Зображення сторінки

detention, or other contravention of the regulations stipulated by the present treaty, the owners of such a ship and cargo shall be allowed damages proportioned to the loss occasioned by such detention. The rules to observe for these damages, and for the case of unfounded detention, as also the principles to follow for the purpose of accelerating the process, shall be the matter of additional articles, which the contracting parties agree to settle between them, and which shall have the same force and validity as if they were inserted in the present For this effect, their imperial and Britannic majesties mutually engage to put their hand to the salutary work, which may serve for the completion of these stipulations, and to communicate to each other without delay the views which may be suggested to them by their equal solicitude to prevent the least grounds for dispute in future.


VII. To obviate all the inconveniencies which may arise from the bad faith of those who avail themselves of the flag of a nation without belonging to it, it is agreed to establish for an inviolable rule, that any vessel whatever, to be considered as the property of the country the flag of which it carries, must have an board the captain of the ship and one half of the crew of the people of that country, and the papers and passports in due and perfect form; but every vessel which shall not observe this rule, and which shall infringe the ordinances published on that head, shall lose all rights to the protection of the contracting powers.

VIII. The principles and measures adopted by the present act shall be alike applicable to all the maritime wars in which one of the two powers may be engaged whilst

the other remains neutral. These stipulations shall in consequence be regarded as permanent, and shail serve for a constant rule to the contracting powers in matters of commerce and navigation.

IX. His majesty the king of Den mark and his majesty the king of Sweden shall be immediately invited by his imperial majesty, in the name of the two contracting parties, to accede to the present convention, and at the same time to renew and confirm their respective treaties of commerce with his Britannic majesty; and his said má, jesty engages by acts which shall have established that agreement, to render and restore to each of these powers all the prizes that have been taken from them, as well as the territories and countries under their domination which have been conquered by the arms of his Britannic majesty since the rupture, in the state in which those posses sions were found at the period at which the troops of his Britannic ma jesty entered them. The orders of his said majesty for the restitution of those prizes and conquests shall be immediately expedited after the exchange of the ratifications of the acts by which Sweden and Denmark shall accede to the present treaty.

X. The present convention shall be ratified by the two contracting parties, and the ratifications exchanged at St. Petersburg in the space of two months at furthest, from the day of the signature. In faith of which the respective plenipotentiaries have caused to be made two copies perfectly similar, signed with their hands, and have sealed with their arms.

Done at St. Petersburg the 5th (17 June), 1801.



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Formula of the Passports and Sea Letters which ought to be delivered in the respective Admiralties of the States of the two High Contracting Parties to the ships of War, and Merchant Vessels, which shall sail from them, conformable to Article IV. of the present Treaty, Be it known that we have given leave and permission to N, of the city or place of N-, master or conductor of the ship N-, belonging to N-, of the port of N-, of tons or thereabouts, now ly ing in the port or harbour of Nto sail from thence to N, laden with N, on account of Nafter the said ship shall have been visited before its departure in the usual manner by the officers

appointed for that purpose; and the said N-, or such other as shall be vested with powers to replace him, shall be obliged to produce in every port or harbour which he shall enter with the 'said vessel, to the officers of the place, the present license, and to carry the flag of Nduring his voyage.

In faith of which, &c.

Copy of the 1st separate Article of the Convention with the Court of London, signed the 5th (17th) of June, 1801.

The pure and magnanimous intentions of his majesty the emperor of all the Russias having already in duced him to restore the vessels and goods of British subjects which had been sequestered in Russia, his said majesty confirms that disposition in its whole extent; and his Britannic majesty engages also to give immediately orders for taking off all se questration laid upon the Russian, Danish, and Swedish properties detained in English ports; and to

prove still more his sincere desire to terminate amicably the differences which have arisen between Great Britain and the northern courts, and in order that no new incident may throw obstacles in the way of this salutary work, his Britannic majesty binds himself to give orders to the commanders of his forces by land and sea, that the armistice now subsisting with the courts of Denmark and Sweden shall be prolonged for the term of three months from the date of this day; and his majesty the emperor of all the Russias, guided by the same motives, undertakes, in the name of his allies, to have this armistice maintained during the said


This separate article, &c.
In faith of which, &c.

Copy of the 2d separate Article of the Convention with the Court of London, signed at St. Petersburg, the 5th (17th) of June, 1801.

The differences and misunderstandings which subsisted between his majesty the emperor of all the Russias and his majesty the king of lain and Ireland being thus termithe united kingdom of Great Bri nated, and the precautions taken by the present convention not giving further room to fear that they may be able to disturb in future the harmony and good understanding which the two high contracting parties have at heart to consolidate, their said majesties confirm anew, by the present convention, the treaty of commerce of the 10th (Feb. 21, 1797), of which all the stipulations are here repeated, to be maintained in their whole extent. This separate article, &c. In faith of which, &c.


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Whereas preliminaries for restoring peace between Us and the French republic were signed at London on the first day of this instant October by the plenipotentiary of Us and by the plenipotentiary of the French republic: and whereas, for the putting an end to the calamities of war, as soon and as far as may be possible, it hath been agreed between Us and the French republic, as follows: that is to say, That as soon as the preliminaries shall be signed and ratified, friendship should be established between Us and the French republic, by sea and land, in all parts of the world, and that all hostilities should cease immediately: and in order to prevent all causes of complaint and dispute which might arise on account of prizes which might be made at sea, after the signature of the preliminary articles, it has been also reciprocally agreed, That the vessels and effects which might be taken in the British Channel and in the North Seas, after the space of twelve days, to be computed from the exchange of the ratifications of the preliminary arti cles, should be restored, on each side; that the term should be one month from the British Channel and the North Seas as far as the Canary Islands inclusively, whether in the Ocean or in the Mediterranean; two months from the said Canary Islands, as far as the Equator; and, lastly, five months in all other parts of the world, without

any exception, or any more particular description of time and place; and whereas the ratifications of the said preliminary articles between Us and the French republic were exchanged by the respective plenipotentiaries of Us and of the French republic on the 10th day of this instant October, from which day the several terms above mentioned of twelve days, of one month, of two months, and five months, are to be computed: and whereas it is our royal will and pleasure, that the cessation of hostilities between Us and the French republic should be agreeable to the several epochs fixed between Us and the French republic, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of our privy council, to notify the same to all our loving subjects; and We do declare, that our royal will and pleasure is, and We do hereby strictly charge and command all our of ficers both at sea and land, and all other our subjects whatsoever, to forbear all acts of hostility, either by sea or land, against the French republic, and their allies, their vassals, or subjects, from and after the respective times above mentioned, and under the penalty of incurring our highest displeasure.

Given at our court at Windsor, the twelfth day of this instant October, in the forty-first year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one.

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At the Court at Windsor, the 12th of October, 1801. Present, the King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

His majesty in council was this day pleased to declare an order, that for the convenience and se

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curity of the commerce of his loving subjects, during the cessation of arms, notified by his royal proclamation of this day's date, passes will be delivered, as soon as they can be interchanged, to such of his subjects as shall desire the same, for their ships, goods, and merchandises, and effects, they duly observing the several acts of parliament which are or may be in force,


Preliminary Articles of Peace between His Britannic Majesty and the French Republic, signed ut London (in English and French), the 1st of October, 1801; the 9th Vendémiaire, Year 10 of the French Republic.

His majesty the king of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the first consul of the French republic, in the name of the French people, being animated with an equal desire of putting an end to the calamities of a destructive war, and of re-establishing union and good understanding between the two countries, have named for this purpose; namely, his Britannic majesty, the right hon. Robert Banks Jenkinson, commonly called lord Hawkesbury, one of his Britannic majesty's most honourable privy council, and his principal secretary of state for foreign affairs; and the first consul of the French republic, in the name of the French people, citizen Louis William Otto, commissary for the exchange of French prisoners in England; who, after having duly communicated to each other their full power in good form have agreed on the following preliminary articles:

Art. I. As soon as the preliminaries shall be signed and ratified

sincere friendship shall be re-esta blished between his Britannic ma jesty and the French republic, by sea and by land, in all parts of the world; and in order that all hostilities may cease immediately between the two powers, and be tween them and their allies respectively, the necessary instructions shall be sent with the utmost dispatch to the commanders of the sea and land forces of the respective states; and each of the contracting parties engages to grant passports and every facility requisite to accelerate the arrival and ensure the execution of these orders. It is farther agreed, that all conquests which may have been made by either of the contracting parties from the other, or from their respective allies, subsequently to the ratification of the present preliminaries, shall be considered as of no effect, and shall be faithfully comprehended in the restitutions to be made after the ratification of the definitive treaty.

II. His Britannic majesty shall restore to the French republic and her allies, viz. to his catholic majesty, and to the Batavian republic all the possessions and colonies occupied or conquered by the English, forces in the course of the present war, with the exception of the isle of Trinidad and the Dutch possessions in the island of Ceylon, of which island and possessions his Britannic majesty reserves to himself the full and entire sovereignty."

III. The port of the Cape of Good Hope shall be open to the commerce and navigation of the two contracting parties, who shall enjoy therein the same advantages.

IV. The island of Malta, with its dependencies, shall be evacu ated by the troops of his Britannic majesty, and restored to the order


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of St. John of Jerusalem. For the purpose of rendering this island completely independent of either of the two contracting parties, it shall be placed under the guarantee and protection of a third power, to be agreed upon in the definitive treaty.

V. Egypt shall be restored to the Sublime Porte, whose territories and possessions shall be preserved entire, such as they existed previously to the present war.

VI. The territories and possessions of her most faithful majesty shall likewise be preserved entire.

VII. The French forces shall evacuate the kingdom of Naples and the Roman territory. The English forces shall, in like manner, evacuate Porto Ferrajo, and generally all the ports or islands which they occupy in the Mediterranean or in the Adriatic.

VIII. The republic of the Seven Islands shall be acknowledged by the French republic.

IX. The evacuation, cessions, and restitutions, stipulated by the present preliminary articles, shall take place, in Europe, within one month; in the continent and the seas of America and Africa, within three months; and in the continent and the seas of Asia, within six months, after the ratification of the definitive treaty.

X. The prisoners made respectively, shall, immediately after the exchange of the definitive treaty, all be restored, and without ranson, on paying, reciprocally, the debts which they may have individually contracted. Discussions having arisen respecting the payment for the maintenance of the prisoners of war, the contracting powers reserve this question to be settled by the definitive treaty, according to the law of nations,

and in conformity to established usage.

XI. In order to prevent all causes of complaint and dispute which may arise on account of prizes which may be taken at sea after the signature of the preliminary articles, it is reciprocally agreed, that the vessels and effects which may be taken in the British Chan, nel, and in the North Seas, after the space of twelve days, to be computed from the exchange of the ratification of the present prelimi nary articles, shall be restored on each side; that the term shall be one month from the British Channel and the North Sea, as far as the Canary Islands inclusively, whether in the Ocean or in the Mediterra nean; two months from the said Canary Islands as far as the Equa tor; and lastly, five months in all other parts of the world, without any exception, or any more parti cular description of time or place.

XII. All sequestrations imposed by either of the parties on the funded property, revenues, or the debts of any description, belonging to either of the contracting powers, or to their subjects or citizens, shall be taken off immediately after the signature of the definitive treaty, The decision of all claims brought forward by individuals of the one country against individuals of the other for private rights, debts, property, or effects whatsoever, which according to received usages and the law of nations, ought to revive at the period of peace, shall be heard and decided before the competent tribunals; and in all cases prompt and ample justice shall be administered in the countries where the claims are made. It is agreed moreover that this article, imme diately after the ratification of the definitive treaty, shall apply to the

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