Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, Том 56

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Longmans, Green and Company, 1873

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Сторінка 197 - We must believe that the specific poison of syphilis is either not contained in the vaccine lymph at all, or is not equally diffused through it. Thus, in the first series of cases, two out of twelve vaccinated escaped syphilis ; in the second...
Сторінка 372 - In the case of the solution of iodine this was, of course, unnecessary. In every instance it was found that the exudation liquids, collected from twenty-four to forty-eight hours after injection, were charged with Bacteria, whence it appeared probable that the existence of these organisms was dependent, not on the nature of the exciting liquid by which the inflammation was induced, but on the intensity of the inflammation itself.
Сторінка 56 - Alcohol causes fatty infiltration and fibroid encroachment ; it engenders tubercle, encourages suppuration, and retards healing; it produces untimely atheroma, invites haemorrhage, and anticipates age.
Сторінка 201 - ... first-born children, waiting until, by the development of one healthy child, a guarantee of freedom from taint on the part of the parents has been given. Lastly, the avoidance of blood-stained lymph and of recent exudation from the walls of the vesicle is a sufficiently obvious precaution, and needs no further mention.
Сторінка 199 - ... secretion and scab on its surface; its specific characters may be thus quite hidden. These cases are generally in children. Treatment of the vaccination-chancre. — Mr. Hutchinson feels no doubt that should a vaccination-scar take on the induration characteristic of a chancre, and should the other facts of the case corroborate the suspicion, it is the surgeon's duty without delay to commence the administration of mercury. The influence of mercury in retarding and greatly diminishing the severity...
Сторінка 59 - It may be positive or negative, plus or minus. Too much or too little of any of the shapes of heat, food, and work may spoil the equipoise of health. If a drug promotes one change it may prevent its opposite. Alcohol certainly gives an asthenic type to disease ; although we cannot as yet say with certainty that it defibrinates the blood, yet it retards adhesive and plastic processes.
Сторінка 227 - This, forced backwards by the retention general in these cases, distends or occupies the straight ducts. Thence by transudation, or similarly, it enters the neighbouring blood-vessels, and charges them with an infection resembling in its results that of pyiemia. This is distributed by the veins to the rest of the gland, sowing abscesses in their course, and ultimately causing constitutional symptoms analogous to those of pyaemia otherwise derived.
Сторінка lxvii - Society deems it proper to state that the Society does not hold itself in any way responsible for the statements, reasonings, or opinions set forth in the various papers which, on grounds of general merit, are thought worthy of being published in its Transactions. REGULATIONS relative to the publication of the
Сторінка xxxiii - FRS, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in King's College, London, and Physician to the Hospital, TBEASURER.
Сторінка 199 - ... its usual phases and heals, and nothing more happens till the end of a month, when the scar indurates and the chancre forms. In some cases, however, the vaccination sore never heals, and in these the scab somewhat obscures the characters of the chancre. Characters of the vaccination-chancre. — It begins as a little, red, firm, glossy tubercle, which gradually increases in size, and becomes harder. In about a fortnight it usually ulcerates, the sore giving off but very little discharge, and...

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