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-a young man about her own age, or a little older, and who seemed to belong to the profession of the sea.

And hast thou slept out again all It was a March morning-dark, yet with- night!' he murmured-his tears still flowout a drop of rain or a breath of wind, that ing. And does it grow worse and worse kind of marbly-black, compact sky which with thy poor wits! and shall I never see is the sure forerunner of a storm. The the day when I can make thee my wife! night had been a raw and cold one-too They will not let me marry thee, because, cold to sleep with comfort in the open air; as they say, thou art mad, and knowest yet such was the chamber which a peasant not what thou dost; but when thy mind girl, a native of a little fishing hamlet upon was sound, I was loved by thee! Had I the coast of Cornwall, had chosen for re-married thee then, thou still hadst been pose. Her couch was a hard and fearful my wife! thou still hadst been cherished one! the verge of a cliff that rose nearly a and loved! Why must I not marry thee hundred feet perpendicular from the sea- now? I could watch thee then, at night! shore; and yet not the softest couch that My arms would enfold thee then, and preever was spread in hamlet, town, or city, vent thee from stealing from thy bed to contained a tenant, in form, for symmetry sleep in such a place as this!' -in feature, for beauty-excelling the mis- The attachment which united this young tress of her who occupied that strange, ap-man to the being whom he so pathetically palling place of rest! Her slumbers were apostrophized. was of that pure and steaddisturbed, yet deep. Neither the full fast nature, which can never take root, exdawn could break them; nor yet the pres-cept in the unsophisticated heart. She eure of a hand that had taken hold of hers; had lost her reason in consequence of havnor the tears that fell upon her face from ing been witness to a transaction of blood, the eyes of one who was hanging over her which made her an orphan. She was to


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have been married to him; but, in the un-every head was turned toward the cliff, at a fortunate state of her intellects, no clergy-wild and shrili hollow that rung from it. man would celebrate the rites. But she ''Tis only Kate,' cried one, here and did not the less enjoy his protection. Be there, as the maniac zapidly descended by neath his mother's roof, she lived as sacred a crevice, which few of the lookers-on as a sister-the object of a passion in which would have attempted, and that with wary frustration, and almost hopelessness, had feet. only produced increase of strength.

The crazy slut will break her neck,' Kate! Kate!' he called. Rouse thee, carelessly remarked one to another. But Kate-rouse thee! Don't start! Do n't she was safe in her recklessness or unconbe frightened! T is only. William! Get sciousness of danger, and in a moment or up, and come home!' two stood among them.

He offered to raise her, but she checked A lovely day! a fair, lovely day!' she him-looked round, and fixed her eyes, exclaimed to the first she came up to.inquiringly, upon the sea. Good luck to you! Anything yet? No,

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Where is it?' she exclaimed-her voice no,' she continued, replying to herself; tremulous with intense emotion. Where white to the north! white to the west! is the storm? I see the black sky; but white to the south! all white! not a speck want the thunder and the wind! the white, upon the water! But 't is coming! 't is white sea, and the big ship, driving upon coming! 't is coming! she reiterated, dropthe reef! or is it all over? No,' shed-ping her voice to its lowest pitch; I saw ed; 't is coming-'t will be here. I see it! it here last night! a big, black hull! one She rose, and passively accompanied her mast standing out of three! cannons and watchful lover to his mother's cottage stores overboard! rising and sinking! rockwhere, leaving her under the custody of its ing and reeling! driving full bump upon mistress, the young man repaired on urgent the reef where the William and Mary was business to a town at some distance from wrecked seven cursed years ago! Ï saw it,' she repeated, eyeing the standers-by That morning the storm came on; three with a look that dared incredulity; then, days it continued-it was now the third all at once, her voice sinking into a whisday. A lee shore, a boiling sea, and on per, Hist! hist!' she added; t will be the coast of Cornwall! A wild and fearful a handful or two for you; and a load for offing! Foam! foam! foam! which way you; and more than you can carry for soever you looked-nothing but foam.you; addressing this person and that sucBlack reefs of rocks, that even in the high-cessively; casks, cases, chests, gear and est spring tides were never completely.cov- gold! but what will it be for Black Norris ? ered, discernible now only by a spot here it will be a brighter day for him than for and there so quick the breakers flew upon any of you! When do they say his time them! The spray flying over the cliffs-is out?"

the hamlet.


fifty, sixty, ay, a hundred feet and more, 'Whose time?' inquired one among the above the level of the sea, and spreading group she was addressing. over the land for acres. And all above

'One-two-three;' she went on withpitch black, though at noon-day! Every out noticing the question, until she had thing seemed to cower before the spirit of counted seven; his seven years were out the storm-everything except man. The shore-which consisted partly of huge before his hopeful son murdered my father.' last May; he was transported three years masses of rock, partly of shingle-was lined||

with human beings-some in groups-some 'Hush, you crazy wench,' exclaimed alone-promiscuously furnished with boat-those around her; if Norris hears you, hooks, gaffs, grapples, hatchets, and knives you may chance to take a swim in the -ready to dispute with the waves the creek where he is standing!'

plunder of the fated ship that might be 'Crazy?' she echoed. Yes; bless heavdriven within the jaws of that inhospitable en that made me so! It knows best what bay! Expectation glistened in their eyes, it does! I saw my father murdered, though that kept eagerly prowling backward and his murderer saw not me! they were strugforward, far and near, over the waste of gling which should keep possession of the waters--they were wreckers! Not a few prey. Old Norris's knife decided it! I women, as well as children, were among was powerless with fright! I could not them; nor were these unprovided agains speak! I could not stir! I became mad,

the approach of the wished-for prey-all and the judge would not believe me! seemed to have their appropriated places; could tell my story better now, but it would from which, if they stirred, it was only a be of no use; for they say I am crazy still. step or two, to be the next minute retraced. There she is!' vociferated she, pointing Little was spoken. toward the offing at the southern extremity At one and the same moment almost of the bay.

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Just clear of the point?'

'Yes-the looming of something!— t is sloop! I see but one mast.'

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No, no!' she resumed, after a minute or two of silence, during which her eye-a balls kept straining in the direction toward which she had pointed. 'No,' she resum-two have been cut away.' ed, dropping her hand; but she is coming; and Black Norris will neither want roof matter?' nor board, gold nor gear, to welcome back the father that bred him up to his own trade. But, where is he?' inquired she; where, but upon the long reef where

'Tis a ship, Black Norris. The other

Peace, jade; what know'st thou of the

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T is
you so.
T is

a ship,' she continued. I told There is the huge black hull.' there, indeed!' exclaimed the 'Art thou a witch as well as

saw him? Saying this, she proceeded to crazed? T is there, indeed; she is driv-. the southern extremity of the bay. ing right into the bay,coming broadside on.' A stalwart figure, in advance of the reg- A huge black hull it was, high out of the ular line, sat stationed upon the landward-water, as if every article of weight that end of a huge reef of rocks, that gradually could be spared had been thrown overdipped into the sea. His hair black and board. Reeling and pitching she came on, lauk, thrown back from a swarthy, ill-fa-staggering every now and then at the stroke vored visage, hung half way down his of some wave that broke over her. Fast shoulders; his eye, dark, small, and glis-was she nearing the shore. tening bright, directed toward the sea, in 'Now-now-now!' ever and anon exquick and restless motion, was everywhere claimed the wreckers; but she was floatat once. A long boat-hook, clenched with ing still, so much had those on board lightboth his hands, rested across his knees;ened her. At length she was fairly among and, in a belt, which encircled his waist, the breakers. She touched, and touched; were stuck a clasp knife, of more than or-yet went on-at last she struck, a longdinary size, and a hatchet. The wave re-continued crash came undulating upon the peatedly washed more than half way up ears of the lookers-on, accompanied with his lower extremities, but he paid no more halloos and shrieks. The shore was now heed than if he were a part of the rock that all astir. scattered it into mist.

That does for her!' exclaimed several

'A lovely day-a fair, lovely day!' cried voices all at once, as an enormous wave the maniac, approaching him.

towering, as if charged with her doom, 'How beest thou, Black Norris? Nay, came foaming toward her. In another I am good now,' continued she, in a dep-minute it broke upon her in a fury that recating tone; don't look angry. I'll sent the spray to the clouds, and totally hid never say again that it was you.' her from the shore. When she became The wrecker moved his hand toward his visible again, the whole of her larboard knife. broadside was stove in. In a moment, 'Stop, stop, Black Norris,' cried she, men, women, and children were up to their coaxingly and hurriedly, laying her hand middle iu the surf. Another billow-she upon his arm, 'keep it for other work was gone! Planks, pulleys, spars, and You'll want it to day! before night there cordage now came floating in, and every will be a hull ashore. There will be need one went to work-every one but Black of knife, axe, hook and all-for the storm Norris.

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is lively yet-the sea shews no signs of He kept his station upon the reef-a post going down-the breakers keep tumbling which common consent seemed to have upon the shore! Mark how they sweep yielded up to him. No one ventured to the shingles up, and back again! By-and- dispute his right to it. In advance of him by they will have something to roll. "Tis stood the maniac, constantly looking in coming! Black Norris, 't is coming! A one direction-a kind.of cove produced by huge, black hull-one mast standing out of a forking in the reef. Thence she never three-cannons and stores overboard-ris-took her eye, except to throw a glance at ing and sinking-rocking and reeling-Black Norris whenever he made a movedriving full bump upon the reef where the ment, as if about to quit the stand which William and Mary was wrecked-the very he had chosen. reef on which you stand, Black Norris; 'T will be here,' she kept repeating; ay, and the very spot!' 'twill be here-that which will be worth

Silence, jade!' exclaimed the wrecker, the hull to thee, were it high and dry, and looking from beneath his hand, which, all thine own! wait for it, 't is sent to thee! with the rapidity of lightning, was raised 't will be here. Did I not tell you of the to his brow, and placed there horizontally, huge black hull, and came it not? As and leaning eagerly forward. surely that will come, which in that hull was sent to thee. Be ready with thy boat

the south

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hook. The minutes are counted. The ris? I'll leave you by yourself. I'll not wave that is to bring it, is rolling in.-stay. I am gone'-and starting toward There it is. I know it. Here, take my pathway which led up the cliff, and the place and be ready. Here it is-a body-commencement of which was sheltered by hook it by the clothes-keep it clear of the a screen of rock, she was quickly out of rocks. Round-round-round here, into sight.

this nook. Look if it does not lie there as The wrecker now began to reconnoitre if it were made for it. What think you all around him. Every one was engrossed now, Black Norris ? What think you now with his own occupation, securing such of crazy Kate? Softly-softly;' she con-portions of the wreck, or sach articles of tinued, as the wrecker, substituting his property as were brought within his reach. hands for the instrument, began to draw His band approached his knife-grasped it the body up to the beach.Softly—the-half drew the weapon from his belt; but pockets are full. Softly, lést any thing suddenly replaced it, and now fastened or should drop from them. That will do the axe-the counterpoise to the blade of that will do. which, was a wedge-like piece of iron, Scarcely was the body clear of the surf, broad, and flattened at the end. In a secwhen the wrecker began to strip it. The ond the instrument swung by his side. pockets were full; one of them was speed-Once again he reconnoitred toward the ily emptied, when a laugh from the maniac, beach; then turned toward the prostrate who, squatting, sat gibbering at the head, man. He thought the body moved-he arrested Black Norris in the act of exam-trembled from head to foot. He advanced ining the contents. Ja single step, but stopped-the fingers were

'What laugh'st thou at, jade?' he in-in motion. A low sound-half-voice, balfquired. breath-issued from the throat, which now 'Go on,' she replied; 'tis a fair, lovely evidently began to work. He advanced day, as I told thee; is it not, Black Norris? another step-though a tottering one-anPeace, jade,' exclaimed the wrecker. other. He was now within a foot or two Jewels, he ejaculated, closing a small of the head-he sank, or rather dropped case which he had opened. The maniac upon one knee. The eyes of the seaman laughed again. Wilt thou stop thy cursed moved-they turned to the right and to the mouth,' vociferated the wrecker. left, and at last glared back upon the

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'Go on,' murmured the maniac. Go wrecker. Both hands now clenched the on, Black Norris. You should not be an-axe. Slowly 't was fifted, the edge avertgry with me. Did I not tell you it wased, and the blunt end suspended over the coming? Go on. "T is a fair, lovely day. forehead of him that lay. "T was raised Isn't it, Black Norris?' It hovered a moment or two, then fell with Silence!' again cried the wrecker. a short, dull crash-a pause for a moment Gold;' exclaimed he to himself, as he or two more-limb, eye, everything were emptied into his hand a portion of the con- still-the wrecker threw his weapon betents of a purse, which he had taken from hind him, and wiped from his brow the the other pocket-broad, heavy, yellow drops that stood thick upon it. pieces!'-another laugh from the maniac. 'I tell thee what, mad Kate,' roared out the wrecker, 'take to thy heels, or abide the consequence, if thou utterest that sound again.'


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Softly, softly,' whispered Kate, he

hears you.

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Who, jade?' cried the wrecker, starting

from his knees.

.The owner of the diamonds and the gold. His lids have been moving for the last minute, and now they are wide open. The wrecker just glanced at the face of the shipwrecked man.


Ha, ha! you have done it.'

The wrecker turned and beheld the manaic standing behind him with the hatchet in her hand, her eyes flashing.

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Nay, move not, Black Norris,' she continued, unless you would have me give the corpse a fellow. Let me get farther from thee without forcing me to do thee a mischief, and I will tell thee something." She retreated about twenty paces, without turning her back; the wrecker now perfectly unnerved, not daring to move.Black Norris,' she resumed, did I not tell you that this was a fair, lovely day--and a lovely day it is-and a bonny one, tooand know you not why, Black Norris?— This day you have done-what you have done--and this day seven years was the The maniac looked at the wrecker for a day-the fair, lovely day when you murmoment—smiled-nodding her head sig-dered my father! Black Norris! Now nificantly, and rose. follow me not, but good by!'

Get thee away, good Kate,' said he, in a conciliatory tone. 'Go, Kate; leave me by myself, and I'll never be angry with thee again. Go, good Kate; go.'

She fled. The wrecker had not power

'I am gone, Black Norris,' she cried, 'a good day to you-and a good fair day it is to follow. and a lovely day. Isn't it, Black Nor

(Concluded in next number,)




dreadful steep, where it overhung the sea. It may be, that, at that moment, the vaDeath found strange beauty on that cherub cant space was filled up before her mind's brow, eye by the scene of the massacre; and And dashed it out.-There was a tint of that the death-cry of her husband arose from the abyss upon her ear.


She startOn cheek and lip, he touched the veins ed, however, as the bard approached; his with ice, face clothed in smiles, and his tongue in And the rose faded ;-forth from those blue adulation. eyes

'Give me your hand,' said she; 'and There spoke a wishful tenderness-a doubt lead me away. Methinks there is a Whether to grieve or sleep, which inno- strange fascination in this spot.' 'It is that of the mermen below,' repliAlone can wear. With ruthless haste heed the courtly bard; 'who are struck with



The silken fringes of their curtaining lips

For ever there had been a murmuring


With which the babe would claim its mother's ear,

Charming her even to tears. The spoiler


lure you into their caves.'
your surpassing beauty, and would fain


"They shall be disappointed, then; for go to rejoin my husband.'

"Thou shalt, indeed!' said the bard suddenly, as he caught her up in his arms.A wild scream from the lady's lips alarmed her companions, and the whole court

His seal of silence,-but there beamed a rushed to the spot. smile

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"Traitress!-murderess! said the bard, stepping deliberately to the brink-'we indeed go to rejoin thy husband; thou to receive the punishment of thy crime, and I the reward of my fidelity!' and, leaping over the precipice, he plunged with her into the gulf.




Amid those forest shades that proudly reared

Their unshorn beauty toward the favoring skies,

An axe rang sharply. There with vigor

ous arm.

Wrought a bold emigrant, while by his side
His little son with question and response
Beguiled the toil.

'Boy, thou hast never seen Such glorious trees; and when their giant trunks

Fall, how the firm earth groans. Remem

berest thou

A Kerry chief had won a lady in a duel, and carried home his beautiful bride to his castle. She, however, retained a The mighty river on whose breast we lurking attachment for the vanquished sailed

rival; who, one night, through her con- So many days on toward the setting sun: nivance, surprised the stronghold, and put Compared to that, our own Connecticut all to the sword but herself, and the "sa- Is but a creeping stream.’

cred bard." The latter followed the steps


of the lovers to the palace of Mac Nes-That by our door went singing, when I Father, the brook sa, King of Munster; and was one day launched

in attendance when the court were walk- My tiny boat with all the sportive boys, ing on a lofty promontory to enjoy the When school was o'er, is dearer far to me ⚫ prospect. The lady lingered for an in-Than all those deep broad waters. To stant behind the rest, to look down the|| my eye

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