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For their courteous permission to reprint copyrighted poems included in this volume, thanks are due to the following publishers (alphabetically listed):

D. APPLETON & Co.: "Spring Ode" from NOAH anʼ JONAH AN' CAP'N JOHN SMITH, by Don Marquis.

BONI & LIVERIGHT: "The Madman" and "Rufus Prays" from DUBLIN DAYS, by L. A. G. Strong.

BOWES & BOWES: "A Sonnet" from LAPSUS CALAMI AND OTHER VERSES, by James Kenneth Stephen.

PETER G. BOYLE: "A California Vignette," "Not Our Good Luck," "Salmon Fishing," "Suicide's Stone," "From Tamar" and "To the Stone Cutters" from TAMAR, by Robinson Jeffers.

JONATHAN CAPE LTD.: "Ale," "Leisure," "Sadness and Joy," and "Songs of Joy" from COLLECTED POEMS, by William H. Davies.

W. B. CONKEY COMPANY: "The World's Need" from PICKED POEMS, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

THOMAS Y. CROWELL & Co.: "Communion," "Sleep" and "The Soldier" from COLLECTED POEMS, by Sophie Jewett.

GEORGE H. DORAN Co.: "From Sleep" and "Verification" from PARSON'S PLEASURE, by Christopher Morley. "A Prayer for the Old Courage" from A WORLD OF WINDOWS, by Charles Hanson Towne, copyrighted by George H. Doran Company, 1919.

DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY: "The Rich Man" and "Villanelle With Stevenson's Assistance" from TOBOGGANING ON PARNASSUS, by Franklin P. Adams. "Flood Tide" and "Ladders Through the Blue" from

LADDERS THROUGH THE BLUE, by Hermann Hagedorn, copyrighted 1925. "The Man With the Hoe" from THE MAN WITH THE HOE, "Outwitted" and "Victory in Defeat" from THE SHOES OF HAPPINESS, by Edwin Markham. "Unrest" by Don Marquis.

DUFFIELD & Co.: "Dedication" from COLLECTED POEMS, by John Erskine. "At the End of the Day" from ALONG THE TRAIL, by Richard Hovey.

E. P. DUTTON & Co.: "The Spark" from THE COAT WITHOUT A SEAM, by Helen Gray Cone. "Measure Me, Sky!" from A CANOPIC JAR, by Leonora Speyer. "Creeds" from LANTERNS IN GETHSEMANE, by Willard Wattles.

FUNK & WAGNALLS Co.: "From Town Pictures" from BROAD-CAST, by Ernest Crosby.

PAUL ELDER & Co.: "Sonnet" from SONNETS OF SPINSTERHOOD, by Snow Longley.

HARCOURT, BRACE & Co., Inc.: "Spratt vs. Spratt" from "AND OTHER POEMS," "Prayer" and "Voices" from CHALLENGE, by Louis Untermeyer, by permission of Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc., holders of the copyright. "The Recompense" from THE CONTEMPLATIVE QUARRY, by Anna Wickham, copyrighted 1921 by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. "Bells in the Rain" from NETS TO CATCH THE WIND, by Elinor Wylie, copyrighted 1921 by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc.

HARPER & BROTHERS: "Strictly Germ-Proof" from THE LAUGHING MUSE, by Arthur Guitermann. "First Fig" from A FEW FIGS FROM THISTLES, by Edna St. Vincent Millay, copyrighted 1922 by Edna St. Vincent Millay.

HARR WAGNER PUBLISHING Co.: "Byron" from SONGS OF THE SIERRAS, VOL. II, "Columbus" and "For Those Who Fail" from INTRODUCTION AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY, VOL. I, by Joaquin Miller.

HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY: "An Air of Coolness Plays Upon His Face," "The Anodyne," "For Sleep When Overtired or Worried," "O Altitudo!" and "To Safeguard the Heart from Hardness," from FELLOW CAPTAINS, by Sarah N. Cleghorn. "A Child's Song Overheard" from WILDERNESS SONGS, by Grace Hazard Conkling. "The Tuft of Flowers" from A BOY'S WILL, by Robert Frost. "Joy" and "They Will Say" from CHICAGO POEMS, by Carl Sandburg. "The Factories" from THE FACTORIES, by Margaret Widdemer.

HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY: "Enamoured Architect of Airy Rhyme" from POEMS, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich. "The Pool of Sleep" from POEMS BY ARLO BATES, by Arlo Bates. "Gladness"; and "So I May Feel the Hand of God" from ROSE O' THE WIND, by Anna Hempstead Branch. "Waiting," by John Burroughs. "The Hill-born" from IN THE HIGH HILLS, by Maxwell Struthers Burt. "The Flower Factory" from THE RIDE HOME, by Florence Wilkinson Evans. "Doves," "The Kings" and "The Wild Ride" from HAPPY ENDING, by Louise Imogen Guiney. "Discovery," by Hermann Hagedorn. "Pandora's Song" from THE FIRE BRINGER, by William Vaughn Moody. "The Riderless Horse" and "Ecstasy" from MOTHERS AND MEN, by Harold Trowbridge Pulsifer. "The Secret" from THE LIFTED CUP and "My Wage" from THE DOOR OF DREAMS, by Jessie B. Rittenhouse. "Scum o' the Earth" and "Harvest" from MAGIC FLAME, by Robert Haven Schauffler. "Sursum Corda," by Edith M. Thomas.

MITCHELL KENNERLEY: "Compensation" and "One Fight More," from THE EARTH CRY, by Theodosia Garrison.

LIFE PUBLISHING Co.: "Advice to Worriers," by George Kaupman; "Epitaph for Any New Yorker," by Christopher Morley; "Song of the Open Country," by

Dorothy Parker; all from POEMS FROM LIFE, 1923. LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY: "My Nosegays are for Captives," "Simplicity," "I'm Nobody!" and "Morning" by Emily Dickinson.

LONGMANS, GREEN & Co.: "The Pillar of Cloud," by John Henry, Cardinal Newman. "One in the Infinite," by George Francis Savage-Armstrong. "The Optimist" from THE BIRD BRIDE, by Graham R. Tom


THE MACMILLAN COMPANY: "For Mercy, Courage, Kindness. Mirth," from SELECTED POEMS OF LAWRENCE BINYON, by Lawrence Binyon. "From The Deep" from POEMS, by Gladys Cromwell. "God's Pity" from THE GARDEN OF THE WEST, by Louise Driscoll. "Epitaph for a Poet" from SKYLINES AND HORIZONS, by DuBose Heyward. "The Bells of Heaven," by Ralph Hodgson. "Laugh and Be Merry" from COLLECTED POEMS, by John Masefield. "Let me Live Out My Years" from THE QUEST, by John G. Neihardt. "From Captain Craig" from COLLECTED POEMS, by Edwin Arlington Robinson. "Lessons" from LOVE SONGS, by Sara Teasdale. "Before Dawn in the Wood." by Marguerite Wilkinson. "Into the Twilight," "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," "An Old Song Resung" and "When You are Old" from COLLECTED POEMS; "To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing" and "To His Heart, Bidding It Have no Fear" from LATER POEMS; by William Butler Yeats.

ROBERT MCBRIDE & Co.: "The Night," from SONNETS AND VERSE, by Hilaire Belloc.

MCCLELLAND AND STEWART Limited: "Idle to Grieve" and "A Road Song," from BEAUTY AND Life; "An August Mood," and "Be Strong!" by Duncan Campbell Scott

THOMAS BIRD MOSHER: "Heroism," "A Little Song

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