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The wielder (by right he ruleth)
Of the Wain's Road sees me gladly.

Even as the skald Bragi sang:

He who threw the dead eyes

Of Thjazi, Skadi's father,
Into the Winds' Wide Basin

O'er the abodes of men-folk many.

And as Markús sang:

'Tis long since the dear-loved Warder

Of sea-men was born on the wave-girt earth-bottom
Of the Storm-Container; each man praises

The sublime age of the Ring-Dispenser.

Even as Steinn Herdísarson sang:

I sing the holy Ruler

Of the high World-Tent rather
Than men, for very precious
Is He: His praises tell I.

And as Arnórr Earls'-Skald sang:

Help, dear King of Heaven,
The Day's Plain, help my Hermundr.

And as Arnórr sang further:

Soothfast King of the Sun-Tents,
Help stout-hearted Rögnvaldr.

And as Hallvardr sang:

Knútr wards the land, as the Ruler

Of All wards the radiant Fell-Hall.

As Arnórr sang:

Michael, wise of understanding,

Weighs what seems done ill, and good things:
Then the Monarch of the Sun's Helm

At the Doom-Seat parts all mortals.

XXIV. “How should one periphrase the earth? Thus: by calling her Flesh of Ymir, and Mother of Thor, Daughter of Ónarr, Odin's Bride, Co-Wife of Frigg and Rindr and Gunnlöd, Mother-in-law of Sif, Floor and Bottom of the Storm-Hall, Sea of Beasts, Daughter of Night, Sister of Audr and of Day. Even as Eyvindr Skald-Despoiler sang:

Now the beaming gold is hidden

In the body of the Mother
Of the Giants' Foe; the counsels
Of a kindred strong are mighty.

As sang Hallfredr Troublous-Skald:

In council 't was determined

That the King's friend, wise in counsel,
Should wed the Land, sole Daughter
Of Ónarr, greenly wooded.

And he said further:

The Raven-Abode's brave Ruler
Got the broad-faced Bride of Odin,
The Land, with kingly counsels
Of weapons, lured unto him.

Even as Thjódólfr sang:

The Ruler, glad in Warriors,
In the rowed hull doth fasten
The ships of men to the strand's end,
At the head of the sea keel-ridden.

As Hallfredr sang:

Full loath to let the Land slip
I hold the lordly Spear-Prince:
Audr's sister is subjected

To the splendid Treasure-Spender.

Thus sang Thjódólfr :

Far off the dart-slow sluggard
Stood, when the Sword-Inciter
In ancient days took to him
The unripe Co-Wife of Rindr.

XXV. "How should one periphrase the sea? Thus: by calling it Ymir's Blood; Visitor of the Gods; Husband of Rán; Father of Ægir's Daughters, of them who are called Himinglæva, Dúfa, Blódughadda, Hefring, Udr, Hrönn, Bylgja, Bára, Kolga; Land of Rán and of Ægir's Daughters, of Ships and of ships' names, of the Keel, of Beaks, of Planks and Seams, of Fishes, of Ice; Way and Road of

Sea-Kings; likewise Encircler of Islands; House of Sands and of Kelp and of Reefs; Land of Fishing-gear, of SeaFowls, and of Fair Wind. Even as Ormr Barrey's-Skald sang:

On the gravelly beach of good ships.
Grates the Blood of Ymir.

As Refr sang:

The mild deer of the masthead beareth
O'er the murky water from the westward
Her wave-pressed bows; the land I look for
Before the beak; the Whale-Home shallows.

Even as Steinn sang:

When the fallow fell-wall's Whirlwinds
Wove o'er the waves full fiercely,
And Ægir's storm-glad daughters
Tore, of grim frost begotten.

And as Refr sang:

Gymir's wet-cold Spae-Wife
Wiles the Bear of Twisted Cables
Oft into Ægir's wide jaws,

Where the angry billow breaketh.

It is said here that Ægir and Gymir are both the same.

And he sang further:

And the Sea-Peak's Sleipnir slitteth
The stormy breast rain-driven,

The wave, with red stain running
Out of white Rán's mouth.

As Einarr Skúlason sang:

The stern snow-wind has thrust out
With strength, the ship from landward:
The Swan-Land's steed sees Iceland
Into the surf receding.

[blocks in formation]
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