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we may dismiss all further anxiety from menians and Jews in considerable numbers. our minds. But the first is more than we Here are at least five races and three relican hope for; with all our knowledge of the gions:-pure Slavonians, mixed Slavonians; elements of weakness and discord in the pure Greeks, mixed Greeks; Slavonians Muscovite empire, and with all our favour- who are Catholics, Slavonians who are Greek able opinion as to the improvement and un- Christians, Slavonians who are fanatical Ma extinguished energies of the Ottoman Power, hometans. How can a homogeneous and we cannot flatter ourselves that the latter, centralised empire be formed out of such as at present constituted, will not always be repellent elements? and how can a " Greek greatly overmatched. How then are the empire" be constituted out of a wilderness two great rivals to be equalised, or so far of races and creeds, of whom only about equalised that the greater can never hope one-fifteenth have any title to be called eitheir to conquer or absorb the other? Two Greeks at all—and this fifteenth, though the plans have been proposed: the first needs shrewdest, by no means the most energetic, only to be stated in order to be condemned; and assuredly the least commanding? "All the second needs only a few facts and a few these populations," says Urquhart, "have moments' reflection in order to be dismissed accepted the Turks as masters; not one of as hopeless and absurd. The partition of them would endure for a moment the suTurkey among the European powers would premacy of any of the others. If you had be a crime, which, even if we were ripe for not the Turks you would require to invent it, would bring its own punishment along them, unless you wish to see European with it in a progeny of interminable disputes Turkey a chaos of bloodshed." and wars. The dismissal of the Mussulman It must not, however, be imagined that race into the heart of Asia, and the estab- these several races have always acquiesced lishment of a "Greek Empire," with By- willingly and patiently in the domination zantium for its capital as of old, is the dream of their Ottoman rulers, or that they do not of a few ignorant enthusiasts. In the first each indulge their own ambitious dreams of place, the Mussulmans would not be so future development and supremacy. Most easily or speedily "dismissed." In Europe of them have in turn been restive, and sevethere are (to take Dr. Michelsen's and Mr. ral have obtained a greater or less degree Urquhart's statistics) 3,800,000 Mahomet- of virtual independence. One way remains ans, of whom 1,100,000 are pure Osmanlis to combine all objects, realise all hopes, and -brave, warlike, and fanatical, who might meet, as far as possibility permits, all debe conquered, but would never yield, in a sires. Change Turkey-in-Europe from a war for empire or existence, and who would substantive empire into a Federal Union of be supported to the last by their brethren States; make the Sultan the suzerain instead in Asia, who are at least eleven or twelve of the autocrat of the various provinces of millions more. But suppose all these beaten his dominion; assimilate all the other divior exterminated-what are the elements for sions to what Servia is now, and what Walthe composition of a "Greek Empire" in lachia would be but for Russian interference; the place of European Turkey? We have let each State govern itself, but pay a a number of races, incongruous, hostile, and tribute to the central powers, and, if need unamalgamated; various in origin, in blood, be, in case of war furnish a specified conin character, and in religion-utterly un- tingent. The Porte would then remain fusable, and of whom the "Greeks" do not (what it is well qualified to be) a military form above one million out of fifteen. The and diplomatic supreme head, with Roumerest are made up of such heterogeneous lia only as its special appanage; and would elements as the following;-Wallachians and cease to be (what probably it cannot sucMoldavians, of mixed Dacian, Roman, and cessfully become) an administrative power. Slavonic race, and in religion of the Greek And the change would be very small, and Church, wild shepherds, carriers, and tillers perhaps after a time scarcely perceptible; of the soil; Bulgarians, a mixture of Sla- for three of the European provinces are alvonic and Tartar blood, peaceable agricul- ready virtually independent-Bosnia and turists, of whom about one-fourth are Ma- Albania are always struggling to become hometans, and the remainder Oriental so; and of all the governments of Europe Christians; Bosnians, savage and warlike, of there is none so little bureaucratic-none of Slavonic origin, half Mahometan, a quarter which the action is so slightly felt, and belonging to the Latin, and a quarter to the penetrates so feebly into the daily life of Greek Church: Albanians, semi-barbarians, the people, as that of Turkey, unless we of mingled Slave, Illyrian, and Greek blood, except our own. Under such an arrangemainly Mahometan, some Roman Catholics, ment as this, the heart-burnings which at and some Oriental Christians; besides Ar- present exist among the dominant and the

subject races in the Ottoman dominions friendship and consanguinity have long would soon die away; each separate State existed, and interests are identical,) the would be at liberty to follow its own inhe- Magyars, the Slaves, and the Ottomans rent tendencies, to develop its own special would be safe, and Russian ambition would resources, and to carry out its own special be for ever baffled and beaten back. Even form of civilization; and the central and with Hungary re-united to Austria under supreme Executive would be felt only as a her old constitution, with the guarantee of protection against foreign aggression, and a her own ministry, her own army, and her control upon intestine discord. admitted nationality; with old wounds.

But would Turkey, thus re-organized healed, old wrongs forgiven, and old imupon a natural, healthy, and permanent perial intrigues surrendered because hopefooting, be able to stand her ground and less-(and this, if Austria were but wise, form an adequate and enduring barrier might be achieved to-morrow,) the future against Muscovite encroachments and in would be nearly if not quite as secure; for, trigues. Probably she would; for then no under such a healing arrangement Austria one of the constituent States would be would be again powerful enough to feel willing for an instant to listen to any independent of Russian aid, and therefore proposals of exchanging its own free and no longer a reluctant and fettered accomhopeful future for the dreary and dis- plice in Russian crime. A little timely mal fate of incorporation with the over- wisdom at Vienna, and a little safe and grown dominion and subjection to the needed spirit in London and at Paris, might crushing and paralyzing sceptre of Russia. arrange this glorious pacification of Europe Possibly she might not-were this change ere another month had passed. If somethe only one. But assuredly she would, thing of this sort is not done, and done soon, with an aid which we should propose to give the perils which we shall have to encounter her, and which would make the future as at no distant date, we believe in our hearts secure and tranquil as futures can ever be. to be at least as certain as that we shall With Hungary independent and allied, (and have only our own blindness, our own lanthe alliance is natural, for sentiments of guor, our own timidity to thank for them.


[In consequence of the proof-sheets being forwarded to this country without the final corrections, the following errors have crept into the preceding pages :]

Page 256, 1st col. line 24 from bottom, for a guarantee read no guarantee.

Same page, 2d col. 27th line from top, for 1853 read 1852.

Page 261, 1st col. 1st line of Note, for Another read This.

Page 262, 1st col. line 21 from bottom, for 1.0002935 read 1.0002936.

[ocr errors][merged small]

19 from bottom, for Delarine read Delarive.

[blocks in formation]
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