Зображення сторінки
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Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh, 31st August 1841.-Since 31st August last, the following Gentlemen have offered themselves as Candidates for the Diploina of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and after producing satisfactory evidence that they had completed the course of study prescribed by the College, have been admitted to examination, and found fully qualified to practise the arts of Anatomy, Surgery, and Pharmacy, and have received Diplomas as Licentiates of the College accordingly.

Adams, Kenneth M'K.
Adams, James Maxwell
Anderson, Thomas
Anderson, Charles A.
Annan, Ebenezer
Armstrong, William
Barker, Wm. Thomson
Beith, Robert
Beveridge, James Hall
Birse, James
Brown, Samuel
Buchanan, Alexander
Buie, William
Campbell, William
Campbell, Chas. Grantt
Clark, Hugh

Comrie, John Dickson


Cullen, James
Cumming, Alexander
Denham, John

Dickson, Walter

Douglas, Robt. Hamilton
Duff, George
Ewen, William Donald
Fergusson, John
Finlayson, William
Fiddes, Alexander
Fleming, James Boyd
Forster, John

Fraser, Alexander John
Fraser, William

Gray, James Kodk.

Grierson, Thomas Boyle Reoch, John Fowler
Hally, John

Hardie, James H.
Houston, E. Nasmyth
Hunter, John
Hunter, John
Jamieson, Gavin
Junor, John Balfour
Keith, George Skene
Kennedy, Ken. M'K.
King, Kelburne
Knight, John Brown
Logie, James S. S.
Logie, Cosmo
Lookup, Thomas
Mackay, George
Macdonald, J. T. F.
Mackenzie, Richard J.
Mackintosh, James
MacLaren, A. Connell
MacI.eod, William
Macleod, William
M'Cormack, William
M'George, Samuel J.
Meikleham, G. C.
Middleton, David
Miller, John Robert
Muir, William Mure,
Murdoch, James
Neill, Alexander
Nicolson, J. Balfour
Oir, Robert Scott
Paton, William

Gordon, Huntly George Patrick, James

Glen, Walter

Gow, Norman

Grant, James

Pridie, James Denholm
Pringle, Andrew

Reid, Francis

Richardson, Henry

Robertson, James

Robertson, Donald

Sanderson, John Thom
Scott, Walter
Scott, William
Shier, David

Simpson, Alexander
Smart, Thomas
Smith, John Young
Smith, William
Smith, James

Smith, William

Smith, William Beattie
Steel, James
Stein, James
Stuart, William
Sutherland, George
Traill, William
Turnbull, W. Mackie
Watson, James Inglis
Wilson, Adam

Winchester, Chas. Alex.

Wright, John

Wright, Patrick
Wylie, David

Young, Thos. Halliday
Bowie, William
Berncastle, Julius
Brown, George, William
Budd, Septimus
Bull, Henry Graves
Cortis, Wm. Smithson
Daunt, Richard G.

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The Provincial Medical and Surgical Association.-This numerous and highly respectable body held its ninth anniversary on Wednesday the 4th and Thursday the 5th of August 1841, at York. The council held their preparatory meeting on Tuesday the 3d, at the Museum, when all the preliminary matters were arranged as to the general business of the meetings. The first general meeting was held on Wednesday the 4th, at one P. M. at the Theatre of the Museum.

The retiring president, Dr Steed of Southampton, being unavoidably absent, in consequence of family affliction, the chair was taken in his behalf by Dr Barlow of Bath, and then vacated to Dr Goldie of York, the President elect, who then addressed the meeting on the several subjects to come before them, and, in the naine of the Mayor, invited their members to visit and inspect the public institutions, and among others the Museum, the Lunatic Asylum, and the Retreat.

Dr Hastings then read the report of the council by which it appears that the association consists of 1250 members; that the income last year amounted to L. 1440, the expenditure to L. 858, and that there is a clear balance of L.582. Other subjects adverted to were the question of some improvement in the mode of affording medical assistance under the new Poor Law Act, Empiricism, Medical Reform, the Benevolent Fund, and the proposition of a congratulatory address to the Queen. The report and its suggestions were adopted.

At the second general meeting, held the same evening in the same place, Dr Black of Manchester was appointed to prepare the Medical Retrospective Address for the ensuing year, and the address of the section on Medical Topography was read by Dr Streeten of Worcester in the absence of Mr Addison.

At the third general meeting, held on Thursday the 5th at 12, Dr Streeten read the Retrospective Medical Address, which, though lengthened, was listened to with great attention throughout.

The dinner was held the same evening at the Guildhall at 6 P. M., attended by 100 gentlemen,-Dr Goldie in the chair, supported on the right by the very Reverend the Dean of York. The founder, Dr Hastings, was unfortunately absent, having been suddenly summoned to Worcester.

The next meeting of the association is to be held at Exeter; and Mr James of Exeter is President-elect.

This association continues to command the respect of the profession throughout the empire. Their objects are most laudable; they have already rendered good service to the cause of medical science, and are continuing their career of useful exertion; they have also made a strong impres

sion on the improper and discreditable mode in which the services of medical practitioners are engaged under the new Poor Law; and they are busily occupied in promoting rational, moderate, and practicable reform in the medical profession.

In behalf of this latter object, the Association propose soon to address the present Ministry, intreating them to take the whole question into early consideration. Though our past experience does not fill us with very sanguine expectations from the Legislature on this subject, still we think, where the plan of reform is moderate, rational, and practicable, as we have already stated, it is much more likely to engage the attention, and insure the favour of the Members of both Houses, than where it consists of wild schemes of extensive changes, many chimerical and untried, and some totally impracticable, however excellent in speculation. It appears to us that neither the draft suggested by Mr Warburton, nor the bill actually proposed by Mr Hawes, was calculated to produce useful or rational changes in the state of the medical profession; and that this opinion rests on good foundation is manifest, not only from the commentary given by the Royal College of Surgeons in this city, and the address on them presented by the College of Physicians, but in a manner not less distinct, by the elaborate Report of the Council of the North of England Association, published in this number, and also from what we see had taken place in the council meeting of the Provincial Medical Association.

There are at this moment in the medical profession, two classes of persons desiring reform in education and the privileges of the profession. The one set consists of men of excellent dispositions, good hearts, we believe, and well educated, but rash, with more zeal than discretion; who see no difficulties in the execution of any plans, which they may propose; who would overturn the whole of the old institutions, as oppressive, tyrannical, and unsuited to the spirit of the age, and erect in their places some new establishments, one or more, all modelled according to their own not very rational or matured deliberations. The other body of reformers are more moderate in their wishes and expectations, and wish to preserve all the old institutions, or the most efficient of them, restraining their injurious powers, clearing away all their prejudicial incumbrances on human exertion, and directing their efforts in the proper channels, to protect the regular, and discourage the irregular practitioner, to maintain the dignity and respectability of the profession, and to foster and promote the cultivation of science. We are glad to see that the members of the association are guided principally by the latter class of reformers.

Proposed Transactions by the Royal College of Surgeons in London.The Council proposing to publish, in the course of the ensuing year, a volume, to be entitled" Transactions of the Royal College of Surgeons in London," invite, from the members of the College, and other scientific persons, communications relating to the improvement of anatomical and surgical science.

The subjects proposed to be included in this publication are specified in the following extract from the ordinances of the College :

"The Transactions shall consist of Orginal Communications on Surgical subjects; Collegial and Jacksonian Prize Dissertations, deemed of sufficient originality and merit: Original Memoirs on Human Anatomy; Original Memoirs on Comparative Anatomy; Anatomical Monographs of rare Animals, dissected in the Museum of the College: Explanations of, and Commentaries on, important Preparations in the Museum, with illustrative Plates; Statistical Reports from Hospitals. It is requested that papers intended for publication in this volume may be transmitted to the President, at the College, on or before the 1st of May 1842.

28th July 1841.


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