Зображення сторінки

Productive Industry, in relation to the St Valentine's day, notice of by Hur-

general welfare, 262.
Pronunciation, remarks on, 378.
Pronouncing, see Dictionary.
Protestants in France, number of, 469.
Province of Nova Scotia, state of, 36.
Publications, list of new, 38, 78, 118,
155, 196, 238, 277, 319, 358, 399,
439, 471; number of new published
in three months, 276; in two weeks,

Pyramid of Cheops, 398.


Rail Roads, treatise on, noticed, 159;
cost of, estimated, ib.

Ray, Mr, address of, commended, 356.
Reader, classical French, noticed, 277.
Rebels, The, reviewed, 291; analysis of

the story, ib.; extract from the, 293.
Recollections, of Madame Campan, 78.
Reeve, Judge, Law of Descents by, 112.
Reform, of Harvard College, principal
points of, stated, 216; division of
classes according to merit, 217;
means of Harvard College not ade-
quate to carry the system into efffect,
ib.; see Memorial.
Remarks, upon the growth of England,
194; on pronunciation, 378.
Renouard, M., his essay upon the de-
fects of schools in France, 281.
Reports, Mass. hint in regard to the
publication of, 203; see Digest.
Review, Edinburgh, for April, 1825,
noticed, 32; Quarterly, to be edited
by Mr Lockhart, 438.
Rewards and punishments, comparative
influence of, on the young, 433.
Roads, in the interior of S. C., 106.
Rome, Fine Arts in, 47.

Roscoe, Mr Thomas, his edition of the

German novelists, 76; his history of
painting in Italy, 470.

Rostopschin, orders of, to set fire to
Moscow, 8.

Ruins of Pompeii, discoveries among,


Running a Muck, custom of, 357.
Russian longevity, instance of, 274.
Russians, policy of the, when invaded
by Bonaparte, 2.


dis, 26.

Saldvaha Senhor, Poems of, addressed to
the friends of Brazil, 77.
Sandwich Islands, climate of 407.
Sardinian edict, $98.

School, at Tobolsk established by Swed-
ish officers, 288; at Chitenango,
158 Polytechnic abolished, 284.
School books, construction of peculiarly
important, 241.

Schools, the free, not suited to the pre-

sent condition of the people, 172;
much eulogized by public speakers,
ib.; Grammar, design of, 73; not
adequate to give instruction prepara.
tory to the studies of the University,
249; public, in Europe, 358;
painting, in Italy, 83, in Greece, 152;
course of study recommended for sec-
ondary, in France, 286.


Segur, General, his history of Bona-

parte's expedition to Russia reviewed,
1; attacked by Gen. Gourgaud, 432.
Seminary, for the education of instruc-
ters of youth, 179; see Education.
Sepulchre, of Napoleon, 77.
Serapis, British Frigate capture of, 53.
Sermons, influence of upon the public
mind, 259.

Sewall, Thomas, his Lecture noticed, 157.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Memoirs of,

reviewed, 361; not to be compared
with Burke as a statesman, 363; his
rupture with Burke, 362; manner in
which he prepared himself for parlia-
mentary display, ib.

Sherburne, John Henry, his Life and
Character of John Paul Jones, 56.
Shells, varieties in form of, 237.
Sims, Mr, his essay on planetary mo-
tion noticed, 196.

Sketch, Historical, of the Formation of
the Confederacy, 372; drawn up with
ability, 278.

Slaves, number of in the United States,
450 objections against removing
them to St Domingo, 451; objections
to removing them into Colombia and
Mexico, 452; expense of removing
them considered, 453; should be ed-
ucated before they are sent to the
colonies, 456; how treated in Caro-
lina, 108.

St Sebastians, attack upon, described, 334. Snelling, Col. Josiah, his remarks on

Hull's Memoirs, noticed, 79.
Society, a new for puffing, 75; the
Colonization, usefulness of its labours,
455, Royal, of Literature, 437;
Islands, sugar manufactory establish-
ed on, 318; Philosophical of New
Jersey, 193; Geographical in Paris,


Sound-duty, paid to the Danes, 391.
South Carolina, state of roads in the in-
terior of, 106.

Spectacle, of the French coronation, 76.
Spots, Solar, times of the motions of, 77.
Staples, Mr, his grammar noticed, 73;
method of teaching languages, 74.
State of the stomach, 222.
State-house in Boston, repairs upon, 304.
Sterne, resemblance to, in the author of
Tremaine, 126.

Stomach, the state of, 222.
Story of a Life, noticed, 232.
Subaltern, the, reviewed, 333; its au-
thenticity doubtful, ib.

Substitute for the Tread-wheel, 78.
Sunday journals, number of published in
London, 275.

Sydney, population of, 358.


Tales of the Wild and Wonderful, no-
ticed, 393; analysis of them, 193;
the author's poetical talents, 394.
Taillefer, his invention of a forearm,


Tancred, an Heroic Opera, reviewed,

Tea-plant in Brazil, 398.

Teachers, require some direct prepara-
tion for their profession, 219; in-
creasing demand for, 218.
Ticknor, Prof., his remarks on changes
in Harvard College, 87.

Tobolsk, school at, established by Swed-
ish officers, 288.

Tomline's Life of Pitt censured by
Moore, 362.

Tour, journal of a, in the interior of
South Carolina, 104; round Hawaii,
reviewed, 401.

Towle's Grammar of Astronomy, 338.
Townships, influence of small, 157.
Trade of Odessa, 398.

Tread-wheel, substitute for, 78.
Treatise on Christian Doctrine, re-
viewed, 321; see Milton.

Tremaine, reviewed, 121; 3d vol. of
devoted to natural religion 123.
Troubadour, The, noticed, 312.


United States, History of the, noticed,


University, London, designed to afford
instruction to a large class of people,
33; advantages of over Oxford and
Cambridge, 34; of Alabama, the
funds of the, 397; Harvard; see Har-
vard; of Edinburgh, regulation of,


Use, defined, 145.


Valentine writing, origin of, 26; Hutch-
inson's opinion of, 27; specimens
of, 27 and 28.

Valuation of Ohio, 397.

Value, defined, 64; distinguished from
wealth, 65.

Varchi, Benedetto, Life and Writings
of, 460; sonnet of, on the tomb of
Petrarca, ib.

Verplanck, Mr, Essay of, on the Doc-
trine of Contracts, 441.
Volcano of Kirauea described, 410.
Voyage, French, of discovery, 470.


Waiakea, how situated, 412; number of
inhabitants of, ib.
Walker's standard of pronunciation, at-

tacked by Mr N. Webster, 379; ex-
ceptions to his standard, 380.
Walterborough, S. C. situation of, 105.
War between the British and Ashantees,

Wars, history of between Christians and
Mussulmans, 77.

Wealth and value, distinction between,
65; individual and national, 22.
Werter, new edition of, by Göthe, 438.
Whitfield, description of his preaching,


Works, in press, 40; projected, 154.


Yates, Dr, school of at Chitenengo,


Zeuris attended the Olympian games, 43.
Zophiel, a Poem, noticed, 114.

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