Зображення сторінки

would find this prohibition superfluous. But of this hereafter.

II. Nemo Gradum Doctoratus consequatur priusquam Triennium in hac aut in alia Academia per sex Anatomiæ et Chirurgia, Chemiæ, Materia Medicæ et Pharmaceuticæ, Medicinæ Theoretica,



Medicine Clinicæ, &c.

This regulation is applicable only to such as have been bound regular apprentices to some of the members of the College of Surgeons. Those who have not been so bound, are required to attend four years at the Classes.

We may also remark here, that the same number of years is required from those who merely aspire to a Surgical Diploma; apprentices, such as those above-described, not being required to attend the College more than three years, nor to fee the Materia Medica Class; though it generally is attended by all descriptions of Students, and most deservedly so, being one of the most important branches of Medical education, and being also most ably taught by the present Professor, Dr Duncan, junior.

The remaining eight articles, respecting the subjects upon which the candidate is examined, the time and manner of doing so, may be briefly enumerated as follows::

1. A question is proposed in private to the candidate, either "viva voce," or on paper, regarding the various topics of Medical Science. The object of this is to ascertain the Student's literary as well as medical knowledge.

2. On the 24th of June, similar questions are proposed by two Professors, in presence of the Medical Faculty.

3. Thereafter, one of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates is proposed for explication, and a Medical question to be answered, and supported by suitable arguments. Such commentary and answer are to be given in on a future day.

4. Next, he must illustrate the history of certain diseases propos

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Per Curriculum Trium Mensium.
Per Curriculum Sex Mensium.

ed by the Faculty, and support his opinions argumentatively.

5. The Inaugural Dissertation comes next in order, which being defended, closes the trials.

Now, in all this there seems to be the most perfect provision made against the admission of unqualified persons to the rank of Doctoratus; and yet it is a well-known fact, that though many of the Graduates are young men of the first-rate abilities, there are others who slip through this long process of filtration, or winnowing, like foul grain, that escapes sometimes in spite of every precaution.

And what is the reason of this? The reasons are the following:

The above regulations are not radically calculated to answer the end in view. I speak more particularly respecting literary qualifications. No sufficient and proper test of this is required, or exacted; and a young man may set out in the world to pursue one of the most difficult, and arduous, and honourable, of professions, with his mind a perfect tabula rasa, in respect to every thing else except mere professional knowledge, or rather the skeleton of professional knowledge; for professional knowledge there cannot be, in its full and true import, in that man who has learned but about as much of what it concerns the Medical man to know, as he that sets himself out for a Professor of Anatomy does of his profession, when he has never extended his study farther than Osteology, or the Doctrine of the Bones.

Why the preliminary discipline of a liberal education should not be made as imperative and necessary on the part of the physician, and even surgeon, as upon the divine and

lawyer, is totally unaccountable. Is it pretended, that, if he knows Latin enough to make out his prescription in technical terms, if he knows the language of the botanist and chemist, and can explain the difference between Anterior and Posterior, Dorsal, Crural, and all the other “als” and “oids" of the new Anatomical nomenclature,—if he learns by heart Dr Hooper's Glossary, and gets a few private lessons upon a page or two of "Celsus de re Medica," that he shall be qualified to support, not to say the dignity of the Medical profession, but his own respectability in the eyes of the world, or be qualified to discharge the duties he has made bold to undertake, and been entrusted with by others bolder still? Is it forgotten, that in medicine, as in law and divinity, some of the most learned and valuable works are printed which the science possesses, that without a good classical education, not speaking of Latin in particular, but of Greek also, from which the etymology of so many medical terms is derived, it will be as preposterous to expect that the physician will understand his own tools, as it would be pronounced ridiculous in a man who would pretend to teach the English language critically, without possess ing himself a knowledge of the various fountain-heads from which it derives its origin?

But putting even Greek and Latin out of the question, what shall we say of the physician's being ignorant of the philosophy of the mind, upon an intimate study and acquaintance with which so much of his success, and dexterity, and reputation, and feeling, depends? There is no profession in which it is more necessary to apply the canons of a sound logic, or to acquire the habits of accurate induction,-none in which error is more pernicious,—and none exposed to more sources of fallacy. Those exercises, therefore, which refine the taste, which give freedom, range, and activity to the mind, form a necessary introduction to the study of medicine as a liberal science. It is the rectitude of judgment, and sense of propriety, which this education has such a tendency to cultivate, that give the public the very best

security against all kinds of quackery, vulgar pretensions, and low arts.

But of all preliminary studies that seem to be essential to the physician, I know none that deserves to be ranked higher than the study of Physics in all its departments. Chemistry, it is allowed, is enjoined by the "Statuta Sollennia ;" but not a word is there about its twin-sister, Natural Philosophy, which is equally indispensable, and equally attainable. Where can the intelligent physician turn himself,-to which of Nature's works shall he direct his attention, that he shall not have cause to call into action all, and more than all, of the information that a halfyear's attendance upon a Course of Lectures in the Natural Philosophy Class has given him? The study of Nature, in all her shapes, and forms, and appearances, is the proper province of the physician. His very designation derives its origin from the correct views which the Ancients entertained upon this subject. They well knew the importance of every means of assistance in their professional career capable of being derived from such collateral study; and, accordingly, a physician and a philosopher with them was one and the same thing. And if a knowledge of Natural Philosophy be thus necessary, how is it attainable without a sufficient basis in mathematical education? Don't let be urged, that every mathematician who practises physic is to follow the footsteps of a celebrated, but visionary, Medical gentleman, once connected with this same College. Few, we may fairly and fearlessly promise, will carry their disquisitions so far as to entangle themselves in perplexities, which every fool can perceive, but few wise heads unravel. Let Dr Barclay's Doctrines upon muscular motion be the "orthodox creed" of such as cannot either prove or disprove, to their own satisfaction, the prodigious conclusions of Pitcairn's Philosophy. That the muscular force of the stomach, for example, should be equal, at least, to 117,088. lbs. weight, is a discovery which will require rather more than a superficial acquaintance with the rules for finding compound ratios, to substantiate or invalidate.

Having said thus much in regard to the need there is for the course of study being amplified that should fit a man for Medical degrees, it may be enough to observe, in conclusion, that nothing less than a full and regular course of literary and philosophical study should be required, and rendered indispensable, as a preparatory step to the obtaining of such degrees. That perhaps too much time would be lost in going through these preliminary Classes before entering on the study of Medicine is true. But what hinders that the Student of Medicine should not, at the same time, be a Student of Polite Literature, and thus be qualified to enter upon his professional duties, if not exactly at twenty-one, at least at no distant period beyond that age? Even were the conditions priusquam ipse annum ætatis suæ quintum et vigisimum," it does not appear the public would be the losers thereby.


At all events, there is an imperative call upon the powers that be to rectify and improve the young Medical men's general education in some shape or other. What can be more disgusting, than to hear the reiterated nonsense and arrogant pretensions of Dr This, and Dr That, in every public paper, and to see it posted upon every public place in town? Whence do these Luminaries derive their consequence? From the title of M. D. To what shall we ascribe their matchless presumption and effrontery? To their possessing nothing besides M. D. And is it argued, that such nuisances are few in number, compared to the shoals of Medical Graduates issuing from the "Academiæ Pomaria,' like the yearly influx into our seas of the finny race? We answer, that for this we have to thank, not the "Statuta Solennia," but the common sense and natural feeling of decency in these same ephemeral and unfledged Doctors, who remind me of Damo in the play,

Verterit hunc dominus, momento turbinis exit Marcus, Damo.

Erase "verterit," and insert "coronat" in its place, (if no offence be taken by the Prosodist,) and for Marcus give us Doctor, and "mo

mento turbinis," we have the best motto possible for the new Graduate.

"The business of a great physician at present," says an intelligent and well-educated writer, "is often, not so much to cure diseases, as to prevent murders, by counteracting, to the utmost of his power, the teasing, torturing, experimenting rage of busy ignorance and presumption. How many liberal-bred men are now suffering from the swarms of half-educated adventurers, that the present imperfect and lame system of Graduation lets loose to prey upon the public!" As a conclusive proof of how much the character of the Medical School of Edinburgh suffers, from no regard being had by the Examinators of young men applying for Surgical and Medical diplomas, to the degree of collateral education they have received, may be mentioned the fact, that though the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge bear no comparison with that of Edinburgh as a School of Medicine, yet, in the former places, a Medical Degree is infinitely more highly valued than one received at the latter.

Indeed, the more we reflect upon the subject, the more shall we be convinced, that "the study of those branches of education, which are broadly connected with human nature, which improve the whole man, cultivate his reason, and refine his taste, form the only true foundation of a profession that has any claims to the character of liberal. A defect in the first institution is irreparable; and if the mind is not early opened to liberal attainments, when it is pliant and susceptible, the seed-time is gone for ever. Nothing after planted is like to have a vigorous shoot, or to grow with our growth, and strengthen with our strength." It is not only the real and substantial advantages which education confers that is to be taken into account. Liberal-bred men in other profes sions soon perceive the want of it, and assign to Medical practitioners their status in society accordingly. The bad effects of this operate the more widely, as in medicine none can judge of professional attainments but professional men. Even natural good sense, which,

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"Though no science, is fairly worth the seven,'

is very apt to be sadly upset in halfbred men; so that in this cardinal point they are decidedly inferior to people who have had no education at all. These are safe within the pale of their original instincts and common sense. Burke has well remark ed," that without an alliance with literature there is often something illiberal that clings to the Sciences. In Medicine, the want of this alliance is every way disastrous; it not only injures the best interests of the science, and encourages illiberal practices, but is often attended with a disgusting coarseness and brutal ferocity of character.

"So much for the education of the Medical Students being bettered. But there is another ground of objection against the system of teach ing hitherto pursued, in regard to the want of sufficient checks upon the attendance of the Students, so as to ensure their profiting by the means of instruction afforded them, whatever these may be. It is notorious, that, till of late, so very lax were the regulations respecting attendance, that a Student might come from Ireland, and more than one have come from Ireland at the first of the Session,-entered their names,―and returned straight home again with their tickets in their pockets; thus saving themselves the expense of living in Edinburgh during the Session, to hear lectures, which, perhaps, they thought they could easily dispense with, by reading books upon the same subjects at their father's fire-side. In this way many young men actually passed the requisite period of study, and then came to Edinburgh for the last time to be taken on trials.

"A young man may still finish his course of Medical studies, without ever having been once brought into personal contact with his Teachers, except when he calls upon them with his fee. There are no steps taken to command his attention or enforce his application; he is not called upon to report progress, exercise his mind, or to acquire any intellectual habits connected with his profession; he is, in fact, a mere passive hearer of lectures, without

any mental discipline. This arises from the established usage of teaching by lecture, instead of calling on the Student to exercise his own mind, or labour with his own hands. I do not state it, therefore, as a charge against the Professors, but I state it as a radical defect in the training of youth, which imperiously calls for a remedy.

"I am far from wishing lectures to be given up; on the contrary, lectures delivered by men of eminence, selected for their superior talents, to discharge one of the most sacred of all duties, that of teaching youth,

giving the first impulse to their minds, and inspiring them with the same zeal they feel themselves, are certainly of high value. There is something cordial and animating in being under the same roof with men of this description; they stand forth as living models for imitation, and excite a kindred spirit in their hearers. Every young man feels the respect he has for his Teacher reflected on the science he professes, just as a contempt of him would inevitably damp every generous feeling, wither his faculties, and go far to ruin his zeal for honourable distinction in his profession.

"But while thus much in favour of lectures is conceded, it must be perceived how defective every system of education must be where young men are not called upon for any thing more than to be mere hearers. Indeed in the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin, they are so fully convinced of this, that lectures are considered as merely formal, and altogether secondary to the effective education of the place, which is mainly entrusted to private examinations. Every person at all acquainted with the economy of the human mind must be aware, that without that mental training which frequent examinations and exercises can alone ensure, education must be in a great measure a dead letter. The best Teachers and best Professors have given their uniform testimony to this. Beattie affirms that his pupils were much more benefitted by his examinations than by his lectures. Lowth, in an oration before the University of Oxford, expressly apologises for the Professors not lectu

ring, from the superior advantages of private tuition. Johnson remarks, that people have now-a-days got a strange opinion, that every thing should be taught by lectures; and I cannot see that lectures can do so much good as reading the books from which they are taken. I know nothing that can be best taught by lectures, except where experiments are to be shewn.' And Goldsmith, who is said to be always wise with the pen in his hand, observes, 'that teaching by lecture, as in Edinburgh, MAY make men learned, but that instructing by examinations, as in Oxford, WILL make them so, even against their inclination.' The method of teaching adopted by an eminent Professor of the University of Glasgow, Professor Jardine, and followed up, with admirable effect, by his successor, has great merit in this respect."

I have made this quotation from a Letter directed to the Honourable the Patrons of the University of Edinburgh, on the reform of Medical education, by Dr Reid; and I have done so for two reasons; the first of which is, that the sentiments of the author appear to me perfectly just, and well expressed; and the second is, that, disposed as I am to go along with him in all he has said, I cannot go the length of supposing such an unconscionable reform as the Doctor unblushingly prescribes. His words are:-"I propose, with the view of -rendering this an efficient school, that each Professor, instead of being called upon to teach one hour a-day for about five months, shall be called upon to teach five or six hours each day, one for lecture and four for private intercourse with his Pupils; taking them in such subdivisions as may enable him to ascertain the progress of each. This would be attended with incalculable advantages; it would awaken Students from their slumbers, and give a new spring and energy to the School. The Professors will surely never grudge the additional labour; for what is four or five hours a-day for five days in the week, and this only for five months, compared with the labours and anxious mental exertions of our judges, lawyers, and divines?"

Now this is really too much; it is too much per se, and too much, we

cannot but suspect, for the sober sense of the Doctor himself. To say that "the Professors will surely never grudge the additional labour of five to one, is to expose himself not only to ridicule, but to the charge of hypocrisy. For who that possess the talents, and so large a share of public confidence in regard to their professional skill, would think for one moment to forego the emoluments of practice by tying themselves five or six hours a-day to a Class? No; if Dr Reid expects to see the Medical chairs occupied for so large a portion of time daily, he may begin as soon as he pleases to reconcile to his satisfaction the reform he aims at, brought about to a certain extent; but the Professorships are enjoyed by Gentlemen whose other avocations do not seem likely to interfere with their collegiate duties. In other words, he must be contented with Professors who will be good for neither one thing nor another, but who will perform the tasks they respectively undertake; like a certain clown, who, conscious of his awkwardness in the art of bowing, was always in the habit of observing to his superiors, by way of apology," I canna do it well, but ye'll get the mair o't," and accordingly made up in quantity what was deficient in quality.

Were it necessary, we might shew that even could qualified men be got who should agree to Dr Reid's plan of reform, in regard to the article of time, yet the idea about "private intercourse" seems to be vague and utopian, and incapable of being realized to the extent he seems to imagine; for the Professor would require to have more than the patience of Job, who could remain five, or even four hours at once, exercising, upon the business of the day, a Class of some three, four, or five hundred students, in what manner soever Dr Reid might "subdivide" them to his hand. But perhaps it will be answered, that the Professor need not, unless he thinks fit, make for himself so long a sederunt ;-that he may take in his Students at different parts of the day, and thus leave himself some time of interval for recreation: very true; he may do so, if there is nothing farther to be con

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