Зображення сторінки

The Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip.

THIS organization, founded in 1888, held its first federal convention in the City of New York in 1893. It is composed of members of twenty-three evangelical denominations--the Reformed Church in America, the Reformed Church in the United States, the Congregational, Presbyterian (North, South, Canadian, and United), Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Protestant, Baptist, United Brethren, Lutheran, Reformed Episcopal, Church of Christ, Progressive Brethren, Friends, United Evangelical, Free Baptist, Federal, African Methodist Episcopal, and Evangelical Association. It has chapters in Australia and Japan. Its objects are embodied in the statement that "Any man can belong to the Brotherhood who will promise to pray daily for the spread of the kingdom of Christ among men, and to make an earnest effort each week to bring at least one man within the hearing of the Gospel. The number of chapters of the Brotherhood in the United States is 875, and the membership 25,000 in 44 States. The Rev. Dr. Rufus W. Miller, the founder, 1308 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., is President of the Federal Council, and Rev. J. G. Hamner, Jr., 189 Garside Street, Newark, N. J., General Secretary.

The Daughters of the King.

THE Order of the Daughters of the King was organized on Easter Evening, 1885. It is desired by its promoters that a careful distinction shall be made between the Daughters of the King and The King's Daughters. This is the older society, and differs from The King's Daughters in many important particulars. In the first place, it is more of an order than a society, and is distinctively Episcopal. Its work is definite, and is for the spread of Christ's kingdom among young women," and the active support of the rector's plans in the parish in which the particular chapter inay be located." Its badge is a cross of silver, a Greek cross fleury, and its mottoes are Magnanimeter Crucem Sustine" and "For His Sake." Its colors are white and blue-white, the old royal color of Israel, and blue, the color of the Virgin Mary, the blessed daughter of Israel's King, the Mother of the King of Kings."' Its constitution is framed, as far as is possible, in the terms of that of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, the work of the two organizations being similar. The officers of the Council are: President, Mrs. E. A. Bradley; General Secretary, Miss Elizabeth L. Ryerson. Office of the Council, Church Missions House, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York.

Enternational Order of the King's Daughters and Sons.

Headquarters, 1565th Ave., New York City. Officers: President, Mrs. Margaret Bottome; First Vice-President, Miss Kate Bond; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Robert J. Reed; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickinson

The Order is an interdenominational, religious and philanthropic society, working locally in Circles, County and City Unions, Chapters, State and National organizations. Branches are established in thirty-one States, and in eight Canadiar provinces.

The objects of the Order are the development of spiritual life and the stimulation of Christian activities."' Its membership is very large and extends all over the world. The Order has established or supported several hundred institutions of different kinds in different localities. The badge is a small silver cross, which is also the corporate seal of the society.

Luther League of America.

President-William C. Stoever, Philadelphia, Pa. General Secretary-Luther M. Kuhns, Omaha, Corresponding Secretary-Christopher C. Grauer, Buffalo, N. Y.


The first National Convention of the Luther League of America was held at Pittsburgh, Pa., October 30 and 31, 1895. The League is a Lutheran organization, linking together the Lutheran young people who are laboring for the good of the Church by means of many individual societies of various names and styles of organization, each within its own immediate church. The constitution declares that its objects shall be "to encourage the formation of the young people's societies in all Lutheran congregations in America, to urge their affiliation with their respective State or Territorial leagues, and with this league to stimulate the various young people's societies to greater Christian activity and to foster the spirit of loyalty to the Church." The aggregate enrolled membership of the various local organizations represented in the national organization is over 70,000. These are comprised in twenty States, fourteen of which already have permanent State organizations. The first local organization adopting the title of "The Luther League' was organized by delegates of six Lutheran Church societies in the City of New York, April 19, 1888.

The Epworth League.

OFFICERS OF THE EPWORTH LEAGUE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.-PresidentBishop Joseph F. Berry, Buffalo, N. Y. General Secretary-Edwin M. Randall, D.D., 57 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Treasurer-R. S. Copeland, M. D., Ann Arbor, Mich. The Central Office of the Epworth League is located at 57 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.

The Epworth League was organized at Cleveland, Ohio, May, 1889, by the union of five societies then existing in the Methodist Episcopal Church. These several societies held under their jurisdiction 1,500 local societies, with a membership of about 6,000. It spread rapidly throughout the denomination until it is now organized in nearly every church, and has become the largest denominational society of young people in the world. Its official organ, The Epworth Herald, has a circulation of 140, 000.

OFFICERS OF THE EPWORTH LEAGUE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. — President-Bishop W. A. Candler, D. D., LL, D. General Secretary-Rev. H. M. Du Bose, D. D. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer-Rev F. S. Parker, D. D., Nashville, Tenn. The general organ of the League is the Epworth Era, published weekly by the book agents of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Nashville, Tenn., and Dallas, Texas; H. M. Du Bose, Editor; F. S. Parker, Assistant Editor. The League in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was provided for by the General Conference of 1890, and in January of the following year its organization was effected. It came under the supervision of the Sunday-School Board. The General Conference of 1894 created it a separate connectional board and elected a General Sécretary. It has now 3,569 chapters, with a total membership of 123,325.

Christian Science.

THE Christian Science Publication Committee, for the State of New York, contributes the following statement:

In June, 1906, the $2,000,000 extension of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston, was dedicated. The clerk reported an increase of 6,181 members for the previous year. The total membership, resident and non-resident, was given at 40,011. In the Christian Science Journal Directory for 1906, 949 churches and societies of this denomination were listed. The estimated membership of these branch churches is approximately 40,000. There are many institutes for teaching Christian Science, and upward of 4,000 practitioners of Christian Science mind-healing. Organizations can now be found in almost every city in the United States, and there are branches in Canada, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Mexico, the Bahamas, British West Indies, the Hawaiian Islands, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Sandwich Islands, British Isles, France, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, New South Wales, India, China, South Africa, and many other countries. Magnificent new church buildings have recently been completed and dedicated in New York City, Denver, Col., and Concord, N. H.

All Christian Science churches, other than the Mother Church in Boston, are branches of that church. In all of these the Sunday services are uniform, and consist of correlative passages read from the Bible and the Christian Science text-book, Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, "by Mary Baker G. Eddy. The selections comprising the lesson sermon are compiled by a central committee, and are published by the Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston, in a pamphlet known as The Christian Science Quarterly.' The church services are conducted by two readers, generally a man and a woman. On Wednesday evening a meeting is held in every church of this denomination. Testimonies of healing and remarks on Christian Science are given by the members of the congregation at these meetings.

Mrs. Eddy says in her book," Retrospection and Introspection: " "I claim for healing scientifically the following advantages: 1. It does away with all material medicines and recognizes the antidote for all sickness, as well as sin, in the immortal mind; and mortal mind is the source of all the ills which befall mortals. 2. It is more effectual than drugs, and cures when they fail, or only relieve, thus proving the superiority of metaphysics over physics. 3. A person healed by Christian Science is not only healed of his disease, but he is advanced morally and spiritually. The mortal body being but the objective state of the mortal mind, this mind must be renovated to improve the body." The absence of creed and dogma in the Christian Science Church, its freedom from materialism, mysticism, and superstition, also the simplicity, uniformity, and impersonality of its form of worship and organization, are among the distinguishing features which characterize this modern religious movement. Hypnotism, mesmerism, spiritualism, theosophy, faith-cure, and kindred systems are foreign to true Christian Science. Those practising these beliefs are denied admission to the Christian Science Church.

The Universal Brotherhood.

THIS is an organization claiming that the Theosophical Society in America merged itself into the "Universal Brotherhood" by adopting its constitution on February 18, 1898.

The Universal Brotherhood, or the Brotherhood of Humanity, declares that brotherhood is a fact in nature. The principal purpose of the organization is to teach brotherhood, demonstrate that it is a fact in nature, and make it a living power in the life of humanity, establishing brotherhood schools throughout the world, and creating a new literature. Its subsidiary purpose is to study ancient and modern religion, science, philosophy, and art, to investigate the laws of nature and the latent divine powers in man. It declares in its constitution that every member has a right to believe or disbelieve in any religious system or philosophy, each being required to show that tolerance for the opinions of others which he expects for his own. The head of this organization is Katherine Tingley, and the secretary-general is Frank M. Pierce. The beadquarters are at Point Loma, San Diego, Cal.

The Psychic Envestigation League.

THE aim and purposes are "to scientifically investigate all psychic phenomena, to procure demonstrations under test conditions, and to formulate some hypothesis to account for said psychic phenomena. Meetings are held twice monthly. Applicants for membership may be of either sex, over 20 years of age of good standing, and professing some interest in the work. President, H. Spencer Lewis, D. P.; Vice-President, Mrs. F. J. Luneschloss; Treasurer, R. Origoni; Secretary, J. J. Burke, 787 Cauldwell Ave., Bronx, New York. The League is in its third year.

The National Spiritualists' Association


PRESIDENT BARRETT makes the following statement regarding this Association:

Organized September 28, 1893; incorporated November 1, 1893, at Washington, D. C. Objects: The objects of said Association shall be the organization of the various Spiritualist Societies of the United States into one general association for the purpose of mutual aid and co-operation in benevolent, charitable, educational, literary, musical, scientific, religious, and missionary purposes and enterprises germane to the phenomena, science, philosophy, and religion of spiritualism.

Number of societies in the United States and Canada, 760; State Associations in the United States, 23; Camp Meeting Associations, 42; Colleges, 1; Churches and Temples, 120; Membership, 300,000; number of Ministers, 370; number of Public Mediums, 1,500; Private Mediums, 10,000; Investigators of Psychic Science, 1,500,000; total valuation of church, temple, and camp meeting property, $2,000,000.

Officers for year ending October 20, 1907: Harrison D. Barrett, Canaan, Maine, President; Dr. George B. Warne, Chicago, Ill., Vice-President; Mary T. Longley, Washington, D. C., Secretary; Theodore J. Mayer, Washington, D. C., Treasurer. Iltyd C. I. Evans, Washington, D. C.; Cassius L. Stevens, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Thomas Grimshaw, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Carrie E. S. Twing, Westfield, N. Y., Arthur S. Howe, Los Angeles, Cal., Trustees.

Headquarters of National Spiritualists' Association, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C. The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the National Spiritualists' Association will be held in Los Angeles, Cal., October 15-20, 1907.

The Salvation Army.

THE following statement is contributed to THE WORLD ALMANAC by direction of the Commander: The Salvation Army is a religious body organized on military principles, with a view of reaching the non-churchgoers of the world. It was first started in July, 1885, in the East End of London as a Christian mission. Thirteen years later, on Christmas, 1878, it received the name of the Salvation Army. Since then its growth throughout the world has been increasing.

The father and founder, Gen. William Booth, was born in Nottingham, England, on April 10, 1829. In 1852 he entered the ministry of the Methodist Church, and became a powerful evangelist, attracting immense crowds and witnessing thousands of conversions. Finding, however, that the churchless masses could not be reached by ordinary methods, he resigned his pastorate and established the Army.

As a temperance movement it is stated that the Salvation Army has been the means of converting hundreds of thousands of confirmed drunkards. Total abstinence is a condition of membership. The International headquarters are at 101 Victoria Street, London, England. Its world-wide operations are carried on in 61 countries and colonies, embracing 7,316 posts, under the charge of 20,054 officers and employés, with 45,339 local officers, 17,099 brass bandsmen, and about 50,000 musicians. 63 periodicals are published in 24 languages, with a weekly circulation of about 1,207,223. There are 668 Social Relief Institutions in the world, under the charge of nearly 3,000 officers and employés. About 7,000 fallen women annually pass through the 116 rescue homes, and from 80 to 90 per cent, of these are permanently restored to lives of virtue. There are 132 slum Settlements in the slum districts of great cities, the worst dives, saloons, and tenements being regularly visited. The number of annual conversions in connection with the spiritual work has averaged from 200,000 to 250,000 during the past ten years, making a total of over 2,000,000, of whom not less than 200,000 were converted from lives of drunkenness.

The headquarters of the Salvation Army in America are at 120 West Fourteenth Street, New York City, where information may be obtained.

The Volunteers of America.

THE following statement of the purposes of the position and this organization has been prepared for THE WORLD ALMANAC in the office of Gen. Ballington Booth:

This organization is a philanthropic, social, and religious movement. It was inaugurated in March, 1896, and incorporated November 6, 1896, by Gen, and Mrs. Ballington Booth, in response to a number of requests on the part of American citizens. It is organized in military style, having as its model the United States Army, but in conjunction with military discipline and methods of work it possesses a thoroughly democratic form of government, having a constitution and its by-laws being framed by a Grand Field Council that meets annually and is thoroughly representative. Though only ten years old the Volunteers have representatives and branches of their benevolent work in almost all the principal cities of the United States. Its field is divided into regiments or sections, which come under the control and oversight of thirty principal staff officers, its chief centres being New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburgh, Denver, Chicago, and San Francisco. It has philanthropic institutions in Chicago, Joliet, Austin, Fort Dodge, Kansas City, Pueblo, Worcester, Boston, Lynn, Malden, Toledo, Erie, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Newcastle, Philadelphia, Newark, Flushing, New York City, and other centres.

In addition to the Volunteer reading rooms, thousands of copies of Christian literature are circulated in State prisons, jails, hospitals, soldiers' homes, and children's homes. In connection with the Volunteers, there are also sewing classes; hospital nurses; temporary financial relief departments; boys' fresh-air camps; Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, and many other worthy undertakings.

Enter-Church Federation.

FIVE hundred officially appointed delegates of thirty denominations at Carnegie Hall, New York City, met in November, 1905, and adopted the following Plan of Federation: I. For the prosecution of work which can be better done in union than separately, a council is hereby established, to be known as the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.

II. The following Christian bodies shall be entitled to representation in this Federal Council on their approval of the purpose and plan of the organization: Baptist Churches, North; Baptist Churches, South; Free Baptist Churches, Negro Baptist Churches, Christian Connection, Congregational Churches, Disciples of Christ, Evangelical Association, Evangelical Synod, Friends, Evangelical Lutheran Church, General Synod; Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Primitive Methodist Church, Colored Methodist Episcopal Church of America, Methodist Protestant Church, African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Mennonite Church, Moravian Church, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A., Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Welsh Presbyterian Church, Reformed Presbyterian Church, United Presbyterian Church, Protestant Episcopal Church, Reformed Church in America, Reformed Church in the U. S. A., Reformed Episcopal Church, Seventh Day Baptist Churches, United Brethren in Christ, United Evangelical Church.

III. The object of this Federal Council shall be: (1) To express the fellowship and catholic unity of the Christian Church. (2) To bring the Christian bodies of America into united service for Christ and the world. (3) To encourage devotional fellowship and mutual counsel concerning the spiritual life and religious activities of the Churches. (4) To secure a larger combined influence for the Churches of Christ in all matters affecting the moral and social condition of the people, so as to promote the application of the law of Christ in every relation of human life. (5) To assist in the organization of local branches of the Federal Council to promote its aims in their communities.

IV. This Federal Council shall have no authority over the constituent bodies adhering to it; but its province shall be limited to the expression of its counsel and the recommending of a course of action in matters of common interest to the churches, local councils and individual Christians. It has no authority to draw up a common creed, or form of government or of worship, or in any way to limit the full autonomy of the Christian bodies adhering to it."

Each Christian body adhering to this council may appoint four members, and one for each additional 50,000 communicants. The first meeting shall take place in December, 1908, and subsequent meetings shall occur every four years, other denominations may be admitted by a two-third vote. At this conference admission to Unitarians and Universalists was refused by an overwhelming majority. The officers of the National Federation of Churches and Christian Workers are the President, J. Cleveland Cady; General Secretary, E. B. Sanford, D. D. Office, 90 Bible House, New York.

The Vedanta Society,

THE following statement of the purposes of this Society has been prepared by the Secretary, Mrs. E. P. Cape:

The Vedanta Society of New York was established in 1884 by Swami Vivekananda of India, delegate to the Parliament of Religions at Chicago, and was regurlarly incorporated in 1898 by Swami Abhedananda, now at its head. The object of the Society is not to form a new sect or creed, or to make proselytes, but to explain through logic and reason the spiritual laws that govern our lives; to show that the True Religion of the Soul is not antagonistic to, but in harmony with, philosophy and science; to establish that Universal Religion which underlies all the various sects and creeds of special religions; to propagate the principles taught by great seers of Truth and religious leaders of different countries and illustrated by their lives; and to help mankind in the practical application of those principles in their spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical needs.

The present headquarters of the Society with its Circulating Library, Reading Room and Chapel, are at 62 West Seventy-first Street, New York City. Here throughout the Winter season a service with lecture by Swami Abhedananda is held every Sunday morning at 11, and a class lecture on Tuesday evening at 8. There are Yogo classes for practical training in the Science of Breathing, in Concentration, Meditation and Self-Control every Thursday evening at 8, and on Saturday morning at 10.30. Besides these there is also a correspondence class for non-resident members in which the same instructions are given in writing by the Swami, An associate membership exists for those who do not wish regular instruction but who desire to be affiliated with the Society. Among the honorary members are Rev. R. Heber Newton, D. D., Charles R. Lanman, Ph. D., LL. D. Professor of Sanskrit at Harvard University; Hiram Corson, A. M., LL.D., Litt.' D., Professor of En lish Literature Emeritus at Cornell University.

The officers of the Society are: President-Professor Herschel C. Parker, Vice-President-W. H. Crossman. Secretary-Mrs. Emily Palmer Cape. Treasurer-Walter Goodyear.

The Society has a large publishing department and issues a catalogue containing nearly forty titles of works on the Philosophy and Religion of Vedanta. Within the last five years it has sent out from its headquarters 39,876 books and pamphlets written by Swamis of India. It also publishes a monthly Bulletin. The Vedanta Society of New York has branches in Brooklyn and in Washington, D. C. There are also centres in San Francisco and Los Angeles, besides a Peace Retreat in the mountains of Santa Clara County, Cal. These organizations in America are affiliated with hundreds of Vedanta Societies throughout India and Ceylon.

The Latter-Day Saints.

THE Mormons, or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, were organized April 6, 1830, with six members, by Joseph Smith, at Fayette, Seneca County, N. Y. After being driven by mobs from various places in Missouri, Ohio, and Illinois, they settled at Great Salt Lake, Utah, under the leadership of Brigham Young, in 1847. The total church membership is 300,000, and the number of elders, 1,700.

The following statement of the doctrines of the Church was issued with the approval of Prophet Joseph Smith:

1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

3. We believe that through the atonement of Christ all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4. We believe that these ordinances are: First, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by Immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by "Prophecy, and by the laying on of hands," by those who are in authority to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, viz.: Apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc.

7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, etc.

8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built upon this continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisic glory. 11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or what they may.

12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul. "We believe all things, we hope all things," we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a separate body, having its headquarters at Lamoni, Iowa. It was organized in 1851, and is presided over by Joseph Smith, son of the Prophet. Its enrolled membership is 50,000, and it has 800 active ministers.

American Sunday-School Union.

THE American Sunday-School Union is the offspring of the old First Day Society, which was founded in Philadelphia in 1791. In 1817 this organization became the Philadelphia Sunday and Adult School Union, and in 1824 it assumed its present title. Its objects are to concentrate the efforts of Sabbath-school societies in different portions of our country to disseminate useful information; to circulate moral and religious publications in every part of the land, and endeavor to plant a Sunday-school wherever there is a population." Like the venerable British and Foreign Bible Society, it is a great inter-denominational association, organizing Bible services to teach, study and understand God's word and, while it is managed by laymen, it employs both ministers and laymen as officers and missionaries.

Some idea of the Society's work and growth may be obtained from the following facts: The Philadelphia Union began with one juvenile book in 1817, and with one missionary in 1821. Now the American Sunday School Union's publications are numbered by the thousands, and it has distributed over £10,000,000 worth of religious literature; it maintains more than 150 permanent missionaries and it has organized an average of more than 1, 300 new Sabbath-schools a year-nearly four a day for every day of the last eighty years. Its present officers are: President-Morris K. Jesup. Vice-Presidents-John H. Converse aud William N. Ashman. Recording Secretary-J, M. Andrews, The headquarters of the Society are at No. 1122 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

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Society of Mayflower Descendants.

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THE Society of Mayflower Descendants was organized in the City of New York December 22, 1894, by lineal descendants of the Mayflower pilgrims, to preserve their memory, their records, their history, and all facts relating to them, their ancestors, and their posterity." Every lineal descendant over eighteen years of age, male or female, of any passenger of the voyage of the Mayflower, which terminated at Plymouth, Mass., December, 1620, including all signers of The Compact, are eligible to membership. The initiation fee is $10 and the annual dues are $5. The annual meeting is held November 21, the anniversary of the signing of "The Compact. Societies have been organized in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, District of Columbia, Ohio, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Michigan, Minnesota, and Maine. The officers of the General Society are: Governor-General, Samuel B. Capen; Deputy Governors-General, Richard Henry Greene, Charles E. Gross, Francis Olcott Allen, James Nevins Hyde, William Lowrey Marsh, William Howard Doane, Rev. Charles A. Brewster, John W. P. Lombard, George Corlis Nightingale, Paul A. L. Doty, William D. Washburn, John Fremont Hill; Secretary-General, Ashbel P. Fitch, Jr., 32 Nassau Street, New York; Treasurer-General, James M. Rhodes; Historian-General, Edward H. Whorf; Elder-General, Rev. John Lewis Ewell; Captain- General, Miles Standish; Surgeon-General, Dr. Abiel W. Nelson; Assistants-General, Howland Davis, S. R. Thayer, Prof. Wilfred H. Munro, William Waldo Hyde, Walter M. Howland, Theodore S. Lazell, and George C. Mason.

The Huguenot Society of America.

THIS Society was organized April 13, 1883, and has its office in New York at No. 105 East Twenty-second Street. President, Col. William Jay; Vice-Presidents, George S. Bowdoin, Theodore M. Banta, Henry M. Lester, A. T. Clearwater, Nathaniel Thayer, Richard Olney, William Ely, Henry W. Bookstaver, Col. R. L. Maury, Herbert Du Puy, Prof. Allan Marquand, Col. Henry A. Dupont, Rev. Robert Wilson; Treasurer, T. J. Oakley Rhinelander; Secretary, Mrs. James M. Lawton; Execu tive Committee, the officers of the society, the chairmen of the committees on pedigrees, publication, library, and finance, and Bayard Dominick, William Mitchell, Charles Lanier, Charles Darlington, H. Rieman Duval; Chaplain-Rt. Rev. Bishop J. H. Darlington. Descent from Huguenot ancestors is the qualification necessary for membership.

Society of Colonial Wars.

Governor-General-Arthur J. C. Sowdon, Boston. Vice-Governor-General-Howland Pell, New York. Deputy Governors-General-For New York, Walter L. Suydam; Pennsylvania, Richard M. Cadwalader; Maryland, Gen. Joseph L. Brent; Massachusetts, Arthur J. C. Sowdon; Connecticut, Bela Peck Learned, Norwich, Ct.; District of Columbia, Thomas Hyde, Washington; New Jersey, Emory McClintock; New Hampshire, Prof. Charles L. Parsons; Vermont, Robert Noble; Ohio, Michael Myers, Shoemaker; California, Spencer R. Thorpe; Iowa, Samuel F. Smith; Michigan, Theodore H. Eaton; Delaware, William A. La Motte; Rhode Island, George C. Nightingale; Maine, Col. John M. Glidden; Washington, J. Kennedy Stout; Virginia, Hon. Richard T. W. Duke, Jr.; Colorado, Frank Trumbull Illinois, John S. Sargent; Georgia, John A. G. Carson; Missouri, John B. Wright; Minnesota, Gen. James F. Wade, U.S. A.; Kentucky, D. Linn Gooch; Indiana, Alexander F. Fleet. Secretary-General-Samuel V. Hoffman. Deputy Secretary-General--Guy Van Amringe, 45 William Street, New York. Treasurer-General-Wm. Macpherson Hornor, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Registrar-General-George Norbury Mackenzie, Baltimore. Historian-General-Thomas Page Grant, Louisville, Ky.; Chaplain-General-Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, Boston. Surgeon-General-James G.Mumford, Boston. Chancellor-General-Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey, New Haven.

The Society of Colonial Wars was instituted in 1892 to perpetuate the memory of these events and of the men who, in military, naval, and civil positions of high trust and responsibility, by their acts or counsel assisted in the establishment, defence, and preservation of the American Colonies, and were in truth the founders of this nation. With this end in view it seeks to collect and preserve manuscripts, rolls, and records; to provide suitable commemorations or memorials relating to the American Colonial period, and to inspire in its members the paternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and in the community respect and reverence for those whose public services made our freedom and unity possible." Eligibility is confined to an adult male descendant of an ancestor who fought in battle under Colonial authority, from the settlement of Jamestown, Va., in 1607, to the battle of Lexington, in 1775, or who served as Governor, Deputy-Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Member of the Council, or as a military, naval, or marine officer in the service of the Colonies, or under the banner of Great Britain, or was conspicuous in military, official, or legislative life during that period.

The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America.

Governor-General-Admiral George Dewey, U.S. N., Washington, D. C. Deputy Governor-GeneralRev. John Gaylord Davenport, D. D.. Waterbury Ct. Chaplain-General-Rev. Theophilus P. Sawin, D. D., Troy, N. Y. Secretary-General-Theodore Gilman, No. 55 William Street, New York. Treas urer-General-William Scott Wadsworth, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Attorney-General-Edward Lang Perkins, Philadelphia, Pa. Registrar-General-Clarence F. Leonard, No. 44 East Twenty-third Street, New York. Genealogist-General-Edwin Louis Ripley, Bridgeport, Ct. Historian-GeneralHarry E. Atwater, New Jersey.

The Order was founded in 1896, its object being "to bring together and associate congenial men whose ancestors struggled together for life and liberty, home and happiness, in the land when it was a new and unknown country, and whose line of descent from them comes through patriots who sus-tained the Colonies in the struggle for independence in the Revolutionary War; to teach reverent regard for the names and history, character and perseverance, deeds and heroism of the founders of this country and their patriot descendants; to teach that the purpose of the founders could have had no lasting result but for their patriot sons; to inculcate patriotism; to discover, collect, and preserve records, documents, manuscripts, monuments, and history relating to the first colonists and their ancestors and their descendants, and to commemorate and celebrate events in the history of the Colonies and the Republic." Eligibility-Any man above the age of twenty-one years, of good moral character and reputation, and a citizen of the United States, who is lineally descended, in the male line of either parent, from an ancestor who settled in any of the Colonies now included in the United States of America prior to May 13, 1657, and whose intermediate ancestors in the same line during the Revolutionary period adhered as patriots to the cause of the Colonies, shall be eligible for membership. There are State Societies in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The Governor of the New York Society is Theodore Fitch. The Secretary is Col. Charles H. Sherrill, No. 30 Broad Street, New York.

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