Зображення сторінки

What Socialism Means. (Leaflet.) Independent Labour Party. London.

What Socialism Means for Women. (Leaflet.) Independent Labour Party. London.

What the Farm Labourer Wants. Fabian Society. London. 1894. What Use is a Vote? (Leaflet.) Social Democratic Federation. London.

WHEATLEY, JOHN: "How the Miners are Robbed." Reformers' Bookstall. Glasgow. 1907.

WHITE, J. D.: Island Economy. F. R. Henderson. London. 1904. WHITTAKER, T. P.: Economic Aspect of the Drink Problem. Lees and Raper Memorial Trustees. London.

Who are the Bloodsuckers? Independent Labour Party. London.
Why Labour Men should be on Town Councils.
Councils. (Leaflet.)

Independent Labour Party. London.

WIDDUP, J. R.: What Political Economy Teaches. Twentieth Century Press. London.

WILDE, OSCAR: The Soul of Man under Socialism, in “Fortnightly Review," February 1891. London.

WILLIAMS, T. R.: The Difficulties of Socialism. Independent Labour Party. London.

Will Socialism Benefit the English People? (Debate.) Twentieth Century Press. London. 1907.

WILSON, Rev. J. STITT: The Social Crusade. (Periodical.) Bradford. WOODWORTH: Christian Socialism in England. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. London. 1903.

The Workers' Burden. (Leaflet.) Independent Labour Party. London.


NOTE.-The abbreviation "f" following a page number signifies" and
following page"; "ff." " and following pages."

ABSOLUTISM, Socialism makes for, 460 ff.

ABSTINENCE, Co-operation, and Thrift denounced by Socialists, 131 ff., 311 ff.
ADMINISTRATION, Imperial, Socialist views regarding, 179 f.

National, Socialist views regarding, 213 f.

ADULT Suffrage demanded, 213

ADULTERATION, cause of, 84 f.

AGITATORS, Socialistic, appeal to passions, 10, 446, 470
Socialist wish to govern themselves, 411

AGRICULTURE, Socialist views on, 261 ff., 288 ff.

AIMs and policy of Socialists, 92 ff.

ALCOHOLIC DRINK, expenditure of British workers on, 166, 319, 479


ANANIAS, the story of, 385

ANARCHISM and Socialism, similarity of views and aims of, and connection
between them, 81, 90, 118, 328, 381 f., 394 ff.

ANARCHISTS, Chicago, and Socialists, 401 f.

ANGLO-FRENCH agreements, views of Socialists on, 188

ANTWERP DOCK strike, 295

APPROPRIATION without adequate compensation is theft, 102

ARBITRATION, international, Socialists on, 188, 190 f.

ARMED nation, why many Socialists are in favour of, 193 ff.

ARMIES, standing, are to be dissolved, 194 ff.

ARMY reform of Mr. Haldane, condemned by Socialists, 197 ff.

Socialist propaganda to undermine discipline and cause revolt in,
200 ff.

Socialist proposals regarding the, 192 ff.

ASSIGNATS, history of the, 283 f.

ATHEISM, Socialism and, 354 ff.

BANKS and banking, Socialist views on, 258 f., 278 ff.

BARRICADES, Socialist views on, 258 f., 278 ff.

BARTER, international, proposed by Socialists, 279

BENEFICENCE, sense of, relied on by Socialists as principal motive in men,
458 f.

BETTING, expenditure of working men on, 166

BLACKLEGS, British, in Antwerp and Hamburg, 295 f.

BREMEN, Socialism in, 440

BRITISH EMPIRE-see Empire, British

BROTHERHOOD OF MAN promised and proclaimed by Socialists, 25 f., 185 ff.,
370, 382, 444

BUDGET, national, Socialist proposals regarding, 160 ff.

CADE, JACK, 326 f.

CAPITAL is theft, 81 f., 102, 370

national growth of, owing to savings of capitalists, 64 f.
private, cannot leave the country, 153 f.

is immoral, 80 ff.

is not to be tolerated, 152 ff.

why its constant increase is necessary, 45

CAPITALISTS and landowners are thieves, 38, 102, 370 f.

and workers, division of national income between, 40 ff., 75 ff.
relations between, 30 ff., 75 ff.

are the managers and trustees of the national wealth, 35

employ labour only at a profit, 33

exploit the poor, 31, 75 ff.

greatest, were originally working men, 60

live in idleness, 30, 75 ff.

maintain the workers, not the workers the capitalists, 168

private, are responsible for commercial crises, 67 ff.

unemployment, 65 ff., 125 f.

useless and unnecessary, 155, 168

benefit from unemployment, 69 f.

have no rights and no claims to consideration, 154
their disappearance would be a blessing, 155, 168
usefulness of, 64 f., 168, 315

CARNEGIE, ANDREW, on drink, 321 f.

CATECHISM for the mob, 367

the Red, 372 ff.

CHEAPNESS, Socialist views on, 290 ff.
CHICAGO Anarchists and Socialists, 401 f.
CHILDREN, free maintenance of, demanded, 138

meals for-see Free Maintenance

production of, to be regulated by the State, 347 f.
will belong not to parents but to society, 345 f.
to parents, 348

CHRIST, name of, used for electioneering purposes, 363
CHRISTIAN Socialism, 375 ff.

programmes of, 490 f.

CHRISTIANITY and religion, Socialist attitude towards, 354 ff.
CIVILISATION, Socialist views on, 11 ff.

"CLARION," circulation of, 437

CLASS war doctrine, the, 72 ff.

disproved, 79

CLASSES of society, are there only two? 72 ff.

CLERGY, Socialist views on the, 13

COAL, production of, in 1845, 475

COBDEN, Socialists on, 287


COIN-See Money

COMMANDMENTS, the capitalists' ten, 368

the Socialist ten, 371 f.

COMMONS, House of, Socialist views on the, 209 ff.

COMMUNE of Paris, Socialists and the insurrection of the, 407 ff.
COMMUNISM and Socialism, 381 ff.

early Christian, 386

in Sparta, 389

of Fourier, 392 f.

Socialist recommendations of, 21, 381 ff.

why it is impossible, 393

COMMUNIST manifesto quoted, 77 f., 92, 103, 107, 112, 183 f., 332 f., 405
COMMUNITY of women, 331 ff.

COMPENSATION has no place in Socialist ethics, 100 f.

or no compensation in expropriating private property? 95 ff.,
149 f.

COMPETITION and co-operation, 82 ff., 312 ff., 444 ff., 470
COMPLAINTS, the, of Socialists, 30 ff.

COMPULSORY labour, necessity of, in Socialist commonwealth, 455 ff.
CONFISCATION, plans of, 95 ff.

probable result of, 168 f., 251 f., 254

CONTRACT, freedom of, useless to workers, 33

•CO-OPERATION and competition, 82 ff., 312 ff., 444 ff., 470
cannot benefit British worker, 31

greatly benefits British worker, 315 ff.

is opposed by Socialists, 84, 131 ff., 311 ff.

thrift and abstinence denounced by Socialists, 131 ff., 311 ff.

• CO-OPERATIVE societies, record and statistics of the British, 315 ff.
COURTS-MARTIAL, Socialist agitation against, 201 f.

CRIME-See Justice, Theft

CRIMES, sexual, Socialist views on, 340 ff.

CRISES caused by private capitalists, 67 ff.

could they be prevented by Socialists ? 70 f., 124 f.

CROWN, the-see also Monarchy

is unfit to administer the Empire, 179

CURRENCY-see Money

DEBT, Local, huge increase and danger of, 246 ff.
will it be repudiated ? 248

National, repudiation of, 110, 156 ff.
DEMONETISATION of gold and silver-see Money
DESERTION of family, frequency of, 307

DISARMAMENT, Socialists and, 189 ff.

DISTRIBUTION, alteration of, will abolish misery, 65 ff.
is more important than production, 65 ff.

disproved, 70 f.

DIVISION, general, of existing property disclaimed, 93

is the principal aim of Socialists, 471 f.

DOCTRINES, fundamental, of Socialism, 50 ff.
DOWNING STREET, Socialist views regarding government from, 179 f.
DRINK, expenditure of workers on, 166, 319, 479

DRUNKENNESS, condemned and combated by foreign Socialists, 322 ff.
excused and encouraged by British Socialists, 319 ff.

DUTIES-see Budget

ECONOMIC policy of Great Britain, 474 ff.

EDUCATION, Socialist views and proposals on, 302 ff.


EMPIRE, British, federation of, opposed by Socialists, 173 f.

is necessary, 478

German Socialists' views on the, 181 f.

has been a failure, 179

Socialists and the, 170 ff.

EMPLOYERS and capitalists benefit from unemployment, 69 f.

and workers' interests are opposed, 77

are useless, 168

ENGLAND-See Great Britain

identical, 79

ENTERPRISE, Governmental and municipal, inefficiency and wastefulness of,

85 ff., 251 ff.

municipal, 240 ff.

is undertaken regardless of cost and profit, 252 ff.

EQUALITY of all races proclaimed by Socialists, 185 ff.

ESPERANTO, why studied by Socialists, 188

ESTATE Duty-see Budget

EXPENDITURE, local, 246

EXPROPRIATION of private property without compensation, 95 ff., 149 f.

FABIAN SOCIETY, details regarding, 94, 418 ff.

programme of, 486 f.

FAMILY, desertion of, very frequent, 307
Karl Marx on, 332

Socialism and the, 330 ff.

FATALISM of Socialists, 327 f., 360 f.

FEDERATION, Imperial, opposed by Socialists, 173 f.
why necessary, 478

FEEDING of school-children-see Free Maintenance
FISCAL policy, Socialist views on, 285 ff.

reform, why it is necessary, 474 ff.

FOOD-see Agriculture and Protection

FORCED labour, necessity of, in Socialist Commonwealth, 455 ff.
FOREIGN policy, Socialist views on, 183 ff.

FOURIER, Communism of, 392 f.

FRANCE, aspect of, before the Revolution, 433

FRANCHISE and suffrage in Great Britain and other countries, 213
FREEDOM of contract useless to workers, 33

FREE love, 330 ff.

maintenance for children, 138, 303 ff.
trade and protection, Karl Marx on, 300

Socialist views on, 285 ff.

why it must be abandoned, 474 ff.

FRONTIERS are to be abolished, 184 ff.

GAMBLING spirit in Englishmen, 459

GERMAN and British Socialism compared, 88, 236, 432 f.

Socialists' patriotic and imperial attitude, 181 f., 190 f., 205, 433
views on colonial policy, 181 f., 190 f.

Great Britain, 181 f., 190 f.

GERMANY, composition of electorate in, 440

GLASGOW, vast Socialist plans regarding, 252

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