Зображення сторінки

workings above described. We have seen, at the shop of a London cutler, some specimens of articles wrought from it. They are dagger-blades, table knives, cold chisels, etc.; their appearance is equal to that of the finest examples of ordinary steel, and their temper is pronounced to be excellent.

The discovery of this singular deposit may lead to improvements in the manufacture of steel and to new views as to the constitution of that curious compound.


use in Styria; and it was represented as being in especial favour with the young on account of its imparting to each sex those graces of form which are the general admiration of the other. Accord. ing to Professor Johnston, indeed, the female wanting in those charms so much praised by poets and generally possessed in such perfection by the heroines of works of fiction, may supply the deficiency with the greatest ease by simply resorting to the consumption of arsenic. He would persuade us that the arsenic-eater is truly blest. Her eye, he tells us, becomes sparkling, her complexion painted with a more enchanting hue, a roseate tint adorns her lips, the bloom of health settles on her blushing cheeks, her A QUESTION that created some degree of excitement three or four skin becomes as white as alabaster, as soft as velvet, and as fresh years ago has again turned up in the revolving cycle of popular as the flowers of spring, whilst the whole frame assumes a rotun topics, and there appears some probability of the controversy dity which charms all who gaze upon its beauties. "Every one being renewed with increased vigour. The subject is one of great sees and admires the reality of her growing beauty; the young practical importance, and the dissemination of incorrect views men sound her praises, and become suppliants for her favours. with regard to it cannot but be productive of immense mischief in She triumphs over the affections of all, and compels the chosen society. Whether any class of men in another country are in the one to her feet." Nay, Professor Johnston would seem to believe habit of regularly swallowing quantities of arsenic, and so tho- that arsenic is able to do even more than this, and would seem to roughly impregnating the system with this poison as to enable imply that it is capable of exercising some mental influence, them to take with impunity what, under other circumstances, and of acting as a kind of spell or charm upon the passions. would be fatal doses of it, may have, as a mere matter of fact, little Thus does he sound its praises :-"Even cruel arsenic, so often interest except for men of science: but when it is stated that the the minister of crime and the parent of sorrow, bears a blessed, object had in view in using this mineral is that of producing a jewel in his forehead, and, as a love-awakener, becomes at times condition of the physical frame which most persons envy and all the harbinger of happiness, the soother of ardent longings, the admire, the question assumes an entirely different aspect. Let the bestower of contentment and peace." He adds that heights. masses be once convinced that arsenic eating has the effect of are easily reached under the influence of this drug, to ascend rendering the skin soft, the complexion fair, the cheeks tinted which without it would be a most difficult task; and declares with the rosy bloom indicative of health, and the whole physical that horses are fattened, and their skins made bright and glossy, frame improved in appearance, and the result may be easily pre- by administering a small quantity of it with their food. dicted. The poison will find its way into the households of high and low, will turn up in cosmetics, be vénded in lozenges, and speedily become universally resorted to. On the other hand, should it be really true that the use of arsenic in small doses is beneficial, it may be argued that society ought to be made aware of the fact, and thus obtain the opportunity of turning it to practical account.

In inquiring into the soundness of these assertions, the first thing to be observed is, that neither of the writers quoted have had any personal experience confirming their statements. Not only have they not tried the effects of arsenic upon their own constitutions, but they have never observed its action upon others. The cases referred to as occurring in Styria are reported mercly on hearsay, and until, therefore, some good authority can be found for them, the arguments based upon them must be held to be worth very little. In tracing these statements to their source, they will be found to have originated with Dr. Von Tschudi, a celebrated traveller, and were first published in the Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. Becoming translated into English, they have shared the fate of most reports, and have been considerably augmented by those who have repeated them.

Every one is aware that certain poisonous agents may, after repeated trials, be taken with comparative impunity. The dose, small at first, is gradually increased, until a quantity which would once have produced most violent results may be swallowed without any injurious effects becoming apparent. This is particularly the case with tobacco and alcohol. The first pipe or cigar produces violent sickness, headache, and other most unpleasant symptoms; the habitual smoker puffs out twenty in the day, and experiences According to Dr. Von Tschudi, the arsenic which he asserts is nothing but an agreeable sensation. A strong glass of brandy eaten by the people of Styria is obtained from the chimneys of and water taken by a person who has never before tasted spirits, furnaces in which lead, copper, and other ores are smelted. It is usually produces intoxication; whilst a man long accustomed to sold by the workpeople to pedlars, herbalists, and quacks, and indulgence in alcoholic drinks emptics a decanter and remains hawked by them through the country, for the purpose of sale, perfectly sober. In the case, again, of those amongst whom opium- under the name of Hidri. The dose with which the arsenic-caters cating prevails, there can be no doubt whatever that the constitu- commence is a "portion about the size of a lentil seed," in tion becomes so familiarized to the drug that a quantity of it weight "about half a grain." This is taken in the morning fastwhich would be swallowed without any ill effects may be sufficient ing, repeated at first a few times weekly, and cautiously increased under other circumstances to produce very fearful results. These as it loses its effect. No symptoms of poisoning are observed, facts are well known, and it is perhaps difficult to say why the and so necessary to health does this agent become by long habit, law which holds good in the case of the poisons we have enume- that when, from want of arsenic or any other cause, the practice is rated should not hold good in the case of all poisons. This is for a time discontinued, most serious illness supervenes. Loss of the only argument of a theoretical character that has been advanced appetite is experienced, vomiting occurs, there is a burning pain in support of the marvellous statements with respect to the benefit in the throat, closing of the pharynx, constipation, and great diffi resulting from the practice of eating arsenic, to which more par- culty of breathing. All these symptoms continue during the ticular reference will be made below. On the other hand, it has abstinence from arsenic, and disappear immediately on a return been objected that arsenic is so much more violent in its action, to the habit of eating it. When it is used for the purpose of facili and so much more fatal in its effects, than the poisonous agents tating respiration in ascending mountains, a small piece is placed the common use of which we are familiar with, that no inference in the mouth, and allowed to dissolve, when the result is almost drawn from the latter can apply to the former. After all, how-magical. Arsenic is administered to horses for the same purpose, ever, this is a matter of little moment. The principal point of importance rests with the fact themselves.

in which case it is sprinkled upon the last food taken before com. mencing the ascent. So far, Dr. Von Tschudi.

The first publication in this country that announced to its The question that arises is, how much reliance is to be placed wonder-stricken readers the discovery that arsenic was a great upon these statements? The following facts may aid in leading to beautifier of the complexion, and that it might be taken, if com- a conclusion. In the first place, Dr. Von Tschudi did not see and menced in small doses, not only with perfect impunity, but with examine personally the cases to which he refers. They were the most beneficial and gratifying results to the system, was Cham- mostly derived from that by no means reliable authority, "hear bera's Edinburgh Journal. Several articles written by Mr. Charles say." He never was present when the fair and blooming beauties of Boner in that popular periodical produced at the time a very Styria dosed themselves with white arsenic, so as to make it quite startling sensation, the assertions contained therein being of a most certain that they did enjoy an imnunity from its deadly effects. novel and incredible kind. Then a celebrated chemist, Professor Then the material said to be sold to the peasantry as arsenic has Johnston, in a work still very popular, and on the whole deservedly never been subjected to a chemical analysis by a scientific man. so, also took up the matter, and enlisted himself on the side of the It may or may not be arsenic. There is not a shadow of evidence arsenic caters. Paragraphs found their way into the public news to prove that it is arsenic. But even supposing it be arsenic, its papers, and the whole matter appeared to be settled. The state-strength remains unknown, and the large doses may after all in ments made were to the effect that in some parts of Lower Austria reality be very small ones. It must also be remembered that Dr. the people were in the habit of regularly eating arsenic, firstly, for Von Tschudi is a traveller, a man who did not stay long in one the purpose of imparting clearness to the skin, brilliance to the place, and therefore would have far less opportunity of carefully eye, freshness to the complexion, and plumpness and rotundity to noting what occurred in any country that he might happen to pass the figure; and secondly, with a view to improve the respiratory through than the medical men who were permanent residents organs, so that in climbing up steep mountains or undergoing any therein; yet from the latter in this case no information is obtained. any other great exertion, shortness of breath should not be expe- On the contrary, Dr. Wurmb, a physician of Vienna, declares that rienced. For these two purposes arsenic was said to be in general Dr. Von Tschudi's statements were entirely without foundation.

In this view he is supported by other authorities residing in the same country, men who, if such facts do really transpire, certainly ought to be acquainted with them.

The German scientific journals appear to discredit the whole affair, as scarcely one of them has noticed it. The most eminent British toxologists have also expressed most firmly their disbelief in the tale of the Styrian poison-eaters. Drs. Alfred Taylor and Owen Reeves, in their edition of Dr. Pereira's celebrated work on Materia Medica, speak of it as an "absurd and incredible statement," and add that it is only likely to be productive of great mischief. Dr. Christian, whose knowledge of poisons equals that of any man living, remarks: "I presume that all medical men experienced in the use of arsenic as a remedy, will treat the story of the Styrian arsenic-eaters as a pure fable."

the same for the same metal. The most vivid spectra are given by those salts which are the most volatile. Even small pieces of the metals of the alkalies and alkaline earths, placed at the poles of an induction apparatus, through which electric sparks were passed, gave the same spectra as their salts.

Hence it appears that the bright lines of these spectra may be regarded as an unfailing proof of the presence of the metals in question, and may serve as tests by which these substances may be detected with far greater rapidity and exactness, and in much smaller quantities, than by any other method. To ensure success it is necessary that the slit in the brass plate should be of such width as to allow of only the most distinct of the dark lines of the solar spectrum being visible; that the magnifying power of the observing telescope should not be greater than four; and that the strength of the light should be rather considerable. Otherwise, many of the lines would split up into several and become less distinct.

That this poisonous agent has been sometimes administered to horses by grooms for the purpose of making their skin smooth, there can be no kind of doubt. The only question is as to the results. It may be safely affirmed that no veterinary surgeon Sodium only shows one intense yellow line corresponding with approves of the practice, and that the effect is injurious rather than Fraunhofer's line D. In the room in which the observation was beneficial. Two young men were brought up before Lord Camp-made, and which contained sixty cubic metres of air, one-twentieth bell at the Norfolk Summer Assizes, but three or four years since, of a grain of chlorate of sodium was deflagrated with milk-sugar at a for having killed four horses, the property of Mrs. Mitchell, of spot as far as possible removed from the apparatus. After a few Culford, by foolishly administering arsenic to them. Dr. Alfred minutes the flame became yellow, and gave a spectrum exhibiting Taylor states that he is frequently called upon to examine the one very distinct yellow line, which lasted for ten minutes. From viscera of horses destroyed in the same way. It is well known the weight of the salt employed, and the cubic contents of the that donkeys are frequently killed in Cornwall simply by feed- room, and the known amount of air consumed by the lamp in one ing upon the vegetation adjacent to large arsenic works. The second, which was the time requisite for making an observation, poison becomes deposited upon thistles and other plants of a it was calculated that less than the two-hundred-millionth part similar nature of which these animals are very fond, and which, of a grain of any sodium-salt could be detected by this method. from their irregular surfaces, do not admit of being washed clean The inconceivable delicacy of this re-action explains why a by the rain. The so-called fatness that results in horses from the flame burning in atmospheric air seldom fails to give the sodium use of arsenic has been declared by great authorities to be simply re-action. More than two-thirds of the earth are covered with a a puffing up of the cellular tissue. Animals thus affected sweat solution of chloride of sodium (common salt), which, being con tinually lashed into the finest spray, evaporates in the air, leaving upon the slightest exertion. excessively small residues that are rendered visible in the sunbeam. These minute particles, probably, serve to convey to minute organisms the salts which larger plants and animals derive from the earth;-they may also have considerable influence iu checking the spread of miasma, owing to their antiseptic properties.

The injurious effects which must result from the publication of such statements as those of Professor Johnston and Mr. Boner must now be apparent to all. Arsenic eating, should it be attempted, can only end in disease and death; and the belief that the habit is practised may interfere very considerably with the course of justice in cases of wilful murder.


MM. KIRCHHOF and BUNSEN have recently published a highly interesting paper on Spectrum-Analysis." It is well known that many substances, when brought into a colourless flame, have the property of producing certain bright lines in the spectrum. A flame admirably suited to this purpose is given by a lamp invented by M. Bunsen, in which a mixture of coal-gas and atmospheric air is burned. The most distinct lines are produced by flames which have the highest temperature and the least illuminating


In making the experiments, great care was taken to procure chemically pure salts.

The apparatus employed in making the observations consists of a box, blackened inside, and of the form of a trapezium, of which the two oblique sides, forming an angle of 580 deg., are furnished with two small telescopes. The ocular lens of one of these is removed, and replaced by a brass plate pierced with a narrow slit, which must be exactly in the focus of the objective lens. The lamp in which the different substances are burned is placed opposite the slit, so that the edge of the flame corresponds with the axis of the telescope-tube. Between the two objective glasses, in the interior of the box, a hollow glass prism, filled with bisulphide of carbon, is fixed on a brass plate movable about a vertical axis. Thus the whole spectrum can be brought before the object-glass of the observing telescope, across the field of which a vertical line is stretched; and, by a simple contrivance, the observer is enabled to measure the relative distance between the lines of the spectrum.

Before proceeding further, it may be as well to call to mind the appearance of the solar spectrum. When a ray of white light is passed through a prism of flint-glass it is split up into a variety of rays, of which the least refrangible are the red rays, succeeded by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet rays, which last are the most refrangible. If, however, the spectrum be observed through a telescope placed immediately behind the prism, it will be found that it is crossed, at right angles to its length, by a great number of dark lines, varying in breadth and intensity. These lines were discovered by a German physicist, in 1814, and named, after him, "Fraunhofer's linos." He discovered more than 600 of them, and designated the most striking, from the red to the violet, by the letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h.

To return to the spectra produced by various metals :-different kinds of flame, of greatly varying temperature and chemical nature, have no influence on their spectra, which are invariably

• Pogg. Anu. cx. 161; Phil. Mag. J. 4th Ser. xx. 89,

Lithium shows two lines in the spectrum,-one a pale yellow, and the other a brilliant red. By the method above given, which was in all cases employed for testing the delicacy of the re-actions, three twenty-millionths of a grain of carbonate of lithium was detected. By this means it has been discovered that this rare base is one of the most widely-diffused substances in nature, although occurring in very minute quantities. The authors have detected it in sea-water, in orthoclass and quartz from the Odenwald, in many spring-waters, in the ashes of tobacco, vine-leaves, and grapes, and in the ash of human muscle and blood.

Potassium gives a very extended continuous spectrum, which, however, only exhibits two characteristic lines; the one is red, and corresponds to Fraunhofer's line 4, which is situated in the ultra-red rays of the solar spectrum; the other is blue, and situated far in the violet rays. On this account the re-action is less delicate than the preceding, but three two-hundred-thousandths of a grain of potassium-salt can nevertheless be detected.

Strontium.-The spectra of the alkaline earths are much less simple than those of the alkalis. The strontium-spectrum contains eight distinct lines, viz.,-six red, corresponding to the red rays of the solar spectrum, and diminishing in intensity towards the yellow; one orange, and one blue line, corresponding respec tively to the orange and blue of the solar spectrum. The blue line is very characteristic of this spectrum; about nine ten-millionths of a grain of chloride of strontium are sufficient for the re-action. The Calcium spectrum is immediately distinguished from the preceding; first, by an intense and highly-characteristic green line, situated between the green and yellow of the solar spectrum; secondly, by a vivid orange line, which lies much farther towards the red end of the spectrum than the sodium line. Faint yell lines are also visible. About nine ten-millionths of a grain of chloride of calcium may thus be detected.

The Barium spectrum is the most complicated of all the spectra that have been examined. It may be recognised by two very intense and one less intense green lines, situated in the green of the solar spectrum. The delicacy of the re-action amounts t three two-hundred-thousandths of a grain of chloride of barium.

Among other tests applied to this method of analysis, a mixture of chlorides of potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, strontium, and barium, containing at most one five-hundredth of a grain of each substance, was placed in the flame and observed. The in tensely yellow sodium line was the first to appear, on a back. ground of feebly continuous spectrum. As this began to grow pale, the intensely red lithium line was developed, and further still from the sodium line, the duller red potassium line. At this period the most intense of the green barium lines became visible. All these lines now gradually faded away, as if in a dissolving view, and were succeeded by the orange and green calcium-lines, and the red, orange, and blue strontium-lines.

Hence spectrum-analysis affords a method by which the metals of the alkalis and alkaline earths may be detected with the greatest rapidity and precision, and in inconceivably, small quantities, and will prove most useful as a means of ascertaining the diffusion and arrangement of these metals in geological formations. At the same time any variations in the spectrum will give indications of new metals, hitherto unknown. Indeed, the authors feel justified in asserting that they have in this manner discovered a new alkali, giving a spectrum which is as simple as that of lithium, being formed of two blue lines.

But the application of spectrum-analysis does not cease here. For since by this method it is only necessary to see the incandescent gases which have to be analyzed, it may easily be imagined that the same method may be employed with the atmospheres of the sun and of the brighter fixed stars. It has been shown, on certain theoretical considerations, that the spectrum of an incandescent gas is reversed, i.e. the bright lines are turned to dark, when behind the same a source of light is brought of sufficient intensity to yield of itself a continous spectrum. Hence it may be concluded that the solar spectrum is nothing else than the reverse of the spectrum which the atmosphere of the sun would show of itself; in which case it would be necessary only to find those substances which, on being introduced into the flame, exhibit bright lines corresponding with the dark lines of the solar spectrum.

shock to come from a great distance. But such is not always the truth. From the materials accumulated, M. Perrey has endeavoured to determine a mean direction of the various earthquakes which have occurred within certain geographical limits, particularly in Europe; and some of the mean directions appear to correspond nearly with the direction of the river valleys of the districts concerned. More and more accurate observations will doubtless enable us to arrive at a determinate view of the direction of the


The area of what may be pronounced a great earthquake may be assumed as an average circle having a radius of six hundred miles; the area of a small earthquake may be a circle whose radius is not more than twenty miles. In general, a considerable area is shaken by each considerable shock; these are less frequent than the small shocks, which are very common.

One phenomenon is manifest, namely, that the greatest intensity of disturbance is everywhere identical with the lines of the greatest activity of volcanic action; but a great number of smaller earthquakes seem to have no reference to known volcanoes. Mr. Mallet, indeed, propounds an opinion that "an earthquake in a non-volcanic region may be viewed as an incomplete effort to establish a volcano." Generally the opinion of investigators tends to the intimate connexion of earthquakes with volcanic action. Another similar fact is that the direction of earthquakes has a

The authors propose to communicate the results of their experi- reference to heighbouring mountain chains and coast lines. ments in this direction on a future occasion.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF EARTHQUAKES. THB are few natural phenomena which might at first sight appear to be more under the random rule of chance than earthquakes. Still, even these, apparently the most wayward of all natural occurrences, are doubtless governed, like all things else, by definite laws; and, within the last few years, very careful researches have been instituted with a view to the discovery of the nature of these laws.

Two philosophers, in particular, have devoted much attention to this subject. In England, Mr. Mallet began a few years since to collect and systematize all the accounts of the phenomena of earthquakes which he could discover. These accounts, in a detailed and somewhat tabular form, are to be found in the Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1850, 1851, 1854, and 1858. They come down to the year 1842. M. Perrey, a professor of Dijon, has collected and published similar accounts, coming down to 1850. The two tabular catalogues thus published by these philosophers constitute an extraordinary monument of industrious research, since they commence with the date 1606 B.C., and thus range over no less than three thousand five hundred and fifty-six years.

Of course, the notices thus accumulated are in many instances incomplete, this being especially the case with those having reference to the remoter dates. Still, these catalogues present a sufficient number of reliable particulars to warrant certain very important and highly interesting general inferences.

What is an earthquake, philosophically speaking? This is not answered without considerable research, and the very simplicity of our reply is the product of a large induction.

An earthquake is an undulating motion of the earth at the locality where it takes effect, corresponding to the motion in water when a part of it is suddenly raised or depressed. As in such cases the motion or wave thus produced may be continued to the margin of the containing vessel without the water being moved sideways, so with the earthquake's motion, or wave, as it is convenient to name it. Generally, if from any cause an elastic surface is raised by a force from beneath, a wave of this nature is produced, and the surface rises and falls over a gradually increasing circle; but the magnitude of the wave diminishes continually as the diameter of the area of extension increases.

Is there any predominant direction of an earthquake in its course? It has such a predominant direction, notwithstanding the apparent chance-like effects of its violence. It would appear that the shocks are not felt so far in some one direction as in some other. That direction in which they are most felt may be termed the length of the earthquake; and that in which they are least felt, its breadth. They do not of necessity emanate from the direction which they assume at any one part of their course, since at that part the earthquake-wave may have been broken, and may therefore appear to have come from another centre than that from which it really does come. Did we possess more numerous observations and comparisons of the same earthquake in different places, we might pronounce upon the matter of direction more clearly than we can now pronounce, but observations have been very few, and we can only say that the source of the disturbing action has been approached to in some instances, and has been found to be sometimes more distant and sometimes less so than the nature of the shock had seemed to intimate. Common opinion would presume every great shock to come from a near source, and every lesser

The kinds of disturbance caused by earthquakes are all such as are attributable to violence in larger or smaller areas, and are in conformity with the elastic or inelastic character of the surface. Inelastic rocks are cracked; surface rocks are broken or overturned; buildings of all dimensions are thrown down; rivers have their courses changed, or are exhausted in open fissures; jets of water or gas may arise from newly-formed crevices. If the action is energetic at the bottom of the sea, aqueous waves like the terrestrial waves may be occasioned. The waters of the sea may rush in upon the land, greatly above their ordinary level, or they may withdraw far back beyond the usual low-water mark. All these phenomena have accompanied earthquakes, but not all of them one earthquake. Rumblings and seeming crashings, caused by the collisions and displacements of rocks beneath the ground, have been heard. Animals and human beings are peculiarly affected by atmospheric conditions, or sensible movements attendant upon great shocks, or antecedent to them, and it is found that such signs are not the less dreaded by those who live in countries where they are frequently manifested. Frequency does not diminish fear, but undiminished terror seizes the inhabitants of countries subject to violent shocks at every new one. Humboldt describes his sensations upon feeling the vibrations of an earthquake. He remarks that the principal cause of fear and dread is the sudden destruction of all one's habitual feeling of security, arising from the swaying and rocking of things around which are at all other times immoveable.

There appear to be different sorts of earthquakes, in their character as well as in their effects. Sometimes a single vibration terminates the whole. At other times a series of vibrations continues for hours or even days, with intervals of quietude, and occasionally has extended through weeks. Then, furthermore, some undulations merely heave the ground upwards and downwards in one locality, or produce the same effect at many places on the earth's surface in a certain direction. There are earthquakes which consist of a sudden upheaval without undulation, and resemble the explosion of a coal mine. Others combine the direct upheaval with the advancing wave, and the result is a peculiar twist like that of a vessel in a cross sca. This latter kind is commonly very destructive to human life and human works.

In viewing the area of disturbance upon a large surface, we find its shape to be rather oval than circular, and the longer axis of this oval is generally parallel with the lines of elevation enclosing the great oceanic basins of the earth's surface, whatever the character of such basins, and whether bounded by land above the present level of the sea, or simply by submarine shoals and rocks rising from the floor of the ocean. It is inferred that all the great earthquakes take place along such lines of elevation, and that in the ratio of the distance of the disturbance from them, is the intensity of the disturbance itself. Yet the spaces enclosed within these lines of elevation, whether superaqueous or subaqueous, are commonly free from disturbance, and destructive shocks never occur within these limits.

It is natural that we should inquire whether the rate at which the earthquake-wave is propagated through the earth can be conjectured. Doubtless it could be conjectured, and that with some approach to certainty, if the medium through which it is propagated were uniform in its degree of elasticity. But the materials of the medium are infinitely variable in elasticity, density, and hardness, Some of the component parts are dense and tough, others open and porous; some consist of solid masses, some of varying beds of very different consistence; and the thicknesses of these several components are so irregular, that no two points of similarity can be found in these respects over a large space of the earth's surface,

Any earthquake-wave, therefore, which originates in one kind of
rock, must necessarily in its progress encounter a variety of
different materials, and thus become broken up into numerous
minor waves, each of which may pursue its own course, and
itself become subject to subdivision from a like cause; and in
this manner the whole effect may be infinitesimally divided, and
finally destroyed.
* Still, it has been found possible to calculate the rate of the earth-
wave's propagation on a very large scale, and in particular
instances, where several observations of the same movement have
been recorded, with tolerable accuracy. In the earthquake of
Lisbon, in 1755, the rate of motion of the wave was sixteen miles a
minute, as a general average from seventeen observations recorded
at distances varying from thirty to a hundred miles, and this
general rate nearly accorded with each of the particular seventeen
cases. But in the second great earthquake of Lisbon, in 1761,
which was felt equally widely, but not, it seems, through a larger
area, the rate was thirty-four miles a minute according to seven
observations. In the earthquake in California, în 1857, felt for a
distance of two hundred and fifty miles from San Francisco, and
carefully observed in five places, the rate was only between six
and seven miles per minute, From these instances it is manifest
that the rate in various cases differs very considerably.

It is practicable to arrange the districts most subject to earth quakes in a topographical list, and to attach to them the number of recorded disturbances. An abstract of the results already obtained is herewith subjoined.

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The greatest centre of terrestrial disturbances, numerically regarded, is the Italian Peninsula and the adjacent islands; and it is universally known that this district is most remarkable for its volcanic eruptions in Etna and Vesuvins. The most fear. ful and calamitous disturbances on record (except, perhaps, Lisbon, etc.) have been originated in this centre; the origin being proved by the direct vertical action of the shock in one spot. Immediately above its place of origin the advance of the earthwave is not so definite as to indicate its general direction, From what we have already said the intimate connexion between volcanic and earthquake action will be clearly seen; and as we propose to bring before our readers on some future occasion the most recent and best defined views of the savans respecting volcanoes, we shall not pursue the coincidence of the one dis turbance with the other any further in the present article. In a future paper we may endeavour to establish the general truths which may now be briefly stated as follows:

The subterranean disturbing force shows itself either in volcanic or earthquake phenomena, in accordance with the facility or difficulty of issue. Where an easy opening is formed to the earth's surface, as where the rocks are already broken up, an earthquaka does not happen, but an eruption of a volcanic kind takes place, Where such easy exodus does not exist, the earth is shaker in proportion to the violence of the internal action, the depth of its source, and the elasticity of the material above it.

The frequency of earthquakes may be in part estimated from the records accumulated by M. Perry and Mr. Mallet, particularly from the catalogue of the latter gentlemen, which is the more extensive. These show us that while only 787 earthquakes are mentioned from the earliest period to the close of the seventeenth century, and only 2,804 in the three succeeding centuries, no less than 3,240 are recorded in more or less detail during the half century concluding in 1850. As there are many tracts still unexamined, all the earthquakes happening in this period have certainly not been recorded; therefore we have in the above number a less amount than really took place. We are thus warranted in saying that more than sixty earthquakes have been experienced in every year upon an average. Of this number about one in every eight months has been a great earthquake, or such a one as has reduced to ruins cities and towns, or principal portions of them, and has largely destroyed human life.

Adding the more detailed notices of M. Perrey, the mean annual number of earthquakes recorded with dates in Europe and the adjacent parts, between the years 1833 and 1842, inclusive, was nearly at the rate of thirty-three per annum. Supposing that one-fifth more may have happened which have not been recorded,

A few brief remarks on the above numerical list are all we have the mean annual number is no less than forty, or one in about space for.

It is observable that the British Islands are less liable to disturbance than Scandinavia and Iceland, these two being intimately related. That Iceland is a centre of volcanic action is well known, and hence the number of shocks in it and the related peninsula is not surprising. During the present century there has been, on an average, one shock in every six months in this district, but their destructive effects are not great, and they prin cipally serve to show that the land itself is experiencing a slow but progressive elevation. In Norway the terrestrial commotions are always connected with volcanic movements in Iceland, and relief is thereby obtained immediately, without the disastrous effects of long suppression and subsequent increased action.

every nine days.

That the number of earthquakes occurring within any one period of time is nearly equal had been conjectured by some geologists, but is a fact now nearly established by the beforementioned tables and catalogues. They are, therefore, in a sense periodical, and they recur at something approaching to comparable intervals. Great earthquakes appear to have happened, for some centuries, at intervals of about one hundred years, and groups of several important convulsions occur at intervals of fifty years. Instance the last four hundred years; it is observ. able that the middle and latter part of the sixteenth cen tury were marked by numerous and important earthquakes,many of them very severe,-in China, Europe, and the Atlantic, There were disastrous earthquakes in the middle of the seventeenth century in the basin of the Mediterranean; and the great Jamaica earthquake, besides others of magnitude, eccurred towards the latter end of this century.

In the British Islands the general direction of the earthquake. waves appears to be from south to north, tending more or less to east or west. Mr. Mallett believe this to be in the line of the focus of the Lisbon earthquake and the Canary Islands. But Mr. David Milne supposes that the central point of disturbance is The great Lisbon earthquake happened towards the middle of immediately beneath our island, and at no considerable distance. the eighteenth century, and, afterwards the great Calabrian catasMr. Mallet, however, controverts this not very probable opinion.trophe. During the present century there have been few or none A great number of little shocks have been experienced continually of extreme intensity, yet they may be expected in due course. It for a long period in and around Comrie, Scotland; these, however, would seem that an interval of about a century falls between each are only earth-tremors, and are probably the consequence of of the severest disturbances, and a like period is traceable between rock-fractures below the surface where elevations or depressions others of next inferior energy in each century; these following the are taking place. former at an interval of from thirty to forty years. Near the Spain and Portugal are the seats of extreme intensity of earth time of the great paroxysms of earth-motion, a number of smaller, quake energy. The area disturbed includes part of the bed of the but individually important disturbances, have been, as it were, Atlantic, and extends to the Azores. It is needless to do more gathered into spaces of four or five years; while near to those of than mention the great earthquake at Lisbon. The general direc-secondary importance a considerable number occur during ten tion of the motion here is S. E. by E. to N. W. by W. It alters, however, in the Pyrenees, and approximates to the bearing of the mountain chain, running nearly E. to W.

The direction of the disturbances in Belgium, Holland, and France (exclusive of the Rhone), is principally along the line of the principal valleys containing rivers. In 1839, from January 27th to June 16th, there were experienced at St. Jean de Maurienne, in Savoy, no less than forty-nine shocks, of which number, nine were severe, and the rest moderate or scarely perceptible.

The direction of the earthquakes recorded in the basin of the Rhine, the Rhone, and the Danube, was chiefly that of the river valleys to which they were limited; but the local exceptions were important,

or twelve years.

Judging from the existing records, it would appear that the first, fifth, ninth, twelfth, and eighteenth centuries of the Christian era have been the periods when the disastrous effects of earthquakes have been greatest upon the human race in civilized countries; while the first and second A.C., and the third, seventh, tenth, and fourteenth B.c. of our own era, have been periods of comparative quietude.

There remains one point of inquiry, and that the least developed, and therefore the most difficult, namely, the true theory of earthquake action and origination. This we shall postpone till we come to the consideration of volcanic phenomema, with which it is intimately connected,

SEPL 1860.]


In the preceding remarks are comprised the results of an ample induction of the phenomena of terrestrial disturbance, and more than could have been expressed a few years ago. The two philosophers named deserve much credit for their patient labours and researches.

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