned by a handle, like that of the cylinder which is used to roast coffee. One side of the box opens by a hinge to admit the dough. The time necessary to produce fermentation depends upon the air and the degree of velocity with which the box is turned. But when the operation is finished, a loud hissing is heard; this noise is produced by the escape of the air, which is usually in about half an hour. The labour is very trifling, as a child may turn the box.


The French Almanack for the clergy, for the present year, contains the following remarks on the actual state of the priesthood in France. The number of ecclesiastics in priests' orders is, 35,286, of whom 1,487 are above sixty years of age. Out of 4,156 persons who received ordination during the year 1821, as priests, deacons, and subdeacons, there were only 1435 priests, and during the same period 1447 priests died. The number of pupils educating among the curates, colleges, and schools, amounts to 25,537.

M. Revillon, clock-maker, at Macon, has obtained a patent for the construc


tion of large clocks, different from those in common use. All the wheels are made of copper, the pivots of steel, and every part is united and may be taken to pieces and repaired at pleasure. The greatest advantage of these clocks is their cheapness: being made for half the price of other clocks.

Madame Lebreton, a midwife at Paris, has improved artificial nipples, and discovered the means of preventing the creases formed in the breasts of females by suckling their children. These artificial nipples are preferable to those made of elastic gum, and are equally useful in remedying any defect in the shape of the breasts.

A discovery has been made in the department of Calvados, by which the finest strokes of the crayon or pencil upon porcelaine may be infinitely multiplied in perfection. These strokes, traced with a particular metallic composition upon the polished surface of porcelain, are incrustated by a second application of fire without the slightest injury. The parts thus delineated acquire a sort of roughness, insensible to the touch, and only to be discovered by its perfect retention of ink, which is easily wiped off the other parts of the surface. This method seems to have decided advantages over lithography.

A patent has been granted to M. Gaspard Schwickardi, at Paris, for a new mode of lighting and heating by means of lamps and polychrestic utensils. The insides of these lamps never require cleaning, and will burn all kinds of oil. This mode can be used in foot-stoves, chafing-dishes, chamber lights, kitchen furnaces, baths, &c. it gives one-third more light than the common mode, and consumes the same quantity of oil.

AGE TURNED TO YOUTH!!-A lady proposes to establish, at Paris, baths for the renewal of youth, the removal of wrinkles, and all other traces of old age. To obtain these great advantages, a Sexagenary, or Septuagenary is to take twelve baths, which she calls the Baths of Youth, the price of which will be 60 francs each. These twelve baths are to be followed by twelve others, named the Baths of Eucharis, the price of which will be 600 francs each. The regenerating operation is to be completed by twelve other baths, called the Baths of Calypso, of which the price is 1200 francs each. In fine, for the small trifle of 22,380 francs, an old woman may recover the charms she possessed at the blooming age of eighteen!

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