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lus est Tah, voluit per vim codicem a sorore arripere, tandemque minis et verberibus illum obtinuit, sed non sine promissione restituendi. Cum autem cœpisset codicem legere, lectionis pulchritudine allectus, ad Mahumetum se contulit, atque in illius verba juravit."-MARACCI.

entered. Fatima and Ali bring them food and tidings.

3. Journey through the desert. The pursuers overtake them, and Mohammed is at the mercy of an Arab. They find an exposed infant.

4. They halt at an islanded convent. Mary the Egyptian is among the nuns. Her love and devotional passion transferred to the prophet.

WHEN the decree for prohibiting all commerce with the Hashemites was suspended in the temple, Abu-laheb of that family and 5. Arrival at Medina. Intrigues to expel Ommogemila his wife went over to the Ko-him-chiefly among the Jews. This danger reish. "Ommogemila autem virgas spino- averted by a son accusing his father. sas in viâ, per quem transiturus erat Mahumetus, ponebat, ut in eas pedibus impingens, sauciaretur."

Ar the war of the ditch, after thirty days it was agreed that a single combat should decide it between Amru, son of Abdud, and Ali. Ali killed him. Whilst they fought the storm arose which tore up the tents of the besiegers.

WHEN Mahomet attacked his enemies in the valley of Houein, "inter captivos fuit Scebama, filia Halimæ, soror collactanea Mahumeti, quæ cognovit eum, seque illi cognoscendam dedit, ex vestigio morsûs, quem ipse puer dentibus impresserat dorso ejus (agnosce Mahumeti adhuc ab incunabulis lasciviam.) Concessit igitur illi M. libertatem, cum aliis fœminis quas illa postulavit, cum parte præde suæ et cæterorum Moslemorum."-MARACCI.

Who but a monk would have found lewdness in this story?

[Sketch of the Poem.]

P. 1. THE death-bed of Abu Taleb. Elevation of Abu Sophian. Tumult of the Koreish. Danger of Mohammed, and his escape by the heroism of Ali. He looks back upon the crescent moon.

2. The Koreish pursue; they reach the cavern; at whose entrance the pigeon has laid her eggs and the spider drawn his web; and turn away,satisfied that no one can have


6. Battle of Beder. Attempt to assassinate him afterwards when sleeping. What hinders me from killing thee? This was Daathur, leader of the foes.

7. Defeat at Mount Ohud. Death of Kamza. Conversion of Caled in the very heat of victory.

8. Siege of Medina by the nations. The winds and the rain and the hail compel them to retire.

9. The Nadhirites defeated, and the Jews of Kainoka, Koraidha, and Chaibar.

10. The prophet lays siege to Mecca. Truce on permission to visit the Caaba. Amron lays in wait for him there, and is overawed and converted. He tells them that the worm has eaten the words of their treaty, leaving only the name of God. Astonished by this, terrified by the irresistible number of his swelling army, the Koreish yield the city. He burns the idols, and Henda clings to her God, and is consumed with him.

[blocks in formation]

Mary must be captured after the victory at Beder.

On Mount Ohud Mary saves him.

Caled must not be in the fight of Beder. The contest with the Jews must be connected with the intrigues of the Koreish, and take place during the siege of Medina.

2. Ali on the Prophet's bed. The Koreish waiting his forthcoming. Their pursuit. When they leave the cavern, the poem remains there. Death of Cadijah related to him.

Mohammed visits his mother's sepulchre. Sale, v. 1, p. 263.

The famous miracle of the mountain.

The bodies of the noblest slain conveyed to Mecca for the dirge of Ommia to be introduced.

The factions at Medina reconciled on his flight there.

Subjects for Poemlings.

A SENTIMENTAL sonnet to eggs and bacon; thinking what the bacon was, and what the eggs might have been; or there is enough should feel-alas! that men who feel should for an elegy. Alas! that men who eat eat. Why not have an air-diet infused!

The people before one of the battles de-Pig-his happiness. The stye, his home, and mand of him angelic aid; then he calls the mountain, and applies the fact by showing that the miracle is not wanted-" Are ye

not men and valiant?"

Zeinab, the Jewess, who attempted to poison Mohammed at Kaibar, may be made a striking personage.

Okail, the brother of Ali, deserted him in his latter difficulties.

Ziad, the brother of Moawiyah, from his bastard birth called Ben Abihi-Son of the Unknown, continued attached to Ali's cause, even after his death. Obeidallah, [Hosein was his son] the destroyer of Abdarrahman, son of Caled, and inheritor of his zeal and courage, was poisoned by command of Moawiyah.

The Beder Books. Mohammed in the valley awaiting his scouts. Thus the thread is unbroken, and the boasts of Abu Sophian explain the Koreish transactions. The mountain miracle. Al-Abbas leading the pursuit when the Moslem gives way, is first struck by the action of his nephew, half doubtful before. Pursuit of the caravan. Sebana and Miriam, of Egypt, among the captives. Miriam must feel respect and admiration for the enthusiast; but it is after the defeat and danger of Ohud, that his fearless yet wise fanaticism infects her, and makes her at once believe and love.

The death of Otaiba may be connected with the ambush and conversion of Amru.

its domestic joys. The cock, his plumage, dledoo." Ghosts. Rise neither in my conand—“ sweet at early morn, his cockadooscience, O bacon, nor in my stomach.

The emigrant. Description of a priest. walking alone, a good and pious man. The rabble of ex-nobles. Charity of England; in the day of her visitation may that be remembered.

Meditations on an empty purse.
Iroquois. Their complaint in captivity.
Their address to the dead.1
The praise of a savage life.

Ballad of the man at Stroud who was almost killed by his ass.

Euthymus and the demon Lybas. Winter. How we will welcome him. Consecration of our new house. Winter walk. Companion to the Midsummer meditations.

To an old pair of shoes, showing the possible inconvenience but absolute necessity of having a new pair.

To health.

[blocks in formation]

A poem is possible upon a candle with unhackneyed thoughts. Its wasting by agitation. Its danger out of doors. And, politically considered, not forgetting the snuffers. As the flame to the candle, so perception to the body. The student. Thy fate is to give light and waste away.

Il ventoso.

Monodrama. Cranmer recanting his recantation in St. Mary's, Oxford.

The Shangalla woman wooing another wife for her husband.—BRUCE, vol. 2. This is an interesting subject, and the circumstances of these poor savages are very striking for poetry.

Monodrama. Florinda addressing her father, Count Julian, before she threw herself from the tower at Malaga.

Love verses. Advice to a poet.

My considering cap. All possible headcoverings. The powdered head-the mitre -the three-tailed wig-the judges'—the helmet.

Laudanum visions. I saw last night one figure whose eyes were in his spectacles; another, whose brains were in his wig. A third devil whose nose was a trumpet.

Laver; how it was ambrosia, which when Jupiter came for Europa was evolved through all the intestinal government.

Pharmaceutic ode-over-reaching, moving the bowels, getting at the bottom of a subject.

The bird over the gate screams, for a year of famine is at hand. A witch is gone to the Well of Rogoes, and caught the dew that was to make the Nile rise.

Lettres envoyees de par le Roy d'Angleterre au Duc de Burgongne.-MONSTRELLET, fueillet, 70.

TRESCHIER et tresayme oncle. La fervente dilection que scavons vous avoir, comme vray catholique, a nostre mere saincte eglise et lexaltation de nostre saincte foy, raisonnablement nous exhorte et admoneste de

vous signifier et escrire ce que al honneur de nostre dicte mere saincte eglise, fortifficacion de nostre foy, et extirpacions derreurs pestilencieuses a este en ceste nostre ville de Rouen fait ja na gueres solennellement. Il est assez commune renommee ja comme par tout divulguee comment celle femme qui se faisoit nommer Jehanne la pucelle erronnee sestoit deux ans et plus, contre la loy divine et lestat de son sexe femenin, vestue en habit dhomme, chose a dieu abhominable. Et en tel estat transportee devers nostre ennemy capital et le vostre; auquel et a ceulx de son party, gens deglise, nobles, et populaires donna souvent a entendre quelle estoit envoyee de par Dieu en soy presumptueusement vantant quelle avoit communicacion personelle et visible avecques Saint Michel et grande multitude danges et de sainctz de Padis comme Saincte Katherine et Saincte Marguerite. Par lesquelz faulx donne a entendre et lesperance quelle promectoit de victoires futures divertit plusieurs erreurs dhommes et de femmes de la verite et les convertist a fables et mensonges. Se vestist aussi darmes applicquees pour chevaliers et escuieres, leva lestandart. Et en trop grant oultrage, orgueil et presumpcion demanda avoir et porter les tresnobles et excellentes armes de France, ce que en partie elle obtint. Et les porta en plusieurs courses et assaulx, et ses freres, comme on dit Lestass avoir ung escu a deux fleurs de lys dor a champ dazur, et une espee la poincte en haulte ferve en une couronne. En cest estat sest mise aux champs, a conduit gens darmes et de traict en exercite et grans compaignies pour faire et exercer cruaultez inhumaines, en espandant le sang humain, en faisant sedicions et commocions de peuple, le induisant a pariuremens, rebellions supersticions et faulses creances, en perturbant toute vray paix et renouvellant guerre mortelle, en se souffrant honnorer et reverer de plusieurs comme femme sainctifiee, et autrement damnablement oeuvrant en divers cas longs a exprimer, qui toutesvoies ont este en plusieurs lieux assez

cogneues, dont presquetoute la chrestienté | cion, desquelz trouverent lesditz juges icelle

eglise, la purger de ses horribles et pernicieulx crimes et pechez, et guerir et prenacion, fut souvent et par bien long temps server son ame de perpetuelle paine et damtrescharitablement et doulcement admoelle regectees et mises arriere, voulsist humnestee a ce que toutes erreurs fussent par blement retourner a la voye et droit sentier de verite ou autrement elle se mectoit en grant peril de ame et de corps. tresperilleux et deuise esperit dorgueil et Mais le de oultrageuse presumpcion qui tousjours sefforce de vouloir empescher la unite et detint tellement en ses liens le seurte des loyaulx chrestiens occuppa et celle Jehanne que, pour quelconque saincte courage didoctrine ou conseil ne autre doulce exhortacion que on luy eust administree, son milier ne amolir. cueur endurcy et obstine ne se voulut huMais se vantoit souvent

a este toute scandalisee. Mais la divine Jehanne supersticieuse, devineresse de diapuissance, ayant pitie de son peuple loyal qui bles, blasphemeresse en Dieu et en ses ne la longuement voulu laisser en peril, ne souffert demourer esvaines perilleuses et saintz et sainctes, scismastique et errant nouvelles crudelitez ou ja legierement se par moult de sors en la foy de Jesu Christ. mectoit a vouloir permectre sa grant mise-et communion de nostre dicte mere saincte Et pour la reduire et ramener a la unite ricorde et clemence que ladicte femme ayt este prinse en vostre host et siege que teniez lors de par nous devant Compiegne, et mise par vostre bon moyen en nostre obeyssance and dominacion. Et pour ce que deslors fusmes requis par levesque au diocese duquel elle avoit este prinse, que icelle Jehanne nottee et diffamee de crimes de leze majeste divine luy fissions delivrer comme a son juge ordinaire ecclesiastique. Notant pour la reverence de nostre mere saincte eglise, de laquelle voulons les ordonnances preferer a noz propres faitz et voulentez comme raison est, comme aussi pour lhonneur et exaltacion de nostre dicte saincte foy, luy fismes bailler ladicte Jehanne affin de luy faire son proces, sans en vouloir estre prinse par les gens et officiers de nostre justice seculiere aucune vengeance ou punicion ainsi que faire nous estoit raisonnablement licite, attendu les grans dommages et inconveniens, les horribles homicides et detestables cruaultez et autres maulx innumerables qui elle avoit commis a lencontre de nostre seigneurie et loyal peuple obeyssant. Lequel evesque adioint avecques luy le vicaire et de linquisiteur des erreurs et heresies, et appelle avecques eulx grant et notable nombre de solennelz maistres et docteurs en theologie et droit canon, commença par grande solennite et deux gravite le proces dicelle Jehanne. Et apres ce que luy et le dit inquisiteur juges en certe partie, eurent par plusieurs et diverses journees interrogue ladicte Jehanne, firent les confessions et assercions dicelle meurement examiner par lesditz maistres docteurs. Et generalement par toutes les facultez de nostre treschiere et tresaymee fille luniversite de Paris, devers laquelle lesdictes confessions et assercions ont este envoyez par loppinion et delibera

que toutes choses quelle avoit faictes estoimandement de Dieu et desdictes sainctes ent bienfaictees, et les avoit faictes du comVierges qui visiblement sestoient a elle apparuz. Et que pis est ne recognoissoit ne vouloit recognoistre en terre fors Dieu seulement et les saintz de Paradis en refusant et deboutant le jugement de nostre saint pere le Pape, du concille general, et la juges ecclesiastiques sesditz courage et prouniverselle eglise militant. Et voyans les enduraj et obstine la firent mener devant pos par tant et si longue espace de temps le clergie et le peuple illec assemble en tresgrant multitude, en la presence desquelz furent preschez exposez et declairez solennellement et publicquement par ung notable maistre en theologie alexaltacion de fication et amendement du peuple chrestien. nostre foy, extirpacion des erreurs, et edifEt de rechief fut charitablement admonestee de retourner a lunion de saincte eglise

et de corriger ses faultes et erreurs en quoy | fut menee par ladicte justice lyee auvieil il pertinace et obstinee. Et en ce considere marche dedans Rouen et la publicquement les juges dessusditz procederent a prononcer fut arse a la veue de tout le peuple. Lala sentence contre elle en tel cas de droit quelle chose ainsi faicte le dessusdit Roy introduite et ordonnee. Mais avant que dangleterre signifia p. ses lecttes comme la sentence fut parluctee elle commencay dit est au dessusdit Duc de Bourgogne affin semblant amuer son courage disant quelle que icelle execution de justice tant par luy vouloit retourner a saincte eglise, ce que comme les autres princes fut publiee en voulentiers et joyeusement oyrent les juges plusieurs lieux et que leur gens et subgectz et le clerge dessusditz, qui a cela receu- doresenavant fussent plus seurs et mieux rent benignement, esperant per ce moyen advertis de non avoir creance en telles ou son ame et son corps estre rachaptez de semblables erreurs qui avoient regnes pour perdicion et torment. Adonc se submist a loccasion de ladicte Pucelle. a lordonnance de saincte eglise et ses erreurs et detestables crimes revocqua de la bouche. Et objura publicquement signant de sa propre main la cedulle de la dicte revocquacion et objuracion. Et par ain si nostre piteuse mere saincte eglise soy esioyssant sur la pecheresse faisant penitence

Horse of the Idol Perenuth.

In the temple of the Idol Peɲenuch a horse was kept on which the god rode to assist his votaries in the battle, frequently after a fight he was found covered with foam, none but the priests dared approach the place where he was kept.

vueillant la brebris retourner et recouvrer qui par le desert sestoit esgaree et forvoyee ramener avecques les autres icelle Jehanne pour faire penitence condamna en chartre. Mais gueres ne fut illec que le feu de son orgueil qui sembloit estre estaint en icelle rembrasa en flambes pesti-led out, if he put his right foot forward, the

lencieuses par les soufflemens de lennemy. Et tantost ladicte femme maleuree recheut es erreurs et es rageries que par avant avoit proferees et de puis revocquees et objurees comme dit est. Pour lesquelles causes selon ce que les jugemens et institucions de saincte eglise lordonnerent affin que doresenavant elle ne contaminast les autres membres de Jesu Christ, elle fut de rechef foreschee publiquement. Et comme elle fut renchue es crimes et faultes villaines par elle acoustumees fut delaissee a la justice seculiere, laquelle incontinent la condamna a estre bruslee. Et voyant son finement approucher elle congneut plainement et confessa que les esperitz quelle disoit estre apparans a elle souventeffois estoient maulvais et mensongiers, et que les promesses que iceulx espiritz luy avoient plusieurffois faictes de la delivrer estoient faulses. Et ainsi se confessa plesditz esperitz avoir este deceve et democquee. Si

When the Saxons designed to declare war against their enemies, they set their spears before the temple, and the sacred horse was

omen was held good, if he stepped with his left foot first, the omen was esteemed unforbusiness.-STRUT'S compleat view of the tunate, and they desisted from the intended Manners, &c. of the ancient Inhabitants of England. See p. 12.

The White horse?-VERSTEGAN to be consulted, and SAXO GRAMMATICUS.

Mercy Knives.

MERCY knives used to kill knights in compleat armour when overthrown, by stabbing them in the eye. After the battle of Pavia some of the French were killed with pickaxes by the peasantry hewing on their ar


Capture of the Maid.

As before ye have heard somewhat of this damsels strange beginning and proceedings,

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