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Spread of Primitive Christianity.

"I saw another messenger flying through the midst of heaven, having everlasting good
news to proclaim to the inhabitants of the earth, even to every nation, and tribe, and tongue,
and people; saying with a loud voice-Fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his
judgments is come; and worship him who made heaven, and earth, and sea, and the fountains
of water" (John.)






It is a remark of frequent occurrence, and one which we repeat from conviction of its truth, that true religion inspires men with courage as well as fortitude. The Apostles contended earnestly for the faith amidst scenes of discouragement and suffering — they were heroic in the promulgation of the gospel, and patient under the most discouraging circumstances-they endured hardships and persecutions manifold, but they were undaunted at the opposition arrayed against them. They dared every encounter which the honor of their Master, and the interests of mankind, required at their hands. It may be safely presumed then, that all who would prove themselves the true followers of these mighty ministers of righteousness, will studiously imitate them in their heroism, as well as in their perseverance; devoting themselves, body, soul, and spirit, to the glorious enterprise which the first Christians prosecuted with so much self-denial and enthusiasm, the advocacy of the truth and the conversion of sinners.

We live in an age of free inquiry, of extraordinary development and wonderful improvement. The right of private judgment is claimed as a birthright by the learned and the unlearned. The sounds of strife and discord among the adherents of conflicting creeds, still awaken unpleasant sensations in the mind of the Christian disciple, and remind him that the age retains its sectarian character. Nevertheless, to our apprehension, it is a time of progress, and the number of those who are not ashamed to learn and improve, is being constantly augmented.

In our investigations as to what is truth, it is essential, if we would derive instruction therefrom, that we avoid stumbling upon untaught questions. Dogmatism respecting positions assumed on inferential reasoning, and attempts to penetrate into things over which the veil of mystery is spread by an allwise hand, are strictly prohibited by the voice of inspiration. "Secret things belong to the Lord our God;" but those revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may do all His commandments. The theory and

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