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celle qu'ils ont de cacher les mauvaises, et de ne se pas laisser pénétrer."

HERMOLAUS BARBUONI raised the devil, that he might learn from him the meaning of Aristotle's word, ¿vrɛλɛxɛía, which is rendered perfectihabia.

as long as they are slaves to the bull. And these heard of the whore of the hills, who had a herd of bulls, and how she milked them, and obtains exceeding great riches by this milk; and they believed in the whore of the hills, for her bulls were token to them.

Pahat begat Balunder, and Balunder be

"BELZEBUL, maître mouche," said M. gat Boddarajon, and Boddarajon begat Matras to a devil of this name, "fort enPhun, and Phun begat Ryhot, and Ryhot nemi des Huguenots," who threatened to begat Merdar, and his brothers Doal and strike him, " ‘Belzebul, maître mouche, si Dorel, and Myrrhdur. vous vous jouez à moi, je vous battrai en diable;" and taking a stick, he frightened this devil, who beat every body else."BAYLE, vol. 3, p. 208.

SOME of those remembrances which used to be our gala thoughts go into mourning, as the friends of our youth drop off; and whenever we lose one whom we dearly love, a part of our own existence mortifies.

The whore of the hills, and yet a pure virgin, and the bread which she did eat was mutton.

Therefore they scorned their own bull for her, because he gave no milk, and they turned unto the whore of the hills, and believed in her, that she was a pure virgin, and that the bread was mutton, and whatever she commanded them to do, this did they, and they worshipped her herd of bulls. The daughters of Pahat were Truhust,

DALETH occurs in the Scriptures 32,530 and Phort-hin, and Undurs-tand-din, and times.

INITIAL chapter. Dispute when the new century began. Pye's Carmen Sæculare. Diluvian world, and what happened therein. The creation of the pig, and Noah's son, are told by Eulia. Also the history of Eve's second fall, the forbidden potatoe, and her son Mirphi.

She brought forth a son, and she called his name the Great O, query in Hebrew ? And the great O begat Kainor, and Neehil, and Mairah, and his brethren; and Kainor begat Faelim, and Faelim begat Thadi, and Thadi begat Mahoc, and Mahoc begat Mirphi, and Mirphi begat Mahoone, and Mahoone begat Patteric, who is Pahat, and in her days was the deluge.

Balunder would imitate Jeroboam, and so he set up a calf, but it was a live one, and a bull calf, and all the people when he grew up, worshipped the bull. Jupiter, Lavir, they kill his bull, and make a feast and eat it his curse that the bull shall be in their mouths, and that the curse shall continue

Cheef, who was his favourite child, and he called them all Mig, which was the title and honour that he gave them.

He said by the power he would make his people to see also.

Corn and oil and wine for her bulls, yea, silks also, and cloth of gold and of silver; and silver and gold also, and precious stones.

And she made a brazen bull, and did heat it with fire, and put there all those who denied that she was a pure virgin.

NOAH left ten volumes.

Some say he made the circumnavigation in the ark.

PAHAT'S lamentation for having forgotten the wet fire which Mirfi had made. Noah cannot let him in, because of the mischief he would do. He admits this, "I dare say I should set the beasts a fighting." He

There is a most humorous letter of Southey's made up from this rigmarole, -- which, no doubt, some day or another will be printed. -J. W. W.

begs Noah to roast some of his roots for him. And he tried to cut a hole in the bottom of the ark, that he may creep and surprize the old fellow; but in the attempt he brakes his knife. "If it be the Lord's pleasure to save thee thou wilt be saved, and this verily I hope for there is much good in thee, and had it not been for the forbidden root, among all the generations of Adam none would have excelled that."

CAUSES and consequences.-Actions more prolific than herrings or insects.

Advice to princes who will read this opus. Reward asked for the pleasure they derive.

Conjectures guard the author.

SLY the any churchman, and Sophist the true churchman, and Smooth the all churchman, and Sour the no churchman, and Savage the no king man, and Stiff the high churchman,and Supple the moderate church- | man, and Sneak the low churchman.

THE ague. Fear often cures it in the country where wise physicians practice. NABBE's Microcosmus, O. P. ix. p. 129.

SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE. Necessity of a state physician. Body politic. Constitution. "Mens sana in corpore sano." How often might a kingdom be saved by hellebore? Bile corroborants.-See p. 56.

EVLIAS'S," my compliments to you." A chapter upon the proper understanding between author and reader, and the courtesy due from one to the other.

Ooм maunee paimee oom.-TIBET.

"AQUINAS was once asked with what compendium a man might best become learned? He answered, 'By reading of one book,'-meaning that an understanding entertained with several objects is intent upon neither, and profits not.”—J. TAYlor.

THE title-page must turn over, for the

Dove's foot is another name for gera- sake of the long mottos. nium.

Something should be said of dove-tailing.

NOMANCY, or onomatoncy. 'Ovoμavrɛía? Thus an even number of vowels in the name signified an imperfection in the left side of a man. An odd number indicated it in the right.

THE body of Moses, according to the Rabbis, was so pure and holy, that no fly dared to settle on it.-MICHAELIS, vol. 4, p. 385.

December 29, 1819. SERIOUSLY proposes hay tea as a beverage for the fasting and evening refection, as much superior to the dry leaves of China, as gold or silver are superior to copper and lead.

THE skin is wise, and the stomach is wise, and the heart is wise. The head is generally the most foolish part.

THERE are hindermates as well as helpmates in marriage.

HALL says that Henry VII. " saw as farre in the Frenche Kynges brest as hys physicion did in his uryne."

WAYS and means.

DANIEL DANCER warming the stewed trout by putting it under him in bed.

EVERY man his own fulling mill in Iceland.-HORREBOW.

"THE Hebrew, then, appears to be the most ancient of all the languages in the world; at least it is so with regard to us, who know of no older.

"Some learned men have asserted it to be the language spoken by Adam in Paradise; and that the saints will speak it in

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THEY estimate distances in Holstein by To such a place it is two pipes of tobacco. pipes, or a pipe and a half. The barrister who made a speech at Kendal forty miles long.

A SCOTCH laird and his tail. Suns and stinkards of the Natches. Limb of a dog in Ceylon. Criados.

SEPHER Aothiioth. Liber literarum. A mystical application of the alphabet.

There is another MS. with the same title, which poetically describes a contest for supremacy among the letters.

ELDAD HADDANI, i. e. Danita de Tribu Dan.

How the tribe of Dan forsook Jeroboam and retired into Ethiopia.-BERtolacci, vol. 1, p. 108.

Some of them in Paris.

In the days of the Messiah the Jewish women are to lie in every day.

In a late number of an Edinburgh medical periodical, a case is given of a young gentleman about thirteen years old, who had been affected with constant sneezing for three weeks; at first in rather violent paroxysms with intervals of many minutes, but afterwards occurring from three to six times every minute, each occasioning a slight degree of bodily agitation, and accompanied with a forcible expulsion of air between the nearly closed teeth, producing the sound "tchee." He had been taking considerable quantities of magnesia on account of constant acidity of stomach. The sneezing was always suspended during sleep, but recommenced immediately on waking, as he sometimes seemed to awake sneezing. He was cured by blisters, purging, injecting olive oil into the nostrils, followed by carbonate of iron and gradual exposure to the cold air.

HUMANITY made him sometimes doubt whether those men really had souls, who for

the paltry temptations of this world were so
willing to risque and to lose them and
with their essence.". - Queen of Corinth,
act i. sc. 1.

ing the Druidical notion of progressive life. This notion applied, as a mode of explain"Parting propensities. Lord B. supposed to have been a discontented devil in the condition of Klopstocks-who, because he was always promising how well he would behave if

"NON mihi si latices Siloe, si porrigat He- opportunity were allowed him, was granted


Pocula, si cunctis destillent collibus undæ, Et vatem Dan ipse riget, tua dicere dicta (facta)

Sustineam, casusque tuos."

BARLEUS, 1. 16.

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THE famous Père tranquille of the Capuchins (who was he?) teaches "que le diable HERODOTUS Mentions the Gandarii, Tav- dûëment exorcisé est contraint de dire la dápio. Lib. iii. 91. vii. 66.

"SHARP and sententious, pleasant without scurrility, witty without affection, audacious without impudency, learned without opinion, and strange without heresy."-Love's Labour's Lost, act v. sc. 1.

JOSHUA BARNES, when he edited Euripides, preserved with the name of one of his plays the only remaining word of it,—a | trisyllable, which has not been found elsewhere. STEEVENS's Preface. BOSWELL'S Shakespeare, vol. 1, p. 117.

THE Devil-como gran Filosofo, que es, says PIEDRAHITA.

You are entering into the story with the deepest interest. You are all animation in pursuit of it,—all anxiety to reach the end next; turn and see what will open with the new point of view. Be not so impatient, not so fast, reader: whither are you hurrying so fast with whip and spur,-gently, gently, draw up, for heaven's sake,--stop, you are on the brink of a hawhaw.

DOGDAYS.-The Romans sacrificed dogs to the dogstar.-See Pensées sur la Comète, vol. 1, p. 171.

vérité."-VIE DU P. JOSEF, p. 309.

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TIMOTHY PRIESTLEY in his brother's pulpit. Introduces with this the question, advice, &c. to great personages.

PLINY says, 1. xxviii. c. 3, “A scorpione aliquando percussi, nunquam postea à crabronibus, vespis, apibusque feriuntur." If he had said that they hardly felt the sting, there might have been some show of probability in this assertion.

Ir is said of S. Jerome, that he filed away his teeth to the very gums, that he might pronounce Hebrew with greater facility.

This I find in the Evangelical Magazine, on what authority the absurd story is given does not appear, but the absurd repeater gives it as an example of " diligence in study."

A gentleman is said to have had a front tooth drawn, that he might spit, like a coachman, with the greater effect.

THE Dr's opinion of what he himself had COKE said of Garnet upon his trial, that been in prior stages of existence, he hold- | he was "a doctor of Jesuits, that is, a doc

tor of five DD's, as dissimulation, deposing of princes, disposing of kingdoms, daunting and deterring of subjects, and destruction."

PROGERS, who had been about the person of Charles the Second, died at ninety-six in cutting his teeth; he had cut four, and many others were coming, which so inflamed his gums, that it proved fatal.

THE Romans when travelling from home recommended themselves to the goddess Abeona; when returning, to Adeona; when resting, to Statilinus; when weary, to Fessonia.

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GRUNDULES. Lares of the pigsty, ap

ST. BARBARA a saint for the mountains. pointed by Romulus in honour of a sow who had thirty pigs at one litter. St. Agatha for the vales.

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