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milk from becoming sour, so that it retains all its sweetness for several days.

"The Indian fig tree grows to a great age, the new shoots from the branches of the primary stem continuing to nourish the top of the tree, even after the parent stock is entirely decayed.

Exposure of Prince Edwin.

A. D. 938. A certain court lord, enemy to Prince Edwin, the king's brother, accused the young prince of being concerned in Alfred's conspiracy. The king too readily gave ear to this accusation. He was easily induced to believe that a prince in whose favour the conspiracy was formed, was not innocent. It may be too, he was not sorry to find him guilty, as it gave him an opportunity to despatch him out of the way. However, he would not put him to death publicly, but ordered him to be ex

“Of pumpkins and melons several sorts grow naturally in the woods, and serve for feeding camels. But the proper melons are planted in the fields, where a great variety of them is to be found, and in such abundance, that the Arabians of all ranks use them, for some part of the year, as their principal article of food. They afford a very agree-posed able liquor. When the fruit is nearly ripe, a hole is pierced into the pulp; this hole is then stopped with wax,' and the melon left upon the stalk; within a few days the pulp is, in consequence of this process, converted into a delicious liquor."-Ibid.

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to the fury of the waves, in a vessel without sails or rudder. The young prince went on board, protesting his innocence; but finding the king inexorable, he cast who was put on board with him, remained, himself headlong into the sea. His esquire, and was driven on shore at a place called Whitsand, on the coast of Picardy. Athelstan repented, and built Middleton, now called Melton Abbey, in Dorsetshire." — RAPIN.

Arabian Hospitality.

"WITH the Arabs either a round skin3 is laid on the ground for a small company, or large coarse woollen cloths for a great number spread all over the room, and about ten dishes repeated six or seven times over laid round at a great feast, and whole sheep and lambs boiled and roasted in the middle. When one company has done, another sits round, even to the meanest, till all is consumed. And an Arab prince will often dine in the street before his door, and call to all that pass, even beggars, in the usual expression, Bisimillah, that is in the name of God; who come and sit down, and when they have done, give their Hamdellilah,

2 See Speed's remark, "He built the two monasteries of Midleton and Michelnesse, as for the most part such seed-plots were ever sown in the furrows of blood." P. 340.-J. W. W. 3"Before the tent they spread the skin," &c. İbid.-J. W. W.

that is, God be praised; for the Arabs are great levellers, put every body on a footing with them; and it is by such generosity and hospitality that they maintain their interest." -POCOCKE.

Palm Tree.

"THE palm or date tree is of great use in this country (Egypt); and deserves a particular description. For three or four years no body of a tree appears above ground, but they are as in our green-houses. If the top is cut off, with the boughs coming from it, either then or afterwards, the young bud and the ends of the tender boughs united together at top, are a delicate food, something like chesnuts, but much finer, and is sold very dear. This tree being so fruitful, they rarely cut off the top, unless the tree is blown down; though I have been❘ told, that part of it may be cut away without hurting the tree. The boughs are of a grain like cane; and when the tree grows larger, a great number of stringy fibres seem to stretch out from the boughs on each side, which cross one another in such a manner that they take out from between the boughs a sort of bark like close net-work; and this they spin out with the hand, and with it make cords of all sizes, which are mostly used in Egypt. They also make of it a sort of brush for cloaths. Of the leaves they make mattresses, baskets, and brooms; and of the branches all sorts of cage-work, square baskets for packing, that serve for many uses instead of boxes; and the ends of the boughs that grow next to the trunk, being beaten like flax, the fibres separate, and being tied together at the narrow end they serve for brooms. These boughs do not fall off of themselves in many years, even after they are dead, as they die after five or six years; but, as they are of great use, they commonly cut them off every year (unless such as are at a great distance from any town or village), leaving the ends of them on the tree, which strengthen it much; and when after many years they

drop off, the tree is weakened by it, and very often is broke down by the wind; the diameter of the tree being little more than a foot, and not above eight or nine inches when the ends of the boughs drop off; and if the tree is weak towards the bottom they raise a mound of earth round, and it shoots out abundance of small roots along the side of the tree, which increase its bulk so that the earth being removed, the tree is better able to resist the wind. The palm-tree grows very high in one stem, and is not of a proportionable bulk; it has this peculiarity that the heart of the tree is the softest and least durable part, the outer parts being the most solid; so that they generally use the trees entire on the tops of their houses, or divide them only into two parts. A sort of bough shoots out, and bears the fruit in a kind of sheath, which opens as it grows. The male bears a large bunch something like millet, which is full of a white flower, and unless the young fruit of the female is impregnated with it, the fruit is good for naught; and to secure it, they tie a piece of this fruit of the male to every bearing branch of the female. The fruit of the date, when fresh, eats well roasted, and also prepared as a sweet-meat: it is esteemed of a hot nature, and as it comes in during the winter, being ripe in November, Providence seems to have designed it as a warm food, during the cold season, to comfort the stomach, in a country where it has not given wine; it is proper to drink water with it as they do in these countries, and so it becomes a good corrective of that cold element."-POCOCKE.

Thebaic Palm.

"In the upper parts of Egypt they have a palm tree called the Dome, the stem does not grow high, but there soon shoot out from it two branches, and from each of them two others, and so for four or five times each branch divides into two. The leaf is of a semicircular figure, about three feet diameter, and is very beautiful. The


fruit is oval, about three inches long and two wide. The flesh on it is about a quarter of an inch thick; but it is dry and husky, having something of the taste of ginger-bread; they therefore make holes in it and moisten it with water. Under

this there is a shell, and within that a large kernel which is hollow within; so that, making a hole through it when it is green, it serves for a snuff-box, and turned when dry makes very fine beads that have a polish like marble. They are much used by the Turks, who bring them from Mecca. I have called it the Thebaic palm."Рососке.

Indians of Chili.

"THE Indians of Chili are no longer those Americans who were inspired with terror by European weapons. The increase of horses, which are now dispersed through

the interior of the immense deserts of America, and that of oxen and sheep which has also been very great, have converted these people into a nation of Arabs, comparable in every respect to those that inhabit the deserts of Arabia. Constantly on horseback, they consider an excursion of 200 leagues as a very short journey. They march, accompanied by their flocks and herds, feed upon their flesh and milk, and sometimes upon their blood; and cover themselves with their skins, of which they make helmets, cuirasses and bucklers. Hence it appears that the introduction of two domestic animals has had a decisive influence upon


Port des Français.

"PORT des Français, on the north-west coast of America. The Bay is perhaps the most extraordinary place in the world. To form a conception of it, let us suppose a that could not be fathomed, bordered by bason of water, of a depth in the middle peaked mountains of an excessive height, covered with snow, without a blade of grass upon this immense collection of rocks condemned by Nature to perpetual sterility. I never saw a breath of air ruffle the surface of this water; it is never troubled but by the fall of enormous pieces of ice, which continually detach themselves from five different glaciers, and which, in falling, make a noise that resounds far in the mountains. The air is in this place so very calm, and the silence so profound, that the mere voice of a man may be heard half a league off, as well as the noise of some sea-birds which lay their eggs in the cavities of these rocks."-PErouse.

Duty of a Conqueror.

“C'EST à un Conquérant à réparer une partie des maux qu'il a fait. Je définis ainsi le droit de conquête: un droit nécessaire, légitime, et malheureux, qui laisse toujours à payer une dette immense, pour s'acquitter envers la nature humaine."— MONTESQUIEU, lib. 10, ch. 4.



the manners of all the tribes which inhabit Copy of a Letter from a Farmer's Daughter, the country from St. Jago to the Straits of Mogellan. All their old customs are laid aside; they no longer feed on the same fruits, nor wear the same dress; but have a more striking resemblance to the Tartars, or to the inhabitants of the banks of the Red Sea, than to their ancestors who lived two centuries ago."-LA PEROuse.

1 I have been assured that they sometimes bleed their oxen and horses, and drink their blood.

"The energy of the races prompts me to assure you that my request is forbidden, the idea of which I had awkwardly nourished, notwithstanding my propensity to reserve. Mr. T. will be there. Let me with confidence assure you that him and

I think this queer letter is given in ESPRIELLA'S Letters, but I cannot immediately light upon the reference.-J. W. W.

brothers will be very happy to meet you and brothers. Us girls cannot go for reasons. The attention of the cows claims our assistance in the evening. Unalterably


Raisciac and his Son.

"IN the wars which King Ferdinand made against the widow of John, King of Hungary, about Buda, a man-at-arms was particularly noted of all men for so much as in a certain skirmish he had shewed exceeding prowess of his body; and though unknown, being slain, was highly commended and much bemoaned of all; but yet of none so greatly as of a German lord called Raisciac, as he that was amazed at so rare vertue. His body being recovered and had off, this lord, led by a common curiositie, drew neere unto it, to see who it might be, and having caused him to be disarmed, perceived him to be his own sonne; which known did greatly augment the compassion of all the camp; he only, without framing word, or closing his eyes, but earnestly viewing the dead body of his son stood still upright, till the vehemencie of his sad sorrow, having suppressed and choaked his vital spirits, felld him stark dead to the ground."-MONTAIGNE, b. 1. ch. 2.

Charles, Duke of Burgundy.

"CAROLUS Pugnax, that great Duke of Burgundy, made H. Holland, late Duke of Exeter, exiled, runne after his horse like a lackey, and would take no notice of him." COMINES. BURTON's Anat. of Melancholy.

Massacre of Saint Bartholomew.

"SUR le quai du Louvre au bas d'une fenêtre dont la vue donne sur la rivière, on a mis une inscription relative au massacre de la Saint Barthélemi. C'est de cette fenêtre que l'infâme Charles IX. d'exécrable

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mémoire, a tiré sur le peuple avec une carabine.' L'histoire dit que ce meurtrier tirait par la fenêtre de sa chambre sur ses malheureux sujets, qui pour éviter le massacre cherchaient à traverser la Seine à la nage." -Fragments sur Paris, par MEYER. Traduits de l'allemand, par DUMOUriez.

Master of Merry Disports.

"IN the feast of Christmas there was in the king's house, wheresoever he was lodged, a lord of misrule, or master of merry disports; and the like had ye in the house of every nobleman of honour or good worship, were he spiritual or temporal. Among the which the Maior of London and either of the Sheriffs, had their several Lords of Misrule, ever contending, without quarrel or offence, who should make the rarest pastimes to delight the beholders. These lords beginning their rule at Alhallond Eve, continued the same till the morrow after the feast of the Purification, commonly called Candlemasday. In all which space, there were fine and subtle disguisings, masks and mummeries, with playing at cards for counters nails and points, more for pastimes than for gain." Srow's Survey.

Christmas Evergreens.

"AGAINST the feast of Christmas, every man's house, as also their parish churches, were decked with holm, ivie, bays, and whatsoever the season of the year afforded to be green. The conduits and standards in the streets were likewise garnished. Among the which I read that in the year 1444, by tempest of thunder and lightning, on the 1st of February, at night, Paul's steeple was fired, but with great labour quenched; and towards the morning of Candlemas-day, at the Leaden-hall, in Cornhill, a standardtree being set up in the midst of the pavement, fast in the ground, nailed full of holme and ivie, for disport of Christmas to the people, was uptorn and cast down by

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"In the month of May, namely on Mayday in the morning, every man, except impediment, would walk into the sweet meadows and green woods, there to rejoice their spirits with the beauty and savour of sweet flowers, and with the noise of birds, praising God in their kind.

"And for more notable example hereof Edw. Hall hath noted, that King Henry VIII. as in the 3rd of his reign and divers other years, so namely in the 7th of his reign, on May-day in the morning, with Queen Catharine his wife, accompanied with many lords and ladies, rode a maying from Greenwich to the high ground of Shooter's Hill; where as they passed by the way they espied a company of tall yeomen clothed all in green, with green hoods, and with bows and arrows to the number of 200. One being their chieftain was called Robin Hood, who required the King and all his company to stay and see his men shoot, whereunto the King granting, Robin Hood whistled and all the 200 archers shot off, loosing all at once. And when he whistled again, they likewise shot again. Their arrows whistled by craft of the head so that the noise was strange and loud, which greatly delighted the King, Queen, and their company.

See some striking remarks in ESPRIELLA'S Letters, Letter xiii. vol. i. p. 147, third edit. J. W. W.

Moreover this Robin Hood desired the King and Queen with their retinue to enter the green wood, where in arbours made with boughs and decked with flowers, they were set and served plentifully with venison and wine by Robin Hood and his men to their great contentment, and had other pageants and pastimes, as ye may read in my said author.

"I find also that, in the month of May, the citizens of London, of all estates, lightly in every parish, or sometime two or three parishes joining together, had their several Mayings, and did fetch in May-poles, with divers warlike shews, with good archers, morice dancers, and other devices for pastime all the day long; and towards the evening they had stage plays and bonefires in the streets."-Ibid.

Festival Bonfires.

"IN the months of June and July, on festival days in the evenings after the sunthe vigils of festival days, and on the same setting, there were usually made bonefires in the streets, every man bestowing wood or labour towards them. The wealthier sort also before their doors, near to the said bonefires would set out tables on the vigils, furnished with sweet bread and good drink, and on the festival days with meat and drink plentifully; whereunto they would invite their neighbours and passengers also to sit and be merry with them in great familiarity, praising God for his benefits bestowed on them, these were called bonefires, as well of good amity amongst neighbours, that being before at controversie, were there by the labour of others reconciled, and made of bitter enemies loving friends; as also for the virtue that a great fire hath, to purge the infection of the air." -Ibid.

Vigil of St. John Baptist, &c.

"On the vigil of St. John Baptist, and on Saint Peter and Paul the Apostles, every

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