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syrup of gilliflower in his sack, and had always a tun-glass standing by him, holding a pint of small beer, which he used to stir with rosemary."—Connoisseur, vol. 2, p. 189.

RUE was called herb of grace, because it was used in exorcisms; rosemary, remembrance, as a cephalic.-WARBURTON. N. 1. SHAKESPEARE. Rich. II. act. iii. sc. iv.

MATRICARIA suaveolens, sweet feverfew. "A woman who could keep nothing on her stomach, and was perishing for mere want of nourishment, cured by this flower, the yellow dilks clipt into boiling water. It was the most grateful bitter that could be tasted. Her stomach, that abhorred gentian and the like, bore this, and by persevering in its use, she was cured."-HILL's Virtues of British Herbs. Monthly Review, vol. 44, p. 414.

THE root of the male fern, two or three drams in powder, a specific for the tapeworm.2-Monthly Review, vol. 57, p. 314.

"A L'EGARD de l'étude des plantes, permettez, Madame, que je la fasse en Naturaliste, et non pas en Apothécaire; car, outre que je n'ai qu'une foi très médiocre à la médecine, je connois l'organisation des plantes sur la foi de la Nature, qui ne ment point, et je ne connois leurs vertus médicinales que sur la foi des hommes, qui sont menteurs. Je ne suis pas d'humeur à les croire sur leur parole, ni à portée de la vérifier. Ainsi, quant à moi, j'aime cent fois mieux voir dans l'émail des prez des guirlandes pour les bergères, que des herbes pour les lavemens."

ROUSSEAU, in a letter to Madame la Présidente de Verna, of Grenoble.-Mem. Secrets, t. 17, p. 310.

PLAN for generating saltpetre by planting

'GERARDE says "it fully performeth all that bitter things can do."-p. 653.

2 "As Dioscorides writeth," are the words in GERARDE. Ed. Johnson ut suprà, p. 1130. J. W. W.

the Botrys, or Jerusalem oak.-Monthly Review, vol. 71, p. 499.

A SERMON is annually preached at St. Leonards, Shoreditch, on the religious uses of botanical philosophy, pursuant to the will of Mr. Fairchild, a gardener at Hoxton, who died 1729. The Royal Society appoint the preacher. Jones of Nayland preached several of these sermons.

HERBALDOWN, about a mile from Canterbury, where there is one of the three archiepiscopal hospitals. "The spot is remarked to have been peculiarly healthful, and herbalists are said to come every year to collect medicinal plants which grow only at that particular place."—Ibid. vol. 75, p.


TEA made of pear-tree leaves cured a family who had been poisoned by mushrooms at Ghent. The ancients knew this property in the wild pear.-Ibid. p. 535.

WILLIAMS's Missionary Enterprizes, p.


Handling a Subject.

A LITERARY bravura this.-METASTASIO, vol. 10, p. 341.

"CONFESSO non essermi caduto in mente che la varietà de' gusti contraddicesse punto alla costanza della simplicità; potendo ottimamente andar variando quelli, senza cambiamento di questa."—Ibid. p. 367.

"CHI scorger si vanta

Qual merto e maggiore,
Fra tanto splendore,
Fra tanta beltà ?"

Ibid. vol. 11, p. 208.

"THE mirth whereof so larded with my matter,

That neither singly can be manifested
Without the show of both."

Merry Wives of Windsor, act iv. sc. vi.

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be propitious, they take a pock from the sick person, and by a scarification insert it in one in health, generally between the fore finger and thumb. To attract the angel's good will more effectually, they hang the patient's bed with red cloth or stuff, as a colour most agreeable to him."-Phil. Trans. Abr. vol. 10, p. 584.

THE name for fool seems to be original in every language.

"IN comedy," says SWIFT, "the best actors play the part of the droll, whilst some second rogue is made the hero or fine gentleman. So in this farce of life, wise men pass their time in mirth, whilst fools are

In England patients have been swathed only serious." - Monthly Review, vol. 35, in red flannel.

Conduct of our royal family, A. D. 1736. -Ibid. p. 690.


WHEN Don Silves de la Selva had won one of the five castles in the greatest of his adventures, two ancient men came before him, 66 et commencerent à debattre et disputer ensemble, sur lequel estoit meilleur, le parler, ou le taire. Mais parceque celuy qui tenoit pour le silence, mit en avant de plus fortes et pregnantes raisons, le nouveau triomphateur (D. Silves) leur commanda qu'ils se teussent, et donna sentence que la taciturnité estoit la vraye vertu."-L. 14, p. 262.

"I vow and protest there's more plague than pleasure with a secret; especially if a body mayn't mention it to four or five of one's particular acquaintance."-Betty in the Clandestine Marriage.

"TANTO custa ao acautelado e secreto o receio com que guarda e esconde o segredo, como a hum palreiro e impaciente a força com que o dissimula."-FRANCISCO RODRIGUES LOBO, t. 4, p. 104. O Desengañado.

Use of Mystification. OMNE ignotum pro magnifico.

Every unknown for a friend: at least not to be treated as an enemy, as Jeffrey did James Grahame.

Let me be the mysterious unknown, or the odd, the quaint, the erudite, &c.

p. 136.

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"Your Cupid looks as dreadfully as death."

THE SIGNORA EMILIA says, "Estimo io adunque, che chi ha da esser amato, debba amare, et esser amabile.”—Il Cortigiano, p. 269.

Ibid. p. 272-3.-How love comes from the heart to the eyes, and so into other eyes, and to the heart again.

Parnaso Ital. vol. 6, p. 268.—A SONNET of Cariteo's, which is perhaps the original of Desportes, p. 49.

"HER tears, her smiles, her every look's a

Her voice is like a syren's of the land,
And bloody hearts lie panting in her hand."
DRYDEN, Granada. act iii. sc. i.

"UPON this passage I shall remark, or rather call in a learned and very able divine to remark for me, that when men speak or write, they must do it so as to be understood, unless they will do it to no purpose: and therefore they must take such words as are to be had, and are intelligible to those for whose benefit they write; and they must be contented too with such grammatical construction, as well as with such words, as shall be found expedient to the ends for which they write.' Sometimes it He shot himself into my breast at last." may be necessary for them to frame new words, 'to express the propriety of a foreign idiom;' and in all respects they must accomodate themselves to their subject, and to the capacities of those for whom they undertake to discourse upon it." - JENKIN'S Reasonableness of Christianity, vol. 2, p. 46.

THE various sophy's-cosmosophy, kerdosophy.

I WILL not say that any one has been knighted, to whom an honest man would be more likely to say Sirrah than Sir; but I will say that men have been raised to the peerage, and advanced in it, who were disqualified for it in every possible way, except by their possessions.

JESTS in sadness. LYDGATE, Shakespeare, vol. 8, p. 246, N.


To some of the poets a verse which Dryden puts into the mouth of Cortes may be applied,

"LOVE shot, and shot so fast

Almanzor, act iii. sc. 1.

"As in some weather-glass my love I hold, Which falls or rises with the heat or cold." Lyndarara, act iv. sc. ii.

"I CAN preserve enough for me and you; And love, and be unfortunate for two." Benzayda, act v. sc. i.

"It was your fault that fire seized all your

You should have blown up some, to save the
Almahide, act. v. sc. ii.

"YE gods, why are not hearts first pair'd above;

But some still interfere in other's love! Ere each for each by certain marks are known,

You mould 'em up in haste, and drop 'em down."

Conquest of Gran. pt. ii. act iii. sc. 1.

“Он amanti, oh quanto poco
Basta a farvi sperar!"

METASTASIO, tom. 6, p. 34, Zenobia.

[blocks in formation]

SPEAKING of the cemeteries at Hamburgh, which are all without the city, MR. DOWNES says, "It is in such situations, remote from the bustle of a city, and shaded with trees, that a communion may be conceived to exist between departed spirits and those whom affection or devotion may have led to visit their retreats; that the cemetery becomes a sanctuary, wherein the living, as well as the dead, are screened from the world and its jarring intercourses."

"MRS. CARTER was for half an hour one evening entirely in love with a Dutchman; and the next morning she took a dose of algebra fasting, which she says entirely-Letters from the Continent, vol. 2, p. 295. cured her."—Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 36-7.

"QUE nos sages Gaulois sçavoient bien ta


Lors que pour dire aymer, ils prononçoient amer?

Amers sont bien tes fruits, et pleines d'amer


On the tombstones here is inscribed the word Ruhe-Statt or Ruhe Platz.

DAVID VAN DER BECKE's material theory of ghosts much like Gaffarils.-Sprengel, vol. 5, p. 113.

THERE is a contemporary poem upon Sont toutes les douceurs qu'on a pour some of the Gunpowder traitors, in which bien aimer." their heads and their ghosts hold a converAstrée, pt. iv. 1. 9, p. 916. sation.-Restituta, vol. 3, p. 331.

MARRIAGE of Isidro de Madrid and Maria de la Cabeza.

"Fueron a vistas los dos,
y fue aquello suficiente,
que cada qual se contente;
Porque lo que está de Dios
se executa facilmente."

Lope de Vega, tom. 11, p. 32.

SIR KENELM DIGBY, in his Private Memoirs, makes a lover say, "I will go to the other world to preach to damned souls that their pains are but imaginary ones, in respect of them that live in the hell of love." -P. 38.

"WHEN the corpse of Eloisa was deposited in Abelard's tomb, the dead Abelard raised his arms, opened them, and clasped his beloved in death."-Curiosities of Literature, vol. 1, p. 213.

I SEE no "wilful bad taste" in the device for the text Pulvis et umbra sumus, which represented a shadow walking between two ranges of urns, in a vault, the floor of which was covered with dust. —Ibid. vol. 2, p. 82.

AFTER giving a good guess at the milky way, MANILIUS asks,

"An fortes animæ, dignataque nomina Colo Corporibus resoluta suis, terræque remissa

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