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solution to adopt the mode of living which we have seen amongst the white people.

"Brothers! It was a great satisfaction to hear a few days ago from our friend, John Johnson, that our brothers the Quakers still remembered us. When he delivered to us the Articles which you sent us, we received them thankfully, and they afforded us great encouragement, because we were convinced that you would continue to help us, if we would continue to do the best we could for ourselves.

Brothers! We hope that the Great Spirit, the Maker of all things, will bless this day he is witness of the sincerity of our present talk; and we pray him that he will convey you safe back to your homes that when you get there you may have the satisfaction to find your families all well; and in our names take the old people and all our brothers the Quakers by the hand, and that he will bless the good works in which you are engaged."

The Committee farther report that they were informed by Col. McPherson, Assistant United States' Agent, that these Indians had more than 500 acres of land inclosed by good fences-200 acres of corn planted-many of them good gardens; that they had 70 head of cattle, some hogs and a sufficient number of horses; that these Indians had uniformly conducted themselves extremely well, were generally industrious, and for a consid

erable time past had been free from intoxication.

The Deputation from Baltimore add in a Postscript to the Report that they were intormed by "the United States* Agent, who has the charge of the Wyandots at Upper Sandusky, that these Indians have almost entirely abandoned the use of spiritous liquors, and very generally adopted habits of industry that at the late council held near Piqua, not one from this village had been drunk; that notwithstanding they received at that time from the Government 3,500 dollars in cash, on account of their annuities, and as an indemnity for their losses during the late war, and many efforts were made by designing people to induce them to purchase drink, they resolutely refused to spend any part of their moncy in that way; but concluded to take the whole of it home, and apply it in the improvement of their houses and procuring farming utensils."

The following paragraph of the Postscript by the members from Baltimore is too interesting to be abridged

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"It also appears that the Wyandots have an excellent mill seat at their village on the Sandusky river; and that they, as well as the Indians near Stony Creek, are extremely anxious to have mills built, and receive some instruction in the farming business. Captain Lewis, when we left his town, accompanied us several miles on our journey; and on parting from us most earnest

ly entreated that Friends would not forget his village. He stated to us that his people were willing and anxious to work, but that they were very ignorant, and in great need of instruction; and that if we could do no more he hoped we would send one of our young men, if it should only be to remain with them three or four months, to show them how to put in and manage their crops. It is therefore our opinion, that these Indians have a strong claim upon the sympathy and attention of Friends. Their situation is peculiarly calculated to awaken the commiseration and excite the active benevolence of all who feel for the sufferings of their fellow men; they are themselves now fully convinced, that they have no alternative but to abandon their formcr habits and apply themselves to agriculture, or become totally extinct as a people. At the same time many of them

feel the force of their ancient habits opposing itself to the change, which they know to be essential to their very existence; and with an anxious solicitude, they are looking towards Friends to throw in their aid and rescue thena from the destruction which they now believe otherwise awaits them-These considerations, added to the unbounded confidence which they ap pear to have in our Society, the lively gratitude they mani fest for the assistance already furnished to them, and the strong affection which they generally feel towards us,cannot, we hope, fail to excite Friends to a renewed and more vigilant attention to the highly interesting and important concern in which we are em barked."

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THв following particulars have been collected from a Tract printed in London in 1815. About 30 years prior to the date of the Tract a man by the name of Hans Neilson Hough, was on board a boat which by some accident was overset, and he was in imminent danger of losing his life. In his extremity he cried to the Lord for deliverance, and promised, if God would preserve him at that time, he would serve him as long as he should live. He soon after

wards left the employment in which he had been engaged, that he might devote himself to the will of God. He travelled on foot into different parts of the country, and into Denmark, endeavouring to impress on the minds of people the necessity of repentance, or turning to the Lord; and of attending to the light of truth in the heart to enable them to keep his commandments. As he could not unite with any of the churches with which he was acquainted, he endeavour

'ed to establish one similar to the churches of the first christians.

Believing himself called to the ministry, he propagated his principles both by preaching and writing; and although he was persecuted by the clergy, he found many to join him. By way of derision they were called Saints.

On account of ill treatment from their neighbours many of the society sold their possessions, and found it necessary to live more closely together. They devoted their property to the service of the Lord, for the purchase of books, for the relief of the needy, and for the spread of the Gospel principles. Some of them became merchants and traders, their numbers increased, and they became a respectable body of people. But they were traduced and misrepresented; the magistrates were stirred up against them, and their leader was imprisoned in Christiana. He was denied the company of his friends, the use of the Bible, and of pen and ink; nor was he even permitted to speak to other prisoners. His hands and feet were put in irons; and when this was done he said "I rejoice that I am worthy to suffer persecution for the Lord's sake; and though you have taken away my outward property, you cannot take away my inward peace." This had such an effect on the multitude who stood by, that many of them became converts to his relig. ious principles.

In 1813 he was still a pris. oner. Many of his followers were obliged to give up their books, to leave Bergen, and to five separtaely. They were. threatened that if they presum ed to preach, circulate, read or keep any books concerning their opinions, they also should be imprisoned. If any person should purchase any of the books that treated of their principles, they were to be subject to a severe penalty. Those of their number who had not resided wholly in Ber-, gen were not deprived of their property, and they were enabled to assist those who were driven from thence. Notwithstanding all these restrictions and abuses, this people stili continued to propagate their principles, and when they had opportunity they met together in one another's houses.

H. N. Hough, the founder of this society, was not a very long time kept in irons, and he was frequently told by the magistrates that he might leave the prison; but this he declined, unless they would assign a sufficient reason why they had imprisoned him and taken his property, and that of his friends. He however so far availed himself of the liberty granted, as occasionally to visit his friends and to meet with them for religious purposes.

Among his followers were two blind men who regarded themselves as called to the ministry; and though they were born blind, they had acquired an extensive knowledge

of the scriptures and could refer to any part of the Bible in their preaching. This Society retain the ceremonies of baptism and the Lord's supper, but in many respects their principles accord with those of the Society of Friends. Like the Friends they are opposed to war as antichristian; yet some of them have been known to take up arms in obe dience to the commands of magistrates.

This they considered as a great blessing for he instructed them in his religious sentiments, and endeavoured to promote the principle of truth in their hearts. After a while they were removed to another ship, where they found Barclay's Apology in the hands of a prisoner, and adopted the opinions of that writer. One of them wrote a letter to the people called Quakers, and gave di rections to the bearer that it During the late war between should be delivered to the first England and Denmark, person he should meet of that board of a prison ship off persuasion. This occasioned Chatham two Norwegian pris- the inquiring prisoners a sup oners became seriously imply of books, as well as visits -pressed with the sin of swear- from Friends. Other prisoning, to which they had been ers observing their serious accustomed, and deeply hum- and exemplary deportment led in view of their depravi- united with them till their ty and guilt. One of the So- number amounted to 28.ciety of Saints was brought on What a happy sight to behold board as a prisoner; they ob- men who had been brought up served that he was not in the as warriors transformed from habit of swearing and soon be- lions to lambs by the power of came acquainted with him. the christian religion!




Whence the delight, sweet infancy,
That each fond eye derives from thee?
I blush to tell the reason why,
I blush for frail humanity.
So oft the sense that time supplies
Proves but capacity of vice;
A power to love and to believe
Th' illusions that to wrong deceive;
A mental light that basely shines
To guide the step of dark designs;
A miner's lamp, low paths to light,
Deeds under ground, the works of

We turn from vice-encumbered sense
To smile on empty innocence.

'This scene of things indignant scan,
See MAN throughout the pest of MAN !

On yon cane-planted clustering shores
Round which the western billow roars,
That whip, whose lash so long re-

'Tis MAN that lifts, 'tis MAN it wounds!
The wretch in that dank room who


'Tis not disease, 'tis MAN confines ! Those corses, yonder plain that strew, 'Twas man and not the tiger slew! Fir'd cities blacken heaven with smoke,

'Twas man's red light'ning dealt the

For this each eye, sweet infancy,
Delights to bend its look on thee
Since stronger souls their strength

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And strain their powers but to destroy;
Complacence turns her view from

To feebleness and innocence.
Since vigorous falcons tyrants are
The hovering terror of the air-

Since eagles dip their beaks in blood,
And make their meat in throbbing

From them the falling eye of love
Drops to the weak but harmless dove.


EXTRACTS from a Report to the "New-York Society for the preven tion of Pauperism."

BUT with a view to bring the subject committed to our charge, more definitely before the society, we have thought it right, distinctly to enumerate the more prominent of those causes of poverty, which prevail within the city; subjoining such remarks as may appear needful.

1st. IGNORANCE, arising either from inherent dullness, or from want of opportunities for improvement. This operates as a restraint upon the physical powers, preventing that exercise and cultivation of the bodily faculties by which skill is obtained, and the means of support increased. The influence of this cause, it is believed, is particularly great among the foreign poor that annually accumulate in this city.

2nd. IDLENESS. A tendency to this evil may be more or less inherent. It is greatly increased by other causes, and when it becomes habitual, it is the occasion of much suffering in families, and augments to a great amount the burden of the industrious portions of society.

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4th WANT OF ECONOMY. Prodigality is comparative. Among the poor, it prevails to a great extent, in an inattention to those small, but frequent savings when labour is plentiful, which may go to meet the privations of unfavourable seasons.

5th. IMPRUDENT AND HASTY MARRIAGES. This, it is believed is a fertile source of trial and poverty.

6th. LOTTERIES. The depraying nature and tendency of these allurements to hazard money, is generally admitted by those who have been most attentive to their effects. The time spent in inquiries relative to lotteries, in frequent attendance on lottery offices, the feverish anxiety which prevails relative to the success of tickets, the associations to which it leads, all contribute to divert the labourer from his employment, to weaken the tone of his morals, to consume his earnings, and consequently to increase his poverty. But ob3d. INTEMPERANCE IN DRINKING. jectionable and injurious to society This most prolific source of mischief as we believe lotteries to be, we reand misery, drags in its train almost gard as more destructive to morals, every species of suffering which af- and ruinous to all character and comflicts the poor. This evil, in relation fort, the numerous self-erected lotteto poverty and vice, may be emphat- ry insurances at which the young and ically styled, the Cause of Causes. the old are invited to spend their moThe box of Pandora is realized in ney in such small pittances, as the each of the kegs of ardent spirits that poorest labourer is frequently able to stand upon the counters of the sixteen command, under the delusive expechundred licensed grocers of this city. tation of a gain, the chance of which At a moderate computation, the mo- is as low, perhaps, as it is possible to ney spent in the purchase of spiritu- conceive. The poor are thus cheatous liquors would be more than suf- ed out of their money and their time, ficient to keep the whole city con- and too often left a prey to the feelstantly supplied with bread. Viewings of desperation: or, they are imVol. VI-No. 3.


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