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Stamar's fierce nature could compel his followers.

While this was going forward, Peters snatched a few monients to explain to me that he was a traitor only in appearance. It seems he had accidentally encountered Stamar at the Havannah, and that savage having given him his choice either to follow him without having any communication with me, or make up his mind to be assassinated, Peters, who well knew Stamar's daring and resources, thought it best to go with him, in the hope that, eventually, we might together contrive some means of escaping. Wretched as I was, and almost utterly hopeless as our case seemed to be, I was nevertheless unspeakably delighted at finding that I had not been deceived by Peters.

deck, some were thrown over by main force, while others, maddened and desperate, leaped wildly into the waves, their frantic laugh contrasting horribly with the groans of their more timid or more sane fellow sufferers, and with the abominable imprecations and ribaldry of their butchers. And then the horrible strife among the hundred sharks that swam around their detestable namesake, struggling for every new victim that was tossed to them, and literally tearing them, limb from limb, ere even the heavy shot attached to them could sink them out of our sight.

Nearly one half of the unhappy slaves had been thus disposed of when the breeze increased to almost a gale, and the frigate was observed to furl topsail and mainsail. Stamar now knew himself safe; for he continued to carry on with every yard of canvass set, though the wind well-nigh blew the sails out of the boltropes, and a few minutes showed that we were rapidly leaving the frigate behind us. An order was now given, therefore, to stop the murder of the slaves; and we very soon were completely out of sight of the frigate, which, moreover, was far to leeward of us. On going below, I remarked, with equal surprise and pleasure, that the negroes who had been freed from their irons to facilitate the massacre which they had so very narrowly escaped, had, in the subsequent confusion, been allowed to remain unmanacled. An idea of safety and of vengeance then flashed across my mind, and I lost no time

Stamar having completed his preparations, we made all sail for the coast of Af. rica. Early one morning we descried a ship, and for the whole of the next twelve hours chased her in vain-Stamar foaming with rage, and swearing awfully at finding himself outsailed. At the close of the day, however, the breeze fell somewhat, we gained upon our chase hand over hand, and boarded her. She was an armed slave-ship; but wretches as her crew were by profession and in practice, I shudder as I remember the horrible tortures in which they died. Not a man of them was saved, but the brig having proved her excellence as a sailer, Stamar, contrary to his usual custom, resolved not to sink her. Thirty of our men were put on board her, under in endeavouring to put it into execution. the command of Peters, who was to take her to the south coast of Cuba, and there disembark and sell her cargo of slaves, amounting to three hundred men.

Peters had assured me that, in the event of our making any attempt at throwing off the yoke of Stamar, we should find a zealous assistant in Brissac. I hastened on On the following morning, just as we deck, therefore, and signed to the worthy were about to part company with Peters Gascon to follow me to the hold. When and his new command, we saw a large we arrived there, I proposed to him that armed frigate bearing down upon us. We we should arm the slaves, and that he and hastily made all sail, but as the slaver did I should lead them on against Stamar and not on this occasion at all equal the rate of the pirate crew. After some consideration the Shark, Stamar resolved to abandon the he consented. The moments were very former. The slaves were hurried on board of us, and Peters was furnished with Spanish colours and "excellent Spanish papers, ," Stamar leaving him only ten men, and desiring him to allow himself to be overhauled, and to state that we had board ed him, and robbed him of his entire cargo and part of his crew.

Poor Peters seemed to be but very little elated by the task entrusted to his address and courage; Stamar, however, paid no attention to his woe-begone looks, but crowded every sail to the east-north-east.

We speedily left the slaver far astern of us, and, as Stamar had judged, the frigate hailed her. Much to his annoyance, however, she did not stay to send a boat on board, but continued her chase of us.Finding that she was fully our match upon a wind, Stamar gave orders to throw the slaves overboard. A shot being fastened round the neck of each as he came upon

precious, for if Stamar or any of his fol. lowers should descend before we were ready, not only would our plan be defeated, but we ourselves should undoubtedly be put to death. Throwing open a chest of arms, I gave a boarding-axe to each of the slaves; and then, by signs, I explained to them how the pirates had murdered those of the negroes who had been taken on deck. The negroes rapidly comprehended me. Fire flashed from their fierce and bloodshot eyes, their dusky and ugly counte nances became literally livid, and when I motioned to them to follow me and Brissac to combat against their oppressors, they rushed upon deck with an eagerness and zeal which of itself assured me of the success of my enterprise.

Stamar and nearly the whole of his crew were anxiously looking out to leeward to see whether the frigate had hove in sight again, when the Gascon and I, closely fol

lowed by the blacks, gained the deck, and rushed furiously upon them. At the first onset we took the brigands so much by surprise that they retreated before us, but speedily rallied and defended themselves. Stamar, who, to do him justice, was, as usual, in the hottest of the fight, shouted to me, Ah, ah, friend Daumont! It is to you, then, that I owe this shrewd turn, is it? Well-see if you do not pay pretty dearly for it, if you chance to fall into my hands!"


"It is you, ruffian, who will fall into and die beneath my hand," was my reply; and Brissac and I, by voice and example, cheered on our Africans, whom we had already almost excited to madness.

The negroes needed very little incitement to their work; so furious and so obstinate were their attacks, that in a brief time the deck was covered with the corpses of the pirates. Stamar was so admirable a master of his weapon, that he was but trivially wounded, and though he at length found himself singly opposed to a perfect host of foes thirsting for his blood, he fought on with his usual cool and concentrated ferocity.

Suddenly the cabin door opened, and Ermance, pale, with her hair dishevelled, and her whole appearance bespeaking the extremest terror and anxiety, endeavoured to rush towards me. Ill-fated girl! Most luckless impulse that led her into such a scene at such a moment! Had she remained in the cabin for only a few minutes longer, our dire enemy would have been beyond the power to inflict mischief upon us. As it was, he bounded upon her with the fury and the agility of a wounded and

maddened tiger, and dragged her by the hair of the head, exclaiming, "Ah, Daumont! you see I am somewhat more alert than you are. You see I can offer a good ransom! Ransom! delay only three minutes in drawing off your nigger fellows, and consigning them again to the hold, and this trembler shall be not my ransom, but my victim."

At this moment one of the negroes dashed forward and aimed a blow with his board. ing-axe, which, had it but taken full effect, would have annihilated Stamar, and have saved my poor Ermance for long years of peace and happiness. Unfortunately, Stamar shifted his position so adroitly, and Iwith so much agility, that the axe merely grazed his shoulder, and infuriated instead of crushing him.

"African dog!" shouted he, “your axe is not sure! My dagger is rather more so, you see!" And suiting the action to the word, he plunged it to the very hilt in the poor girl's heart, and she expired without word or groan. In another instant he was disarmed, lifted in the arms of a crowd of the negroes, and hurled into the sea, whence we could see him for a few seconds madly and vainly struggling to evade two enormous sharks, which speedily tore him to pieces.

From that fatal day I have never known an hour's happiness. Peters, more fortunate than I, has been many years married to the faithful Zelia, and in the long winter's evenings delights his three curlyheaded and handsome boys with long yarns, not a little embellished, about the prowess and atrocities of STAMAR THE PIRATE.



On! sad and gloomy was the home where love so lately smiled,
They lay within Death's icy fold-the mother and the child;
The summer sun shone joyfully beyond the darkened room,
The branches of the garden trees were full of buds and bloom,
The gaily tinted butterfly was flitting through the glade,
And the timid deer were resting in the thick and leafy shade,
But death had made those green domains a dull and dreary wild,
And taken from that fairy scene the mother and the child.

I looked upon the infant pale, clasped by its mother fair,

I knelt beside their quiet couch, and breathed a fervent prayer;
And when I rose, my heart was eased from care, regret, and doubt,

I thought not of the lovely world of light and flowers without;

I thought but of the blessed ones that silent room within,
Safe from the fear of ills to come, freed from the thrall of sin,
That infant by the world's vain snares could never be beguiled,
No hand could part that mother from her dear and helpless child,

And he, who by one fatal stroke lost all the joys of life,
Survivor of his gentle babe and fondly cherished wife;

I was strengthened by Almighty aid with courage not my own,

To bid him lay his heavy griefs before his Maker's throne.

And he dwells in calm retirement in his tranquil groves and bowers,
Giving to charity and prayer his lone and widowed hours,

And waiting till he joins the band of spirits undefiled,

And meets again the loved and lost-the mother and her child.``


ing fairly, but looking for a cent. per cent. return. And again, midway between the GREY evening twilight has departed, and two pavements, are lions-no bull-necked, night, cloud-wrapped, descends upon the light-quartered kings of the forest green, earth. It is the season for stillness and re-mouse-leaping from deep thicket on their pose the hour in which man, sleep-folded, prey, till, like he of Nemean growth, some should resign himself to mimic death, Hercules, despoils them of their robe-but throwing aside the portmanteau of his tin tabernacles, equipoised upon quadruped cares, and pillowing his head in some still legs, wherein the mysteries of cook-science chamber, blind-shaded from the peeping are hourly evolved; through whose means stars. But not in great cities does repose the dough-paste becomes crisp, and the come with the night-birth; rather an in-sheep-stolen kidney waxes warm; while, crease of the turmoil, a bubbling up, as it as an outward sign, painted on the transpawere, of the seething-pot, makes itself man- rent glass, profanely jocular, smiles one, ifest. Let us walk forth through the bus- dressed in no lay (or secular) garment, tling street-'tis the last day of the seven-who, motto-wise, speaks words, saying the sabbath of child-devouring Jew. On that he has eaten of the fat, and become fat. this day do careful housewives provide the Nor does meat alone, in varied shapes, innext day's food: for now wage-money and vite the eye; food undiluted fits not workdrink-money are received; soon to be parched man. By sea and by earth have flesh-bartered, or, with some, exchanged Adam-children suffered; famine has writfor vegetables and bread, for, with the mass, ten with gaunt and desolating hand upon silver is scarce enough. Come with me their bloodless brows; hostile armaments along this road-path, and let us observe have swept them off, and the wild insect the various industries which ant-like (locusta) has preyed upon their vitals; swarm around. This is the New Cut, but drought has ever been by them conwhich to some is as the great bazaar, the sidered their arch fiend. So, smoke-coffee treasure-house, wherein all good things are stalls, at irregular intervals along the road, stored-food, clothing, warmth, all life wherewith to slake thirst, dust-born-and, elements, are here combined. See with colossal rivals of these, rise stucco palaflesh-hook in hand, clad as to his outward ces, devil-built, with Janus-expanding gates, man, in blue linen coat, say rather gaber- but not speaking peace, rather riot and dedine, stands the butcher, he whose pro- bauchery, where the white-fire stream runs vince it is to slay for others, taking upon over, and voice-wailing, gin-inspired, is himself the bloodstain of the multitude, as perennially heard. Walk in with me from the scape-goat (Azazel) of ancient Jewry out the pure heaven light for a while; sce took upon its own back the sins of a tribe. yon yellow-tinted barrels, blue-lettered, with Nor afar stand his assistants; open-mouth- a history of the gallons they contain; even ed, brawling and brattling, as they recom- now are they Christmas-wreathed. The samend, with leather-lunged energy, their cred holly, and the gem-dropped mistletoe wares; each, with cleaver ready to his twining about their tubular forms; so wreathgrasp, sharpening, upon girdle-suspended ed Eden flowers about the serpent shape, steel, the knife, breath-stayer, which, having as, belly-crawling through the first garkilled, is now ready to dissect the inanim- dens, he came to court our common mother ate flesh; and on the narrow foot pavement Eve. There is a long row of plaster statues front-skirting his shop, old age and penury beyond: nymphs and goddesses, short cinchold forth their hands, tendering hard-tured, myrtle crowned, and in each hand earned pence, wrung by brow-sweat and a blazing torch upheld, shedding a clear heart-toil from the bond-masters of the light upon the scene, illumining no godlike world; and beside, the sausage vender, revels, but rather a constant rotatory whirl conglomerator of fat substances, engine- of drink-oblivion, from which no soul-glim. reduced to chaotic admixture, gristle and mering ever escapes, refining the vapourmuscle adhering to the triturated meat, the burthened air; behind the bar, white-shirtsavoury fume whereof ascends serpentwise ed, coatless, stand the demon-proprietor towards the blue heaven, but falls again, and his assistants, speaking in strange seeming fit type of aspirations which tend cockney tongue, as they barter the madsky-ward, but clogged by earth-ballast, can- dening grain-juice for small copper coins; not free themselves from the burthen of the and in front (Himmel!) what a range! material world; and all these, pride-puffed, Sallow-visaged, and with seven days' and great in their own estimation, as bipeds beard unshorn, lolls the pale mechanic, full of substance, wearing pouches metal- flannel-jacketed, his brows crowned with a lined, by power of which idol, Mammon en- rimless hat; his wife (the once-vision of his ables them to lord it over the empty of their toil-won sleep, the solitary greenness of his . kind, stand before their doors, calling with youth, which was cast in stony places,) voice not unimbued with a certain poetry, not leaning fondly on his arm, but few steps upon the wandering by; taking not the re-apart; a torrent of vituperation pouring fusal of poor mute looks, telling of sieve-from her lips-an oath-stream, rage-furpockets, wherein little grain has fallen, and nished and blasphemy-pointed, harping on that little scarce remained, but bellowing old house sores, spent-jealousies, and squaforth their mercenary invitations, offer- lid broils,-urging, while it shrinks from the

be arrayed, is to him a mystery and a spell; nor till others come, pushing him aside, and taking his stand, can he tear himself from this rude life-stage.

unmanly blow-nor heeding the infant pau- the nature of which it is not in our clayper, gin-suckled, and claiming to be her lore to understand, abides one who sells child, who clutches at her rent gown, in periwinkles-persecuted hermits-torn from vain attempt to assert its presence, and their deep-green solitude, where in rockclaim its share of the body-and-soul-des- mansions they had made their homes, to be troying draught. And see, old age, white- here pin-extracted, to feed the hunger-gapvisaged, leans also over the counter, palsy.ing demon, man. Yet, some who speculate smitten, yet with fever-lust of drink raging upon curiosity, Eve-grafted upon mankind, in red-encircled eye; while, tottering not call the attention of cord-breeched urchin to with years, but brute-intoxication, passes their raree show. Not Aladdin, when pausthe rag-decked harlot, to whom the fire-ing at the threshold of enchanted cave, drink, rising upward to the brain, brings panted with more eagerness than this one, back some vague memory of purer years who penny tendering, and with anxious -time when possibly as the May-queen she brow, awaits his turn, till planted at circular tripped on village sward, or danced beneath opening-glass guarded, his eye shall feast on the moon cloud-canopied; at which half the representation of some wide-spoken restored remembrance she sinks outside- blood deed: whether Greenacre, limb-scaton heel-worn doorsteps, and weeps. But tering monster, or Turpin, Ainsworth-sung, hark, a sound of music from within; seat-stand life-like on three-inch coloured paper ed on wooden bench, swart minstrels draw before his view, what recks he? The exfiddles from their green baize chrysalides, citement is the same: brute instinct, agape and ply their bows-anon the watery-toned for horrors, fascinates him to the spot-the clarionet mingles with their notes-from huge goreblots which fleck the scene, have what seemed first an amorphous medley is a charm for him; the bright blue coat, shaped forth a reel-and then the shuffling brass-buttoned, in which murder delights to of iron-shod feet, as still holding to the bar, whereat the treacherous liquor flows, men and women, Helot-like, stimulate a feeble dance; but not as of old, when Indian Bacchus came triumphing, and song and dance Midway stands a theatre, Victoria - hight, grape-circled followed in his wake; for wherein melodrama, grave Melpomene's then were Peace and Amity, twin-sis- unlawful child, holds court; strutting before ters, leaping hand in hand:-now gaunt pale shopboys, who shout and clap their Contention breaks with hollow cry up- hands when the great goddess Liberty is on the music crash, and yet a few min-named; and then, fear-quaking, hie them to utes, and noise of blows resounds; and their homes, lest haply hard masters, knowblue-clad men enter, stern-visaged, with ing of their absence, should strike or scold. varnished hat-tops, seeming helmets. But, lo! we have turned from the crowded These sweeping round, with truncheoned thoroughfare, and stand alone. Let us tohands, speedily clear the space; women wards the bridge:-there come not many, shriek, and children moan-men fall back, save those who, thought-ridden, seek a restoath-burdened, but to return hydra-headed ing place amid London turmoil-with these, to the fray-inglorious battle reigns a ourselves. Here is no arch hill-rising above while till rightful authority prevails; in the river, but a broad straight line, lampdark station-house immured, till morning dotted, which, canopied as it is by the pure light, do prisoners pine. heaven star-spangled, might seem as an enBut the soul faints o'er such scenes: let trance to the hall of some elf queen, or rather us forth, and, exchanging the poisonous to an imp's laboratory, about which, on gas-breath for heaven-breezes, once more giant shelves, hang, bottle-wise, great lanmingle in the throng. O Malthus! passion-terns, red and blue. Here let us rest a while spurning sage! how would thy wrinkled-shaking aside the dark realities in which brow darken, did'st thou behold this scene! we were so lately plunged. Here let us Lo! myriads ever pouring, as from some commune with the voice of running waters, vast vomitory ever full, or rather, as in and read the language of the waning moon. theatrical exhibition, when some great ar. What says she, the heaven circler, to the my: art-multiplied, gyrates round and round flower on? We know not. Yet there is a the scene:-others sing strange sea-songs, harmony in his voice, as, lover-like, he reflourishing on misshapen timber legs; and flects her silver beams, which tells of symone, his head topped crown-wise with not pathies mysterious, unfathomable to mortal unelaborate ship-model, prates of far ken. And see! green Sirius dances in his lands, where blood-suns shine, and stars sphere, even as in old days he danced above wax not dim as in our hemisphere, but stunted tree-top, o'erlooking garden wall, in twinkle emulous with the god of day: a poet far lands-now, vibrating, falls statelily he-no pale jingler of concordant sounds, above the tide. And thus, as these not quite thought empty; but one who in rude imagi- dumb symphonies mingle together, forming nation conceives, and in stirring words music to the rapt ear of poetic lounger, even brings forth great images (of men called now do the finer spirits rise within the heart, lies)-such as Amphion dreamed and spoke, and leading us, child-like, by the hand, step when yet the world was young. Beside by step, lure us on to gaze upon the To come. him, as attracted by some occult affinity, Not, however, always forward are the foot

[blocks in formation]



'Tis sweet to meet thee
Ere Day's curtain closes;
When Twilight's blushes
Linger on the grove;

Calmly to wander where the shutting roses
Sigh forth their fragrance, like the breath of

Dearer than festal scenes
Or crowds to me,

That moment sweet

At Day's decline with thee !

'Tis sweet to meet thee
When soft dews are weeping
Their tears of light

On floweret, leaf, and tree;
When from Heaven's arch the first pale
stars are peeping,


guardian spirits, watching infancy!
Dearer than ages spent
In festal bower,

One moment with thee
At that peaceful hour!

'Tis sweet to meet thee!
Ah! how sweet to linger
Beside the fountain

Or the rip'ling stream;
While fancy traces with her fairy finger,
Scenes that may furnish forth a poet's dream.
Gladly I fly

steps of imagination; rather doth it some-
times delight, retrogade, to seek the early
places where youth-visions first took birth-
rose-garlanded, gold-mantled, marking out
their own bright path through a fancy
heaven of their own; yet ever, whether on-
looking, or as Gomorrah-fleeing Lot's wife,
cleaving to the past-whether dwelling in
the positive, which is gone by, or in the
possible, within Time-granary yet stored,
ever one form flits, angel-like, through our
dream. Yes! thou Evanthe! shade image
(shattenbild) seldom seen, yet time-loved,
upon whose name I have called while stand-
ing on Moselle-spanning bridge, while the
blue stream, mingling with the darker wa
ters of goblin-haunted Rhine, flowed beneath
my feet, and again whose likeness I evoked
from fancy-compelled clouds, fringe-hanging
the distant seven mountains' heads, when
upon Königleck, (dread words!) Zoll
Brucke, mighty-doomed Köln lay on either
hand. Thee, in these night-visions do I
seek! What, though gulf-parted and heart-
separated; what, though, if by my side,
scant love-words, rather mockeries, might
be upon thy lips, yet in this sky dream may
I see thee, flower-decked, sweet-singing, and
full of pleasant smiles. Nor, as stone after
stone, the bright delusion castle rises before
my sight, nced I fear a change! Chimera-
fortune asks no propitiation-no ring-sacri-
fice to be cast into the yawning flood. The
within (der Innere) is to itself all-Croesus-
like, feeding upon its own wealth; but, unlike
the Lydian king, subject to fate-influences,
working for a fall. Then comes to me the
undefined, uncrotcheted melody of names-
then doth the spirit, as the needle-tip, which
in some huge compass (say life compass)
points ever to the north, turn to the mystic
combination of letters which form thy name
-then doth Evanthe appear to me less a
word, lip-spoken by many, its virtues under-
stood by few, than as a type, whereof heart- DELAVAL
smiles and soul-words are attributes, hiding
in itself depths of holiness and bliss-a sound
love-spoken by angelic tones, or perhaps
itself a plectrum, striking upon the nerves
and fibres, forming the living lyre, playing
strange tunes in soft and solemn keys. Thus,
while smoke-wrapped and musing, the dull
hum of distant multitudes scarce murmurs
to the ear, poor brain weavers almost envy
the thought-free sons of manual toil; when,
lo! from steeple to steeple, up-springing,
leaps the dread time-voice :-twelve strokes!
-death-speaking, warning us that another
life-fraction has expired-thought rousing
apostolic number!-each clang, perfect in
itself, yet forming a perfect all; leading the
soul to high remembrance of the twelve
whom Israel and Egypt saw, who walked
this earth-planet with healing and life-speak-
ing presence, till, one by one, they lay
down, wrapping themselves in Hope-gar.
ment, and slept.

H. M.

The banquet and the ball,
For one such moment

Far outweighs them all!


WE now weighed, and stood out of the harbour; and, as a fine breeze came freshening off the land, we were soon clear of the island, and bounding over the foaming waves, which glanced from our prow in phosphoric brightness beneath the trembling beams of the rising moon. It was, indeed, an eastern night, the loveliest season in the loveliest clime, and under its influence the mind is naturally filled with melancholy and tender musings. I, too, was engaged in a most perilous though noble enterprise-what might be its result? I thought of my dear old uncle and poor Emily, whose whole earthly happiness was bound up in my existence, and, sad and thoughtful, stood leaning over the gangway in silence, watching the broken waves as they swept past me, until lost in the great and general mass of waters. 'Twas a type of the state of man-so does he swell and vaunt himself, so die away. I looked up

* Continued from p. 303.

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