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Page 16, fifth line, after Year-read after "Year or Time”—

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105, at the bottom, instead of the Third, read "the Second."

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165, at the bottom, read "apprehensively, as sitting with Him, and as—

[blocks in formation]





THE Publication of a Work in 1844, entitled Church Architecture by The Rev. Mr. Close of Cheltenham, gave rise to the Idea of submitting to general view and estimation, a part of the occurring Sentiments which it occasioned; but which were not excited and finally determined on to publish,-Until accidentally meeting with Another zealous Publication, called, A Chronological Chart of the World.

This latter Promulgation avows a distinct Principle of expectancy of Fulfilment at hand, of the Heavenly Visions and Prophecies of Daniel, and the Divine Saint John. And likewise believing the Prophets, that the Things declared and testified in the BIBLE, and the most GLORIOUS PROPHECY OF THE APOCALYPSE; must take up their state and stage of accomplishment, and be fulfilled.

The ripened state of THE PREDICTIONS, proclaim their sacred Truths; and afford the certain and Infallible Means to appreciate the momentous Time of their taking place, and, as now advanced to the very Verge and Crisis of their All-important and Tremendous effects: And as being nigh to burst forth, and about to be poured out upon the World.


The Writer hereof, desires to express to the Arranger of The Chronological Chart, (and as Author and Publisher of a Work, entitled, 'Immortality the Gift of God.')-That he feels great disgust at the fanciful and contemptible Figures represented, but more especially is averse to the irrelevancy of the Scriptural Interpretations; And recommends the Editor to a Re-examination of the Chart.

The very especial Prophecies refer and allude to A Kingdom that apparently, rivals Rome in all the precise Characters pronounced for Judgment in the latter Days.-A Kingdom strong as Iron, and breaking the Other Kingdoms to pieces; until its own turn comes! Daniel ii. 45.-And its great City spoken of FROM ABOVE, as being renowned for, "Shipowners, and Sailors, and Merchants made rich by its Traffic on the Seas." All which Vouchers of Authority, cannot be forced, as attempted, specially, to apply to Rome.-See Rev. xvii.=xviii.

It is this FOURTH KINGDOM with which the World has now to do, whereof, BOTH of the Two great Prophets of the last days, Loudly proclaim and define.

DANIEL, prior to the DIVINE ST. JOHN, peculiarly characterises the Three preceding Kingdoms; yet, as being separately Bereaved of Power, when the Great Fourth Kingdom or Beast appeared; and which arrested All his attention-as having Swallowed up, and PREFIGURED all the other Kingdoms or Beasts, in ONE GREAT IMAGE!!

I fall in with the first quotation in the Chart from Cambell, that," This whole Image, is a Symbol of the Kingly Dynasty of the Gentile world-Fulness of the Gentiles-Times of the Gentiles,' reaching down to the Time of Christ's Second Coming."

Whether" 1844," be the precise period may be questioned? but, indisputably the time of His Second Coming, and to Reign, Is that,-when the Image as represented in Vision to Nebuchadnezzar shall reappear; and be Identified in its Embodiment, as the literal compound of all the Four Kingdoms. Or else,How should the Stone of Omnipotence, and commencing Power of Christ,-first of all "Smite the Iron and Clay Feet of the Image and break them to pieces; and then all the other constituent parts of Brass, Silver and Gold, be scattered as Chaff before the Wind, and no Place be found for them." All this is declared by the Prophet shall come to pass in the latter-day Generation; when, all shall be fulfilled; both as to the Appearance and Disappearance of the Great Fourth Kingdom, appointed to be consumed ;-and moreover to be succeeded by the Fifth and Millenary Kingdom, which shall stand for ever!

A Millenarian Christian, knows nothing therefore of a Sixth Kingdom, and consequently suffers no acknowledgment of the spurious and self-conceited Ten Kingdoms, so often and so dogmatically spoken of, either by indiscriminate or wilful Expostulations

of Men,—at all hazards fastening on exploded Rome, -traditionally handed down from One to Another; and their Historical, their Bookish, and Scientific Expositions, pertinaciously insisted on, as though they were, and as being Interpretations of Scripture Prophecies!! Proving, neither more nor less, the Vanity of their Delusions; and Phantom of their own conceits, on which they stay and make their stand.

Of the above and such like Class, and adhering to their Predecessors. are found as before specified, the Author or Authors of the Chart-capriciously, nominating and asserting that-Ten Nations! are the Ten Horns of the Beast!-Always however, and very precisely are they spoken of by the Prophet Daniel, and by the Divine St. John, as being ten Agents or Officials arising out of, and belonging to The One Kingdom. And never are so much as once mentioned or signified, ten Kingdoms by Apostolic or Testamentary authority, respecting the latter-day Prophecies; notwithstanding the Orthodoxy of Professors, and of Scientific Authorities of Men to the contrary.

In pursuance of examination and proof, and corresponding with other pretended and prior Testimonies, take the second Column of the Chart; and first noticing the Antedates of Men, in contradistinction to the Revelations of the Times and Seasons of fulfilment of the Prophecies of the Prophet, who has testified

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