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societies, to be suppressed; all persons bound by monastic vows, or being members of such unlawful societies, to be ercluded from any office in the Roman Catholic Church; the declaration made by the French clergy in 1682, to be taken in certain cases; and the statutes of Mortmain to be extended to Ireland.

All securities however appear to us of just as much value as the fair promises made by a thief before he is admitted into your house, and our author does not appear to think much more highly of them.

3. England's Protest is England's Shield, for the Battle is the Lord's. By the Rev. Hugh Mc Neile.

4. A Letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, M. A. on Catholic Emancipation. We just insert one extract.

“But," says his Grace of Wellington, “ how can we tranquillize Ireland ?" as if Ireland had ever been a peaceable country. Look to her history, as written by men who were the enemies of Great Britain; some of them persons who could only write in the native Irish, and we shall see that she has ever been a field of blood. These men, showing the antiquity of the people, write a history indeed of war, rapine, and bloodshed : that their quarrels among themselves were tenfold greater than they have since been, in the same space of time; otherwise, indeed, it is impossible that an English baron, of broken fortunes, with a few followers, like Strongbow, in the reign of Henry II. should have conquered the island, and annexed it to the British crown.

“What has been the cause of all this bloodshed, and of the many savage qualities still shown among them? The ignorance of the people. As long as that continues, the priesthood can lead them to any act, however desperate, which may suit their views. On that account you may be sure Roman Catholic emancipation, except it be unqualified, will never tranquillize them. But, Sir, if you really want to make them more tractable, enact the poor-rates, enlighten the people, and allow a free intercourse, and you shall soon see that men who depend upon you for bread, will not venture to throw that away; while it is but fair, that those absentees who desert their post, and spend their incomes abroad, should thus contribute to the emergencies of their country.”

5. A Letter to the Editor of the Standard, on a Speech ascribed by the daily Papers to Earl Grey. By a country Gentleman of Kent.

6. The True and only description and view of the Catholic Question, on the issue of which is suspended the fall of the united kingdom of Great Brituin and Ireland, and perhaps of the whole world.

7. A Brief Warning against the Measure commonly called Catholic Emancipation, but which might be correctly entitled, An Act to do away with the Protestant ascendency as now established by Law in the united kingdom, and to confirm Popish ascendency as at present existing in Ireland.

8. Reasons for opposing the Romish Claims. By Henry Soames, M. A. 9. Debate on the Bill of Exclusion, 1680. 10. Protestantism the Polar Star of England. By the Rev. G. Croly. 11. Look about you. 12. The Catholic Question. 13. Speech of the Rev. Mr. Martin, F.S.D.C. 14. Voice of Warning. Rev. Mr. Stoddard. 15. Coronea, or Hindooism in Ireland. 16. Duke of Newcastle's Letter to Lord Kenyon. 17. Lord Kenyon's Letter to the Protestants of Great Britain. 18. Lord Berley's Address to the Freeholders of Kent. 19. A Letter to the Rev. Daniel Wilson, Vicar of Islington. By. J. Poynder. Mr. Wilson has been so indiscreet, to use no stronger term, as to pronounce Mr. Peel's conduct most noble, and to come forward as the only Clergyman, at a Meeting of the Archdeaconry of London, to oppose the London Clergy Petition ; on which Mr. Poyoder has here given him some very seasonable, though possibly he may feel rather pungent, admonitions.

But while attempting to give a list of those already published, (and it is hourly increasing) we find we shall only have room to mention the Titles of three more, just arrived :-

The Bishop of Salisbury's Two Letters to the Duke of Wellington.
The Rev. G'S. Faber's Letter in Reply to Dr. Chalmers.
The Rev. J. Scott, of Hull, on the RELIGIOUS Character of the Question. .



Church of England Magazine.

MAY 1829.



The name and memory of George position, till fifteen, when, as a Herbert will be dear to every friend King's Scholar, he was elected to of genuine religion, every admirer Trinity College, Cambridge. Here of unostentatious charity, every bis morals and studies were partilover of sacred poetry. He was cularly guarded by Dr. Neville, born on the third of April, 1593, Dean of Canterbury, the Master, at Montgomery Castle in Wales, who was well known to his mother. which was destroyed in the time His sentiments, as a young man, of the Rebellion. His father, at this period may be gathered from Richard, was descended from a an extract of a letter addressed to junior branch of the ancient and that excellent parent, in which noble house of Pembroke. His speaking of some sonnets of his mother was Magdalen, daughter composition, he adds-- But I fear of Sir Richard Newport, of the the heat of my late ague hath dried county of Salop, whose estate and up those springs, by which scholars mansion suffered in the unhappy say the muses use to take up their civil wars of the Commonwealth. habitation. However I need not She was a woman of excellent cha- their help to reprove the vanity racter, the mother of seven sons of those many love-poems that are and three daughters, which she daily writ and consecrated to Venus; used to please berself by remarking nor to bewail that so few are writ, was · Job's number, and Job's dis- that look toward God and heaven. tribution.' Herbert was the fifth For my own part, my meaning, of the sons; the eldest was the dear mother, is, in these sonnets celebrated gallant and ingenious to declare my resolution to be, that but in fidel Lord of Cherbury: the my poor abilities in poetry shall be second and third died in the low all and ever consecrated to God's country wars; the fourth became glory, and I beg you to receive this fellow of New College; the sixth as one testimony.'-He then anwas Master of the Revels; and the nexes the well-known lines, beginseventh was a brave naval officer, ning with

George was sent at twelve years "My God! where is that ancient heat of age to Mr. Ireland, head master towards thee, of Westminster School, having

Wherewith whole shoals of Martyrs once

Wh been previously recommended to

did burn,' &c. Dean Neale; where he continued, In the year 1609 he was made beloved and respected for his minor fellow; in 1611, bachelor amiable temper and tractable dis- of Arts; in 1615, major fellow MAY 1829.


of the same college. His attention answered, that he knew him very to his studies was relieved at inter- well, and that he was his kinsman ; vals by the practice of music, in but he loved him more for his which he was a respectable profi- learning and virtue, than because cient, and for which he had an he was of his own name and family.' excellent ear, as the rythm of his His Majesty smiling, asked the poetry would seem to argue, He Earl's • leave to love him too, for used to remark, that it relieved he took him to be the jewel of his drooping spirits, composed his that university. The prepossession distracted thoughts, and raised his formed by the King in his favour weary soul so far above earth, that was confirmed on occasion of the it gave him an earnest of the joys frequent royal hunts at Newmarket of heaven, before he possessed and Royston, when his Majesty was them.' Proceeding master in 1615, generally invited to Cambridge, he was chosen four years afterwards where Herbert welcomed him with University Orator. He was well congratulatory addresses ; which qualified for this situation by his were so acceptable that James apimagination, eloquence, and talent; pointed him to an interview at nor was it a small personal gratifi. Royston; and after discoursing with cation, for it was generally held by him, told the Earl, that he found distinguished characters, and the the Orator's learning and wisdom failing of the new orator was vanity, much above his age or wit. The which showed itself in regard to year following, the King resolved dress, consciousness of ability, and to end his progress at Cambridge, sense of family rank, rendering and to stay there for some days; at him at times less condescending to which time he was attended by Lord his inferiors, than was consistent Verulum, and Bishop Andrews, with his better principles.

with both of whom Herbert formed The first indication of qualifica- a friendship. Lord Verulam soon tion for his new office was given in learned to value bis poetical talent, a letter to King James, who had was accustomed to submit his works presented to the University his to him for revisal before he combook entitled Basilicon Doron, which mitted them to the press, and honour was required by academic having translated many of the etiquette to be acknowledged by the Psalms into English verse, dedicated public Orator. At the close of the them to him in token of his conletter be wrote a Latin distich to sideration. Bishop Andrews enthis effect :

gaged him in a friendly dispute on Quid Vaticanam Bodleianamque, objicis,

the subjects of Predestination and hospes !

Sanctification. Herbert afterwards Unicus est nobis Bibliotheca Liber! sent that prelate, in a long Greek Which may be thus rendered :

letter, some aphorisms on both,

which were so much esteemed by From Vaticans, Bodleians, turn your eyes ! his Lordship, that be placed the As our great Library one Book we prize!

paper in his bosom for the remainAfter every allowance for the der of bis life, only removing it eulogistic style of the day, it was occasionally to show it to learned degrading to the character of such native and foreign theologians. a man as Herbert to pay so fulsome A t the time of his becoming a compliment to the Monarch. Orator, he had made himself That personage however was highly master of Italian, French, and gratified with the literary conceits Spanish, hoping, like his predeof the epistle, as well as its con- cessors, to attain the place of Secreclusion. He inquired of Lord Pem- tary of State, and being very broke, if he knew the author ? who acceptable to the King as well as many of the chief nobility. This in respect of the heavens, so prospect often drew him to court, are earthly troubles compared to and in effect, his Majesty gave him heavenly joys ; therefore, if either a sinecure, which was the same that age or sickness lead you to these Queen Elizabeth had bestowed on joys, consider what advantage you Sir Philip · Sidney, and worth a have over youth and health, who hundred and twenty pounds 'a year are now so near those true comforts. This grant, added to his annuity, Your last letter gave me an fellowship, and oratorship, placed earthly preferment, and kept heahim in circumstances, which enabled venly for yourself. But would you bim to attend the court circle with divide and chuse too? Our college suitable dignity.

customs allow not that, and I should He frequently entertained thoughts account myself most happy, if I of quitting the University alto might change with you; for I have gether, from an apprehension that always observed the thread of life study injured his health, being con- to be like other threads or skeins sumptive, and subject to febrile of silk, full of snarles and incum. attacks; but in this, as on other brances. Happy is he, whose botoccasions he submitted to the will tom is wound up, and laid ready for of his mother, who was averse from work, in the New Jerusalem. bis leaving college or going abroad. For myself, dear mother, I always The affection which he bore to the feared sickness more than death; Lady Magdalen, and the respect because sickness hath made me which he was ever ready to show unable to perform those offices for her, appear from a letter written which I came into the world, and to her, during her illness, in the must yet be kept in it; but you are year 1622.

freed from that fear, who have • Madam.-At my last parting already abundantly discharged that from you I was the better content, part, having both ordered your because I was in hope I should family, and so brought up your myself carry all sickness out of children, that they have attained to your family ; but since I knew I the years of discretion, and comdid not, and that your share con- petent maintenance. So that now, tinues, or rather increaseth, I wish if they do not well, the fault cannot earnestly that I were again with be charged on you; whose example you; and would quickly make good and care of them will justify you my wish, but that my employment both to the world and your own does fix me here, being now but conscience; insomuch, that whether a month to our commencement: you turn your thoughts on the life wherein, my absence by how much past, or on the joys that are to it naturally augmenteth suspicion, come, you have strong preserva. by so much shall it make my prayers tives against all disquiet. And for the more constant and the more temporal afflictions, I beseech you earnest for you to the God of all to consider all that can happen to consolation. In the meantime I you are either afflictions of estate, or beseech you to be cheerful, and body, or mind. comfort yourself in the God of all For those of estate, of what poor comfort, who is not willing to be. regard ought they to be, since if we hold any sorrow but for sin. What had riches, we are commanded to hath affliction grievous in it more give them away? So that the best than for a moment ? Or why should use of them is, having, not to have our afflictions here have so much them. But perhaps being above power or boldness as to oppose the common people, our credit and the hope of our joys hereafter ? estimation call on us to live in a Madam, as the earth is but a point more splendid fashion. But, O


God, how easily is that answered, doubles it to take away the scruple when we consider, that the blessings of those that might say, "What! in the holy Scripture are never shall we rejoice in afflictions ?' Yes, given to the rich, but to the poor. I say again rejoice. So that it is I never find, blessed be the rich, or not left to us to rejoice or not blessed be the noble ! but blessed rejoice; but whatsoever befalls us, be the meek, and blessed be the we must always, at all times, re. poor, and blessed be the mourners, joice in the Lord, who taketh care for they shall be comforted. And for us. And it follows in the next yet, O God, most carry themselves verse, “Let your moderation appear so, as if they not only not desired, to all men, the Lord is at hand, be but even feared to be blessed.

careful for nothing." What can And for afflictions of the body, be said more comfortably ? Trouble dear madain, remember the holy not yourselves. God is at hand to martyrs of God, how they have deliver us from all, or in all. been burnt by thousands, and have Dear Madam, pardon my boldendured such other tortures, as the ness, and accept the good meaning very mention of them might beget of your most obedient son, amazement; but their fiery trials

GEORGE HERBERT,' have had an end. And yours, which, Trinity College, praised be God! are less, are not May 25, 1622, likely to continue long. I beseech you, let such thoughts as these mo While he was expecting some derate your present fear and sorrow; call to court, he lost two of his and know, that if any of yours principal friends, Lewis, duke of should prove a Goliah-like trouble, Richmond, and James, marquis of yet you may say with David, “That Hamilton, and not long after, the God, who hath delivered me out of King biinself died; so that it the paw of the lion and the bear, seemed the design of Providence to will also deliver me out of the hand frustrate bis hope of preferment. of this uncircumcised Philistine,” He retired to a friend's house in

Lastly, for those afflictions of the Kent, where he indulged in such soul, consider that God intends that solitude, that it was thought he to be as a sacred temple for himself would more impair his bealth, than to dwell in, and will not allow any he had formerly done by too assiroom there for such an inmate as dious study. He had much severe grief; or allow that any sadness internal conflict, whether he should shall be his competitor. And above pursue the prospects and pleasures all, if any care of future things of a courtier, or betake himself to molest you, remember those admi. the study of divinity, and enter into rable words of the Psalınist, Ps. lv. holy orders, which course he knew “ Cast thy care on the Lord, and he would be most acceptable to bis shall nourish thee.” To which mother... join that of St. Peter, 1 Pet. v.7. Determining in favour of the “ Casting all your care on the Lord, latter alternative, and going to the for he careth for you.” What an capital, he met a court-friend, to admirable thing is this, that God whom he mentioned his resolution, puts his shoulder to our burden, and and who endeavoured to dissuade entertains our care for us, that we him from it, as too mean an emmay the more quietly intend his ployment, and too much below his service? To conclude, let me com- birth, and the excellent abilities mend only one place more to you, and endowments of his mind. His Philippians iv. 4. St. Paul saith reply showed, that through the there, “ Rejoice in the Lord alway, divine blessing he had been enabled and again I say, rejoice.” He to choose the better part, and per

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