Зображення сторінки



NOTE. For key to pronunciation see page 425. Titles of books, poems, and essays are
in italics. First lines of poetical quotations are indicated by quotation marks. The
figures in heavy-faced type refer to the Readings.

A Man's a Man for a' That, 183, 140
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever,"

Absalom and Achitophel (à kíťð fěl),

Adam Bede, 307, 308

Addison, Joseph, 159; life, 159;
works, 161; collaboration with
Steele, 162; style, 164. 114
Adonais (ǎdo nã ́is), 123, 224, 227,
230, 268

Ae Fond Kiss, 142

Age of Chaucer. See Chaucer
Alastor (ă lăs'tôr), 226, 227
Alchemist (ăľ ́kẻ mist), The, 102
Alexander's Feast, 135, 88
Alfred the Great, 21
Alice-for-Short, 352
All for Love, 135

Allegory, definition of, 131; in Mid-

dle Ages, 42; Spenser's, 75; Bun-
yan's, 131

Amoretti (äm ō ret'tē), Spenser, 75, 50
Anatomy of Melancholy, 120
Ancient Mariner, The, 214, 212

Ancren Riwle (ăŋk'ren rool), The, 23
"And, more to lulle him in his slumber
soft," 76

Andreas (än drā ́äs), 21, 10
Angel in the House, The, 356
Anglo-Norman branch of literature, 8

Anglo-Norman Period: specimens

of the language, 23; Norman con-
quest, 24; early Norman literature,
25; romances, 28; types of later
literature, 28; summary, 31; selec-
tions for reading, 32, 13; bibliogra-
phy, 33

Anglo-Saxon branch of literature, 8
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, The, 23, 9, 16,


Anglo-Saxon Period: specimens of
the language, 9; epic of Beowulf,
9; early poetry, 14; later writings,
16; summary, 31; selections for
reading, 32, 1; bibliography, 33
Annuals, Literary, 233
Apelles' (à pělíēz) Song, 64
Apologie for Poetry, 104
Arcadia (är ka'di ȧ), 105
Arden, Mary, 88

Areopagitica (ăr ́ê ŏp à gĭtí cả), 123, 76
Aristotle (ăr is tot'l), 83

Arnold, Edwin, 261, 286
Arnold, Matthew, 280, 170, 176, 223,

Art, Ruskin's theory of, 333

"Art thou poor, yet hast thou golden
slumbers?" 65

Arthur, legends of, 27

Arthurian romances, 28, 52, 53
As You Like It, 91, 95, 96, 99

[blocks in formation]

Barnfield, Richard, 65
Barrack-Room Ballads, 343
Barrel Organ, The, 356

Barrett, Elizabeth (Mrs. Browning),
279, 271, 271

Barrie, James M., 352, 384
Bartholomew Fair, 102
Battle of Brunanburh (bru'nan burk),

Battle of Maldon (mal'dén), 15
Beaumont (bo'mont), Francis, 100,

Beauty, sensuous and moral, 232;
Spenser's ideal, 77; Shelley's, 225;
Keats's, 232

Beddoes, Thomas, 234
Bede, the Venerable, 17, 19, 8
Bell Buoy, The, 343, 366
Belling the Cat, fable of, 34
Beloved Vagabond, The, 352

Bennett, Arnold, 349, 350

Beowulf, 9; story of, 10; manuscript
of, 13; materials used in, 14. 7,1
Bible, authorized version of the, 106
Bickerstaff Papers, The, 156
Blackmore, Richard, 314
Blake, William, 187

"Blow, blow, thou winter wind," 62
Bob, Son of Battle, 353

Book, root meaning of, 2
Book of the Duchess, The, 42, 48
Book of Snobs, The, 303
Bookman's Letters, A, 359

Books, of knowledge and of power,
3; first printed, 55; licensor of,

Boswell, James, 166, 122

Boy actors, 82

Bridge Builders, The, 344

Brierly, J., 360

Brontë, Charlotte and Emily, 312, 311
Brooke, Rupert, 362

Brown, Charles Brockden, 222
Browne, Thomas, 140, 101
Browning, Robert, 270; life, 271;
dramatic quality, 273; typical
poems, 274; estimate of, 277. 252
Browning, Mrs. See Barrett
Brushwood Boy, The, 344
Brut (broot), Layamon's, 29, 19
Brutus, English legends of, 27
Bugle Song, 265, 267, 249
Bunyan, John, 129; life, 130; works,
131. 115, 81

Burke, Edmund, 167; orations, 168;
method and style, 169
Burns, Robert, 179; life, 179; songs,

183; estimate of, 184. 149, 134
Burns, Carlyle's essay on, 325
Butler, Samuel (1612-1680), 139
Butler, Samuel (1835-1902), 349
Byrhtnoth's (birkt'nōth) Death, 15
By the North Sea, 286, 289

Byron, Lord, 217; life, 217; poems,
219; two views of, 222. 202, 161
Byronic hero, the, 222

Cadmon (kăd′măn), 19, 8, 17, 125
Cadmonian Cycle, 8
Cain, Byron, 220

Campaign, The, Addison, 161, 206
Campbell, Thomas, 234

Canterbury Tales, The, 44, 37, 55, 24
"Can the eagle see what is in the
pit?" 187

Captains Courageous, 344
Carew, Thomas, 139

Carlyle, Thomas, 322; life, 322; works,
324; estimate of, 328. 287, 317,
332, 340

Cavalier verse, 137, 139

Caxton, William, 53, 40, 51, 38
Celtic Revival, 358
Chance, 348

Chanticleer, Chaucer, 47, 49
Chapman's Homer, On First Looking
into, Keats, 230, 61, 179
Charles II, Epitaph on, 115
Chatterton, Thomas, 187
Chaucer (cha ́ser), Geoffrey, 37; life,
38; how to read, 40; early works,
42; Canterbury Tales, 44, 24; charm
of, 47; contemporaries, 50; Sid-
ney's view of, 37; Dryden's estimate
of, 136. 3, 6, 28, 149, 153, 355
Chaucer, Age of: specimens of the
language, 34; historical outline, 36;
Chaucer, 37; Langland, 50; Malory,
51; Caxton, 53; ballads, 55; sum-
mary, 58; selections for reading,
58, 24; bibliography, 59
Chesterton, G. K., 360. 93, 389
Child in the House, The, 359

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 221, 218,

[blocks in formation]

Christ, The, Cynewulf, 21
Christabel, 214

Christmas Carol, A, 295
Chronicle plays, 83, 85, 91
Citizen of the World, The, 175, 181
Civil War of 1642, 114
Clarissa, 193, 195

Classical drama, the, 82
Classicism in literature, 147
Classics, influence of the, 61
Claudius Clear, 359

Cloister and the Hearth, The, 313, 54
Cloud, The, Shelley, 227, 167
Cobzar's (cob'zär) Last Song, The, 5
Coifi (koi'fē), story of, 18

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 211; life,
212; anecdotes of, 213; works, 213.
202, 249, 156

Collins, William, 172, 125

Colum (kŏl'um), Padraic (pädh'rig),

Comedy, popular, 81; definition of, 96
Common Sense, 168

Complete Angler, The, 141, 102
Comus (kō'mus), 120; compared with
The Tempest, 121. 81, 116, 119
Conciliation with America, On, 168,

Confessions of an English Opium
Eater, 255

Conrad, Joseph, 347, 370
Content, Dekker, 65

"Contented wi' Little," 184, 144
Continental wars, England's, 146
Cook, Captain James, 147
Coriolanus (ko'ri₺ lã ́nus or kō'ri ō-
lä'nus), 95, 96

Cotter's Saturday Night, The, 180, 184,

Country House, The, 348

Cowper, William, 186, 245
Cranford, 312, 314

Cromwell, Oliver, 114, 118

[blocks in formation]

Defence of Ugly Things, A, 389

Defoe, Daniel, 189; career, 190;
works, 191. 163, 145

Dekker, Thomas, 65, 85, 101, 102, 55
Delight in Disorder, 97

De Morgan, William Frend, 352
Denry the Audacious, 350
Deor's (da'ŏr) Lament, 15
Departmental Ditties, 343

De Quincey, Thomas, 253; life, 254;
typical works, 255; style, 256. 222
Deserted Village, The, 176, 130
Diary, of Evelyn, 142; of Pepys, 142
Dickens, Charles, 287; life, 287;
works, 291; selected novels, 293;
estimate of, 295; compared with
Thackeray, 298, 302; with George
Eliot, 311. 290

Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers,


Dictionary, Johnson's, 165

Diversity of Creatures, A, 344

Doctor Faustus (fas'tus or fous'tus),

Marlowe, 86

Dover Beach, 280, 278

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 353
Drake, Song from, 382

Drama, rise of the, 77; religious, 78;
secular, 80; classical and English,
83; Elizabethan, 84; types of, 91;
decline of, 100; modern, 359. See
also Miracle, Interlude, Masque, etc.
Dramatic monologues, 275
Dramatic "unities," 83

Drayton, Michael, 64, 44
Dream Pedlary, 235

Dream-Children, 218

"Dreamer of dreams, born out of my

due time," 285

Dryden, John, 133; life, 133; works,
134. 115, 156, 160, 164, 88
Dunciad (dun ́sĭ ăd), The, 150
Dust, 389

Dyce, Alexander, 101

Early Spring, Wordsworth, 206
Earthly Paradise, The, 284
Ecclesiastical History, Bede, 17
Economics, Ruskin's view of, 334
Edgeworth, Maria, 244
Edward II, Marlowe, 86
"Eftsoones they heard a most melodi-
ous sound," 72
Eighteenth-century Literature, 145:
historical outline, 145; classicism,
147; typical writers, 148; Johnson
and his Circle, 164; historians,
170; revival of romantic poetry,
172; early English novels, 188:
summary, 196; selections for read-
ing, 197, 105; bibliography, 198.
See also Addison, Burns, Defoe, etc.
El Dorado, 332

Elegy, Gray, 173, 268, 126
Elene (el an'), Cynewulf, 21, 11
Elizabethan Age, 60; historical back-
ground, 60; literary characteristics,
61; foreign influence, 62; lyrics,
64; dramatists, 77; prose writers,
103; summary, 112; selections for
reading, 112, 44; bibliography,
113. See also Bacon, Jonson, Shake-
speare, Spenser, etc.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 230, 269;

and Carlyle, 323, 325
Empire, expansion of the, 146
Endymion (ĕn dĭm ́í ŏn), 228, 230
England's Helicon, 63

English, dialects of, 53; the King's, 54
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 218
English Idyls, Tennyson, 268
English literature, beginnings of, 7, 1;
tributaries of, 8. See also Anglo-
Saxon Period, Eighteenth-century
Literature, Victorian Age, etc.
Enthusiasm of Elizabethan Age, 61
Epicane (ĕpĩ sẽn), or the Silent
Woman, 102

Epistle, An, Browning, 275
Epitaph on Charles II, 115
Epithalamion (ép ĩ thả là mĩ ăn), or
Marriage Hymn, 75, 50

Essay on Criticism, Pope, 151, 145, 150
Essay on Man, Pope, 152, 176, 105
Essayists, Victorian, 316
Essays, Sidney, 104; Bacon, 108; 71;
Addison, 162, 114; Steele, 162, 118;
Lamb, 251, 210; De Quincey, 255,
222; Arnold, 282, 281; Stevenson,
316, 332; Pater, 316; Macaulay,
320; Carlyle, 324, 340; Ruskin,
333; modern, 359, 389

Essays of Elia (ē ́li ä), 251, 249, 210
Ethics of the Dust, 335

Euphuism (u'fu ism) in Elizabethan

prose, 104

Evans, Mary Ann. See George Eliot
Evelyn (ěv'è lin), John, 142
Everlasting Mercy, The, 355
Every Man in his Humour, 102
Excursion, The, 202, 209, 210

Fables, Dryden, 136, 92
Faery Queen, The, 71, 68, 228, 48
Farewell to Folly, Song from, 54
Fates of the Apostles, The, 21
Faust (foust), Goethe, 86, 221, 226
"Fear no more the heat o' the sun," 62
Feet of the Young Men, The, 342, 363
"Few his words, but strong," 124
Fielding, Henry, 194, 195, 196
Fifty Singing Seamen, 356
Fight at Finnsburgh (fínz’burK), The,

Fingal (fin'gal), 186

First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, 95
Fletcher, John, 95, 101, 64
Flower in the Crannied Wall, 265, 240
Flower of Old Japan, The, 356
For All We Have and Are, 343, 369
Forest of Wild Thyme, The, 356
Forsaken Merman, The, 280, 274
Franklin, Benjamin, 110, 156, 164
French Revolution. See Revolution
French Revolution, The, Carlyle, 326,


Friendship, Of, Bacon, 109

"From jigging veins of rhyming
mother-wits," 85

Froude (frood), James Anthony, 324
"Full fathom five thy father lies," 61
"Full little knowest thou, that hast
not tried," 66

Gallipoli (gäl lē pổ lē), 361

Euphues (ū ́fù ēz), or the Anatomy of Galsworthy, John, 348

Wit, 103

Gammelyn (găm ́ě lin), 99

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