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"I would fain believe you, Marvell," cried Mr. Chiverton, in a milder tone;"Marvell!-alas, I know not what else to call you.' "The name was assumed," replied his auditor, strongly affected by his change of manner, "to conceal that of a family unsullied till now in the person of their descendant. My birth was honorable, though an ill-fated father bequeathed me little save his evil fortunes, and his name of Woodford!"

"Woodford!" exclaimed Chiverton, starting from his chair, almost convulsed by emotion, "not the son of Colonel Woodford, who fell in a duel in Flanders!"

"It was even thus," returned the wondering youth, "that my unhappy father perished-but what means this!-my friend, my benefactor, restrain yourself, or this agitation will be fatal ! "

He hastened to sprinkle water on the face of the almost expiring Chiverton, whose daughter, alarmed by the elevation of her parent's voice, suddenly entered the apartment and hung over him in speechless agony, He recovered to behold Woodford chafing his temples, while Emma, with a trembling hand, applied restoratives to revive animation. Looking wildly towards her, "My child," he cried, "you have been ever dutiful-say, will you yield to the dearest wish of a fond, a doting parent, and give your hand to him who stands beside me ?"

"My father!" exclaimed Emma, gazing anxiously on him, as though she feared his senses were wandering.

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"Woodford, you have owned that

you love her, and I—I think-Emma will you pleasure me ?-Woodford, will you take her?"

"Take her my friend, my father!" cried Harry, sinking at his feet in a transport of bliss.

He looked on both with an expressive eye and silently joined their hands-Emma, while she stood in speechless astonishment, scarcely resisting her father's wish.

"It must not be !" he exclaimed, separating their hands as suddenly as he united them" it must not be -the truth, the dreadful truth is yet to be divulged-Woodford speak, would you wed the daughter of him who murdered your father?"

Woodford started to his feet-" I see how it is," cried the old man, wildly, "I see your abhorrence in your looks-oh, Woodford, deeply, deeply have I sinned, and deeply has that sin been avenged by remorse so dire, that for long, long years, existence has been a burden

yet you may pity, though you cannot forgive, and I-I was not wholly guilty, since the challenge was forced on me by those horrid laws of honor to which man yields himself, alas, a willing slave. If there be expiation for such a crime as mine, I would have atoned the fatal deed by a gift the most precious in my power to bestow; yet, though you reject the alliance of one stained with your father's blood, do not withold pardon from him whose repentance is not less than his sin!"

and the poor old gentleman sunk down on his knees as he spoke.

"My father," cried Woodford, eagerly attempting to raise him"my father, if I may indeed call you so, too long have you reproached yourself with an involuntary act. From my angel mother, who in her deprivation did justice to that cruel necessity which raised your hand against her husband's life-from her lips I long since learned this mournful tale, and was taught to think kindly and tenderly of one whose name alone was concealed from me,'

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"Will I, my father?" "And you, Emma?" Miss Chiverton, dissolved in tears, answered not, save by a silent mo tion of the hand, which her parent placed in that of Woodford. "Heaven bless you, my children!-my sin is absolved-my last wish on earth is accomplished!" "Harry, Harry, are you ready?" said the true Marvell, breaking into the room, "I can't stay a moment longer with this foolish old woman, who, though it was all her own mistake, insists on it that you are no better than you should be, and I a little matter worse."

"What! mine hostess of the Sow and Bagpipes!" exclaimed the 'Squire, smiling through his tears, "yours shall be no mistake for yourself, since it has led to so happy a conclusion-henceforth, dame, your house is your own-see that a good dinner is provided at my expense for all the neighborhood to

morrow, and bonfires at night to celebrate the marriage of my daughter and heiress."

"What, with that gentleman!" cried the hostess; "well I always said this was the true man, and that the rogue:"

"And I always said," rejoined the true Marvell, "that Harry Woodford would one day be requited for all the past, though I looked not for so bright, so lovely a reward, as this lady, even for my inestimable friend! And now, Harry, I suppose, I may depart alone!

"Not so, sir," said Mr. Chiverton, smiling, "the name of Marvell is dear to me, even for the sake of a very dear impostor; and as he will now probably have other than geological pursuits, I must even press your friendship into the service of an old whimsical fellow, who is more than ever disposed to find

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A DRESS of green gros des Indes, the corsage high behind, with a square falling collar, and crossing in folds before. The upper part of the sleeve is excessively large; it is arranged from the elbow to the wrist in three bouffants of different sizes. Two flounces put very close, so that the one falls over upon the other, go round the bottom of the skirt; the upper flounce is headed with a ruche. The hair is arranged in two soft and moderately-sized bows on the crown of the head; it is much parted on the forehead, and disposed in full clusters of curls at the sides. The bonnet is of canary yellow peluche, trimmed with nœuds of ribbon, striped blue, and a new shade of red intermixed with sprigs of myr tle. The scarf is cachemire, bro caded and fringed at the ends,


A gown of ponceau velvet, corsage à la Sévigné; the back part of the bust is finished by a double fall of white blond lace, which is brought round the arm-hole in front, so as to form epaulettes. Beért sleeve, finished en manchette with blond lace. A bias band of the same material as the dress, cut in irregular dents, goes round the bottom of the skirt, and is surmounted by another, which reaches as high as the knee. Blond lace chemisette. The hair is parted on the forehead, and disposed in two plaited bands, arranged something in the style of a coronet on the crown of the head; knots of strawcolored gauze ribbon, lightly striped with black, are inserted in this ornament; one is placed upright, the other on the left side. Gold earrings and brooch, pearl necklace.



Little things have their value."

Cholera Morbus The rapid advance of the cholera morbus, which comes from the extremity of India, and the certain fact, that it always follows the migration of large bodies of men, such as the march of armies and caravans, should warn Western Europe of the near invasion of this dreadful Scourge. Two Russian divisions, which have advanced to the frontiers of Poland, come from the governments of Koursk and Cher son, where this epidemic rages. M. Moreau de Jonnès, on the 22d November, read be fore the Academy of Sciences at Paris a report of considerable interest, respecting this new species of plague. "Will the cold," sks M. Moreau de Jonnès, " extinguish the cholera morbus this year? But has cold done so during the fifteen years it has ravaged Asia? Did it even at Orenbourg, under a latitude more northern than Paris? Besides, we forget too easily the memorable plague which desolated Wallachia and Russia from 1769 to 1771. It was imported into Moscow during the autumn, and continued its fearful career during three very severe winters. Will this scourge reach Poland, Germany, and, at last, France? We dare not dwell on these fearful thoughts: we shudder when we remember that the cholera morbus, engendered in India, has already stretched to the north, far beyond the latitude of Paris and the principal states of Europe-and nothing has stopped its progress." M. Moreau de Jonnès adds also some new facts. Already has this pestilent disease thrice advanced towards Europe by different routes. Imported in the year 1819 from Bengal into the Isles of France and Bourbon, it threatened to arrive on our shores by some of the many ships belonging to France or England. Precaution taken at the Cape of Good Hope prevented this misfortune. In 1821 the communication between Bombay and the ports in the Gulf of Arabia, brought the cholera morbus to Bassora: it ascended the Euphrates, crossed Mesopotamia, and following step by step the commercial communications, it arrived in Syria. There it yielded to the cold during the winter, but re-appeared in the spring with redoubled force, and during three years decimated the population. It spread into most of the cities situated on the Mediterranean. In the spring of 1825 it appeared at Bukara, and continued its ravages towards Moscow, where it penetrated on the 28th of September last. M Moreau de Jonnès is of opinion that in the provinces of the Russian empire which lie between 45 deg. and 57 deg., the cold of winter will stop the progress of the contagion; but from experience, it is probable that it will re-appear in the spring with all its activity and violence; and he fears its descent into the

milder climates of Europe, where its ra vages will be more terrible, as the popula tion is more dense, and communications more rapid and more numerous.

Home No marvel that poets have cho sen home and the native land, as grateful themes of song. In themselves, the words are full of melody; in their associations they form exquisite music. It is a blessed thing to have a haven of rest where love lights its beacon and keeps its vigils to greet the returning wanderer, weary of a cheerless pilgrimage by flood or field. God help those for whom every country wears a foreign aspect-who avert their steps from the dwelling of their fathers, banished by the clouds of discord, or the rank weeds of desolation!

Chinese Justice.-In order to celebrate weddings in China, they used to fix a day on which all the young men and girls who wished to marry repaired to a place destined for that purpose. The young men gave a statement of their wealth; after which they were divided into three classes

the rich, the middling, and the poor. The girls were also divided into three classes

the fine, the tolerable, and the ugly ones. Then the fine girls were given to the rich young men, who paid for them; the tolerable ones to the second class of young men, who did not pay; and the ugly ones to the poor, who had with them the money paid by the rich.

Area of Europe.-The surface of the different European states in geographic square miles, is as follows:-Russia, 375,174; Austria, 12,153 1-2; France, 10,086; Great Britain, 5,535; Prussia, 5,040; the Netherlands (Belgium) 1,196; Sweden, 7,935 1-2; Norway, 5,798; Denmark, 1,019 3-4; Poland, 2,293; Spain, 8,446; Portugal, 1,722; Two Sicilies, 1,987; Sardinia, 1,363; the Pope's Territory, 811; Tuscany, 395 9-25ths; Switzerland, 696 1-3; European Turkey, 10,000; Bavaria, 1,383; Saxony, 348; Hanover, 695; Wurtemburg, 359; Baden, 276; Hesse Darmstadt, 185; Hesse Cassel, 208.

State of Medicine in Turkey.-Zagori, a district not far from Ioanina, is famous throughout the Levant for its breed of itinerant quacks. The male population consists solely of M. D.'s; Zagoriot and doctor being synonymes; and indeed, the medical profession becomes, in their hands, so lucrative, as entirely to supersede the necessity of any other. An idea of their wealth may be formed from their houses, which are well built, spacious, and the best furnished in Turkey. When at home, they live like gentlemen at large. It may not prove uninteresting to those who wish to ascertain the state of medicine in Turkey,

to hear some particulars relative to the education and qualification requisite to obtain a degree at this singular university. The first thing taught to the young men is the professional language; a dissonant jargon composed purposely to carry on their business, hold consultations, &c. without being un derstood by any being in existence but themselves. They are then taught reading sufficiently to decipher the pages of their manuscript, containing a selection of deceptive formulæ, for all possible diseases incident to human nature. When a candidate has given before the elders proofs of his proficiency in these attainments, they declare him to be dignus entrare in docto nostro copore; and be then prepares to leave Zagori. The Zagoriots generally travel about Turkey in small bands, com posed of six or eight different individuals, each of whom has a separate part to perform, like strolling players. Oue is the sig. nor dottore. He never enters a town but mounted on a gaudy-comparisoned horse, dressed in long robes, with a round hat and neckcloth; never opening his mouth but ex cathedra, his movements are performed with due professional gravity, and he is at all times attended by his satellites. One is the apothecary; the second the dragoman; for it is the doctor's privilege not to comprehend a syllable of any other language but the Zagoriot; a third is the herald, who, endued with a surprising volubility of tongue, announces through the streets and in the public squares, the arrival of the incomparable doctor; enumerates the wonderful cures he has performed; and entreats the people to avail themselves of this providential opportunity: for, not only does he possess secrets for the cure of actual diseases, but of insuring against their future attacks. He possesses the happy talent too of ingravidating the barren, and leaves it to their choice to have male or female, &c. &c. He is skilled in the performance of operations for the stone, cataracts, hernia, dislocations, &c. Two others, who pass under the denomination of servants, employ their time in going from house to house in quest of patients; and as, from their menial employment, they are thought to be disinterested, credit is more easily given to their word. Thus they journey from town to town, hardly ever remaining more than a fortnight in any place. After a tour of five or six years, they return for a while to their families, and divide in equal shares the gains of their charlatanism. On a second journey, they all change parts, in order to escape detection. The dottore yields his dignity to the servant, and he does the same office he was wont to receive; the dragoman becomes herald, the herald apothecary, &c.

Snakes.-M. Duverney, one of the professors of the Strasburg Academy, lately read to the French Academy a very curious paper on the anatomical distinctions


between venomous and
snakes; in which he showed that salivary
and lachrymal had been frequently mistaken
for venomous glands; and that much of
the mortal character of venomous snakes
depended upon the position of the fangs.

The Sabbath-Putting a future state wholly out of the question, there is nothing in the social system of more value to the body of the people, than a due observance of this day. Neither body nor mind can bear continual toil, and both require a seventh day of rest to keep them in health and vigor: the abolition of it would com siderably reduce the demand for labor, and a vast portion of the working classes would have to labor seven days instead of six for the wages they now receive: to this must be added the loss these classes would sustain, in respect of cleanliness, intercourse with friends, and the means of instruction. Looking beyond its religious objects, the Sabbath may be regarded as a merciful concession to human nature, an invaluable boon to the poor--a divine interposition to give that protection to the health, comforts, and privileges of the mass of mankind, whieh, perhaps, nothing else could bestow. The workman who establishes the precedent for making it a day of labor, attacks the best temporal interests of himself and his brethren.

Titian.-The anecdote of Charles's having twice picked up this great artist's pencil, and presented it to him, saying, "To wait on Titian was service for an emperor,” is well known; but we do not remember to have met with the following: "Titian had painted the portrait of Charles several times, but now being called to the court of that prince, he for the last time painted his portrait, just as it then appeared in the latter part of his life; and this picture also much pleased the renowned emperor. Certain it is, that the very first portrait Titian drew of him so struck him with admiration, that he would never after sit to any other artist; and for every portrait Titian took of him he gave him a thousand crowns in gold. Titian in all painted three portraits of the emperor; and when he last sat to him, at the conclusion of the picture, Charles said with emphasis, This is the third time I have triumphed over death.""

Greek Women.-Their feet and ankles, which, by the by, rather correspond to Grecian than to modern ideas of beauty, are completely hid by the folds of trousers, that are tied like a purse just below the knee, This gives a woman, when walking, completely the appearance of a featheredpaw pigeon. This is the more striking, as Grecian coquettes affect as much as possible to imitate the walk of a bird. “You walk like a goose," "like a duck," however impertinent in the ear of an English belle, are the most flattering compliments that can be whispered in those of a Greek one.

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It would appear that the death-hour of despotism is at hand. Hardly have we time to express our admiration of popular heroism in one country, ere in another it puts forth fresh claims to wonder and homage. Its latest manifestation in Poland is peculiarly calculated to delight the lovers of rational liberty; for no nation on earth has been more hardly dealt with, or has struggled with more heroical devotedness for all that is dear to a people, than have the Poles. Enthusiastically attached to their native country, its institutions and recollections, they have at all times evinced a proportionate detestation of foreign interference, and especially of that of Russia. There are few instances on record, of a more deep-rooted animosity between two nations, than between the Poles and Russians-an animosity not to be accounted for by any signal difference in language, manners, or customs; in all of which, they greatly resemble each other. This natural antipathy has, we may conceive, been materially increased by the dismemberment and long oppression of Poland by her more powerful neighbor. The measure of the partition of Poland was worthy of the cruel and reckless ambition of Catherine, but its adoption by the Empress of Austria and the King of Prussia, must be considered a lasting stain on the characters of those two sovereigns. 51 Atheneum, VOL. 5, 3d series.


The first partition, which divided one half of the kingdom among the just-mentioned powers, was followed by a second, and Poland, as a nation, was blotted from the map of Europe, Russia obtaining the great sweep. Warsaw and its adjacent provinces were, by this partition, given to Prussia; but at the treaty of Tilsit, Napoleon raised Prussian Poland into an independent duchy, under the sovereignty of the King of Saxony. On the downfall of the French emperor, the Great Powers, at the Congress of Vienna, in 1815, gave the Duchy of Warsaw to Russia, an equivalent being afforded to Prussia in the Rhenish provinces and an important part of the Saxon kingdom. The Emperor Alexander made Poland a separate kingdom, and gave it a national representative diet, the first meeting of which was opened by his Imperial Majesty in person, and the present Grand Duke, Constantine, was returned a Polish representative by the suburb of Praga. The constitution granted by the emperor, established a Chamber of Deputies, elected by the people, and a senate answering to House of Peers. The government was carried on by a Viceroy and a responsible ministry, appointed by the Emperor.


Though it is not to be supposed, that the despot of all the Russias had any real intention of giving

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