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ROM time to time we have quoted the opinions of
insurance experts as to the dangers resulting to
property from the use of electricity, but we have seldom
struck anything more terse and vigorous than the utter-
ances of Mr. Francis W. Whiting, manager of the New
York Tariff Association, while in Boston a few days ago.
That gentleman says of electricity :

"Before its almost universal use, insurance companies made

money, leaving out the years of the Chicago and Boston fires. The

insurance business prior to the extensive use of electricity had

been conducted at a profit. You will notice that the people who

burn are not the bad element. They are people who don't want

to burn, so that the moral hazard feature is not a very important

factor in the fire loss. We are losing by fire the very choicest risks,

risks we made money upon at one time. What burns them? In-

vestigate, and you will find in almost every important case it is

the concealed wire. One thing to be observed in support of this

is that the fires which start from 'unknown' causes are becoming

remarkably common, and not in property which underwriters

would class as bad risks. The evidence of the distrust placed upon

concealed electric wires is demonstrated by the charge made in

the universal mercantile schedule against the use of electric


We need not wonder that after such a deliverance, Mr.

Whiting should declare that he knew of no remedy but

to abolish the use of electricity. It is a great pity he can-

not be accommodated. It would be much easier to abolish

Canute Partington Whiting.

But the matter is one to be taken altogether seriously,

and since our insurance friends insist that the increase in

rates is wholly due to the growing use of electricity, we

will state one simple case which shows the absurdity and

hollowness of their contention. One of the editors of THE

ELECTRICAL ENGINEER lives in a large apartment house

uptown in New York. It is wholly residential property,

has no stores under it or near it, and faces two sides on open

park. It has never had a single electric light in it, and the

nearest street electric light circuit is a full block away.

Last year, the insurance on furniture, etc., secured by this

member of our staff was at the rate of 15 cents per $100,

through a broker. This year, the rate demanded and paid

is 70 cents per $100, although a slight saving of 15 per

cent. discount has been effected by dealing direct with the

insuring company. Such a case as this, of which all the

documentary evidence is in our possession, shows that

while it may have been necessary for the companies to get.

better rates, electricity has nothing to do with it. We

suggest to Mr. Whiting that if he values his reputation as

a shrewd and conservative man, it is time he drew in with

an apology the absurd remarks he made as quoted above,

and gave electricians the benefit of his advice and assist-

ance in rendering absolutely safe the best light and power

now known to man.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

the production of a single-phase motor designed to operate on the ordinary two-wire circuits, and, indeed, a number of such are already in operation abroad on quite heavy work. For those who are working at this problem, the work of Mr. Tesla in this field, illustrated in the present issue, will prove of interest. This far-seeing inventor early recognized the demand which would arise for a motor adapted to be run on two wires, and hence turned his attention to the methods for creating a local difference of phase by the introduction of inductive, as well as noninductive, devices. The wonderful flexibility of the alternating current is nowhere better shown than in the variety of methods here employed for accomplishing the same common object.


THE suit of the Government for the annulment of the Berliner telephone patent is again receiving attention in the electrical press and in the daily newspapers. Reports are alleged that the case against the Bell Company has made but little progress, and apprehensions are expressed that this suit may be protracted over a period of many years, like the old suit against the Bell patent. We have good reason to say that both the reports and apprehensions are unfounded. The taking of testimony in the case has gone forward with reasonable diligence and there seems to be no reason to doubt that the case will be ready for argument in May next. We are advised that the defendant, the Bell Telephone Company, is even pressing the other side for dispatch in furthering the completion of the proofs. The Bell Company may well be desirous of bringing the suit to an issue as early as possible. In the suit to annul the Bell patent its interests were all for delay, the patent having been adjudicated and infringers enjoined. In the Berliner case the interests of the Bell Company are obviously for an early decision. The Berliner patent has not only never been adjudicated, but the circumstances of its issue after fourteen years delay in the Patent Office afford an additional presumption against the likelihood of injunctions under it pending the final determination of the Government suit.

TAXATION BY FREE PASSES. TROLLEY roads that are feeling the pressure of the times might do worse than imitate the example set by the Consolidated Traction Company of Newark and the South Orange and Newark Railroad Company, which are to withdraw all free passes in Newark on and after January 1, so that only policemen and firemen in uniform will be able to take free rides. It appears that these companies have out at least 1,000 passes. If used but once a day, these passes represent a loss to the companies of $18,250 per annum in fares. The probability is that such use as that would be rather the minimum than the maximum; but even if the companies netted only half the amount it would be a substantial addition to their incomes. They could appropriate it in extra dividends, or if philanthropic, raise salaries and give the public a few extra facilities. As a matter of fact, the free pass granted so indiscriminately as to show a list of 1,000 "deadhead" street car travelers on two trolley roads in a city like Newark, would indicate that a similarly judicious reform could be instituted elsewhere.


THE QUESTION OF CAR BRAKES. THE recent animated discussion in our pages on the desirability of some better method of car control has received a noteworthy contribution in an accident that occurred at Troy, N. Y., on December 28. It appears that a car on the Troy City line got away from the motorBrakes were applied, but although the wheels ceased their revolution they skidded and the car went on with increasing momentum. The sand box was freely used and other sand thrown on the track, but to no avail. There was nothing left for the passengers but to jump out. One lady in doing so broke her leg. The motorman stuck bravely to his post on the car, which, after knocking over a fire alarm pole and breaking off at its base a telephone pole, plunged headlong against a building which it shook violently and with a great noise. The car was smashed to pieces, and the motorman was so badly injured that he may not recover. Had not the car butted the building at the foot of the hill, it would have committed suicide in the Hudson just beyond.

It would seem that this was a casualty that might have been avoided. It should have been possible to reverse the motor instantly, and run up hill. This was not done, probably because it could not be done with the brakes jammed. As a rule, the brakes on street cars are none too good; but even when they are at their best, such accidents happen. That better, or additional, means of control are

needed is obvious.

Electrical Canal Propulsion.


We have received from the New York Produce Exchange a copy of the report made recently by its Committee on Canals, of which Mr. G. W. Balch is chairman. It is an able document and proves once more how great is the value of the Erie Canal to the State of New York. A ready explanation of the desire to improve the Erie Canal facilities is furnished by the statement that in handling a cargo of 90,000 bushels of wheat, a Lake vessel from Duluth to Buffalo, would earn $2,025, while the canal boats from Buffalo to New York-half the mileage-would receive $4,275. The committee approves the deepening of the canal, and speaks most favorably of efforts to apply electrical propulsion. Steam, it says, has been far more economical than the mule, but "it is doubtful if its use can be economized to an extent sufficient to fully meet the requirements." The committee wisely urges the canal boat owners to lend their support to all methods aiming at improvement, and plainly informs them that their prosperity can only come with improved conditions of propulsion.

The Work of Joseph Henry.

Two years ago we had the pleasure of laying before our readers a very interesting series of articles by Miss Mary Henry on the work of her father, Joseph Henry. Since that time, the name of our great countryman has been adopted for one of the new units, thanks, in some degree, to this filial work. Encouraged by the reception of her first series, Miss Henry begins in our present issue a second series devoted especially to her father's work on the electromagnet and the electro-magnetic telegraph. Prof. John Trowbridge, of Harvard, has kindly written a brief introduction.




ENGINEERS in America have had no experience in actual commercial conditions of parallel working with alternators. This is partly because the machines which have been made in that country do not work so well as some others in parallel. In the case of the transmission from Niagara Falls my opinion is that parallel working will give the best results. If this arrangement were not adopted it is obvious that when the dynamos are loaded up as much as possible they could never be all fully loaded. It is also quite obvious that if our conductors are to be carried through subways the space required becomes quite excessive unless we adopt parallel working. The complete success of parallel working between Tivoli and Rome left no doubt as to the feasibility, besides the desirability, of adopting parallel working. The reduction in frequency which we have made assists very considerably in this result, and it says much for the American manufacturer who has received the contract that, although parallel working with multiphase machines has not been adopted in the past, he is ready to guarantee the performance in this respect of the machines which are to be built for us.

The rules which govern the construction of machines which shall work well in parallel are not very clearly understood. The only fact which has been perfectly established in practice is that the lower the frequency, the more efficient and sure is the parallel working. It certainly depends to some extent upon the amount of self-induction and the amount of mechanical momentum in the machines. It is also certain that if the self-induction of the machines is too high they will not work well in parallel. Of all machines which have been constructed, those which work the best in parallel appear to be those of Ganz & Co., Mordey, and Elwell Parker, but there are many others which do extremely well. It is, at present, not possible to state exactly the conditions which are necessary, but I may say that, generally, a machine with a stiff magnetic field works better than one where the iron is far below magnetic saturation. In judging whether a machine of a particular type will or will not work in parallel, I think one must be generally guided largely by one's own personal experience in the matter, combined with a knowledge of the effects of selfinduction, mechanical momentum, and magnetic saturation as deduced from theoretical considerations. I do not think that anyone who knows anything of the working of the Tivoli-Rome plant would for a moment hesitate in saying that on a large and important station like that of Niagara Falls parallel working is essential; and this is the opinion of Prof. Mengarini, who has so ably directed the works at Rome.


Under this section it may be as well to discuss some of the different purposes for which the electric current will be required. With regard to arc and incandescent lighting, if the frequency be high enough, the current can be used directly for this purpose; although most people would prefer that, in the case of arc lighting, the current should be commutated or converted in some manner, so as to give a continuous current. That this is unnecessary, however, is amply proved by the perfect success of the arc lighting by alternating currents in Rome and many other large cities, especially those which have been established by Messrs. Ganz & Co. At the present time, one of the largest applications of electricity in the United States is for street railways, which require a continuous current. Another similar purpose which we shall have to consider is the application to canal boats, since it is intended to work the Erie Canal by electricity. This canal starts from the Niagara River, and reaches the Hudson River at Albany, 350 miles distant. For these purposes some sort of commutator or motor transformer will be desirable. Some of the first work which will be done is the supply of much direct current at 150 volts for the production of aluminum. This also requires the continuous current, and similar means must be used for obtaining it. Among the large class of mills which will be established at Niagara Falls, one of the most important kind is wood pulp mills, one of which is already working on our land, and will be the first to receive water-power from our canal. This type of mill uses many thousands of horse-power, and is worked continuously day and night. In this feature it resembles, probably, a large number of the mills which will take advantage of the cheap power at Niagara Falls. Such mills are working continuously day and night, and do not require to be ever stopped or reversed. This is an important class of work in our case, because current can be supplied to such mills by means of synchronizing alternators whose efficiency is extremely high, and this may, perhaps, be done in some cases without transformers. We require also to consider the case of small motors for use in shops, and for elevators, cranes, and a large number of other purposes. In this type of motor frequent stoppings and reversals are necessary. Hitherto direct-current motors have generally been employed for this latter purpose, but the rotating-phase induction motors are distinctly suitable, and when these have been fully

developed they will probably be largely used for this purpose. The commutated current is a thing which is sure to be in common use before long, and although our arrangements at Niagara Falls are perfectly complete without a machine for this purpose, still its employment has been considered by us, and the probability of its future use has influenced our judgment in some points. There are so many purposes for which the direct current is most convenient, that people would generally accept it for transmission if it were capable of being economically transformed up and down to different pressures. The direct-current dynamo is really an alternating dynamo with a commutator placed upon it. If the commutator, instead of being placed there, be placed in the neighborhood of the motor, we obtain most of the advantages both of the continuous and of the alternating current. This is one of the advantages of having two phases generated by the dynamo, because it is much easier to rectify a two-phase current than a single-phase current, In addition to the motors above specified, there are a large number of single-phase motors which start with a powerful torque which have been invented by different electricians, but which are not yet put upon the market. There are also machines with commutators like a directcurrent dynamo with laminated field. These all become very efficient and useful when the frequency of alternations is sufficiently diminished.


A great deal of attention has been given to the different methods by which current can be conveyed to the points of consumption, whether on our own property or at Buffalo, or even further. Naturally the pole line was first dealt with, in which the poles might be constructed of either wood or iron. This is the cheapest type of construction, and has some advantages, but we must consider the climatic conditions in the neighborhood of Niagara Falls. We are subject there to severe thunderstorms, and troubles from lightning have already been serious in several parts of the United States in connection with electrical machinery. Snow and frost are very severe, and sleet forming upon the wires and insulators may cause a great amount of trouble. There are also at times very violent gales sweeping from over Lake Erie. All these difficulties can be counteracted to some extent, but it is nearly certain that with overhead construction occasions would arise when the continuity of operations would be interrupted, and this would be a very serious matter. The next system to be considered in order of cost would be underground cables, but I am strongly opposed to the adoption of these for any considerable length. It is true we are able to deal with their capacity so as to reduce its injurious effects, but surely the best plan of all is to abolish the capacity itself as far as possible. The most satisfactory method of proceeding is to build a subway of sufficient size to enable a person to walk along it and to carry bare copper_conductors in it, but this a matter of considerable expense. I am glad. however, to be able to inform you that the officers of the company resolved last summer that a subway such as I have described should be constructed from the power-house up to the Pittsburgh Reduction Company's works, where aluminum is to be produced, a distance of 2,500ft. In accordance with their instructions I prepared plans, which give space enough to carry the conductors at 20,000 volts for all the power that will be developed by the present tunnel, parallel working being adopted. The subway is built of concrete having a minimum thickness of 10in. The height inside is 5ft. 6in. Wooden beams are embedded in the concrete on both sides every 30ft. When the concrete is set these beams are removed, and iron castings for supporting the brackets that hold the insulators are put in their place, and these are then grouted in. Iron brackets are bolted to these castings, and the oil insulators placed upon them. We shall probably adopt copper strip conductors. The bottom of the subway is always on an incline, and is of curved shape to drain off any water of condensation, but it is also proposed to force air through the subway so as to keep it dry. The 2,500ft. now being completed is all drained at the powerhouse end by a boring into a water bearing stratum. At the bottom of the subway the concrete is formed in two steps, the lower one of which supports sleepers for a very light tramway upon which a truck can run to carry supplies, and also to carry the inspector. At first this can be moved by a hand lever, but arrangements are made for eventually driving it by electricity, the conductor being carried on the floor, between the stringers (placed on the ties or sleepers), which form a platform running along the length of the subway. On the stringers outside the rails is placed a screen separating, mechanically and electrically, the part of the subway where the conductors are from the part where the inspectors walk. This screen is formed in 10ft. lengths of wood supporting expanded metal, covered over with plaster up to a height of within one foot of the top, the upper part being left open in the form of a network, through which the inspector can look at the conductors and their supports. These screens are held by iron supports fixed by expanding bolts into the concrete, and can easily be removed. The top of the arch is 3ft. below the surface of the ground, so that it will not be affected by frost. According to the last report, it appears that on October 21st 1,590ft. of this subway had been completed; the total length being put down at present is 2,500ft. Each of the iron castings has a wire attached to it

which passes through the concrete, and is soldered to a copper wire running outside the subway along its whole length, and connected to a plate sunk in the water at any suitable points. At every 400ft. cross streets will be made, and at these points there is a manhole. Also at these points, on each side of the subway, four drain pipes, 3in. in diameter, are let in, closed at their outer ends. When the subway is to be tapped for use on the side streets, or for intermediate points, wires can be laid through these pipes. Between Niagara Falls and Buffalo there is very little rock, but the part where the subway has now passed through has been chiefly in rock. This involved blasting out a channel larger than was required. In this case the part of the trench outside of the subway has been built up of stone. In the construction of this subway American Portland cement has been used, and a very suitable sand from the neighborhood, which contains its own gravel. The whole of this work has been done by Mr. Humbert, and up to the date of my last inspection every part was thoroughly and satisfactorily done. This work is of great importance as conveying to the minds of those who intend to use our power some idea of the desire to ensure continuous working.

With regard to the electric pressure that is to be used for distant transmission, this will undoubtedly advance with experience. Some manufacturers in Europe who tendered for the work proposed to adopt 25,000 volts; but we have considered that at present 20,000 volts is not likely to be exceeded by us, and we may work at a lower pressure at the commencement. When it is remembered that the Deptford machines have one terminal connected with the earth, and are working satisfactorily at 10,000 volts, and when it is noticed that, in consequence, our work would be under exactly the same conditions as regards insulation when working at 20,000 volts, it is easy to see that we are not risking anything experimental in our first work.

With regard to the size of conductors, I worked out the economical size at different current densities for the whole distance. In doing this I took the following data:-I took the cost of copper at 12 cents per lb., and the annual charge on this cost at 5 per cent. I then computed the power loss in the line, and the amount of power which was left available for delivery. I took the value of this power at the distant end of the line as being $15 per horsepower. This is something more than what it costs us to produce it, but when the power available from our tunnel is nearly all consumed this quantity will have to be increased. It must also be remembered that I have not allowed for the increased size of the conductors required by the retardation of phase, which is an unknown quantity. Still, it will be seen that from these considerations we may be able to work economically at a slightly higher current density than is obtained from this investigation. From this work it appears that the most economical density to work at is 350 amperes per square inch. If this density is used the fall in volts between Niagara Falls and the northern boundary of Buffalo is only 31⁄2 per cent. -a matter which makes regulation extremely easy.

With regard to the efficiency of the system, it is remarkable how high the efficiency of the dynamos comes out when we are dealing with the large units of 5,000 h. p. There can be but little doubt that the efficiency, electrical and mechanical, of our dynamos may reach at least 98 per cent. Taking off 3%1⁄2 per cent. for losses on the line, we would have 94%1⁄2 per cent. delivered electrically at Buffalo if no transformers were required to raise the electric pressure to the full 20,000 volts. In cases at Buffalo, where the power consumed is very large, the motor can be constructed on the same principles as the dynamo; and if in this case it be ever possible to work at the full pressure without a transformer, it is obvious that the total efficiency of the system-that is, the power delivered by the motor to the shaft of the machinery, divided by the power delivered by the shaft of the turbines to the dynamowill be certainly over 90 per cent. As a matter of fact, if we were to use a higher density of current, and were to use step up transformers at Niagara Falls and step-down transformers at the northern boundary of Buffalo, and other step-down transformers in the town of Buffalo itself, and were to use motors of small power, and consequently of less efficiency, in this case the total efficiency of the plant might be reduced to 80 per cent., or even lower.

I have given these figures not as indicating precisely the lines on which we have determined to work at Buffalo, but because the present paper is intended to embrace the subject of the general distribution of power, and I thought it desirable to lay before you certain facts in this connection in a definite form.


Under this heading I shall deal chiefly with the type of dynamo which has been finally decided upon. It will suffice to say of the turbines that they are each of 5,000 h. p., that they revolve at 250 revolutions per minute, and were designed by Messrs. Faesch and Piccard, of Geneva. All the principal parts of this machinery were constructed by the I. P. Morris Company, of Philadelphia, but the governors of the turbines are of Swiss manufacture, and part of the steel fittings were constructed in France.

With regard to the dynamo, the Cataract Construction Company at first invited many different manufacturers in Europe and America to submit plans. The number of these that were

submitted altogether amounts to 24, some of the manufacturers having taken a great deal of trouble to submit a series of designs, in order to be able to meet different requirements. Many of these designs were extremely good; but it was determined, after estimating the increased cost of using the European designs, owing to the high tariff in America, and owing to transport, to have the machines manufactured in America. Among the designs from American manufacturers there were none which fulfilled all the requirements of the case, and eventually the Cataract Construction Company decided to get out their own designs, and to submit them to the American manufacturers for tender. I had been for some time previously engaged in working out a design which I am confident none of the manufacturers who had sent in designs could say was in any way borrowed from their ideas. We had received suggestions of an external armature with internal revolving fields, and also of external fixed fields and internal revolving armature. We naturally had a preference for a dynamo with a fixed armature, because the coils can be more securely wound, and are not subjected to the mechanical stresses induced by centrifugal force. But all the designs with revolving fields which had been submitted to us contained a weak feature: the field coils were held in by pole faces secured by bolts or keys to the poles, and this seemed an element of weakness when we considered the enormous centrifugal forces to which the machinery would be subjected. At the same time the turbine makers had insisted upon having a certain momentum, or fly-wheel effect, which was not given by the revolving parts of any of the dynamos submitted to us, and it was found that if anyone of these had been accepted it would have been necessary to add to the design a fly-wheel of large dimensions. Centrifugal force was one of the most important matters to be considered, because at 250 revolutions per minute this force assumes considerable magnitude in the large masses with which we had to deal. Moreover, in all the designs which had been submitted, the magnetic pull between the poles and the iron of the armature assisted the centrifugal force. The principal feature of the design upon which I was working, consisted in having the armature fixed, and inside the machines, with the fields revolving outside; the fields being formed of a ring of iron with the poles projecting radially inwards. One advantage is that we are able to get the full fly-wheel effect that was required by the turbine makers. This requirement was that in the revolving part the sum of the weight in pounds of each part, multiplied by the square of its velocity in feet per second, should equal 1,100,000,000. The design also gives an extremely good mechanical construction for the revolving parts. The iron ring which forms the yoke of the field serves as a sup port to hold in the pole-pieces and the exciting coils, and no part is held in against centrifugal force by bolts or keys. Moreover, the magnetic pull between the fields and the armature acts in opposition to, and does not assist, the centrifugal force. The armature is fixed, and a large space is available inside it for the workmen to attend to the bearings, and to reach any part of the armature. It is obviously possible to insulate the armature coils for any electric pressure. With a large machine of this kind, the space occupied by insulation has not the same importance in reducing the output of the machine as is the case with machines constructed in the past. In fact, the armature coils can be wound with the same insulating properties as a transformer, and hence the necessity for using a step-up transformer can be avoided.

Starting with this general principle, I first got out designs of a machine at 33 periods per second, in order that I might compare the general appearance of such a machine with those of other types. The next point was to design a machine of as low a frequency as was possible under the limiting conditions as to weight. The revolving parts of the turbine and dynamo, and the shaft connecting them, are supported by a hydraulic piston, and it was the desire of the Cataract Construction Company not to use a thrust bearing of any kind to support the weight, although there is a thrust bearing at the top of the shaft, which simply acts to retain the apparatus in a fixed position in a vertical direction. Owing to this decision, it was necessary to limit the weight of the revolving parts of the dynamo to 80,000 lbs. In getting out the design for the machine it was desirable to select such a form of winding as past experience led one to believe would be most efficient for parallel working, and I judge from past experience that this is best attained by having the number of coils per pole very small. The 33-period machine has only been sketched out with a view of getting at the general dimensions of the machine. It is not suitable for our special purpose, because it is essential that, without taking the dynamo altogether to pieces, we should be able to lift up through the centre of the dynamo any parts of the turbine shaft which may require repair.

It will be seen that from the necessities of the case at Niagara Falls, the dynamo which was required differed in some respects from what would be necessary in may other cases, but it is equally obvious that in any case of so large a transmission of power the conditions must be thoroughly considered beforehand, and the dynamo specially designed for the purpose. At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, in May, 1893, I was instructed, with Dr. Sellers, to get out plans for an alternator of the type which I have described.

I am not able to lay before you now plans of the machine as it

has been finally adjusted by conference between ourselves and the manufacturers. In the plan which we prepared, the frequency was 16 periods per second, there being eight poles. The armature coils are so wound that they might be connected to give either 2,500, 5,000, 10.000 or 20,000 volts, and the coils were limited in numbers so as to give the best assurance of good parallel working. For various reasons we decided eventually to raise the frequency to 25, and to lower the volts to 2,000, without the means of connecting the coils to give a higher pressure; and instead of winding the armature on the conductors in a limited number of coils, to adopt the methods more commonly used in some of the large types of generators. But since in any future work which is done, the dynamo will be required to be modified for the special purpose, a description of the machine is sufficiently representative of the type of machine for our purpose.



IN the ENGINEER or Dec. 20 there appears a note to the effect that the General Electric Co. have secured an injunction against E. G. Bernard, together with the Siemens & Halske Co. and Major Isaac Arnold, commandant at the Watervliet Arsenal, restraining the contractors from proceeding with the erection of the new electric plant, claiming it to be an infringement upon the Edison three-wire system."

I beg to inform you on behalf of the Siemens & Halske Co. that the above statement is an error. The facts of the case are, that the General Electric Co. obtained a temporary injunction against E. G. Bernard, the contractor, for an alleged infringement of the "Feeder and Main Patent." The Siemens & Halske Co. are in no wise concerned, are not a party to the suit, and have nothing whatever to do with the construction of the plant. So far as the said company are concerned, all that they have done is to have sold three Siemens generators to Mr. Bernard. It is assumed that the Siemens & Halske Co. have a right to sell the machines which since 1867 have borne the name of their inventor. GEO. H. BENJAMIN, Atty.

[blocks in formation]

Brush Holder, J. R. Coffman, Detroit, Mich., 510,892. Filed Dec. 9, 1892. Relates especially to regulating the pressure of the brush against the commutator.

Electric Locomotive, C. F. Winkler, Troy, N. Y., 510,947. Filed March 11, 1893.

Employs two armatures geared respectively with the two car axles, and a single field magnet acting upon both armatures.

Brush Holder for Dunamo Electric Machines, F. E. Averill, Syracuse, N. Y., 510,952, Filed Feb. 13, 1893.

Consists of a frame loosely mounted on a supporting spindle, an arm fixed to the spindle and a spring connected with the arm regulating the pressure

of the brush.

Hand Regulator for Electric Motors, W. D. Packard, Warren, O., 511,157. Filed Dec. 8, 1892.

The invention consists in providing a rheostat with clock work mechanism for controlling the operation of the switch arm, a spring impelled wheel, and an electrically operated stop for limiting the movement of the wheel. Electric Motor, O. F. Conklin, Dayton, O, 511,196. Filed July 6, 1893.

Employs pole pieces inclosing the ends of the field magnet core and having segmental channels in which the armature is adapted to revolve.

Brush Holder for Electric Motors, J. J. Robinson and F. B. Perkins, Toledo, O., 511,214. Filed Feb 6, 1893.

Has for its object especially to guard against the possibility of contact of the metal with the commutator.

Galvanic and Thermo-Electric Batteries :

Electrical Connector, F. G. Curtis, New York, N. Y., 510,898. Filed Feb. 13, 1893.

Relates to means for connecting primary batteries to one another. Method of Adjusting the Joints of Carbon Electrodes, E. B. Cutten, New York, 510,899. Filed March 28, 1893,

The method consists in means for indicating the resistance at the joint and then adjusting the parts until a certain definite resistance is indicated. Electrode for Voltaic Cells, E. B. Cutten, New York, 510,901. Filed May 1, 1893.

Employs a carbon electrode with a glass support, the former being secured to the latter by the material of the support.

Electrode for Voltaic Cells, E. B. Cuiten, New York, 510,902. Filed May 1, 1833.

Similar to No. 510,901.

Primary Electric Battery, E. Poppowitsch, Brooklyn, N. Y., 511,159. Filed Dec. 28, 1892.

Employs a packing of saw dust, sea salt, sal-ammoniac, bichromate of pot

[blocks in formation]


Apparatus for Electrolytically Producing Soda and Chlorine, E. B. Cutten, New York, N. Y., 510,900. Filed March 30, 1893.

Electric Pump, F. W. Merritt, Duluth, Minn., 510,921. Filed Dec. 2, 1892. Electric Elevator. F. A. Perret, Brooklyn, N. Y., 510,932. Filed Nov. 12, 1892. Employs in addition to the armature circuit and the field circuit, a third circuit including an apparatus controlling the rheostat in the armature circuit; this third circuit being a direct shunt to the brushes of the motor. Label Holder, J. H. Shaffer and E. Horowsky, Allegheny, Pa., 511,167. Filed Dec. 21, 1892.

Rheostat, F. A. Weller, Boston, Mass., 511,259. Filed April 20, 1892.

Relates especially to the arrangement of the rheostat within a small compass, and to the proper ventilation of the coils. Resistance Box, A. O. Benecke, Newark, N. J., 511,286. Filed Sept. 10, 1892. The combination in a set of resistance coils or bridge of a series of fixed contact plates, a series of resistances respectively interposed between successive contact plates, and circuit connections and means whereby one or more of the intermediate contact plates may be electrically connected with either of the end plates of said series.

Railways and Appliances :

Electric Railway Switch and Crossing, W. W. Hendrix, Bowling Green, Ky., 511,017. Filed Aug. 5, 1892.

Electric Railway Trolley, W. W. Hendrix, Bowling Green, Ky., 511,018. Filed Aug. 5, 1892.

Employs a guard for the trolley wheel consisting of two jaws closing above the wire and adapted to be forced apart by each hanger and to spring back into position after the hanger has been passed.

Electric Railway Trolley, W. W. Hendrix, Bowling Green, Ky., 511,019. Filed Oct. 7, 1892.

A rotatable trolley pole revolving upon a circular track on the roof of the


Electrically Operated Railway Switch, C. A. Stone, Newton, and E. S. Webster, Boston, Mass., 511,173. Filed Aug. 30, 1892.

Closed Conduit Electric Railway, W. S. Smith, Berkeley, Cal., 511,254. Filed Feb. 29, 1892.

Employs junction boxes between the sections of the conductor with ball and socket joints between the conductor and the walls of the boxes. Switches and Cut-Outs :

Electric Regulating Switch, E. A. Barber, Watertown, N. Y., 511,187. Filed June 26, 1893.

Has for its object to automatically transfer the energy not needed for operating motors on the main line to suitable resistance coils for absorbing the surplus energy.

Electric Switch, J. L. Hinds, Syracuse, N. Y., 511,240. Filed Nov, 27, 1891. A snap switch for incandescent circuits.

Telegraphs :

System of Telegraphy, J. A. Parker, St. Louis, Mo., and L. L. Summers, Chicago, Ill.. 510,929. Filed July 30, 1892.

Relates especially to means for increasing the speed and accuracy of the operation of stenographic transmitters.

Telegraphic Relay, E. Weston, Newark, N. J., 511,005. Filed June 4, 1891. Employs a fixed body of magnetic material disposed in the field of force of the magnet, and a coil of conducting material surrounding the fixed body and supported by pivoted shafts.

Telautograph, R. M. Hunter, Philadelphia, Pa., 511,081. Filed May 26, 1893. Telegraphic Transmitter, H. F. Stine, Dec'd., Red Bud, Ill., 511,172. Filed May 4, 1893.

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[blocks in formation]

MR. H. A. WAGNER, who has for so long been identified with the Missouri Electric Light and Power Company as its superintendent, has, upon the retirement of Mr. James I. Ayer from the Municipal Electric Light Company, assumed the office of general superintendent of this company also. In so doing, Mr. Wagner finds himself responsible for the affairs of two companies, one carrying 110,000 incandescent lamps and the other 4,000 arc lamps. Mr. Wagner also remains as general manager of the Wagner Electric Mfg. Company, and will continue to direct its affairs.

MR. W. J. HAMMER is to marry Miss Alice Maud White on January 3, at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. White, 1581 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O.

MR. HORATIO A. FOSTER, who is associated with Prof. George Forbes in this country, was married at Chicago on December 22, to Miss Florence Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Root, of Keokuk, Iowa.

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