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to do but to die. And so, bequeathing the Diocese to that successor, who so long, "as a son with the father, had served with him in the Gospel," and to whom he could say, in his dying hour, "there has never been a shadow between us," he departed in peace, to be with Christ, which is far better ;-the oldest of all our Prelates in term of Office, and in years, but the venerable White, at the advanced age of eighty-four, having realized in his life, in far more than the ordinary measure, the prophet's beautiful description of the true Priest of God:

"The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips; he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from their iniquity."


'RHAMI,' the Black' or the Hamitic races were the first with whom civilization commenced in Asia. To them we owe the monuments and the wisdom of Egypt, the mighty organization of the Cushite and Ethiopian Conquerors, Assyria, Babylon, and Nineveh, as well as Tirhakah and Raamses. Next after them the Shemite Races appear upon the theatre of Asia. And, last of all, the great flood of Japhetic or IndoGermanic races in Asia, start from the Indian Caucasus, Hindus and Medes, Armenian and Persians. And, by and by, our own ancestral streams ;-Celts, the eldest sons of European History; and Hellenes next, (the Romans are an infinitely compound race ;) thirdly, the Scandinavian or Gothic-German flood; and lastly, the Slavons, (Slavi, 'sons of glory,' subdued in North Germany by the Teutons, and most strangely giving their name to "Slaves" and "Slavery ;") the toughest and most tenacious, the most loyal and the most religious, naturally, of the four great Arian emigration-floods that have reached Europe from Asia.

But what is all this to us in the United States? This, that WE are the last result of that emigration that began from Hindu Koosh, in the grey dawn of time. We are the ultimate form which the Indo-Germanic race has assumed, in its last and final abode.

There are three historic Continents; Asia, Europe, North America; three savage Continents, Africa, South America, Australia. From the huge spaces of the Asiatic Continent, wave after wave, for two thousand years, the Indo-Germanic flood of nations spread themselves over the islands of Europe, its sea-divided spaces, its lands comminuted by mountainridges into territorial fortresses of tribal nations. And then, finally, in these last days, German and English, Scotch and Irish, Swede, Norwegian and Dane, French and Hollander and Swiss and Belgian, have gathered themselves up from the

small, broken spaces of Europe, into one flood, to make a new Arian race in one broad land.

The Græco-Roman race alone is wanting. It will not le wanting long. The region of the vine and the olive is opened up now to free labor. We believe, ere long, it will receive from Spain and Greece and Italy and Southern France, an immigration of the Greco-Roman races, into a kindred climate and kindred agriculture. Thus in its ultimate seat, enthroned in the valley of the Mississippi, with one sea-front upon the Atlantic, looking to the Europe she has left, another on the Pacific, opposite to her native Asia, and the third, Southward, on the Gulf, the Indo-Germanic race has found its final restingplace, the throne from which it will dominate the world.

What then of the present Negro population of the South? Nothing. Simply nothing. Their being freed has, as its one effect, the elimination of them as an element from the nation. For there is nothing more certain to us than that the negro never shall intermingle, so as to form a component part of the ultimate American race and people. Slavery might have produced that result, by means of its concubinage. Freedom forbids intermarriage. The negro race must pass away. Those of them that are wise, when peace comes, will pass over to their native Africa, and ensure to the Liberian Republic, perhaps to the whole Continent of Africa, the civilization, the religion, the language of this land. And those that are not wise, will perish of the diseases of a tropical race, in a climate unsuited for them.

This country, therefore, we look upon as the ultimate habitation of the Indo-Germanic race, the broad land wherein, gathered from the many countries of Europe, it will dwell as one people, and one nation, with all the powers it has developed, all the good qualities it has evolved during the two thousand years of its sojourn in Europe. Its travels have terminated. Its emigrations are at an end. The work that God has for it to do in the world, lies at length before it.

And what is this work for itself, internally, and for the whole wide world that lies outside its limits? This is the problem which must shortly occupy the minds of all men, the one

grand problem towards which, even now, all the intellects of the American world are bending their gaze, most anxiously, through the gloom of the advancing years. We purpose, in this paper, to contribute our portion towards its solution; and that, we hope, in no vain spirit of speculation or vague reverie, ́but holding fast, on the one hand, to the history of the past, on the other, to the fact of a Church upon the Earth, One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic; with these two as our limiting instruments and our guides, to trace out from the present, the final issue towards which we are going on.

Now, the first consideration to which we would point our readers is, one but little thought of, the peculiar influence which seas exert in the progress of the world. Let us look backward over history. There we shall see the Persian Empire, leaning upon the Caspian, the Euxine, the Mediterranean, and most strangely taking its triple character, Scythian, Asiatic, European, from these three seas; the Greek race, almost made and moulded by the Eastern Mediterranean and its manifold islands; the Roman Empire, a rim of land all around what they truly called the Inner or Central Sea; then, the next European movements, those of the Northmen, were wholly based upon the Baltic, the inner or central Sea of the Scandinavian tribes. And now the movement, in the whirl and hurry of which we are, is essentially of the ocean, the Atlantic. All onward progress, that is real, toward the final result, the ultimate issue of the World's History, has always been connected with the seas of the world.

What remains? The last movement, and the greatest of seas, the Indian Ocean. Three times the width of the Atlantic, actually reaching from Pole to Pole,-for the Indian and Pacific together are but one Great Ocean,-crowded with countless Islands, bordered by the greatest races of the world, what remains, but that around that greatest of oceans the last scenes of the world's history, the final consummation of all things, should be completed?

If we look to the events of the last few years, it is most remarkable how all things are pointing and leading us onward towards that great world of waters. Let us look, for instance,

at the gold discoveries. But for them, California would have remained a cattle-feeding territory, unheard of but for its exportation of hides and tallow. As it is, the discovery of gold has made it an American State, with a great commercial city of sixty-thousand inhabitants, seated upon the shores of the Ocean. See how Australia, from an Island only known for its merino wool, has, by means of its gold-fields, attracted a great population, and made itself the beginning of a huge New world, a new race of English-descended people, in the middle of the ocean. And the gold in the English colony of New Columbia, has had the same effect; it has indicated and suggested a new path from Canada across the wilderness towards the great sea.

Our mines, again, in the Rocky Mountains, have had the same effect. Each settlement that we make Westward, each city that we build, is the footstep of a giant race, trampling across a continent to stand, full grown, on the shores of the ocean, looking towards the East, towards Asia, the land of its birth. All events are leading the Indo-Germanic races onward toward the Pacific and Indian seas.

In fact, let our Pacific Railroad only be completed and in working order, so that we can as easily reach California from the Mississippi Valley as we do New York, and within twenty years, a settled population of twenty millions crowds the Pacific Slope; farmers from the North Western States of the Mississippi Valley, merchants to compete for the commerce of the Indian Islands, of Japan and China and Hindustan; mechanics to construct the giant Steamers which those huge spaces will require, such as the genius of Brunel taught us how to build, and as can be a commercial success only on the great sea, among its spice-bearing labyrinth of Islands, reaching over a space of three thousand miles in length, large as European kingdoms, crowded with energetic inhabitants. The great ocean, and the great continent of Asia, together, are a marvellous theatre and stage for the last scenes of this world's history. And it needs but a single step for the American race and people, to stand complete in all its proportions upon the shore of that great ocean.

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