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give reason to believe that they hold to the Sacrifice of the Mass in the Romish sense, or that there is, in the Holy Sacrament, a repetition or continuation of the Sacrifice of the Cross.

We learn that the Third Order of St. Benedict has been introduced into the American Church. Radical departures from the principles of the Church are already apparent in both directions, and threaten open rupture from the Church, sooner or later.


The Rev. George B. Whipple, brother of the Bishop of Minnesota, has received an appointment as Missionary to the Sandwich Islands, from the Bishop of Honolulu, and contemplated leaving the Diocese for his new home soon after Easter. Rev. Mr. Whipple resided, for some time, in the Sandwich Islands, and is familiar with the language and customs of the people, and will be well qualified for Missionary work.


The condition of several of the Societies, whose Anniversaries were held in New York in May, is as follows:

THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY.-Receipts for the year, $667,851. 36, of which $404,722 16, was from the sale of books; $256,750 66 from donations, collections, and legacies, and $16,378 51, from rents. Number of books printed here, 1,432,655; in foreign lands, 287,904; total, 1,720,569. Aggregate issues of the last four years, 5,304,703 volumes. Total number of volumes issued since the organization of the Society, 20,609,564.

AMERICAN HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY.-The receipts of the Society have been $186,897 50; expenditures, $180,965 39-leaving $7,750 46, still due to Missionaries for labor performed. The total receipts are less than in the preceding year, by $8,640 49; but the diminution has been occasioned by the smaller amount received from legacies.

THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, (New York). The receipts of the year have been as follows:-Donations and legacies, $136,027 73. Cash sales, $295,338 24-total, $421,365 97; exceeding the income of any previous year.

AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS.The proper anniversary of the Board is held in September. A public meeting in its behalf was, according to custom, held May 12th. It bas in active operation 22 Missions, with 111 stations, and 213 outstations, distributed over almost all the unevangelized portion of the globe-one-third of its Missionaries, and more than one-third of its expenditure being, however, employed in the Turkish Empire. The out-stations are manned entirely by a native agency. The number of ordained Missionaries from this country is 150; other laborers from

this country, 178; ordained native pastors, 41; unordained native preachers and catechists, 251; laborers of all classes, 1,068.

AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY.-As one of the fruits of the War, the number of emigrants sent out by the American Colonization Society is considerably diminished during the last year, there having been but twenty-three sent to Liberia. The Treasury shows diminished receipts, which that year were $91,454 74, while the expenditures were $89,931 45. Thirty-five thousand dollars have been invested in United States securities.

Appropriations have been made for enriching Liberia with the facilities of civilization and education. Machinery for the marketable preparation of sugar has been ordered; about forty beasts of burden. and draught have been introduced from the Cape de Verde Islands; a statistical return of the condition of the Republic has been arranged for, and $2,500 applied to the support of Liberia College.

IMMIGRATION AT THE PORT OF NEW YORK.-From the Annual Report of the Commissioners of Emigration, it appears that the whole number of passengers landed at this port during the year 1864, was 222,338. These figures show an increase in the alien emigration last year, over 1863, of 27,072; the increase over 1862, was 106,610; over 1861, 117,387; over 1860, 77,754; over 1859, 103,594; over 1858, 104,327; but the alien emigration was 857 less than in 1857. The comparison of the figures last year with the results of former years since 1847, shows that the increase was 8,182.

The nationality of the 182,916 emigrants is as follows:-Ireland, 89,706; Germany, 57,572; England, 23,871; other countries, 11,761;

Of the 184,000 persons who landed at Castle Garden, 92,000 reported their intended destination to be the State of New York; 23,500 were going to Pennsylvania and New Jersey; 21,000 to New England; 34,000 to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and California; 4,900 to Kansas, Nebraska, Canada, &c., and 8,000 to the Southern and border States.

NOTE. A large amount of Domestic and Foreign Intelligence is crowded out. With the return to lower prices of paper and work, the size of the Review will be enlarged, to meet such emergencies.


The addition of a large number of subscribers to our list within the last few months, induces us to say a few words to them on the character and objects of the AMERICAN QUARTERLY CHURCH REVIEW.

First: It is a Church Review; devoted, directly and mainly to the interests of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States; to the elucidation and defense of her principles; to the awakening of a truer appreciation of her duties and opportunities; and a more earnest coöperation in her great work. Certain marked features of the Scriptural and Primitive age we shall do what we can to restore to our own Branch of the Church. They are functional, not organic or constitutional. They are such as Smaller Dioceses; a more fitting adjustment of the relative duties of the three-fold Ministry; a freer life and fuller development in the practical working of the Church on the part of the Laity; with, at the same time, a firm adherence to all that is truly Catholic, in Faith, Order, Discipline and Worship. Our leading aim in the Review, is, to make intelligent, earnest, thorough, American Churchmen.

Second: It is no part of the object of this Review to cater for the mere amusement of its readers. Those who insist on so much diverting and pleasant reading in return for so much money, will find what they want-Novels, love stories, and pictorial literature-in abundance elsewhere.

Third: The general scope of the Review is comprehensive; embracing a wide field, comprising everything pertaining to Literature, Art, and Science; and intelligent and thoughtful readers may confidently look in the Review for discussions of interest and importance.

Fourth: With the great diversity of tastes among our readers, we shall aim at diversity of character in the selection of Articles published. The Review is not for the Clergy alone, nor for laymen alone, nor for professional gentlemen alone, of any sort. It is intended, that each shall find, in every Number of the Review, something of special interest; and that the Review, as a whole, shall be acceptable to all.

Fifth: The names of the writers we cannot publish with the Articles themselves. Our best writers, on certain subjects, write more freely and effectively when their own personality is lost, for the time being, in that of the Review. A complete list of the writers of the several Articles will, however, be published hereafter, for the use of subscribers. The name of the author of each Article, in the first eight Volumes, has already been printed; and a similar list, comprising the last eight Volumes, will appear in due time. In proof that the Review has the best talent in the Church in its pages, we will state that the following writers have contributed to the last two Volumes, and the Volume now in course of publication.

The Rt. Rev. Bishops CoxE, SOUTHGATE and WILLIAMS, the Rev. Drs. ADAMS of Wisconsin, ALLEN of Maryland, BUELL of New York, CRAIK of Kentucky, CoIt of New York, DoD of New Jersey, HALL of Washington City, HALLAM of Conn.

LEWIS of Conn., LITTLEJOHN of New York, MAHAN of Maryland, MCVICKAR of New York, REYNOLDS of Ill., SHELTON of Vt., WILSON of W. N. Y.; the Rev. Messrs. BOGGS of N. Y., DOANE of Conn., HOMER of N. Y., HOPKINS of N. Y., LANGDON of Maryland, MORRIS of Penn., OLSSEN of N. Y., PERRY of Conn., RANKIN of Md., RICHEY of N. Y., WARD of Conn., YOUNG of New York, J. D. DANA, LL. D., of Conn., H. A. DuBois, LL. D., of Conn., Prof. FERGUSON of Washington City, Mrs. LINCOLN PHELPS of Md., WILLIAM WELSH of Penn., besides Articles of the Editor. Some of these are pledged to regular contributions hereafter, and the aid of other able pens is promised.

With the return of lower prices, the size of the Review will be enlarged, and its value in several respects increased.

With this plain understanding between ourselves and our subscribers, we do not hesitate to ask for their kind sympathy, and their constant and cordial coöperation. Never, in the history of the American Church, was the need of an able, manly, independent Review as great as it is now, and will be for some years to come. Radicalism was never so rampant; self-will never so daring; Infidelity never so insidious and defiant. The Church needs upon her citadels true-hearted men, men of faith, men of courage, men of wisdom. With the experience of seventeen years. of ceaseless labor, we should have been dull scholars not to have learned something in such a school; and we feel strong in the coöperation of those gentlemen who sympathize so thoroughly in the aims of the Review; to whose pens its readers have been, and will be, so largely indebted, and whose valuable labors we here most gratefully acknowledge.

Editor and Proprietor.

New York, 37 Bible House.

July 1st, 1865.

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Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature; by THOMAS H. HUXLEY, F. R. S., F. L. S. D. Appleton & Co. New York: 1863.

THIS work is especially designed for the popular mind. The author tells us, at the start, that he proposes to unfold his argument and set forth his facts, "in a form intelligible to those who possess no special acquaintance with anatomical science." Throughout his work, he carefully endeavors to bring his subject within the scope of the unlearned, though, at the same time, he affects to discuss it scientifically.

He had previously made an effort to influence the minds of the working classes of England, by oral and published Lectures "on the Origin of Species," in which he studiously seeks to disseminate the atheistical views embraced in Darwin's hypothesis, which we have already reviewed, in Part I. of this Essay.

In the present work, he continues this effort to bias the popular mind in favor of the doctrine of transmutation of species; and by an argument addressed to the unlearned, he aims to

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