Зображення сторінки

maison. Voici la mienne. Ce sont vos livres ou les miens. Ce n'est pas votre bien, c'est le nôtre. Son avis est meilleur que le mien.

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books and pens. Their friend and their cousins. Your gloves and

gants m.

mine. Your country and mine. His horses and thine. His age, (99.)

pays m.

her age, its age. Her brother, sister, and cousin.


âge m.

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and theirs. My penknife and his. He speaks to your friends and to

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mine. From their garden to your house. His or her father.

jardin m.


The relative pronoun relates to a substantive or pronoun which precedes, and which is called its antecedent;


Voilà la personne qui vous There is the person who knows

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Qui (nominative), who, which, that.

De qui, or dont, of or from whom, whose, etc.; de quoi, of what, etc.

À qui, to whom, to which; à quoi, to what.

Que (accusative), whom, which, that.

Lequel, m. s.; laquelle, f. s.; lesquels, m.pl.; lesquelles, f. pl., who, whom or which.

Duquel, de laquelle, desquels, desquelles, of or from whom or which.

Auquel, à laquelle, auxquels, auxquelles, to whom or which. Où, where, in which place.


Qui? (nom. and acc.) who or whom? qui est-ce qui? de qui? à qui? etc.

Quoi? que? qu'est-ce que? what? de quoi? à quoi? etc. Lequel, m. s.; laquelle, f. s.; lesquels, m. pl. ; lesquelles, f. pl. ; which? Duquel? of which? etc.; Auquel? to which? etc. 107. The following interrogative pronouns are always used with a substantive:

Quel, m. s.; quelle, f. s.; quels, m. pl.; quelles, f. pl.; what?

Examples of the Relative and Interrogative Pronouns.

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La maison où il demeure,

De quoi parlez-vous?
Qui est-ce qui parle ?
Qui aimez-vous?
Que dites-vous?

Quoi? qu'est-ce que c'est?
En quoi vous ai-je offensé ?
Lequel de ces tableaux pré-

Quel livre lisez-vous?

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What? what is it?

In what have I offended you? Which of those pictures do you prefer?

What book do you read?

Quelles idées! quels ouvrages! What ideas! what works! 108. The relative pronouns qui for the nominative, and que for the accusative, are used for all nouns of both genders and numbers; as,

L'enfant qui étudie,

La personne que je vois,
La lettre qui est écrite,
Les leçons que vous avez ap-

The child who studies.

The person whom I see.

The letter which is written. The lessons which you have learnt.

109. Que meaning what or which thing is used after a pronoun or substantive followed by another pronoun or substantive which is the subject of the verb étre, to be; as,

Voyez ce que c'est, See what it is.

110. Qui as an interrogative pronoun refers to persons, and que refers to things.

Qui fait du bruit?
Qui accusez-vous ?
Qui est arrivé?
Qu'est-il arrivé?
Qui est-ce ?

Who makes a noise?
Whom do you accuse ?
Who has arrived?

What has happened?
Who is it?

What is it?

111. Lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles; duquel, de laquelle, desquels, desquelles; auquel, à laquelle, auxquels, auxquelles, agree in gender and number with the nouns to which they refer; as,

Les enfants avec lesquels (or qui) vous êtes venu,

The children with whom you came.

112. Lequel, duquel, auquel, etc. apply to persons and things. Qui after a preposition, as de qui, à qui, etc., applies to persons only; as,

C'est un travail auquel (not à

qui) je ne puis renoncer, C'est un homme à qui (or auquel) j'ai parlé,

It is a labour which I cannot relinquish.

It is a man to whom I spoke.

113. Dont is used for both genders and numbers, and may apply to all nouns; as, Le garçon dont vous parlez, La chose dont vous parlez, La nature dont nous ignorons les secrets,

The boy of whom you speak.
The thing of which you speak.
Nature, whose secrets are un-
known to us.

114. Quoi, as a relative pronoun, is used with a preposition, and is applied to things only; as,

La chose à quoi (or à laquelle) l'on pense le plus, est souvent celle dont on parle le moins,

The thing about which we think the most, is often that of which we speak the least.

115. As an interrogative pronoun also, quoi is frequently used with a preposition, and applies to things only; as,

De quoi l'accusez-vous?

Of what do you accuse him?


116. Quoi is likewise used in exclamations; as,

Quoi de plus beau que la What is more beautiful than vertu ! virtue!

117. NOTE. In an interrogation formed with a verb which governs an accusative case (132.), we use que, and not quoi; as,

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118. NOTE. On the contrary, in an interrogation formed with a verb which governs an oblique case (133.), we use quoi, and not que, according to the rule 115. mentioned above; as,

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C'est le soleil qui nous éclaire; il échauffe la terre qui nous nourrit; il mûrit les fruits qui nous rafraîchissent, et fait éclore les fleurs qui réjouissent les yeux. C'est la dame que vous connaissez. Voici la boîte que vous m'avez donnée. Les papiers que vous m'avez confiés. Quelle est cette maison d'où vous sortez? La maison de mon père.-De ces bijoux, lequel préférez-vous? Celui-ci.-De ces étoffes, laquelle vous plaît le plus ? Celle-ci.-Lesquels (de ces livres) vous appartiennent? Ceux-ci.-Je connais les événements dont vous parlez, je m'en réjouis. Un plaisir dont nous nous repentirions ne mérite pas nos regrets. Heureux le peuple qui est conduit par un sage roi ! il est dans l'abondance, il vit heureux, et aime celui à qui il doit tout son bonheur.


The child who reads. The boy whom I see. The girl of whom I

(108.) lit

(108.) vois


speak. The house of which I speak. The house which I have



bought. Who is there? achetée (110.) là

(108.) j'ai

To whom do you write? Whom (112.) écrivez-vous

do you love? What gentleman? aimez-vous (107.) monsieur

what money?

(107.) argent m.

To what knives?

What lady? What books?
(107.) dame (107.)

(107.) couteau m.



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translate my lesson. Of those gentlemen, to which have you spoken? messieurs (111.) avez-vous parlé


leçon f.

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121. The demonstrative pronouns serve to designate and point out objects.

The following are placed before the noun, and agree with it in gender and number. They are called nouns adjective.



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Ce (cet before a vowel or h m.). Cette, or Ces,

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Cette fille, that girl.

Cette ouvrière, that workwoman.
Ces filles, those girls.

Ces ouvriers, those workmen. Ces ouvrières, those workwomen.

122. Ce (it, that,) before the verb étre, to be, is used

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