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Winifred's Well.

"Ar the bottom of St. Winifred's well are several round stones with red spots, a kind of Jungermania moss, odoriferous, which they pretend stained with her blood, and others on which grows a long odoriferous Bissus Iolithus, called her hair."-GOUGH'S Camden.

Love of God.

"THE Soul of one who serves God," said ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS, " always swims in joy, always keeps holyday, is always in her palace of jubilation, ever singing with fresh ardour and fresh pleasure a new song of joy and love.

"Perfect love of God (said he) makes death welcome and most sweet to a soul. They who love thus, die with burning ardours and impetuous flights, through the vehemence of their desires of mounting up to their beloved. The rivers of love in the heart, now swell almost beyond all bounds, being just going to enter the ocean of love. So vast and so serene are they that they seem even now calm seas, and the soul overflows with torrents of joy, upon the point of entering into the full possession of God. She seems already to behold that glory, and all things in her seem already turned into love, seeing there remains no other preparation than a thin web, the prison of the body being already broken."1"

Irish at Rouen.

"WITH the English (at the siege of Roan) 1600 Irish Kernes were enrolled, from the Prior of Kilmainham, able men, but almost naked; their arms were targets, darts, and swords, their horses little and bare, no saddle, yet never the less nimble, on which upon every advantage they plaied with the

This is from his "Flamma Vivi Amoris." As both paragraphs occur in Butler's Lives of the Saints, no doubt the extracts are to be referred to that work. See under November 24. J. W. W.

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A. c. 350. "DANS la Basse-Thebaide, il y avoit un jeune homme, nomme Paul, que son père et sa mère avoient laissé, à l'age de 15 ans, héritier d'un grand patrimoine; il avoit une sœur mariée, et demeuroit avec elle. Son caractère étoit doux et sensible, son esprit cultivé et reflechi; il étoit savant dans les lettres Grecques et Egyptiennes, aimoit l'étude et la retraite; et pénétré des grandes vérités de la religion, il trouvoit le bonheur dans la pratique des vertus qu'elle prescrit. La persécution l'obligea à chercher un asyle dans des montagnes désertes; il avoit alors 23 ans. Paul, attendant la fin de la persécution, s'affectionna au genre de vie solitaire qu'il avoit embrassé par nécessité : la crainte le conduisit dans un desert, l'inclination l'y fixa. Il s'avançoit chaque jour dans les montagnes, et ne s'arretoit que lorsque la fatigue l'obligeoit à prendre quelque repos. Si la contemplation de la nature a des charmes pour un philosophe, quelle impression vive

et profonde ne doit-elle pas faire sur un homme pénétré de l'idée sublime de l'Etre Suprême qui a tout crée? Sans doute un Saint ne peut regarder les merveilles de l'Univers qu'avec les transports de l'enthousiasme! Avec quel respect et quel attendrissement ne doit-il pas considérer les ouvrages de Dieu! Les cieux, la terre, les | vastes mers, tout lui parle de Dieu, et tout lui prouve sa sagesse et sa puissance. Paul, après avoir erré long-temps, rencontra une montagne de roche au pied de laquelle étoit une spacieuse caverne; il y entra, et trouva une espèce de grand sallon, sans toît, ombragé d'un majestueux palmier, et traversé par une fontaine d'une eau pure et transparente, formant un ruisseau qui s'alloit perdre dans les campagnes, et dont le murmure invitoit à cette réverie vague, délassement paisible et délicieux d'un esprit fatigué par une longue et profonde méditation. Ce fut dans cette retraite agréable que Paul fixa sa demeure; ce fut là que, depouillé de toutes les frivoles passions humaines, oublié des hommes, mais priant pour eux, seul, sans société, mais ayant Dieu pour témoin de ses pensées, pour objet de son amour et de ses espérances, il connut le vérité, et le bonheur qu'elle seule peut procurer. Il mourut âgé de 113 ans."-Annales de la Vertu, p. 119.

Lines to M. C

"MARY! remember you!-poor proof it


Of friendliest recollection, did I say
How from the ready smile and courtly tones
And worthless forms of cold civility
My heart has turn'd, and thought of you,
and wish'd

The reader will call to mind the beautiful lines addressed to Mary. Poems, p. 130. One volume.

"MARY! ten chequer'd years have past Since we beheld each other last;

That I were far from all the hollow train,
Seated by your fire side. But when I say,
As true it is, for blessed be my God!
The phrase of flattery never yet defiled
My honest tongue;—that at the evening hour
When we do think upon our absent friends,
Your image is before us; that whene'er
With the first glow I read my finish'd song
And feel it good, I wish for your applause.
This sure might prove that I remember you,
Tho' far away, and mingling with a world
Ah! how unlike !-and when amid that

My soul grows sick, and Fancy shadows out
Some blessed solitude where all is peace,
And life might be the foretaste of the joys
The good must meet in heaven, then by our

Beside our quiet home, I seem to see A little dwelling, whose white, woodbined, walls

Look comfort, and I think that it is yours." Bristol. Nov. 6, 1797.

Chant for the Feast of St. John the Evange-
list, extracted from a MS. at Amiens, written
about 1250. BURNEY'S History of Music.
"BON Chrestien que Dieu conquist
En lon battaille, ou son fil mist,
Oiez le lechion con vous list,
Que Jhesus le fil Sirac fist.
Sainte Eglise partie en prie,
Et en cette feste laissist,
De Saint Jehan que Dieu eslit,
Le cousin germain Jhesus Crist,
Qui paroles et fais escript.
Lectio libri sapientiæ.
Jhesus nostre boins avoes
Sapience Dieu est nome.

"It is easy to suppose," says the ABBE LE BEUF," that the design of those who established such chants in some of the Churches of France, was to distinguish festivals and holy times, by the ornaments and graces with which they were sung."

Yet, Mary, I remember thee,

Nor canst thou have forgotten me," &c.

J. W. W.

French Musical Instruments.1 "THE instrument which most frequently served for an accompaniment to the harp, and which disputed the preeminence with it in the early times of music in France, was the viol; and indeed, when reduced to four strings, and stript of the frets with which viols of all kinds seem to have been furnished till the sixteenth century, it still holds the first place among treble instruments under the denomination of violin.

"The viol played with a bow, and wholly different from the Vielle, whose tones are produced by the friction of a wheel, which indeed performs the part of a bow, was very early in favour with the inhabitants of France.-BURNEY.

Charles convinced by the Maid. "CHARLES thought proper to desire the Maid to give him some unquestionable proofs of her being the messenger of God, as he might then entirely confide in her advice, and follow her instructions. Joan answered, 'Sire, if I can discover to you your thoughts which you confided to God alone, will you firmly believe that I am his messenger?' Charles said he would. She then asked him if he remembered that some

months before, in the chapel of his castle of Loches, he privately and alone humbly begged three gifts from heaven? The king remembered very well his having made requests to God, which he had not since revealed even to his confessor, and said that he would no longer doubt of Joan's divine legation, if she could tell him what those intreaties were.

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tinuing a war, in order to possess it, which had already caused so much bloodshed and misery throughout the kingdom. Your second prayer was, that if the great troubles and misfortunes which the poor inhabitants of France have lately underwent, were the punishment of any sins by you committed, that he would please to relieve the people of France, that you might alone be punished, and make expiation, either by death, or any torment he would please to inflict. Your third desire was, that if the sins of the people were the cause of their sufferings, he would be pleased in his divine mercy to grant them pardon, and deliver them from the pains and miseries which they have been labouring under already above twelve years.' Charles knowing the truth of all she said, was now firmly persuaded that she was a divine messenger."

Extracted from the Annals of Normandy, by JOHN NAGEREL, Canon and Archdeacon of the Church of Notre Dame at Rouen, in the Lady's Magazine for 1780.

Fairy Tree at Dompre.'

"BEING asked whether she had ever seen any fairies, she answered no; but that one of her godmothers pretended to have seen some at the fairy tree, near the village of Dompre."-RAPIN, from PASquier.


The Maid foretold by a Nun.

"CHARLES being informed that Joan of Are was coming, declared that Maria d'Avignon, a nun, had formerly told him Heaven would arm one of her sex in defence of France."-RAPIN.

Fort London.

FORT London was built upon the ruins of the church of the Augustines.

"There is a fountain in the forest called The fountain of the fairies," &c.

Joan of Arc. First book, p. 12.

The Maid fettered.

"On her appearance in court, she complained that irons had been put on her legs, on which the bishop reminded her that she often attempted to escape from prison.”— NAGERAL.

The Maid throws herself from a Tower. "SHE was charged with throwing herself headlong from the tower, in order to kill herself, whilst she was prisoner at Beaurevoir. She confessed the fact, but said her design was not to kill herself, but make her escape."-RAPIN

Her favourite Saints.

St. Catherine and St. Margaret were her favourite saints.

Franquet d'Arras.

UPON being charged with putting to death Franquet d'Arras, her prisoner, she replied he was a known robber, and condemned to die by the bailiff of Senlis.

Paul the Hermit.

PAUL the Hermit clothed himself with the leaves of the palm, eat the fruits, and drank of the spring beside it.

Duty of Insurrection.

"ALORS il y a justice, il y a nécessité que les plus intrépides, les plus capables de se dévouer, ceux qui se croient pourvus au premier degré d'energie, de chaleur et de force, de ces vertus généreuses sous la garde desquelles a été remis le dépôt d'une constitution populaire que tous les Français vraiment libres n'ont jamais oubliée; il y a alors justice et nécessité que ceux là, convaincus d'ailleurs que l'inspiration de leur propre cœur, ou celle de la liberté ellemême, qui leur fait entendre plus fortement a tout entreprendre; il y a justice et nécessité que d'eux-mêmes ils s'investissent de la


dictature de l'instruction, qu'ils en prennent l'initiative, qu'ils revêtent le glorieux titre de conjurés pour la liberté, qu'ils s'érigent en magistrats sauveurs de leur concitoyens."-BABoeuf.

Scripture Extracts.

"FOR Strong is his right hand that bendeth the bow, his arrows that he shooteth are sharp, and shall not miss when they begin to be shot into the ends of the world." 2 Esdras, xvi. 13.

"The trees shall give fruit, and who shall gather them?

"The grapes shall ripen, and who shall tread them? for all places shall be desolate of men."-2 Esdras, xvi. 25, 26.

"O my people, hear my word: make you ready to the battle, and in those evils be even as pilgrims upon the earth."-2 Esdras, xvi. 40.

"And the angel that was sent unto me— said,―Thinkest thou to comprehend the of the Most High?


"Then said I, Yea, my Lord. And he answered me and said, I am sent to show thee three ways, and to set forth three similitudes before thee;

"Whereof if thou canst declare me one, I will show thee also the way that thou desirest to see, and I shall show thee from whence the wicked heart cometh.

"And I said, Tell on, my Lord. Then said he unto me, Go thy way, weigh me the weight of the fire, or measure me the blast of the wind, or call me again the day that is past."-2 Esdras iv. 1-5.

But if the Most High grant thee to live, thou shalt see after the third trumpet, that the sun shall suddenly shine again in the night, and the moon thrice in the day.

And blood shall drop out of the wood, and the stone shall give his voice, and the people shall be troubled.

"And even he shall rule whom they look not for that dwell upon the earth, and the fowls shall take their flight away together." -2 Esdras, v. 4-6.


"Let go from thee mortal thoughts, cast away the burdens of man, put off now the weak nature,

"And set aside the thoughts that are most heavy unto thee, and haste thee to flee from these times."-2 Esdras, xiv. 14, 15.

"Righteous art thou, O Lord, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?

"Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit."-Jer. xii. 1, 2.

"How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein ?"-Jer. xii. 4.

"Yea, the hind also calved in the field, and forsook it, because there was no grass. "And the wild asses did stand in the high places; they snuffed up the wind like dragons; their eyes did fail, because there was no grass."-Jer. xiv. 5, 6.

Siege of Orleans from Daniel.

"Nous avons une lettre de Gui de Laval écrite à Madame de Laval sa mère, et à Madame de Vitré son aieule, signée de lui et de deux autres de ses frères, où, après avoir rapporté de cette fille diverses choses extraordinaires dont il avoit été témoin, il ajoute ces paroles et semble chose toute divine de son fait, et de la voir, et de l'ouir." -P. DANIEL.

AT the attack of a Boulevard near the Tournelles, "on avoit préparé de quoi y résister, des feux d'artifice, de l'eau bouillante, des pierres d'une grosseur extraordinaire pour faire rouler sur les assaillans. L'ordre dans la defense fut admirable, et le courage égal. Il n'y eut pas jusqu'aux femmes qui n'y fussent employées. C'étoient elles, qui durant l'assaut fournissoient les feux d'artifice, et charroient les pierres sur le pont, nonobstant celles que les ennemis faisoient voler de toutes parts. Il y eut

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même de ces femmes qui se mêlérent parmi les soldats, et qui combatterent la lance à la main sur la brèche. Le sire Chapelle mourut de ses blessures le lendemain de l'assaut."

Among those who threw themselves into Orleans, Daniel mentions, "Giresme Chevalier de Rhodes, Coarase Gentilhomme Gascon, Chapelle Gentilhomme de Beausse, gens de valeur et de réputation dans la guerre."

"Le principaux étoient le Comte de Suffolc, les Seigneurs Talbot, de Scale, Fastol, et un nommé Glacidas ou Clacidas, dont le mérite suppléant à la naissance, l'avoit fait parvenir aux premières charges de l'armée."

Of the forts he says, "Il y en avoit trois principales, une à la porte de Saint Privé, qu'ils nommoient Paris: la seconde au lieu appellé les douze Pairs, qu'ils nommérent Londres; et la troisième en un endroit appellé le Pressoir, qu'ils nommérent Rouen. Ils s'emparerent de l'isle appellé Charlemagne, qu'ils fortifierent, et où ils firent un pont de communication, pour joindre le camp de la Sologne avec le camp de la Beausse.

L'artillerie étoit très bien servie; et un canonnier Lorrain appellé communément Maitre Jean, s'y distingua par son adresse; car quoique cet art fût alors encore très informe, ce Canonnier ne manquoit pas un de ceux sur lesquels il tiroit. Il y eut suspension d'armes le jour de Noel; et ce jour là les assiégés en etant priés par les Anglois, leur envoyérent des Musiciens et des Joueurs d'instrumens pour célébrer la fête sur une de leurs Bastilles; mais la fête ne fut pas plutôt passée, que les hostilités recommencérent."-Ibid.

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